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"strange path you say , i dont think i can check that out alone , maybe when you guys have a plan ill join" says kurt before running off anf teleporting away

"getting firewood would be a great way to pass time , maybe it'll give me some time alone too" john says to the group hoping no one would offer to join him.
Irys is wandering around the camp, picking up sticks and throwing them in the woods because she's bored out of her mind. She wonders if someone would join her.

Bucky sits by the fire staring into it blankly. He's beginning to remember his past.
"And you!" Alex says, grabbing John's shirt "Are coming with us because whether we like it or not, you're part of my team." he adds "And I don't think you want another trip to Fury's office, plus we have enough wood for now.", he then looks at Irys "Hey Irys, come join us at the parkour!"

Victoria smiles "Well it beats being around scared people who probably didn't sleep a wink." she says and wonder whether she could make an illusion for the prank.
Irys looks up, smiling. "Of course, Alex!" She rushes to catch up to them. "Alright, let's go!"

Bucky starts to wander around, making sure no one is getting into trouble.
john vibrates out of alex's hand "im in , but im not a part of YOUR team " john says getting up walking with them
"i dont even know what the means , but im guessing its something close to a party pooper" john says tilting his head to the side in confusion " and i said im coming"
Irys smiles. "Well..." She holds out her hand, palm facing the ground. With one swift motion, some of the moisture floated into the air. With a flick of her fingers the small spheres of water turned to ice. "There."
"i see, thats slippery , and i run very fast, if we ever get in a sparring match i'll very cartooneshly lose" john says flicking one of the ice spheres to the ground
"Cartooneshly, you say? Well, I'd like to see that," She says chuckling. She then says to herself: "I think we'll be good friends."
"Then whose team are you on exactly? Because if we don't get the teamwork down we won't go on missions." Alex points out "And they made me the team leader, complain with Fury if you don't agree with it." he points out. He sighs "Okay Irys, we're not allowed to use our powers near the other students." he explains "Helps us blend in more, also... it can get you into trouble, just ask John here."
Irys looks at John. "I did not know that. What got you into trouble? Huh?" She was a little angry but she still smiled, face turning bright red. "Thank you for telling me, Alex."
"No problem. Also, he used his superspeed to make a tent out of mud in seven seconds when he got here." Alex says and he chuckles "And our survival excercise didn't go so well because he refused to take orders. He doesn't agree I'm the team leader."
"having someone who's not actively thinking about killing me would be fun" johns says , " alex , i dont care about you being the team leader , i dont really care about the team in the first place, if it was a little more inviting i would" he moved infront of the group and turns to them "why do we even follow the power rule , half of us dont even have secret identities , and the other half is practically invincible "
"i'm talking about them" john says pointing at the atreus , victoria and alex "everyone one of them has already made a full plan to kill me"
"if anyone hurts her i will kill everyone in this forest" john says before turning back to the other three to wait for their answers.
Alex chuckles "If I wanted you dead John, rest assured, you already would be and everyone would think it's a freak accident. So no I don't have a plan to kill you. Neither does Victoria, but you've been quite rude to everyone, how do you think we'll act towards an asshole who didn't bother getting to know us before judging?"
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Atreus pulls her along into the woods to take her back to the open field they were at before and once they were there he does release her hand."It is peaceful out here." He smiled.

Thalia folds her arms."Would you shut up with your stupid attitude John, you act more like a villain then a hero." She goes off towards the coarse."Just don't bother with him Irys." She warned the newcomer as she goes by.

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