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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

A suburban neighborhood (a cul de sac with about 10 houses) is drawn into an alternate reality in the middle of the night. At first the residents think it was just a minor earthquake. But they will soon discover their whole world has changed. These residents may be far from ordinary. In fact, I would PREFER Hollywood type characters with a little personality to them.

I plan to run two families who moved in recently in homes right next to each other. One appears to be a very normal family. The man of the house drives a 2025 Crown Vic with USMC plates and decals. The wife drives a blue 1946 Ford Pickup. They have a son (age 9), daughter (age 6) and a dog.

The other family is the man’s brother and his wife. The wife is Asian. They have a daughter (age 3).

I will also run one other home. (I haven’t got that one quite sorted yet.)


I am looking to fill a number of stereotypes (7 total).
The Conspiracy Theorist
  • UFO’s, government cover ups, you name it. You may specialize. Maybe you Vlog or Blog about it. Be creative with it. I would suggest having a very real investigative skill.

The Cold War Ex-Spy (should be in late 50’s or early 60’s)
  • Just what it sounds like. You were a spy. Heck, you can run TWO spies here. But if you do, let’s make it fun and make it one from each side.

The Group Home (Man and/or woman with a gaggle of kids)
  • Eight is enough. No more than that please. You can also have a couple kids of your own, plus an exchange student. Just no more than 8 total. But I want PERSONALITIES. Without that, what is the point of making the character.

The Squatter(s)
  • They should seem like a normal family. But they could as easily be Con Artists. In fact, that might be both fun and useful. Heck, half the stuff in the house could be bought with swindled money. You might want to give them fake jobs in case anyone asks.

The Survivalist(s)
  • Prepared for the apocalypse. Maybe you/they even have a bunker in the basement. Stockpiles of food, weapons and ammo. First Aid kits. Not all the weapons have to be legal - especially if hidden in the bunker.

The Retired Criminal
  • Looking for something like a cat burglar, or other high end thief. Maybe art. Or you could go with a past similar to the Transporter. Or … a married couple consisting of both.

I am looking for literate writers. Posts should be 500+ words, decent grammar and spelling, 3rd person, past tense.

No animated Gifs!!! (Medical reasons here. You can hide them in spoilers though.)
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No. This is a serious roleplay. Not Derp. Each of the stereotypes was chosen for their potential skills. Please note, that a submitted CS will be considered an Application, not an automatic acceptance. I am pretty open minded. But this is not designed as a romance roleplay, though it can have its place. Humor is welcome. But ... a stoner house would be the death of the group.
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