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Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She figure taken the submarine would be a problem. But it was Robin's idea in the first place wasn't like they were going to destroy the ship. The breeze played with her white feathers for some reason she transformed into her princess form. That is when two pairs of chains popped out of the ground grabbing Rina and pulling her down to the ground. "Got you. You can't get away. Thanks to my devil fruit." A familiar voice was heard she can't see who it was she knew this was her stepfather. When did he eat a devil fruit?! "You got to my kidding me!? You ate a devil fruit?!" She figure it was the Chain-Chain No mi. "You got into a fight with your husband, did you? Maybe you should forget about him and marry someone who can take care of you." He walked over to her right now he had some marines on his side.

"Yes, she is. But she not going to leave them." She explained that when the group of marines shown up with guns pointed at the group. Corazon became scared he did not want to get hurt or his family also. Robin did not like this with two children they can hurt them. "You're going to fire at two children?!" She glared at them
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law had taken time to try and seek out Rina, having felt bad for the argument with Reaper which caused the whole thing to go wrong. He would be walking to where he had seen Rina fly off to, in an attempt to speak with her and straighten everything out. That's when Marines had attacked him, though they were cut down rather easy once he had set up a ROOM. After this short skirmish, Law realized more of them might be attacking so he would start dashing to where Rina was, not knowing her stepfather was there yet.

As the Marines arrived, Reaper would grow irritated very quick with the situation and acted rather fast. Within the blink of an eye, the Marines who had surrounded them were trapped in prisons of eternal snow that was as strong as steel. "Idiots, next time... Know your enemies." Fiona would be star-struck by her father's reaction time and speed with his devil fruit.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She can't get free from those chains. "Couples fight all the time! It's part of getting stronger with each other!" She snapped at him. He frowned at her before grabbing her by the hair removing the chains from her arms then chaining up her feet. "Did you know I can create Sea stone Chains? I can use them on your husband. And that snow boy also!" Her eyes widened she figure he placed sea stone chains on her. "I'll win this fight. No one messes with the dragons." He smirked at her.

Robin grabs hold of Corazon and Fiona also. "Let your father and uncle deal with those marines. Let's get back to the ship." She was more worried about their safety than anything else.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would arrive to the summit and would see Rina chained by the feet, and his anger would rise as he saw her stepfather. "Do you know how to just back off?! How many times do we need to fend you off before you die off for good?!" The captain would growl with reasonable anger at the stepfather before running and attacking without knowing about his new powers.

Reaper would deal with the rest of the surrounding marines before quickly flying off, leaving the children with Robin since they were safe with her. He would fly to where Law had ran to and saw the stepfather as well, quickly going into battle.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Stepfather smirked before summoning chains from his hands as he wrapped the captain up in sea stone chain. "LAW! Damn it!" She can't get out of those chains as she needed to think of something that can she do. She glared at her stepfather he felt like he won this fight. He picks up Rina over his shoulder when Zoro came running cutting the chains from Rina lucky he was in the area. "You got lost again did you?" She stared at Zoro. "S-Shut up!" Her stepfather did not like this guy touching his chains he used the chains to attack Zoro as the swordsman blocked the chains with his sword. She ran over to Law as she removed the chains from him. "Reaper! watch out he's not the same person!" She shouted at him

Corazon wanted to help out he knew his mother was in danger. He ran out of the ship. "Corazon!" Robin shouted as Luffy ran after the child. Upon arriving he notices the man who had taken over the White Kingdom was standing before him. Stepfather notices Corazon he smirked as he grabs the child using the chains. "Come closer, He going to be killed." He knew this child was Rina and Law's child.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would be drained of energy as he got stuck within the Seastone chains, and was shocked by the stepfather's new abilities. "D-Damn it all..." The seastone made him feel drained and almost sick to the stomach, until he was released thanks to the help from Rina. Though his relief fell to more worry as the stepfather captured Corazon, he would try to reach out but couldn't move due to the fear of Corazon getting killed. The captain would even hesitate from using his devil fruit abilities to save Cora.

Reaper would jump back as he saw the seastone chains chasing him, and slashed them away before quickly stopping just like everyone else did as Corazon was captured. He saw the fear within the eyes of his allies and growled with anger towards the stepfather. Haki would start flooding out from Reaper in a large blast, an awakening of Conqueror's Haki blasted out as an attempt to knock out Rina's stepfather. After the blast resonated throughout the air, Reaper would pass out due to the high energy toll.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She wanted to kill this man now and more than before. Before she can do anything Reaper unlocked a rare haki this caused the stepfather to pass out as Corazon passed out also. When did he learn that?! she knew her stepfather will not get down for long she ran over to Corazon as she pick up her son off the ground removing the chains from him. She glared at him she did not care if she wanted the person. No one touches her family.

Robin founded the group with Reaper and stepfather passed out. "What happens?" She asked. "Reaper unlocked a rare haki." Rina explained Robin was shocked by this and also. "Do you mind taking them back to the ship Robin?" She asked she handed Corazon to Robin the boy was asleep she smiled then nodded her head as she pick up Reaper with her powers. Rina stared at Law with a frown. "You should learn to control that temper of yours. It's was Robin's idea to take the submarine. Not Reapers." She explained before helping him up to his feet.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would be relieved that Corazon had been safely recovered, but was shocked that another member of the Strawhat crew had Conqueror's Haki other than Luffy. He would take a moment to take a breath before being helped up by Rina. "Yeah, I'll apologize once he wakes up..." The captain would say, looking disheartened after realizing how much damage could have been done from that fight.

Reaper had been completely knocked out from using such a powerful form of Haki since he wasn't fully recovered. Due to this strain he would most likely be in a temporary coma for 2 to 3 days as his body fully recovers and regains the strength it had lost from such intense situations.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"You better~"
She poked him and then kissed him. "Let's go before he wakes up." She glared at her stepfather she knew he would be chasing her again she grabs Law's hand as she walked away with him. "Are you going to be alright?" She stared at him with a frown on her face she love this man but her stepfather became a devil fruit user she was shocked by that.

Upon returning to the Sunny. She placed Reaper in his room as she has taken Corazon to her own room to have him rest for a while also. "He getting stronger and stronger," Robin remembers that Luffy trained to get that Haki under control.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It only drained me for a bit, it was nothing like when Reaper got shot by a seastone bullet."
Law explained as he shuddered at what that could have felt like. "Nevertheless, I'll be more prepared next time to protect you." The captain said with a small smile.

Reaper's vitals were normal and his body was relaxed as it had been put into the bed by Robin. The recovery process would begin from here.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She was glad he was alright. "We should warn the other strawhats about his power. Unless Luffy and Zoro told them." She knew one of them would tell them or at least She was worried about Reaper and Corazon also. "Only two people that knew how to control that haki are Luffy and Rayleigh. I think Gold Roger knew it also." She explained about the rare haki. As she approached the Sunny she got onto the ship to check on Corazon and Reaper.

Corazon woke up as his parents got onto the ship he ran out of the room hugging his mother's leg. "Is daddy alright?!" He stared at her. "Yes, he fine Cora." She picks up her son into her arms. "No more fighting with uncle, Daddy!" He frowned at his father. Robin giggled at the scene as Corazon told his captain's father. "It takes a child to tell Law to knock it off." She teased.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law was rather surprised that the haki was so rare among Pirates, despite knowing it wasn't too common. He wondered how much energy it usually drains from the user once they learn to control it, maybe a question for Luffy for later. His question would fade as Corazon ran out and hugged the two, he would hug the child back with a grin. "I know Cora, I won't do it again..."

Chopper would come out of Reaper's quarters once the two had arrived onto the Sunny. He would walk over, not concerned at all. "If you're checking in on Reaper, leave it be for now. He'll be in that bed for at least two days, I presume unlocking that new Haki wasted all his remaining stamina." He would explain with a sigh as Fiona frowned since she wouldn't be able to play with her father for a few days.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina frowned at Chopper's words about Reaper. "I figure as much, Hey Luffy!" She called out to her brother as the rubber captain stared at Rina with a grin on his face he flung himself at Rina knocking her onto the ground. "Oh come on Lu" She was trying to get him off of her he wasn't moving. "I'm going kill that stepfather of yours!" Luffy did not like anyone touching his crew or his sister. "Luffy, Do you have Rayleigh's number?" She asked as Luffy stared at her. "I do, Why?" He was now sitting on her stomach. "We need to talk with him and.. Can you get off of me!?" She asked with a blush on her face.

Robin stared at Chopper she does understand. She stared at Fiona with a smile. "If I know him, He'll be waking up before the night is over." She giggled and then started laughing at Luffy and Rina's actions between them. "Awww he cares about his sister~" Robin teased her captain.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would sigh as he heard the news about Reaper, but would nod knowing that the snowboy wouldn't be down for long. He held back his distaste towards Luffy knocking Rina to the ground and just shook his head before going further into why they needed Rayleigh's contact via the Den Den Mush. "Rayleigh has access to Conqueror's Haki, and would most likely be able to teach Reaper how to control it. And maybe just a small bit of Observation Haki if we have the time." Law explained to Luffy, not bothering to add on the info that Luffy wouldn't be a great teacher for such a hard subject. Fiona would tilt her head upon hearing Rayleigh's name, she wasn't sure but thought the name sounded familiar.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"OH! Okay!"
Luffy got off Rina as he heads to the room with the den den mush. After Luffy got off her Corazon decided to sit on her stomach now. "Don't take after your uncle Cora." He stared at the halo that was flowing over his mother's head. "Mommy has a halo!" Rina stared at her son and then giggled at his childishness. She picks up Corazon off her stomach and then sat up with her son in her arms. "Are you hungry?" She asked Corazon he nodded his head.

"Sanji should finish with cooking," Robin explained. "Make sure he doesn't feed me bread." Corazon was dead on not eating anything bread items. Robin giggled at Corazon. "He likes you Law" Robin teased. "Yup, Son like a father" Rina giggled also.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would smile that Cora was similar to him in tastes as he did last time, but also laughed at him climbing on top of Rina like Luffy did just a moment ago. He wasn't quite as hungry as Cora but he would eat a bit nonetheless to regain some stamina lost from the seastone bindings he was in. "Good, if he's anything like me that means he's gonna be one smart man." Law said with some pride and a grin, patting the boy on the head. Fiona would walk back a bit before running forward and jumping onto Robin's back with a smile. "Haha! Papa taught me how to jump really high!"
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina smiled and then giggled as she removed her halo as she jumped through it as she transformed back into her human form the halo vanished. "Let's go see what Sanji is making." She loves her family even know both of them hated bread she still found that cute. She entered the kitchen with Corazon in her arms. Sanji just finish placing the dishes down on the table. She notices some grilled meat and riceballs with some veggies and other things. "I made your favorite Rina~" Sanji made her beef curry for her it was also Corazon's favorite also.

Robin caught Fiona and then giggled it's seem likes Reaper was teaching her how to jump high. "He trained you well" She carried Fiona into the kitchen as she notices Rina and Corazon eating the curry it's seem like that also runs in the family also.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would follow into the kitchen and smiled that the two had their similarities as well. "Cute." He would simply said before sitting down as well before sitting down and taking some of the food for himself. He didn't mind the food too much, he found all of it rather tasty. Fiona would jump down from Robin's arms and would sit in her usual spot, before taking some food as well and chowing down. She seemed to be gaining an appetite similar to that of Reaper and Luffy, which was rather funny to some of the Strawhats.

Reaper would smell some food subconsciously and opened his eyes, though since his body was still recovering he couldn't move at all without there being some pain. "Damn it.... I want foooood..." The pirate would mumble sadly.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina blushed at Law's comment Corazon was enjoying himself. She smiled at her son as she stared at Robin. "You should give some food to Reaper. I'm sure he is awake now." She explained. She stared at Luffy who just got off the den den mush with Rayleigh. "What did he say?" Rina asked. "He going to meet us in three days. He'll help Reaper." Luffy explained with a smile.

Robin nodded her head as she fixed a plate for Reaper there was a lot of meat and other things. She smiled at Fiona before leaving the room and heading to Reaper's room. "I have some food for you. Do you want me to feed you also?" She asked with a smile.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"That's good to hear."
Law would say in response to hearing that Rayleigh would help Reaper with his new ability. "Who knows Strawhat-ya, if he gets good enough he might be one of your biggest rivals." The captain would joke a bit before continuing to eat.

Reaper would blush as Robin offered to feed him. "I think you have to- I can't really move anything without there being a whole bunch of pain." He would explain with a sigh, now feeling useless since he couldn't do anything productive with his time.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"No way! I'm going to be the king of the pirates!"
Luffy wasn't going to let Reaper get in the way of his dreams. Rina started laughing at Luffy. "I'm going the queen of the White Kingdom~" She teased Corazon stared at his mother. "You're the queen of the White Kingdom, Mommy." Luffy stared at Corazon how did Rain become a queen before he did become a king of the pirates?! "She can't become a queen. Before the King of the pirates!" Luffy pouted at Rina's royal blood.

Robin giggled as she sat down next to him as she cut up the meat as placed the fork in front of him. "I don't mind~" She blushed. "Oh, Rayleigh going to visit us and help you with your new haki. Since he and Luffy are the only two that can use it." She explained.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"What's wrong Strawhat-ya? Scared of a little competition from your crewmate?"
Law joked as he finished eating and putting the dish he used away so it could be cleaned at a later time. He wondered since Rina was the Queen of the White Kingdom if that made him the king, though he didn't really question any of that royalty business. Fiona had stars in her eyes. "Woah!!! Auntie is a Queen!"

Reaper would take the bite happily, grateful that he had got some food in his system. "Rayleigh is going to teach me..? Wow, this is going to be interesting." He would mumble before sighing and looking at the ceiling, thinking to himself.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Luffy stared at Law. "No, I'm not. Traffy" Corazon stared at Luffy did he just call his father Traffy? "I'm shocked that Daddy lets Luffy gets away with that name." Rina giggled she believes Law doesn't care about it. She got a second plate of food since she was hungry anyway she had some chocolate-covered strawberries with her also. She smiled at Fiona.

"Yes, he is since he is more into it. Then Luffy is." Robin explained with a smile as she finished feeding him.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would roll his eyes at the name like usual, it annoyed him but not enough to make him say anything about it. "Whatever you say, just keep an eye out so you don't get surpassed." He joked once more before stopping. Fiona would chuckle and run over to tease Luffy a bit. "You might become Pirate King, but Papa is gonna be just as strong as you! I bet he will!"

"Makes sense I suppose."
Reaper would say as he moved his arm a bit, since it didn't hurt as much. He would wrap his arm around Robin since she was close enough and held her close with a small devilish smile.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She giggled at Law she liked that nickname it was cute and does fit him. "I don't think we're going worried about that. They're both strong. I mean they took down Doflamingo." That mean made Corazon drop his fork Rina notices this also. "Cora? What wrong?" She asked. "That name, He other reason why you're asleep also. He wants to kill me, I was named after his brother." Rina was shocked that Corazon knew the reason behind his name. "Mingo? What did he do?!" Luffy asked. "He still wants married Mommy in the future." Rina's stomach felt sick she wasn't going to have that man kill her son or get hold of her also.

Robin blushed as she cuddled against him before kissing his forehead. "I can stay tonight if you like." She blushed and then smiled at him.

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