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Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

I've been going back and forth between a few different ideas for...longer than I'd like to admit. This is the one I finished first, but I do have others, if she doesn't work out. You can think of her existing in the center of a Venn diagram between Breq (The Imperial Radch trilogy), Swamp Thing, and Nona (Nona the Ninth).

I frequently find myself writing the “outsider” character, and I admit I’ve absolutely done that again. Please know that this isn’t a way to disengage from the story; I’ll be happy to work with Weilan and everyone else to make sure she fits into the story. I can think of a few ways off the top of my head, but that is perhaps getting ahead of ourselves.

I’m also not married to the code name. I did sort of forget to think of anything better while I was writing.

Morning edit: Found some things I forgot to change and others I forgot to write. The perils of your free time being just before midnight on most days.


Name: Her ID says 'Yasmin Noor.' She goes by 'Yaz.'​
Gender: Female-presenting​
Age: This instantiation has been alive for around 38 years​
Power: Extreme Botany​
Rank: A2, were it ever categorized​
Limiter: Not applicable​

You could easily assume she's Middle Eastern.

Dark brown, with streaks of dyed color here and there. Right now, the dye is blue.

Gold, with a pronounced limbal ring

175cm (A bit less than 5 feet 9 inches)

Yasmin is tall for a woman, though she still needs a stepstool to reach the top shelves of her kitchen cabinets, because architects assume people are two and a half meters tall. The curves of her figure describe long lines of lean strength, accented with appealing and unmistakeable femininity; a martial artist's figure, or a dancer's. She keeps her hair in a stylish mane; long enough to tie back but not so long that it actually gets in the way, with a few stray locks escaping to frame her face. Her skin is a rich, clear olive with few visible scars; the most prominent being a small mark that cuts through her left eyebrow. Her eyes have the depth of fine amber, each holding the lustre and invitation of a chocolate wrapped in gold leaf, filled with vivid intelligence and quick, wicked humour. Her lips are full and inviting without the bee-stung lusciousness so often in vogue, the lines of her face lean without being gaunt and just on this side of masculinity - a playful, puckish tomboy's features. She is often smiling, often laughing, and her voice has a pleasant accent that makes every word its own piece of music.

In public, Yaz is a devotee of flattering pants (almost always jeans) work or hiking boots, and band t-shirts from the secondhand store. Few things are new, but none are shabby, and everything she owns is well cared-for. She wears quite a lot of jewelry - each ear is pierced several times, along with the left side of her nose. She will almost always be found with a pendant around her neck, along with a ring on each hand and bangles, bracelets, or arm cuffs as her mood dictates. She moves through the world with the perfect confidence of someone who knows exactly who they are, and where they want to be. Yaz is neither predatory nor timid, she does not dominate or shrink - she is the kind of person who is enough within themselves, and is made all the more magnetic for that. In short: Yaz is inviting, but nothing about her says she's a sucker - you should try your luck...but you shouldn't push it.

Yay has a large tattoo on the left side of her body, starting at the tip of her middle finger. The design flows in sparse lines across the back of her hand, then coils up and around her arm, apparently describing a slender and fantastical tree, with roots that flow down the side of her body, and branches and flowers that spread across her shoulder and trace delicate curls around her chest.


Positive Trait
The Language of Flowers
- Yasmin loves people. She flirts, endlessly, with the entire world - because she's genuinely interested in just about everyone walking the planet. Everyone has a story, and Yas wants to hear it - also, she probably thinks you're cute. Want to get a drink? Listen, my place isn't far...

Neutral Trait
I Speak for the Trees
- She might seem very human, but she's really not. It's easy to forget, but what Yasmin really cares about isn't necessarily humanity's struggles. That her priorities tend to align that way is more happy accident than anything else. More importantly, Yasmin is not Mother Nature. She's more Fun-Aunt Nature, or Cool-Older-Sister Nature.

Neutral Trait
Don't Be Hasty
- Yasmin is patient, perhaps too much so. Time doesn't always mean the same thing to her that it might otherwise, and she doesn't get bored easily. Still, even plants will move on after enough time, just look at the walking onion.

Negative Trait
By And By
- Yasmin isn't human, and she knows that, which becomes fuel for her worst nature. She is, by nature and long preference, more or less the happy, friendly, maybe-horny, probably-a-little-stoned hippie girl at the coffee shop - but there are times where she is, emphatically, not. The other half of nature is cold indifference, without cruelty, but without sympathy, either. Yasmin is never cruel - but there are places she would watch freeze, and people she would leave to be swallowed by the forest, if they got on the wrong side of her.



Somewhere That's Green

Sunlight streamed through the window, the golden, ripe-apple light of an autumn afternoon. The window by the bed was open, with just the gentlest breath of breeze pushing a curtain aside with a quiet swishing sound, a slow and hypnotic beat. The moving air brushed sweat-dappled skin, a cooling kiss that brought delicious relief with a ripple of gooseflesh where the currents passed. In a room that had recently become rather less tidy, on a bed that recently had become likewise, Yasmin lay on her back, her hair a messy halo. One arm found its way under under a pillow, drinking in the relative cool, while the other wrapped around the shoulder of the person next to her. The time for the heaviest breathing had passed - not so long ago - and now was the comfortable, close enjoyment of one another. Yasmin's fingers traced over the other person's shoulder, lazy and light, while she stared at nothing with half-lidded eyes and the self-satisfied smile of a housecat. At length, the other person shifted, and Yasmin made a small noise of protest.

"You know," Yasmin's voice came out like nectar, "It's traditional to have a nap afterward. And it's Sunday. Nobody does anything on Sundays."

The other person let out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sigh, "Nobody sensible, perhaps. But look at the pair of us."

"Sophie," Yaz sighed, "I-"

"You said we'd talk," Sophie said, propping herself up on an elbow, "And God love you, Yaz, but we can't put this off much longer."

"You're talking about that damn agency again, aren't you." Yasmin blew out a breath, and laid her newly free arm across her eyes.

"That 'damn agency' has kept the country safe from - you know what," Sophie stopped herself, "We're not having that discussion again."

Yasmin smirked, "Almost got you." She could feel Sophie's narrowed eyes, "Fine, fine. All right, Agent Fletcher." Yasmin didn't move, didn't sit up, "What does the Commonwealth want to talk about?"

"You're not going to get dressed?" Sophie said, incredulous.

"You can," Yaz replied, "I'm comfortable, and I intend to go on being comfortable."

"I..." Sophie sighed, "You know what, sure." A pause, "I suppose there's really only a few things I need to know."

"Mm-hmmn." Yaz shifted a little, moving her hips into a more comfortable position. The sheets slid with a silken sound.

Sophie cleared her throat, "Yaz...what are you, really?"

Yasmin moved her arm, just enough for one amber eye to peek out. The light from the window made the eye, and her smile, glow like burning gold. "You've never needed to know before." Her ever-present smile tugged at one side of her mouth, even now.

"We've got a new director, Yasmin. And I don't know what you are - but you're probably something I have to worry about." She swallowed, "But we've never brought you in. There was always someone more interesting, more flashy. But I know you're one of them."

"There are lots of cute girls in Los Angeles," Yasmin's voice was still light, playful.

"You think I didn't notice what happened at the botanic gardens?" Sophie said, her voice a little sharp, "Or at Griffith Park? Trees don't move like that. Flowers don't just...bloom."

"I was kind of hoping you'd be too busy thinking about the way I was kissing you at the time." Yaz moved her arm and turned her head, the smile turning a little sad, "What do you want me to say, Sophie?"

"Just...tell me the truth. That's all I want." Sophie's eyes glittered in the sunlight, a pair of emeralds in a face beginning to tighten with worry.

"And what does the Commonwealth want?" Yasmin closed her eye, let her arm fall back across her face.

"I..." Sophie stalled out.

Yasmin let out a soft sound, a private and quiet laugh to herself. She relaxed, nestling further down into the pillow, and took a few slow, long breaths. She liked Sophie, she really did - and found herself liking her all the more for how willing she was to stick to what she believed in. Yasmin had never really dealt with the Commonwealth's offices - in fact, she'd met Sophie in a bar on a rare rainy night, neither of them knowing who or what the other was until quite some time later. A couple of months into their...whatever-this-was, there had been a very awkward meeting at a scene of excitement and fire, the kind of 'wait, what are you doing here' that romantic comedies bloomed from. And for a few weeks more, they had managed to avoid answering that question, neither quite willing to broach the subject. In Yasmin's case, because she didn't find the notion important - but for Sophie, well. Agents had their responsibilities.

"Sophie," Yasmin said, taking her arm from shading her eyes and running her fingers over Sophie's leg, "The truth's pretty weird."

"You know where I work," A smirk tugged at Sophie's mouth, "Weird is part of the job."

Yas laughed, her fingers still tracing over Sophie's skin, "Well..."

And Yasmin told her a tale, ancient and primordial, of the wild places that the world once had, and that could still be found. Those places where people - humans, their ancestors, and everything besides - came to live, to eat, to drink, to find shelter or make tools. She wove the story of watching civilization rise, fall, and rise again, of feeling the world through the soil, the air, the way the sun cut through smoke. In her story, Yasmin spoke of the people who had walked through those wild places, those who lived near them, in them, who found the paths through them. A thousand generations of explorers, hunters, gatherers, smiths, engineers, and architects, each person leaving their mark on the world, the world that knew itself, the world that knew the explorers, the world that loved them for all they were and all they did. And sometimes, they never left those wild places, and they would become one with them, roots wrapping bone, and another generation nourished by all they had given.

And she spoke a day when the wild places, who knew one another as they knew themselves, sought something else. Not for parlay, not to entreat, not even to influence, not really. But for so long, the world had been the world, and the trees had been the trees, and they had felt every breath, every step of the wondrous people that shared the land, the sea, and the sky. And they thought: What is it that makes these people the way they are? Was it their eyes? Was it music? Was the spark that made them special something in poetry, in music, in discarded sandwiches? The trees were the trees, and the vines were the vines, and they would take care of themselves, and the wild places thought: Here is a question that we cannot answer. And so they chose to try, and they poured their love and curiosity into someone who could experience the world the way the people did. They gave her eyes, and they gave her arms, and they gave her legs, and they gave her a mouth that she could speak, and they gave her the words they had heard down the centuries.

And later, she came back to the wild places, and she brought that knowledge with her, and she returned to the soil, to the trees, to the flowers and vines, and a lifetime of knowledge, alien to this most primal awareness of the world, showered like spring rain. And for a time, that was enough. There was much to think about, after all, much to ponder, much to wonder at. Then there was the age of the machine, and the wild places wanted to know what that was like, and another ventured into the world, another returned, and the wild places learned more. And so on through history - the wild places would send their own into the world, armed with love, with curiosity, with tenderness, with the strength of oak and ash and thorn.

"And in this time," Yasmin said, "I'm who the wild places sent. I'm who they made." She smiled, "My sisters saw the first farms, they saw when cats decided that they lived in your houses, they saw the dawn of steam and the age of flight. I have no particular orders, Sophie. I'm not here to be Captain Planet, and I'm not here to save your from yourselves. I'm here to be one of you. I'm here to love the people I love, and to one day, bring what I am back to where I came from."

Sophie stared, blinked, cleared her throat, but no other words came.

"My sisters saw a man walk on the Moon, and cross the polar ice," Yasmin said, "It seems I'm here to see how the world treats people with superpowers, because I'm one of them." She smiled, "But for all of that, I rather think I'm outside of your department."

"You are exactly my department," Sophie said, almost choking on the words.

"What will you do?" Yasmin grinned, "I expect your technology wouldn't work on me, even if I were inclined to let you try. And if it didn't work, what next? Would you try to register the Everglades? Train the Tongass? Would you send agents to speak to the Grove of Titans, in the hope it would give you a different answer?" Her voice was gentle, kind, without a hint of anger or disappointment. "I'm no danger to you, or to anything you hold dear."

"And you expect me to trust you?" Sophie's voice came after long moments, quiet.

"Have I given you a single reason not to?" Yaz smiled, "Come back to bed, Sophie. That's what's important right now. Your organization will take care of itself."

Sophie looked out the window, eyes distant, lost in thought. Yasmin stroked her leg with the fingers of one hand, and the silence bloomed between them. After a long time, Sophie blew out a long, quiet breath.

"If Director Chernov ever finds out," Sophie said, equal parts resignation and relief, "She's probably going to kill me."



Yasmin makes her living primarily by selling truly spectacular weed to a select and well-heeled clientele. She also has a stall at the local farmer's market, with a table overflowing with seasonal produce, most of which comes from a large garden in her back yard. She presently lives in Los Angeles.

  • Sophia (Sophie) Fletcher - One of Yasmin's best friends, occasional lover, and would probably be her girlfriend if they saw each other more often.
  • Vincent Telemier - A grey market information broker who helped Yasmin establish an identity, and ensures she can get around through an increasingly online world. She keeps him well-supplied with fresh fruits and vegetables, which he gives away, and marijuana, which he does not.
  • Iris Winter - The owner and proprietor of Yasmin's favorite bar.
  • It seems impossible that she wouldn't know Demeter Green.
  • The Wild Places - The meta-consciousness of plant life, developed over eons. She is they and they are she.


Main Power
Yasmin is a minor, but genuine, literal force of nature. She can control the shape and growth of plants in the vicinity to an immensely powerful degree, including making wood denser or more pliant, causing an opium poppy to drip morphine, or conjure wildly dangerous thorned vines from a rose garden. Her own body is, similarly, under that same level of control - though that particular avenue is much more limited. She can sense the environment through plants life in the area, and understand the history of a place through the experiences of the local flora. This extends from unicellular algae and the plant cells in lichens to wheat in a field and the giant sequoias of California.

Supporting Power A: Yasmin is all but immune to plant-derived toxins and poisons - which isn't to say that nightshade tastes all that nice.

Supporting Power B: Tough, tenacious, and flexible, Yasmin is stronger, a little faster, and much tougher than run-of-the-mill humans - but purely physical metahumans can certainly overpower her.


Limitation 1
: Yasmin is capable of exerting her control over nature in an area about the size of Griffith Observatory - at least on the ground. Trees can grow quite tall, but she won't be using a giant redwood to swat down an aircraft.

Limitation 2: The plants in the area have to be capable of doing what she needs at the time. For example, if there are no woody plants around, she won't be able to throw up a wooden barrier, and the bladderworts in a stagnant pond probably can't hear people all that well, even if she'd like them to.

Limitation 3: Yasmin is rather more flammable than you might expect, all else being equal. She isn't going to catch fire like match, but fire and flame give her substantial pause.

Limitation 4: Yaz has immense control over her own physical form, but that particular well of power is very limited. She doesn't have roots, she barely needs the sun, and her power to change herself comes from within herself. She might be able to grow a shield from her own arm or close up a bullet hole, but that kind of thing takes energy and material that she must have within herself already. She might be able to repair her own broken bones once or twice, but she cannot build herself a new leg with parts of the neighbor's Rhododendron. If you really need or want a detailed chart-and-time writeup here I can probably make that, but I'd ask that you trust me a little bit.

Limitation 5: While she might be tough, Yasmin is extremely, very mortal. Her physiology might appear to be that of an attractive human woman, but inside, none of the systems would make sense to a hospital or doctor. If she dies, that is the end of Yasmin as an individual - if the Wild Places choose to send another vessel into the world, it will be years later and likely in another place.

Other Abilities


Archery - Yasmin is a fine, and fast, shot with a bow and arrow. The bow is bespoke, the arrows are commercial. Most are for target shooting.

Musical Theatre - Yaz has a fine singing voice, and plays the guitar well enough to be entertaining around the campfire or impromptu sing-along. You'll rarely see her pass up an opportunity for karaoke.


In addition to the things any sensible person would take, Yaz has a pouch of seeds from all over the world. They are not sorted, but they are from dozens and dozens of genera and cultivars.

Not applicable

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Allcure Allcure

Just some feedback from someone who has absolutely no control over character review/acceptance whatsoever:
  • Generally, the only thing this RP likes less than having OOC political discussions is bringing religion into the mix. I understand where your inspiration comes from (I am very familiar with Lovecraft), but the concept as is requires the lore to confront the concept of whether or not old gods exist. If there are old gods, are there gods like the Olympians? What about Christian mythos? I think it would probably better suit the RP if she were someone who had the ability to make a specific nightmare manifest. Perhaps she truly believes it is a separate entity, when it is really a projection of herself, one that has been given life by her superpowers and her psyche. That wouldn't break the lore (because we are not required to accept the other entity actually exists) and could keep the rest of her abilities intact.
  • I agree with Gus that this reads like an S-rank superpower. It's not whether or not she uses it often, it's about how potent she is when she does use it. The Commonwealth, its my understanding, assesses supers on their potential when the super's powers are at their height. In her eldritch form, the capabilities make it an S-rank. It used to be a rule a first character couldn't be an S-rank and while that isn't the case now, I do have some suggestions on the power usage:
    • I know you envision her not wanting to use her powers. Makes sense! But this is a super RP and we'll need a narrative reason she'll be doing things with other supers. Sure, they aren't always using their powers, but it would be difficult to see why she would be brought along through major plot events if she doesn't use her powers by her own choice. If she completely loses control, and could only uses them once a month, that would make them even more wary! Perhaps they could be tempered so they are more palatable for her to use in a limited capacity?
    • The eldritch form itself is extremely powerful. It has superhuman strength and endurance, as well as mental/psychological effects (fear and memory manipulation). This means when it's toe-to-toe even with many supers, it would be extremely tough for them to match, unless they have fire ready (which is a GREAT limitation), and it uh... eats its enemies? I'd create some limitations to the form itself. Is it slow moving? Does it have bad eyesight/hearing? Are the mental effects only on ordinary people perhaps, and supers don't suffer from these same effects?
  • On a much smaller note, I see she is a world class martial artist for several disciplines. I can see her being an expert, and again, I like the idea, but maybe not world class for multiple types of martial arts? My son is a black belt at a dojang and his teachers, and the owners of the dojang, and I'm not sure after 20 years and multiple degrees of black belt that either is 'world class.' The phrasing suggests she is one of the best in the world at two, which I feel would be hard to do at her age.
Just a note for everyone:
  • S-rank superhumans are going to be under extreme scrutiny from welian as they have been in the best. They have the ability to totally derail stories with their powers, and make chump change of plot, so keep that in mind!
  • Imagine lore-wise that it is our current world, just with superpowers. If unicorns don't exist here, they don't in AEGIS-world, and never have (probably). If they did, you'll need to write all the lore for it and convince welian to add it to the setting as a retcon.
  • Limitations are your friend. Add them. Add as many as you want. The more limitations you want, and the more they actually limit, the better your chances for a particularly powerful character. Think Batman over Superman, who has a lot more weaknesses.
  • Character faults are fun. Not just mental instability, mind you, but look at JJ and his limp! What about a character with an addiction or compulsion? Missing an eye? Can't swim? Don't make your character as effective as a Magicarp, just don't be afraid of having them be the sort that needs help or can't do it all. That's the fun part. =)
Just a note for everyone:
  • S-rank superhumans are going to be under extreme scrutiny from welian as they have been in the best. They have the ability to totally derail stories with their powers, and make chump change of plot, so keep that in mind!
  • Imagine lore-wise that it is our current world, just with superpowers. If unicorns don't exist here, they don't in AEGIS-world, and never have (probably). If they did, you'll need to write all the lore for it and convince welian to add it to the setting as a retcon.
  • Limitations are your friend. Add them. Add as many as you want. The more limitations you want, and the more they actually limit, the better your chances for a particularly powerful character. Think Batman over Superman, who has a lot more weaknesses.
  • Character faults are fun. Not just mental instability, mind you, but look at JJ and his limp! What about a character with an addiction or compulsion? Missing an eye? Can't swim? Don't make your character as effective as a Magicarp, just don't be afraid of having them be the sort that needs help or can't do it all. That's the fun part. =)
Hmmmm, I've actually given what you said some thought and I'm considering adding some more limitations to my character. And perhaps even some ptsd, however I'm quite unsure of how much is you know, too much. Since my character is driven by simply making the world a better place I thought gullibleness might fit her a little bit better.
But I completely agree with that magicarp part XD God I frickin love pokemon, but yes, 100 percent agree on that one.
Okay, I just need some sleep and then I'll add another limitation to my character. I'll call it skin disease or something, as she's frequently being exposed to the sun, I figured the risk will perhaps balance the character even more.

  1. What brings them to the island raid? Are they working on behalf of Commonwealth? Do they work/live on Matron's island? Did they get shipwrecked on the wrong spot?
  2. What's your characters zodiac sign? And how much stock do they put into astrology?
  3. When your character was last sick with a cold or flu, what did they do to make themselves feel better?
  4. What was your character's favorite subject in grade school, and what color did they make their History folder?
  5. Do you have a voice claim for your character? A celebrity or character whose voice who think of when you write your character's dialogue?

1. "Hmh? Oh blin, is this a test? I received orders, and I follow them. My orders are to provide reconnaissance for other agents and intervene as necessary for this operation."

2. "Zodiac sign? Ah, year of the Horse. Oh, not that zodiac sign? I'm not sure, sorry."

3. "It's embarrassing to say, but I caught a stubborn cold a few sorties ago. I spent so long in the frigid mountain air that my fingers and toes started getting that prickly feeling in them. Thankfully, a pot of mama's borscht recipe fixed me right up! Let me know, and I'll make it sometime."

4. "My favorite subject at school was music class! I played the piano for my class's orchestra. As for my history folder? I believe I color coordinated my folders to the color I most associated the subject with. Blue for maths, green for science, red for history."

Hmmmm, I've actually given what you said some thought and I'm considering adding some more limitations to my character. And perhaps even some ptsd, however I'm quite unsure of how much is you know, too much. Since my character is driven by simply making the world a better place I thought gullibleness might fit her a little bit better.
But I completely agree with that magicarp part XD God I frickin love pokemon, but yes, 100 percent agree on that one.
Okay, I just need some sleep and then I'll add another limitation to my character. I'll call it skin disease or something, as she's frequently being exposed to the sun, I figured the risk will perhaps balance the character even more.
You may also wish to dial down the use of nuclear energy, to be honest. Unless you want the wonderful world of Fallout and everyone to die of radiation poisoning within minutes.

Not to mention her just carrying around that level of radiation, it would be absolutely hazardous to her own being. As Syrenrei has said, limitations are your friend, but generally, when building someone meant to be a hero, you want people to stick around to observe their shiny new hero, not be scorched and permanently shading an adjacent wall. As hilariously horrifying as it sounds.
> Can't swim?
I'm sure Kendrick is still terrified of the water depths of Doom.

Also this makes me miss the failures part of the skills, made things like this so much easier to see!
You may also wish to dial down the use of nuclear energy, to be honest. Unless you want the wonderful world of Fallout and everyone to die of radiation poisoning within minutes.

Not to mention her just carrying around that level of radiation, it would be absolutely hazardous to her own being. As Syrenrei has said, limitations are your friend, but generally, when building someone meant to be a hero, you want people to stick around to observe their shiny new hero, not be scorched and permanently shading an adjacent wall. As hilariously horrifying as it sounds.
Oooo, that is very much noted. And to clarify with her nuclear powers as well, i actually thought i have downed it a bit. I considered having her being super precise with it and just having beams shot through her finger tips and that would require some control from the character. But I was saving that as the rp progresses. I figured I should mention that since it kinda releases small amounts of nuclear energy. But I am no expert about the topic at all and I'm not quite sure how scientific we can go with these powers. I failed most of my science tests if you couldn't tell so please bear with me.
sweating key and peele GIF

I was also considering about radiation as well, but I didn't know crap about it so I didn't add anything. Maybe I'll finally do some research about it once and for all. I'm very much open for ideas though on how to make it less hazardous for her. Cause I really thought a slap of sunscreen will protect her enough XD
Oooo, that is very much noted. And to clarify with her nuclear powers as well, i actually thought i have downed it a bit. I considered having her being super precise with it and just having beams shot through her finger tips and that would require some control from the character. But I was saving that as the rp progresses. I figured I should mention that since it kinda releases small amounts of nuclear energy. But I am no expert about the topic at all and I'm not quite sure how scientific we can go with these powers. I failed most of my science tests if you couldn't tell so please bear with me.
sweating key and peele GIF

I was also considering about radiation as well, but I didn't know crap about it so I didn't add anything. Maybe I'll finally do some research about it once and for all. I'm very much open for ideas though on how to make it less hazardous for her. Cause I really thought a slap of sunscreen will protect her enough XD
From experience, if you feel like you need research, look it up. Trust me, it's going to come back to bite you in the ass eventually
I'd move away from nuclear energy (the nuclear 'superhero' we had, Penny, was too radioactive to be around anyone except Imogen without dying) and maybe think about having her create lasers? They would be more what you are looking for, I think, without jeopardizing your hero or innocent bystanders' health!
Kendrick got a new picture, gotta look up a font for Julio later~
I'd move away from nuclear energy (the nuclear 'superhero' we had, Penny, was too radioactive to be around anyone except Imogen without dying) and maybe think about having her create lasers? They would be more what you are looking for, I think, without jeopardizing your hero or innocent bystanders' health!
Oh definitely, I'm actually considering that idea. Thank you so much for that!
From experience, if you feel like you need research, look it up. Trust me, it's going to come back to bite you in the ass eventually
And with this, I shall do my research. Lasers for dummies here we go!
Excited Aww GIF by TikTok
If you’d like to chat about lasers, or radiation, here in our real world, those are both things I’ve had extensive experience with, and quite a lot of other things besides. I expect you don’t need a dissertation, but I was always Science Girl in school, and both my career and things I choose to do for fun have had a strangely high interaction with what would, from the outside, appear to be genuine mad science.

I promise that we’re actually good guys. Probably, anyway.
If you’d like to chat about lasers, or radiation, here in our real world, those are both things I’ve had extensive experience with, and quite a lot of other things besides. I expect you don’t need a dissertation, but I was always Science Girl in school, and both my career and things I choose to do for fun have had a strangely high interaction with what would, from the outside, appear to be genuine mad science.

I promise that we’re actually good guys. Probably, anyway.
Pfftt XD Probably?!??!!
But jokes aside, I would love to know more about the science behind lasers. And I deeply commend you for doing science for fun. For me, personally, I break down when I started seeing algebra equations in science class. I'm just glad this power of mine isn't chemistry based... I think. *sweats*
The actual physical mechanism is fascinating, but from the perspective of a storyteller, I have never wondered if there was an actual lasing cavity inside Cyclops’ eyes, nor have I ever particularly cared about the precise tensile strength of the adamantium on Wolverine’s bones. If your character shoots beams of energy, I’m a lot less concerned about the how rather than the when and why.

In other words, I’m happy to talk about something I find fascinating that really exists in our real world, but I would argue that you don’t necessarily need to write the PLOS One paper about how she’s got mirrors in her fingers.

Posting is now open for approved characters! You have your choice of two threads to participate in:

Episode 1A is a raid on the island compound of a deceased mad scientist, or

Episode 2A, which is cleaning up the office for a visit from the mysterious new boss!

I'll continue approving characters, but I'm happy to finally get this RP open for business!
BTW, sorry for ignoring the recent batch of character apps - I was using all my focus for getting the RP started, before my squirrel brain ran off again. Since there's TWO in-character threads, my intent during the weekend to to permit people who have posted at least once to submit a second character.
since I am off on vacation in 3 days, im okay with mine not being accepted yet, but please let me know what other edits you'd like to see so I can work on it while im still here.
I’m leaving for about 10 days on Friday - I hope to have time to respond to messages, but I will get progressively less available for things that need to be changed! Or if the character’s just in the “no, actually” bucket, that’s fine, I’ll think of something else while I’m out. ❤️
The actual physical mechanism is fascinating, but from the perspective of a storyteller, I have never wondered if there was an actual lasing cavity inside Cyclops’ eyes, nor have I ever particularly cared about the precise tensile strength of the adamantium on Wolverine’s bones. If your character shoots beams of energy, I’m a lot less concerned about the how rather than the when and why.

In other words, I’m happy to talk about something I find fascinating that really exists in our real world, but I would argue that you don’t necessarily need to write the PLOS One paper about how she’s got mirrors in her fingers.
Ooo, all right! That's a relief, then, I will just change my wording then and hopefully, it'll be alright.

Super Power: Solar Manipulation
Users can absorb the solar power of the sun and release it in the form of lasers. The laser beams the user produce are of pure destruction and would cause damage to their intended target. Roxie still believes she has some room to improve her powers, so she keeps on training.
  • Solar Absorption: As for the way they absorb solar power, they absorb it naturally and when they have taken enough. And when the user does use their powers, a bright halo appears on the top of their head, and when it's not in use, the halo will eventually disappear. So, during the day, you’d see a halo on top of her head and in the dusk, when the sun is sleeping, you’d see the halo around her slowly disappear along with the sun.
  • Energy Creation: The user can release the solar energy they’ve absorbed through harmful lasers. She radiates this destructive energy through beams or sphere projectiles (think Starfire’s green beam and missiles from Teen Titans). She can also convert the solar energy she has absorbed to actual energy, which she could use as a charger.
- Night and Weather Complications
: Completely unusable during the night or weather due to the limited solar sources.
- Solar Beam Limitations: Since she still hasn't fully mastered her powers, she can only control a beam as small as a basketball; she only uses it as a projectile as she still hasn’t fully grasped control of it. She’s unable to use this consecutively without resting or taking a breather.
- Glass Canon: When she releases an enormous amount of energy all at once, she cannot wake up for one to two days as she will need this time to rest. And during this time, she will be utterly vulnerable to her environment.
- Skin Complications: Since Roxanne always has to be exposed to the sun in order to absorb its energy, she is prone to some skin diseases. She needs a healthy balance of shade and sunlight in order not to contract any of its diseases. Underneath her clothes, you would spot some rashes. She has acquired some medication for it and was given some relief cream.
- Control Is Key: To avoid some unnecessary damage, control is a fairly huge part of this power. It took her years to minimise the size of her projectiles, so it would take a few more years until she could perfect its control.
- Accidents Do Happen: In addition to the previous limitation, Roxanne would be liable if some unnecessary damage were done. If she aimed improperly and hastily, a life of a civilian or a friend might cost her just that.
Here's a finished version of Roxanne, do let me know if I need to change anything. If you see this character as unfit for the RP, it's cool, I had this other character in mind I'd like to try ^v^ I was thinking of a character who can mimic people's voices. I would just have to copy and paste the science behind the Lyrebird and voila! But anyways, here's Roxanne 2.0 for you.
I also went ham with the limitations, and I hope it's satisfactory now! 👍


Name: Roxanne Darlington​
Gender: Female (She/Her)​
Age: 27​
Power: Solar Manipulation​
Rank: S Rank​
Limiter: Active, Level 4​

American. Persian Descent.

Thick, wavy, ebony hair.

Dark silver


Relatively tall and slim. Her training also enables her to have a pretty muscular figure

She has a skin condition called vitiligo. Her chocolate skin has white splotches dotted around her body. The most noticeable one you’ll notice when you first meet her is the white splotch surrounding her right eye.


Roxanne is incredibly kind and polite. She’s very much soft-spoken, and there’s an air of gentleness around her. She very much loves the idea of helping anyone who is in need. She would sometimes portray this by being friendly with some homeless people she walks by and giving them a rather generous tip. When she goes to restaurants, this would often be the same with waitresses or waiters.

Roxanne handles herself well when she’s surrounded by people. She could be lovely to talk to at most times. However, she also appreciates the silence around her when she’s alone. She could easily switch between extroversion and introversion. If a friend needs a plus one at an event, she would gladly accompany this friend until the event is done.

Throughout the years, Roxanne grew to be docile and calm. She could sometimes be seen unphased when watching a horror film. She is also very compliant and dutiful whenever her father or someone she trusts asks her to do some tasks for them.

She gets easily fooled by some as she heavily trusts the people around her. She’s very much prone to pranks and would simply tilt her head in question if you speak idioms around her. She could easily be persuaded by strangers even.



She was born during a time of conflict and invasion. Due to political reasons and failed diplomacy, Roxanne grew up in an environment where being alert and careful is the only key to survival. Roxanne was an innocent child who two local teachers raised. Her first memories are of smoke and debris. Every time the threat of a bomb would drop, her whole town would scatter and cover, and it was during one of these circumstances Roxanne awakened her powers. It all became too much for little Roxanne to handle.
One awakened sun was all it took to wipe out her whole village.
A deep crater was created that day. And on the centre was Roxanne, clenching her knees tight with confusion and fear. The next thing the little girl knew, a rough tug was given at the back of her shirt, followed by a language she was vaguely familiar with. As she gets farther and farther away from the destruction she has caused, fear and anxiety fill the poor girl. All she wanted was her mothers’ warm hugs and soothing lullabies.
The comfort she wanted was not given to her as her captors soon put her powers to use. She would be tazed and beaten if she didn’t follow orders. She would only be fed at night as her captors soon discovered that she was utterly incapable of using her powers then. She was then used as a weapon of mighty destruction, she would be forced to use her powers to her captor’s advantage.
After a few years of being exhausted from her powers, she was finally released and rescued. A group of soldiers was successful in retrieving some ground. It gave her hope and relief. She was then passed to the Royal Parahuman Guard to properly assess her power. During her time with the association, she met a kind doctor who spoke with nothing but a sweet and lovely tone. The two grew close, and soon, Doctor Matthew Darlington adopted Roxanne and allowed her to be an average child once again.
Darlington was originally from America, and so after Roxanne’s assessment and the necessary documents were done, the doctor plans on taking the little girl back to his home country and raising her on his own.
Ever since Roxanne was freed, her earliest memory includes her limiter. Roxanne was a bit foreign to the idea. However, she soon got used to it and was more than happy to be freed from the constant fear of massacring every soul around her. It definitely made Roxanne more relaxed and less anxious. It even made her keener on controlling the power she holds.
With her father’s wealth and upbringing, she grew up in a well-provided home. She’s now residing in her own home, she had to beg her father not to help her save money for this project of hers. Besides the location tracking she already wears, she saved her own money to earn a lonely farm where she could be isolated from other humans, her father only lives a few roads from her. She believes that her father has already spoilt her enough with extravagant gifts. Growing up, she aspired to be just like her adopted father, she was taught how to be kind and strong when it is proper.
When she was ready to be properly trained with her powers, she took advantage of that opportunity as she wanted to be of help within her community as well as perhaps maybe even the world. After finishing the proper and necessary training procedures, she soon received her ‘Blue Card.’
Today, she is a brand new Commonwealth agent with a promise to herself. A promise she can’t afford to break. A promise to never blow up… Literally.

  • Matthew Darlington: A father, a friend. He recently retired from his life as a doctor and has now taken interest in painting.


Solar Manipulation
Users can absorb the solar power of the sun and release it in the form of lasers. The laser beams the user produce are of pure destruction and would cause damage to their intended target. Roxie still believes she has some room to improve her powers, so she keeps on training.

Solar Absorption: As for the way they absorb solar power, they absorb it naturally and when they have taken enough. And when the user does use their powers, a bright halo appears on the top of their head, and when it's not in use, the halo will eventually disappear. So, during the day, you’d see a halo on top of her head and in the dusk, when the sun is sleeping, you’d see the halo around her slowly disappear along with the sun.

Solar Energy Creation: The user can release the solar energy they’ve absorbed through harmful lasers. She radiates this destructive energy through beams or sphere projectiles (think Starfire’s green beam and missiles from Teen Titans). She can also convert the solar energy she has absorbed to actual energy, which she could use herself as a charger.

Night and Weather Complications
: Completely unusable during the night or weather due to limited solar sources.

Solar Beam Limitations: Since she still hasn't fully mastered her powers, she can only control a beam as small as a basketball; she only uses it as a projectile as she still hasn’t fully grasped control of it. She’s unable to use this consecutively without resting or taking a breather.

Glass Canon: When she releases an enormous amount of energy all at once, she cannot wake up for one to two days as she will need this time to rest. And during this time, she will be utterly vulnerable to her environment.

Skin Complications: Since Roxanne always has to be exposed to the sun in order to absorb its energy, she is prone to some skin diseases. She needs a healthy balance of shade and sunlight in order not to contract any of its diseases. Underneath her clothes, you would spot some rashes. She has acquired some medication for it and was given some relief cream.

Control Is Key: To avoid some unnecessary damage, control is a fairly huge part of this power. It took her years to minimise the size of her projectiles, so it would take a few more years until she could perfect its control.

Accidents Do Happen: In addition to the previous limitation, Roxanne would be liable if some unnecessary damage were done. If she aimed improperly and hastily, a life of a civilian or a friend might cost her just that.

Other Abilities

First-Aid Training:
With her father’s personal training, she herself is at least capable of administrating proper first-aid help. She’s rather knowledgable
Hand To Hand Combat: During her training to be an agent, she practised extensively to achieve some sort of mastery with some known
Personal Charger: Even though she may be unable to discharge any destructive projectiles at night, she can still release the energy she absorbed from the sun in some minor ways. When she sometimes becomes too lazy to charge her phone, she simply just grabs a charger cord and nibbles at the end of the cord, and it charges her phone. And with enough energy absorbed during the day, she may also be able to charge the battery of a car (She is very prone to get exhausted after charging a car’s battery).

A phone, a phone charger, a first-aid kit, her skin cream, a sunblock, a dagger and some beef jerky. She carries all of these items in a satchel with an asexual pin on it’s straps.


P.S. she’s a terrible cook.

For anyone writing in the Episode 1A thread, Desmond isn't with the rest of the group for plotting reasons. Just wanted to make folks aware before posts went out. And I assure you, the rambling mess of my first post and the few to come aren't me trying to railroad or push plot in another direction, or indicative of Desmond in the right state of mind! Just a bit of a subplot until the merge happens. <3

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