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i hope wqr gets back before i have to skip him again
Main Plot
i've got to do me other characters

Joseph 'WildCard'- N-On-E-Mus N-On-E-Mus
Joseph was at his door, trying to unlock it. He always did stupid stuff like that. Everybody called him wildcard, he had a lot of powers, however he had no control over them. Sometimes he would be trying to do his work in class and turn into a toaster, no, really. He heard Keethan and said, "Yeah... My door got locked and I don't really want to use my powers..." He stepped feebly out of the way

He was already up, because there is infinite room on this campus a janitor would have to work overtime to sweep it all, he always gets it done... Somehow... The timeline shifts didn't really bother him.

next post will be everyone else
also Stricken Steel Stricken Steel is your character living in some kind of dystopia?
i've got to do me other characters

Joseph 'WildCard'- N-On-E-Mus N-On-E-Mus
Joseph was at his door, trying to unlock it. He always did stupid stuff like that. Everybody called him wildcard, he had a lot of powers, however he had no control over them. Sometimes he would be trying to do his work in class and turn into a toaster, no, really. He heard Keethan and said, "Yeah... My door got locked and I don't really want to use my powers..." He stepped feebly out of the way

He was already up, because there is infinite room on this campus a janitor would have to work overtime to sweep it all, he always gets it done... Somehow... The timeline shifts didn't really bother him.

next post will be everyone else
also Stricken Steel Stricken Steel is your character living in some kind of dystopia?
Im just going with the flow XD
you can still call me lj ya kno

"Ah...Move BLYATS!" Boris honked his car horn, To which he was driving his Adidas themed LADA car. "Haha!" Boris rammed the small car throughout the crowd of cars and sipped his Vodka. "Eat this slow Comrades!" Why was Boris up this early? Vodka. Vodka somehow gave him the Ability to never ever sleep, And which he was going to get more bottles right now.
Keethan Joglo

Keethan looked at the guy oddly "Don't like using your powers?" he asked, slightly surprised. He couldn't imagine why someone would not want to use their powers. He then walked through the door, before unlocking it, he looked around. To his disappointment didn't see anything of value to him. He went, and opened the door for him. "There ya go mate, if ya ever need help with locked doors, I'm right across the hall" He said, as he adjusted his bag, and headed inside the campus

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