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Futuristic Nero: The Hidden City - OOC

SCSaya06 SCSaya06 Hey, I've been gone for a few days on my summer holiday. I hope that hasn't been too much of a disruption on the course of the rp and it if has I apologize.
SCSaya06 SCSaya06 Hey, I've been gone for a few days on my summer holiday. I hope that hasn't been too much of a disruption on the course of the rp and it if has I apologize.
No worries pal, nothing's happened so far. The most that happened was a couple characters met up, and a potential mission was presented, though from what I've seen nobody's bothered with it yet.
No worries pal, nothing's happened so far. The most that happened was a couple characters met up, and a potential mission was presented, though from what I've seen nobody's bothered with it yet.
I understand we get to choose our colonies now?
I've checked the lore page and it seems like colonies haven't been updated. Though it seems like not a lot of people joined Astraea so it should be fine for me to make that my colony?
Yeah, I haven't been able to update a lot of the info since I had fallen ill during that time. I'll update it later on.

June Verles June Verles We're just starting out so you haven't missed much.
We have a couple of dropouts it seems. Also, just a reminder that we don't really have a strict posting schedule so if you want to respond to whoever you're interacting with go right ahead.

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