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"Grandpa Max." He said. Grandpa got them both down and memory Ben went I to the RV at first not noticing the red headed girl with him. "This is gonna be the best vacation ev-" he looked at her. "What are you doing here!? What is SHE doing here!?"

Peter slowly backtracked and pulled the the fire alarm.
They continue to watch as the scene of Ben's past unfolds.

The alarm rang throughout the museum, guests were is shock many looking around and unsure what to do. While over guests quickly found an exit and ran out of the building. Employees started to quickly evacuate the remaining guests while other employees made sure no guests were left within the building.
They continue to watch as the scene of Ben's past unfolds.

The alarm rang throughout the museum, guests were is shock many looking around and unsure what to do. While over guests quickly found an exit and ran out of the building. Employees started to quickly evacuate the remaining guests while other employees made sure no guests were left within the building.
"Like I wanna be here? I had my summer all planned out. But someone convinced my mom that travelling the country with my grandpa would be a good experience for me?' she said. "Grandpa tell me you didn't." Ben said in horror. "I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along. Was that wrong?" Max asked.

Barry appeared soon after. Peter went into the shadows and stealthily webbed the camera's when they weren't looking. He didn't need to give Iris MORE proof of himself. He took off his clothes revealing the red and blue suit beneath it.
"Like I wanna be here? I had my summer all planned out. But someone convinced my mom that travelling the country with my grandpa would be a good experience for me?' she said. "Grandpa tell me you didn't." Ben said in horror. "I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along. Was that wrong?" Max asked.

Barry appeared soon after. Peter went into the shadows and stealthily webbed the camera's when they weren't looking. He didn't need to give Iris MORE proof of himself. He took off his clothes revealing the red and blue suit beneath it.
"did you really find it annoying that your cousin came along? Think it was cute that your grandfather wanted to spend time with you both" Mirajane added

People and employees of the museum gathered outside waiting for the firemen and cops to arrive. Snart, on the other hand, decides that this was his chance to try and take the diamond and at the same time try out his cold gun both on items and humans alike that crossed his path.
"did you really find it annoying that your cousin came along? Think it was cute that your grandfather wanted to spend time with you both" Mirajane added

People and employees of the museum gathered outside waiting for the firemen and cops to arrive. Snart, on the other hand, decides that this was his chance to try and take the diamond and at the same time try out his cold gun both on items and humans alike that crossed his path.
"Gwen and I were conflicting personalities. We got along as well as Grey and Natsu. Only difference is we didn't pretend to like eachother when a certain person was around."
"Gwen and I were conflicting personalities. We got along as well as Grey and Natsu. Only difference is we didn't pretend to like eachother when a certain person was around."
Mirajane let out a chuckle as Erza looked from Ben over to Gray and Natsu. "what but we are friends...right buddy" Gray said placing his arm around Natsu. "right!" Natsu said giving them a thumbs up
Mirajane let out a chuckle as Erza looked from Ben over to Gray and Natsu. "what but we are friends...right buddy" Gray said placing his arm around Natsu. "right!" Natsu said giving them a thumbs up
They drove for a while before stopping at camp. "Alright everyone go out and wait. I'm gonna get dinner ready."
They drove for a while before stopping at camp. "Alright everyone goes out and wait. I'm gonna get dinner ready."
Mirajane and Erza watch the scenes unfold in front of them, Gray fold his arm becoming a bit bored but continued to watch and Natsu was dossing off.
Mirajane and Erza watch the scenes unfold in front of them, Gray fold his arm becoming a bit bored but continued to watch and Natsu was dossing off.
"Alright soups on." He placed a bowl in front of them. "Grandpa what is that?" Ben asked. "Meal worms. And their fresh."
"quite the adventurous cook, your grandfather" Mirajane commented
"Blegh..." Ben said. His memory self walked into the woods seeming to agree. Bad food and bad company. "Oh man this may be the worst summer vacation ever I might as well have gone to summer school."
"Blegh..." Ben said. His memory self walked into the woods seeming to agree. Bad food and bad company. "Oh man this may be the worst summer vacation ever I might as well have gone to summer school."
They continue to watched Erza wondering how he came upon his watch in a forest
He looked up. "Whoa... A shooting star..." He said. The said star suddenly turned directions falling straight toward him.
They watched as the shooting star aims towards Ben and hits the ground. Mirajane became worried, sure she knew Ben would make it but she couldn't help but worry
They watched as the shooting star aims towards Ben and hits the ground. Mirajane became worried, sure she knew Ben would make it but she couldn't help but worry
Ben ran and jumped out of the way. "Oof!" The sound of the explosion awoke Natsu.

The memory Ben got up and walked toward the crash site tumbling down it. The small metal orb opened up and revealed the prototype Omnitrix.

Barry arrived at the Museum and soon Soider-Man was with him. "Snarty boy!" Peter yelled.
Ben ran and jumped out of the way. "Oof!" The sound of the explosion awoke Natsu.

The memory Ben got up and walked toward the crash site tumbling down it. The small metal orb opened up and revealed the prototype Omnitrix.

Barry arrived at the Museum and soon Soider-Man was with him. "Snarty boy!" Peter yelled.
"Wha...were?!" Natsu yelled looking around as the explosion woke him up. He spotted the watch and smiled now hoping something exciting will happen.
The other three watched attentively, they were finding how how Ben possessed such abilities.

Snart tun to face Barry and Peter frowning and holdinging out the cold gun. He did not hesitate and shot at the two.
"Wha...were?!" Natsu yelled looking around as the explosion woke him up. He spotted the watch and smiled now hoping something exciting will happen.
The other three watched attentively, they were finding how how Ben possessed such abilities.

Snart tun to face Barry and Peter frowning and holdinging out the cold gun. He did not hesitate and shot at the two.
"What's a watch doing in outer space?" Ben said to himself. He smiled and reached out for it. It responded to jumping into his wrist.

Peter dodged gracefully his Soider-Sense saiding. Barry did not quite make it.
"What's a watch doing in outer space?" Ben said to himself. He smiled and reached out for it. It responded to jumping into his wrist.

Peter dodged gracefully his Soider-Sense saiding. Barry did not quite make it.
"Things are getting interesting now!" Natsu said excited as the watched jumped and attached on to Ben's wrist.

Snart smirks having hit Barry as he starts to walk over letting out another shot
"Things are getting interesting now!" Natsu said excited as the watched jumped and attached on to Ben's wrist.

Snart smirks having hit Barry as he starts to walk over letting out another shot
"Ah get off me get off me get off!" Ben desperately tried to pull it off. "Graandpaaaaa!"

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