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Peter grinned widely. "Now show me around the neighborhood?"
"Sure thing" she said hoping off the stool and walked outside. They passed some nice homes and shops. "There are some clothing shops here,... we can go inside any of the shops that you find interesting if you like.." she suggested
"Sure thing" she said hoping off the stool and walked outside. They passed some nice homes and shops. "There are some clothing shops here,... we can go inside any of the shops that you find interesting if you like.." she suggested
He nodded and looked at the small shops. He walked inside one full of casual wear.
He bought quite a few outfits and they went home. He was eager to start learning Japanese almost immediately.
Aqua ened buying an out fit, some snack and two candles on their walk throughout the neighborhood. Going into the office of the house she gathered a notebook, a book and some random things. Peter was excited to start learning Japanese, so she gathered a few things to help her teach him a few words and phrases at first.
Aqua ened buying an out fit, some snack and two candles on their walk throughout the neighborhood. Going into the office of the house she gathered a notebook, a book and some random things. Peter was excited to start learning Japanese, so she gathered a few things to help her teach him a few words and phrases at first.
Peter had dedicated almost all of his time to fixing things around the house and studying Japanese. By the time school rooked around (about two months later) he had a great handle on the language. Able to speak it and read it reasonably well.
Peter had dedicated almost all of his time to fixing things around the house and studying Japanese. By the time school rooked around (about two months later) he had a great handle on the language. Able to speak it and read it reasonably well.
Aqua was quite excited with school starting, she woke up quite early. Got into her uniform and held up her tentecles in a type of loose ponytail. After getting ready she made her way into the kitchen to make them both bento boxs as well as a large breakfast.
Aqua was quite excited with school starting, she woke up quite early. Got into her uniform and held up her tentecles in a type of loose ponytail. After getting ready she made her way into the kitchen to make them both bento boxs as well as a large breakfast.
Peter was still asleep. (Are they gonna be in the same year or no? I originally planned for Peter to be in Deku's class)
Peter was still asleep. (Are they gonna be in the same year or no? I originally planned for Peter to be in Deku's class)
(Up to you I would not mind either way. What would work best with the story) Aqua noticed the time and that Peter had not gotten up yet. Going to his room Aqua knocked on his door before opening it. "Peter, time to wake up sleepy head!, don't want to be late for school" she said sticking her head into the room
(Up to you I would not mind either way. What would work best with the story) Aqua noticed the time and that Peter had not gotten up yet. Going to his room Aqua knocked on his door before opening it. "Peter, time to wake up sleepy head!, don't want to be late for school" she said sticking her head into the room
His eyes fluttered open. "Morning." He said. He was still speaking English. She was better as speaking English that he was at speaking Japanese at this point. (Probably same class then) He sat up rubbing his eyes.
His eyes fluttered open. "Morning." He said. He was still speaking English. She was better as speaking English that he was at speaking Japanese at this point. (Probably same class then) He sat up rubbing his eyes.
(Same class it is ^-^)
"Morning Peter...ready for school? I have breakfast ready..." she said happily "hurry and get dressed so you can have breakfast" she added.
(Same class it is ^-^)
"Morning Peter...ready for school? I have breakfast ready..." she said happily "hurry and get dressed so you can have breakfast" she added.
Peter got up and went to the restroom to shower and brush his teeth. When done he put on suit. Then he put on his UA uniform over it. He did a little spin. Looking at the mirror. "Not too shabby." He came out of his room wearing most the uniform. The jacket was wrapped around his waist as he sat down. "Itadakimasu." He said a little instinctively now as he ate.
Peter got up and went to the restroom to shower and brush his teeth. When done he put on suit. Then he put on his UA uniform over it. He did a little spin. Looking at the mirror. "Not too shabby." He came out of his room wearing most the uniform. The jacket was wrapped around his waist as he sat down. "Itadakimasu." He said a little instinctively now as he ate.
Finishing making the breakfast she set it on the table as Peter made his way in "the uniform looks great on you" she said with a smile, glad he was going to attend school with her. Sitting down she placed her hands together "Itadakimau" she said before eatting
Finishing making the breakfast she set it on the table as Peter made his way in "the uniform looks great on you" she said with a smile, glad he was going to attend school with her. Sitting down she placed her hands together "Itadakimau" she said before eatting
"Yeah." He said. "Not use to the whole uniform thing but I'm sure it'll be one of many firsts. Like using my powers publicly.* He said. "You think that they'll let me keep my webshooters so long as I have the provisional license?" He asked. "That reminds me. How did you get yours? Normally you get from school but if we're both starting out... Reccomendation from you family?"
"Yeah." He said. "Not use to the whole uniform thing but I'm sure it'll be one of many firsts. Like using my powers publicly.* He said. "You think that they'll let me keep my webshooters so long as I have the provisional license?" He asked. "That reminds me. How did you get yours? Normally you get from school but if we're both starting out... Reccomendation from you family?"
"Right I forget in the US schools normally don't use uniforms.." she said "you will but you have to make sure you place it in your hero suite application and think they might place it into inspection...but think you will be able to keep them" she added "yea...family recommended, my family always donated to the school I was able to take the exam eairlier then most" she said rubbing the back of her head. Although she had her license she felt that she still had a lot to learn and be more confident in using her quirk
"Right I forget in the US schools normally don't use uniforms.." she said "you will but you have to make sure you place it in your hero suite application and think they might place it into inspection...but think you will be able to keep them" she added "yea...family recommended, my family always donated to the school I was able to take the exam eairlier then most" she said rubbing the back of her head. Although she had her license she felt that she still had a lot to learn and be more confident in using her quirk
"Well let's go." He said standing up. "Don:t want to be late."
"Well let's go." He said standing up. "Don:t want to be late."
"Right" she said getting up and grabbing her bag along with their bentos. "UA provides lunch,...but having a bento on your first day is a tradition in my family" she said handing him a bento box wraped in a large henkerchif. Sliding on her shose she walked out the door with him.
"Right" she said getting up and grabbing her bag along with their bentos. "UA provides lunch,...but having a bento on your first day is a tradition in my family" she said handing him a bento box wraped in a large henkerchif. Sliding on her shose she walked out the door with him.
He took the box. They went to wait at the train station. (Gimme a minute need to rewatch some episodes)

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