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I would but I have to do something a 2 pm so Ill probably be late because Im only free at 3:30 and above
eh well 3:30 im gonna have to go home and i wont be on for about 1 hour- 1 1/2 hours after
maybe during the weekend? i can be on after 12 and stay online for hours so between 12 and about 6:30 is great then
my schedule is a bit weird.. i have to do things after 4.. So basically im only free from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays
so the girls entertain the boys(minus the members?), as this is a gender neutral club?
idk i guess its kinda a host/hostess clb mix, so theres guys etertaining girls, girls entertaining guys, and probably guy-guy and girl-girl cos its lgbtq

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