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Main Plot
Only doing tenaki rn so N-on can do his
Tenaki- ackackackackack ackackackackack
She woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. It was a Monday morning again. She noticed there must have been a timeline shift because the clock was 2 hours off. She rolled over in her bed and tired to go back to sleep. But she couldn't. Oh well, being early is better than being late! She got up, walked over and woke up Yuki on the other side of the room.

N-On-E-Mus N-On-E-Mus you can go
at some point Mj will rejoin and he's going to want his characters back Sam
im back
hey N-On
lol it took me like a month to realized that when u say N-On-E-Mus fast it sounds like "Anonymous"

also, Are you two fighting again? *angery*
Main Plot
Keethan Joglo

Keethan groaned as his alarm clock went off. He tried to reach for it, but didn't see feel it. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw his alarm clock on the other side of the room. Ooh yeah, you put it there, so you don't hit snooze. He groaned, as he got up, phasing through the blanket, and turned off the alarm clock. He started his morning routine, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. He then phased through the door. He couldn't remember the last time he had opened it. Probably rusted shut by now he thought, as he walked out of his dorm, and into the hall. He noticed then one guy who seemed to be trying to unlock his door. He went over to him. "Oi, need any help wit that mate?" he asked
Okay, Whats happening or whats the storyline so far?
Well... You'd have to ask wqr for the full because there has been way to much that has happened, the gist is a bunch of characters from all over the multiverse try to get through life while an power hungry god try's to consume everything in an attempt to rebuild the world as his own, combine that with nukes, apocalypses, dream worlds, an evil vampire trying to turn everybody into a zombie, an psychotic drug dealer, and a 'school' with an infinite campus full of a bunch of people with really weird abilities, and you may get a sense of the plot.
The easiest start would be in a dorm at the campus but you can start anywhere really
Main Plot

"Ah...Move BLYATS!" Boris honked his car horn, To which he was driving his Adidas themed LADA car. "Haha!" Boris rammed the small car throughout the crowd of cars and sipped his Vodka. "Eat this slow Comrades!" Why was Boris up this early? Vodka. Vodka somehow gave him the Ability to never ever sleep, And which he was going to get more bottles right now.

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