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Trafalgar Law

Law saw her fall and shook his head, snickering just a tad before walking over and helping her off of the ground. "I suppose you can call yourself that, though I did kind of sneak up on you." He admitted to having heard her singing, though he genuinely liked it, he thought her voice was that of an angel... despite her literally being an angel. "And I thought we were going have to get rid of that old piano, it hasn't been properly used in a while." He joked before calming himself with a deep sigh. Law decided just to say what he wanted without working around it. He hugged Rina close and admitted: "I love you too, my Angel."

Amadeus Sparx

Usopp and Reaper were in the workshop of the Sunny, working on weaponry. The two were ready to reforge the swords into a completely new weapon since Reaper decided that the swords no longer fitted his image. "So, what are you thinking? Small but fast weapons, or slower but stronger weapons?" Usopp asked as the metal was being melted, and Reaper smirked thinking back to the dual he had with Law, and fight against Doflamingo. "The weapon perfect for someone named Reaper." He said confidently, and Usopp nodded already knowing what to get tools for.
Rina Kohu

She blushed deeply she can hear Penguin and Sachi say 'Finally!' she threw a pillow at the two dorks. "I-I can play the piano for anyone." She smiled. "I want make myself useful in this crew. Even know you want me to be your nurse." That when Penguin and Sachi said 'Sexy Nurse' she rolled her eyes at the two guys. "I'm going get those two.." She glared at both guys. "I think I finally understand why you got angry with Doflamingo now." She wonders if she will have a wanted poster. She did not care she was a pirate anyway.

Nico Robin

She does wonder if Reaper was getting along with the crew. Been quiet since they left Heart Pirates and Skypiea also. She finished with one of her books as she stood up she notices a familiar marine ship. "Oh dear, It seems like Grap came to visit us." Robin better go tell Luffy. As she was going to get Luffy the marine ship got closer as Grap and Coby came onto the ship. "Where my Grandson!" Roar Grap as some of the strawhats is shouting for Luffy to get his ass out here. As Luffy ran out of the cabin only to see his grandfather. "Grandpa!" He was shocked to see him and Coby also.
Trafalgar Law

"Yeah... At least now he's rotting in a cell, where he belongs."
Law said with a small sigh, ignoring Penguin and Sachi for the moment as he would deal with them at a later time. "You've already been more than useful, and if you get better with your powers you might outclass me as a doctor." He admitted with a small smirk, he was a great doctor but he didn't have abilities that were specifically for healing like Rina did, his Devil Fruit had its uses but couldn't do everything.

Amadeus Sparx

Both Reaper and Usopp heard the arrival of the marines, while Reaper went to check it out Usopp advised against it. "R-Reaper, our visitors might think you're an intruder. The Marines don't know that you are a new member yet-" Usopp warned but Reaper ignored it and went out onto the deck. He exited the inside of the Sunny and quickly stopped in his tracks, seeing Garp and Coby. "E-Eh? Why are there Marines here-" He thought out loud, forgetting that Garp was Luffy's Grandfather... though he had no clue who Coby was.
Rina Kohu

"I don't want to do that, I want to learn about the human body."
She explained with a frown before remembering something. "Can you be my teacher also? You know more about things than I do anyway." She asked with a small smile if she was going to learn she wanted to learn from a great doctor. "I might be a healer. I'm not a doctor." She explained with a frown that was true she wasn't a doctor but she can learn from the best and help out also. "We have some time to teach before dinner. Unless you're busy with something?" She asked.

Nico Robin

"Tell me why, You got in the middle of a Royal war?!" Grap asked as Luffy stood there with a fearful look on his face. "Rina is our friend! I wasn't going to let Mingo become the new king of Skypiea!" Luffy shouted at his grandfather. "She wanted you to know, Her stepfather got away from Smoker" Coby explained as he give Luffy Rina's wanted poster Luffy was shocked that her asshole stepfather got away from Smoker! All people to get away from! "We need--" Grap stops Luffy from saying anything. "No Luffy, Her stepfather is up to something. We don't want her in danger right now." He explained before starting at Reaper. "Luffy! why do you Reaper with you?!" Grap wasn't happy with this now. "He our new crew member" Robin explained.
Trafalgar Law

Law would think about it for a while, wondering if he was ready to teach some one. "Fine, I'll teach you what I can. Though I expect you to study the books you've received often, since I can't teach everything on my own." He warned, hoping Rina wasn't expecting too much from him as a teacher since he doubted his own abilities. "We can study anywhere, I don't really care as long as we can focus." Law added, allowing her to choose where the 'classroom' would be.

Amadeus Sparx

"Yeah, and as a Strawhat I plan on making sure that people like Rina's stepfather get beaten into the ground."
Reaper said, cracking his knuckles and neck as he was serious when it came to the topic. As Rina's 'older brother' he felt responsible for making sure that she stays out of trouble, just like how Luffy felt when leaving Skypiea. "And if the fool wants to get violent, this time I believe we'll show him what pirates are truly capable of..." He finished with a devilish grin.
Rina Kohu

"That's fine, I was planning on doing that. I have a lot of books anyway."
She explained as she thought about the classroom. "How about your office? I know your crew will not bother you there." She asked if not she'll find another place as she thought about something then stared at Law. "Promise me you'll take me out on a date on the next island" She smirked at him she did not care where they go. As long they can have time together without the crew getting on them. Sachi and Penguin were still listening to them as Penguin stared at Sachi. "I hope the captain does take her out on a date. If not I'll do it!" Rina glared at Penguin as she threw another pillow at him.

Nico Robin

Grap stared at Reaper for a moment. "Boy, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." He warns him this pissed off Luffy he was planning to call Rina later about this so Heart Pirates have heads up also. "He not going touch my sister! Not again!" Grap stared at Luffy he has a granddaughter?! "Oh, you have another sibling? I'm not going through again what happened with Ace." That still got him angry. Robin stared at them he agreed with Reaper and Luffy also. "We'll get hold of Rina later. It seems weird getting help from the marines." Robin said. "We're not helping you, pirates! We just want the war to end!" Grap explained that even know Luffy was his grandson.
Trafalgar Law

He blushed just a tad when she asked to get taken on a date, but he nodded agreeing. He then turned to Penguin. "You want to repeat that? If I heard you right I'll take you down." He said, glaring at Penguin a bit before turning back to Rina. "Yeah, my office should be okay for a while. Let's go." He finished before starting to walk to his office.

Amadeus Sparx

"I don't know... Seems like the hero of the Marines is giving some Pirates a bit of help."
Reaper joked with a smirk, wanting to tick off Garp just a bit. He didn't care if he would get hit, as long as he could make fun of someone like Garp.
Rina Kohu

She giggled at Law and Penguin she love this crew. Penguin ran off with his tail between his legs Sachi followed after his best friend. As Rina followed Law his office as her den den mush was going off. She pulled out her den den mush she answer it. "Rina here." It was Robin on the other end who explained what was going on she most dropped the den den mush she through Smoker took care of her stepfather. "God damn it! I'm going --" She wasn't happy she had a fear that Doflamingo had also gotten away also. "I have a wanted poster?!" She was shocked by this her stepfather wanted her alive.

Nico Robin

Grap gives his 'fist of love' to Reaper and Luffy. Luffy held his head in pain. "Why me!?" He snapped at his grandfather. Robin called Rina on the Den Den Mush. "Calm down Princess, We're not going to let them get you or anyone else for that matter." She stared at Grap and Luffy who were yelling at each other. "Grap is here. He explained to us what was going on." She explained that when Grap has taken the Den Den Mush from her. "No one going to touch my granddaughter!" Robin stare3ds blanky at Grap then giggled. "G-Granddaughter?!" Rina said on the other end. Robin felt bad for Rina she got herself into the wrong family she giggled a little bit. Luffy grabs the Den Den Mush. "That right! I'm not going to let that man or Mingo get hold of you again!" Luffy shouted.
Trafalgar Law

"Wanted Poster?! And that fool is free? Ugh..."
Law rubbed his forehead, getting a headache from all the stupid stuff that had been happening. He thought that there would be some time of calm for a while. He then over heard everything happening on the Sunny. "Strawhat-ya... Why is there always trouble where you go-" He mumbled, annoyed.

Amadeus Sparx

Reaper shouted at Garp after he used his 'Fist of Love'. He walked over to Luffy and talked into the Den Den Mush after the captain was done yelling. "Yeah, no need to worry about that fool getting to you Little Sis." Reaper said, trying to reassure that everything would be okay.
Rina Kohu

She stared at her captain then back at her den den mush then frowned. She gripped Law's hand now she was fearing for her life now her stepfather will not stop until he had his hands on her and control her. Even know she had great people and her warriors back home. "If anything comes up. Let me know please Lu and Reaper also." She wanted an update on things that were going on. She wasn't worried about both crews she knew how strong they were.

Nico Robin

"Our captain has been a magnet for things like Traffy."
Robin explained. "We'll take care of it! Don't worr--" Grap did not want his grandson to get in the middle of this again he hit him in the head again. "Grandpa! I want to help out!" Luffy pouted. "Get yourself into danger, Luffy. Let us marines deal with this." Grap knew none of them going to stay down from this. "Rina, You're with Heart Pirates right?" Grap asked
Trafalgar Law

"Yeah, she's here with us and it's staying that way. If you Marines even try to get close were going to take you down."
Law said into the Den Den Mush, he wasn't going to let the Marines interfere since they would just cause more trouble. He was also confident that they could handle Rina's stepfather, with or without the help of the Strawhats. After all, how much could Rina's stepfather really do after losing when he had a warlord on his side?

Amadeus Sparx

Reaper glared at Garp, despising the old man more and more every time he tried to take control of the situation. He wanted to fight the Marine Hero, but knew it would just end up poorly for everyone so he restrained himself. "Damn it all." He mumbled to him self, holding the back of his head in slight pain since it still stun from Garp's punch.
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Rina Kohu

Rina did not know what to say. She knew this wasn't the time to cause a fight between them. She stared at Law for a moment then frowned. "Hey.. Do you know where he going next?" She asked. "We're not sure, Princess," Cody answered on the other end Rina just hope they don't end into each other anytime soon. She might know where. "Dressrosa. I believe he going there. If that warlord still with him." She explained.

Nico Robin

She stared at Reaper she really did not want him fighting with Garp. "We'll head that way, Princess," Robin explained as Garp glared at the women. "No, you'll not!" Garp shouted at the crew. "We're going if you like it or not Grandpa!" Luffy and Garp got into a fight again. "Sorry, Princess we might have mari--" Robin paused as Rina spoke through the den den mush. "I don't care! We can deal with it. Marines or not! I'm not going lose to him!" Rina spoke out to them.
Trafalgar Law

Law nodded when Rina had said a potential hiding place for the stepfather, and potentially even Doflamingo. He turned to the crew that was listening to the argument happening and quickly gave orders. "Penguin, change course to Dressrosa. Sachi and Bepo, prepare as much as you can for a rough docking... Weapons, Defenses, Repair Supplies... We might not get a safe welcome." He said to his crew with urgency, knowing that there was no longer any time to waste if people as dangerous as Doflamingo were still out there.

Amadeus Sparx

Reaper had enough with Garp trying to stop them. "I agree with Rina, either you let us go to Dressrosa to end this once and for all... Or we'll fight off hundreds of you Marines so we can get there." He said, glaring at the Marine with eyes that looked like they could kill. "For being a hero of the Navy, you're pretty hellbent on not stopping someone who threatens all of the sea." Reaper added, taunting Garp for his constant rejection.
Rina Kohu

"Fine do whatever! Just warning Princess, Doflamingo is still out there also. He is searching for you."
Garp said over the Den Den Mush. "I figure as much, Don't worry about us. I trust Luffy and others." She explained trying to get Garp to back off. "Also, Just another thing. The guy you're with. You should be careful. He collected 100 hearts to become a Warlord." Rina nearly dropped the den den mush after hearing that.

Nico Robin

"Oh, Traffy is a warlord?" Robin smirked. "WHAT?!" Luffy was shocked by this himself. "We'll leave now, Just be careful," Garp explained before getting off the den den mush. "How can someone collect 100 human hearts?!" Luffy was shocked. "His devil fruit powers, Luffy," Robin explained to her captain. "Hey, Traffy! don't steal my sister's heart!" Luffy spoke into Den Den Mush as Robin smirked. "He already did Luffy~" Robin teased him
Trafalgar Law

Law rolled his eyes as Garp revealed what the surgeon did to become of the 'Warlord' status. "I won't do anything dumb, Strawhat-ya. I don't need you trying to kill me after all." He said, ignoring Robin's comment for now. "Well, we need to focus on getting to Dressrosa. So I presume we'll see you all there." Law added before handing the Den Den Mush back to Rina, not needing to talk anymore.

Amadeus Sparx

"One hundred hearts..?"
Reaper shivered a bit from the thought, he held his own chest while wondering what it would feel like without a heart. The pirate quickly shook his head, not wanting to freak himself out when something so important was being discussed. After he calmed, Reaper chuckled when Robin messed with Luffy knowing that the captain would probably freak out.
Rina Kohu

She hung up as she stood there for a moment when she dropped the den den mush. She felt the power from the orb going through her long blue hair turn white. Her eyes turned a powder blue color. This was new to her she felt like a new power just waking on her. "I'm finished with my stepfather's games. Next time, I'm going drag his soul to hell." She walked away as Bepo stood there staring at Rina and her newly founded powers. "Is she going to be alright?" The bear was worried about her now.

Nico Robin

"Don't say that Robin!"
Luffy was going to say something but Rina hung up on them. "Let go to Dressrosa!" Luffy grinned as he watches his grandfather's ship leave he hope he wasn't planning to attack them as he did in Water 7. Robin smiled at Luffy but still how did he do that anyway? Taken so many hearts like that. "We should get ready for our fight," Robin explained
Trafalgar Law

Law sighed and shrugged as a response to Bepo. "I don't know, though it might be best if we leave her be for now... She's obviously not in her normal mindset right now." He explained, also worried that Rina might push herself to finish this a bit too much even with her newfound powers.

Amadeus Sparx

Reaper nodded, agreeing with Robin that now was the time to get ready for another tough battle. Who knows what Rina's stepfather and Doflamingo could have planned to take down the Strawhat and Heart Pirates this time. "How long until we even get to Dressrosa, isn't it at least kind of far off from here?" He suddenly asked, having no clue where they technically were.
Rina Kohu

She entered her own room she gripped her head. "Why can't he leave me alone!" She was tired of this she did not want anything to happen. She can't go anywhere on this ship she was under the water. She can't fly away she climbed into her bed curled up in balls with her long hair covering her. How can she control this power? Was she ready for this? She wasn't sure about this no more. She reach under her pillow and pulled out a golden heart-shaped pendent. She open it and inside was a picture of her real parents. She does wish there was something she can do. After a while, she has fallen asleep in her bed, as the crew was in the dining room eating dinner.

Nico Robin

"I'm not sure, We need to stop at this island first,"
Nami explained as she looked at the log pose she wasn't sure where Dressrosa was. "We'll find out soon, Reaper. Just rest for a while. We'll be there. I know Doflamingo and Rina's Stepfather are not going anywhere." Robin explained but she does wonder if this was a trap. "If you want to train, Zoro can help you with that." She explained Robin wasn't the best teacher in training.
Trafalgar Law

Law hadn't eaten dinner, he was too busy repairing his weapon and preparing for Dressrosa, knowing that he didn't want the same results as Skypiea... He wanted better. The captain wanted to be sure that they could destroy the opponent this time, so he focused on preparation this time so the crew was ready for any possibility.

Amadeus Sparx

"Oh, speaking of that- USOPP! TOSS ME MY WEAPON!"
Reaper yelled out, and Usopp peeked out of the Sunny and threw his new weapon at Reaper. He caught the weapon and smirked, it was a Scythe, fitting the name 'Reaper'. "Perfect~" Reaper started spinning the weapon around like a pro, showing that he knew how to use the weapon well already. The pirate was now already, very more confident in his fighting ability.
Rina Kohu

She woke up a few hours later her hair was back to normal same with her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked herself if it was late that was for. She stood up from her bed and then walked out of her room. With the pendent in her hands, she entered the kitchen it was empty she figure the crew ate already even Law. She grabs her plate of food as she walked out of the kitchen into the dining room. She sat down with her plate and she started eating her food. "Oh, Rina! your up!" Bepo was glad that she was alright now.

Nico Robin

She stared at the new weapon that Reaper had. She hope that Usopp did not make it into a fake weapon. Like he does all the time when he is in danger but those fake weapons come in hand. Robin wasn't much of a fighter like others in the crew he does her best to protect the crew and also. "Dinner is ready!" Sanji called out to everyone as Robin heads to the dining area for dinner.
Trafalgar Law

Law had been seated by the navigation controls, with his hat tipped over enough to cover his eyes but he wasn't sleeping. The captain sat there, awake wondering what problems they would encounter at Dressrosa. He couldn't risk getting gravely injured again like what happened before, and he didn't to see Rina overexert again. There was so many things that had gone wrong, and he couldn't figure out how to prevent them from happening again.

Amadeus Sparx

Reaper quickly put his weapon away and ran to catch up with Robin so he could sit with her. Usopp and Franky chuckled at the sight, wondering when he would finally admit anything. Though, Reaper wasn't thinking of feelings too much at the moment since he was ready to get some food. "Sanji's food is sooo good, feels like 5-Star Cuisine for every meal!"
Rina Kohu

"Can you give this to the captain?"
Bepo asked handing her a tray of food for him. "He did not join us." He frowned she nodded her head as Rina finished with her food Bepo took care of her plate for her. She heads out of the dining room as she passed Sachi asking him where the captain was. Once she found out he was in the control room she heads to the control room. Upon entering the room she notices Law sitting there with his hat over his eyes was he asleep? She approached the captain she bent over then lift his hat she giggled at him. "I thought you were asleep." She placed the tray down on the table. "Here, Bepo wanted me to give this to you." She explained.

Nico Robin

"I agree, He best cook we have."
Robin wasn't around how they got Sanji she figure Luffy had to beg him to join the crew like everyone else. Besides herself, she asked to join., "Oh, Robin! My lovely! I'm glad you like my cooking!" Sanji was happy with Robin's comment. "Sanji's cooking is the best!" Luffy was shoving food into his mouth. Robin wasn't sure what her life would be if Luffy did not save her back then. "I'm very grateful to Luffy, He saved me not once but twice," Robin explained.
Trafalgar Law

Law smiled just a bit when Rina delivered his food, he stood and stretched a bit. "Thank you, Rina." He took the food off the table and made sure to eat at least a few bites so he wouldn't be starving. "... Do you think we're ready to take on Doflamingo and your Stepfather, again?" The captain asked Rina for her opinion, since he was still somewhat afraid of what could happen if they aren't ready.

Amadeus Sparx

"Twice? Wow, that must have been eventful-"
Reaper replied, while eating some of the food as well. He wondered how the Strawhat Crew got together, how every member joined and how much trouble it was. All of it fascinated him, more than anyone could imagine. "I wish I met you all sooner... How fun it would have been!" He said with a large grin.
Rina Kohu

She stared at him with her arms behind her back. "I'm not sure if I'm ready or I'll be able to fight like before. But, I'm ready to put an end to this." She really wanted to put an end to this she might have an idea but she wasn't sure if would piss her stepfather off more or will it cause more problems. "I had an idea. But I'm not going to work or not." She gripped the necklace in her hands. "I can say, I'm married to someone. I can wear a fake ring on my finger." She explained if she needed to play wife to one of the crew members she did not care.

Nico Robin

She nodded her head. "It was." She stared around the table as everyone was enjoying themselves. "If you want to know more. Just ask. Everyone here has stories." She explained before slipping her drink. "Right now, we should think of a plan when we get to Dressrosa." As Luffy stared at Robin. "We just go fine Mingo and Rina's stepfather and beat the crap out of them!" Luffy's idea had everyone staring at him. Nami and Usopp screamed at Luffy Robin started laughing. "We should think of another plan, Captain." She said.
Trafalgar Law

Law's face would have a streak of blush as he thought of a solution. "Everyone's joked about it but, we could say that we're married..?" He proposed the idea, hoping she wouldn't find it too stupid. The captain wanted to make sure he could be of help other than fighting, and decided this might be the best way.

Amadeus Sparx

"Captain's right, we beat the crap out of them and then they can't do anything to hurt Rina or anyone else anymore!"
Reaper agreed with Luffy's crude plan, but found it the best thing they've thought of so far since no one else proposed a plan. "A bit of violence might 'convince' them enough to back off." He continued with a devilish grin and laugh.

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