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INTERACTION: LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Mako remained calm. No matter how many negative thoughts are going to eat at him during his words and no matter how suffocating that sinking feeling in his stomach will get-- He can still play the schizophrenia card, right? Usually a good thing that detours people is the diagnosis. However, he got the feeling that, based on how the others' words came out, that he should probably explain in full, so as calm as he can be, he answered the others' questions first,

"No you aren't supposed to be dead..., or I don't think it's not like I see when people are supposed to die but with how things have been my entire life we all die at some point but only when it's time. As for if it makes a difference, I can't answer that I really don't know the answer. And I'd like to apologize as I didn't intend to say that out loud and it probably sounded so weird coming from a different student and I do have two explanations for it. The first one is the truth that you'd be less likely to believe, which is...I can see ghosts but can't tell the difference between ghosts and people. As a result, social conflict actually scares me, or the second one, which covers the other up, I am a Shizophrenic nutbag. Believe what you want."

He didn't have the energy for this really, not that he did on a regular day anyway, though he did make the choice of not
mentioning his other two abilities because there was no need for them to be mentioned. Perhaps if he had an accident like today, that would be explained, but not in the moment. But not right now. Mako kind of kept his eyes to the floor the entire time he spoke, fidgeting with his sleeve.​
"I'll believe you can see ghosts. We live in a world where radioactive spiders make people powerful instead of killing them outright. I saw a guy teleport like it was the easiest thing in the world just an hour ago. But now I'm going to challenge you to do the same in terms of belief. You say that everyone has their time to die? You're wrong. I can't die."

Jordan watched the boy who was staring at the ground for another moment before opening his own book and reading through it.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTION: LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

Mako replies ā€œwell I hope both of us are wrong, please donā€™t take offense to that I just donā€™t see the good out of living forever. Living forever for me means you lose those you care about. I am also not hoping or wishing for death on you because within reason people should be able to live. I hope I am wrong because that means something is planning out everyoneā€™s beginnings and ends that is a bit unsettling.ā€So he had powers too or a power? From the way he spoke of it someone else here did too. ā€œAlso my name is Mako.ā€ He added though he didnā€™t know if anything would come out of this for all he knew it could be another Narah situation. Once he sees what the other is reading he asks

ā€œIs your power indestructibility? If it is I donā€™t think you canā€™t die. Your simply just immune to bodily harm like stab wounds or something. meaning old age or sickness could probably still get you I guess? Thatā€™s if itā€™s the case though and if you are looking for a weakness haha I am gonna be quiet now I am talking too much even for my own liking. I usually donā€™t talk to this much I prefer being quiet.ā€ Mako finishes before turning his attention back to his own book. He wasnā€™t an expert and he wasnā€™t gonna pretend to be.
"I've... never been sick. Not a cold boy a fever. Nothing. I've never had so much as an upset stomach. As far as I can tell, I can't even die of old age. That would require my cells breaking down, my dna deteriorating to the point where it can't replicate without imperfections. We won't know for certain until I'm much older but..." Jordan reached into his pocket and produced a small knife. He dragged the blade across sttands of his hair but none of them got anywhere close to being cut. "Not even my hair which is supposed to be dead can be cut. Even my hair is alive."

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS : LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

ā€œHmmm if I didnā€™t know any better Iā€™d think it was some sort of advanced healing factorā€¦.ā€ Mako got to thinking before finally replying ā€œI donā€™t know what to tell youā€¦ā€ Mako at this moment realizes he doesnā€™t have the name of the other student but proceeds further regardless ā€œthe best I can suggest if books arenā€™t enough isā€¦some sort of exposure experiment where you expose yourself to as many things as possible to try and find something. I wish I could help a little moreā€¦ā€ ā€˜An exposure experiment? How would that even work outā€¦ā€™ Mako thinks to himself.​
"It's funny. You expect others to suspend their disbelief when you tell them you see ghosts, but you yourself look for any and all other possibilities for something you don't believe in." Jordan observed with a monotone voice. He then took the small blade and pressed it against his neck and slowly applied more and more pressure. The blade pushed harder and harder against the skin but could not puncture, soon it started to bend a bit before snapping all together and clattering to the ground "Not a healing factor then." Amused Jordan picked up the broken off blade and placed it in front of Mako.

"Jordan is my name." He stood up and gathered the few books he had taken from the shelves and went to see if it were possible to take them out of the library.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTION: LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971

ā€œItā€™s not that I donā€™t believe you. You are looking for a weakness, arenā€™t you? At least thatā€™s what I can guess based off the books you picked,ā€ Mako explained. ā€œHowever, that is none of my business, so Iā€™ll just stop. And I donā€™t expect people to suspend their disbelief about my ghost sight. If anything, I rely a bit too much on that disbelief. I am actually diagnosed with schizophrenia and that's my issue as far as any else is concerned nice to meet you, though, Jordan" Mako decided to stay at the table. Kind of relieved he could go back into the peaceful silence. He wasn't expecting to make friends or anything and he wouldn't deem Jordan a friend or enemy, just another student. Mako just didn't want to talk to anyone. He tried to talk to him because of him muttering stupidly about his 'knowing him not being dead'. Besides, chances were they probably wouldn't even speak to each other again... and for better or for worse, Mako was fine with that. With that being said, he made a mental note to dodge the students here more than he dodged the other students at his old school unless, of course, Envisioned was triggered in a bad way at least..

Wait, he had a dormmate....


He'll wait till a little later to go back to the dorms.​
Phil Coulson
"Fury requested I keep an eye on the gears kid while he holds on to some artifacts for Shield in some pocket dimension." Phil said, still unsure why he was trusted with the many superpowered artifacts in his possession
Comicwolf Comicwolf
Bruce shook his head lightly ā€œif you dont mind i like for you to keep an eye on the other students as wellā€

He wouldnt say which ones but thinks lily is mysterious, not much known about her abilities or who her family is.
Gears Gears

Lily finishes cleaning up the blood stain and puts away the clean supplies under bathroom sink after pouring the water in the shower drain
Takes off cleaning gloves putting them with clean supplies before slipping her normal ones back on
Agent Coulson
ā€œThe ice one? Sure I can do that.ā€ Phil reached into his briefcase and pulled out a file ā€œthis is the stuff Eddie is safeguarding, well what isnā€™t classified.ā€ Various artifacts, even Bruce recognized such as a green lantern ring and a stash of kryptonite; along with many things he didnā€™t.
Comicwolf Comicwolf
Agent Coulson
ā€œThe ice one? Sure I can do that.ā€ Phil reached into his briefcase and pulled out a file ā€œthis is the stuff Eddie is safeguarding, well what isnā€™t classified.ā€ Various artifacts, even Bruce recognized such as a green lantern ring and a stash of kryptonite; along with many things he didnā€™t.
Comicwolf Comicwolf
Bruce wayne grab the file from coulson and started to look through it, feeling bit confused ā€œwhats classified? And why are we trusting a student to protect power itemsā€¦.ā€

Lily leaves her dorm heading to the cafeteria, the elevator taking her to first floor. She step out walking through the hallway till reaching the food hall.

Taking a tray and getting food from the lunch robots

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (theres a elevator no stairs to the dorms)
Last edited:

Narah got lost again but merely sighed. She wanted to throw something against a wall Or bash her head into it. 'This place isn't that big surely' She thought to herself. She looked for the elevator that would go up, since she figured common sense says that's where the dorms are. She found the cafeteria bypassed the library--She wasn't much of a reader. Though that dumb...Fever dream? was, 'No Fever dream is a terrible nickname'. She was trying to come up with an insulting nickname as a retort. If she ever saw him again after the school year was over, he had one for her. She thought it made sense, but considering the nature of his powers, it was difficult for her to come up with a halfway decent one. Pushing that aside, she continued on with her task. Every time she found a classroom she'd camouflage incase it was in session and walk away, deactivating her own powers. When she finally came across the elevator after way too long of walking around the first floor of the stupid school, she walked up to it and pressed the button.

(Fixed it.)​
Bruce wayne grab the file from coulson and started to look through it, feeling bit confused ā€œwhats classified? And why are we trusting a student to protect power itemsā€¦.ā€

Lily leaves her dorm heading to the cafeteria, the elevator taking her to first floor. She step out walking through the hallway till reaching the food hall.

Taking a tray and getting food from the lunch robots

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (theres a elevator no stairs to the dorms)
ā€œThe kidā€™s abilities allows him to move them in a few seconds, kid wonā€™t go to the other side any time sooneither according to one of our telepaths.ā€

Mako left the library after he was done there. He was hoping his dorm mate wasnā€™t there at the moment. He checked the map and directed himself towards the elevator, his blue eyes widen seeing someone way too familiar,he says.

ā€œCHAMELEON! What are you doing here?ā€

Narah sighed, too exhausted for this discussion.

ā€œAnd why are you here? And why is the first thing you call me not Narah but Chameleon?ā€

Mako rolled his eyes as he entered the elevator, the teal-haired girl following behind him.

ā€œMy mom thought a new environment would do me some good and then my dad agreed, so here I am.ā€

Narah raised an eyebrow.

ā€œAt a school for superheroes in training?ā€

Makoā€™s eyes went wide. ā€œA what?!ā€

Narah face palmed.

ā€œHow did you even get in if youā€™re unaware?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know. Howā€™d you get in? I never took you for the hero kind.ā€

ā€œI hate to admit it, but I was careless, Ghosty,ā€ was her response.

ā€˜Hey, thereā€™s a nickname.ā€™

Mako just nodded, ignoring the sudden nickname.

ā€œI told youā€”ā€œ

ā€œOh, shut up. Itā€™s bad enough I canā€™t go to school with Maiya! Now I have to deal with you on top of it!ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy to see you either. Iā€™m actually surprised we held a half decent conversation this long. But we are now stuck at a school for heroes. Which, on the other hand, does make more sense, I supposeā€¦ā€

He says thinking back to Jordan. So thatā€™s why he wasnā€™t surprised about Ghost sight. He probably figured Mako knew on top of it all. He then adds

ā€œOur powers are not exactly made for heroism. That I think we can both agree and, as much as we hate each other, we are familiar with each other.ā€

Narah spoke up

ā€œI hate to admit it, but you have a point. This school is unknown territory, so instead of trying to kill each other we might as well attempt to tolerate each other. Also, Ghosty, if you are in a fight with a villain and envisioned kicked in, I think thatā€™d be a decent ability for herowork. With all that being saidā€¦ā€

They both ended up saying in unison when the elevator stopped on the second floor.

ā€œWe better not be dorm mates!ā€
Jordan made his way back to his dorm room and noted that his roommate, Lily was her name, was not there. That was fine, he liked the silence. It might be the last bit of silence he got for a while at any rate. He sat on his bed and wondered what this school would actually entail. How dangerous would it be? Would there be tests? Could he actually stay in the program?
The colors dancing across her vision when Yuki Asuka spoke probably would've distracted her from noticing much about her appearance. Except, that pair of wings stood out quite obvious on the other teen, kind of hard to overlook despite the Empathic Chromesthia's attempt. Relief surged through her, not about the wings or anything like that, but over the fact that she had one less thing to wonder about. She immediately bit her lip as she realized how any hint about her power wasn't so apparent.

As Yuki turned back to Nina, Nina pulled her gaze back to focus on the other girl's face but her gaze immediately focused onto the colors this time. "Oh! Don't worry about that." She said, latching onto the latter part of the introduction. "You will probably be better at being a good roommate than...well..." Nina faltered, not used to talking about her power. Even now in a school to help her train it she was having trouble finding the right words. "What else I have got to deal with. My name is Nina Haas, by the way." Nina hesitantly stuck out her hand after giving her own introduction.

"It is good to meet you, Yuki."
SilverInu SilverInu
Mayali Mayali

"It is nice to meet you, Nina, if that is ok to call you that, or if you have a preferred name you want me to use, now for the pronoun I use she/her and sometimes They/them if you are not sure or forget," she said as she looked the other girl over with a polite smile as she ignored how the other faltered as it seemed that seemed to be a touchy subject, so she would not pressure her to talk about it unless she was willing. " though I might have an odd request for you if you are willing to help me with it, as it retains to my wings, but if it makes you uncomfortable just say so as I will not be upset. So wings require grooming to keep them in good condition and I can usually get most of the feathers taken care of except the ones closer to where my wings sprout from my back... which usually requires assistance and a lot of trust on my part but it will one need to be done once and a while " she asked as she looked away nervously.

Mako left the library after he was done there. He was hoping his dorm mate wasnā€™t there at the moment. He checked the map and directed himself towards the elevator, his blue eyes widen seeing someone way too familiar,he says.

ā€œCHAMELEON! What are you doing here?ā€

Narah sighed, too exhausted for this discussion.

ā€œAnd why are you here? And why is the first thing you call me not Narah but Chameleon?ā€

Mako rolled his eyes as he entered the elevator, the teal-haired girl following behind him.

ā€œMy mom thought a new environment would do me some good and then my dad agreed, so here I am.ā€

Narah raised an eyebrow.

ā€œAt a school for superheroes in training?ā€

Makoā€™s eyes went wide. ā€œA what?!ā€

Narah face palmed.

ā€œHow did you even get in if youā€™re unaware?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know. Howā€™d you get in? I never took you for the hero kind.ā€

ā€œI hate to admit it, but I was careless, Ghosty,ā€ was her response.

ā€˜Hey, thereā€™s a nickname.ā€™

Mako just nodded, ignoring the sudden nickname.

ā€œI told youā€”ā€œ

ā€œOh, shut up. Itā€™s bad enough I canā€™t go to school with Maiya! Now I have to deal with you on top of it!ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy to see you either. Iā€™m actually surprised we held a half decent conversation this long. But we are now stuck at a school for heroes. Which, on the other hand, does make more sense, I supposeā€¦ā€

He says thinking back to Jordan. So thatā€™s why he wasnā€™t surprised about Ghost sight. He probably figured Mako knew on top of it all. He then adds

ā€œOur powers are not exactly made for heroism. That I think we can both agree and, as much as we hate each other, we are familiar with each other.ā€

Narah spoke up

ā€œI hate to admit it, but you have a point. This school is unknown territory, so instead of trying to kill each other we might as well attempt to tolerate each other. Also, Ghosty, if you are in a fight with a villain and envisioned kicked in, I think thatā€™d be a decent ability for herowork. With all that being saidā€¦ā€

They both ended up saying in unison when the elevator stopped on the second floor.

ā€œWe better not be dorm mates!ā€
Around that time, at mako future dormā€¦
Two members of stan clean up crew had moved out a few belongings making the left side of the room untouched

ā€œShame to lose a student but her new school would help deal with the paparazzi and fansā€ one of them mentioned to the other cleaner.

They finish loading up the rolling cart hamper with the items and close the door
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

After getting off the elevator, they searched for their dorm rooms. They were getting a bit uncomfortable the longer it took for the others to find their respective dorm. Or at least until Narah and Mako found it at the same time. If looks could kill, it would be Narah. Granted, if she did die from a single stare, sheā€™d probably torment Mako until a fate just as terrible claimed his life. Narah screamed at Mako.

ā€œThis is a joke, right!? Right!? Youā€™re bluffing!?ā€

so much for attempting to tolerate each otherā€¦Mako replied.

ā€œI wish I was. We are dorm mates. We are stuck in the same room for the rest of the school year without Maiya preventing us from killing each other.ā€

Killing was a bit of an overstatement and more or so, an exaggeration. They hated each otherā€¦sureā€¦they despised each other, of course. However, that doesnā€™t mean they were such indecent humans as to wish death upon each other or to attempt to end each other and even if that was the case, if Mako had attempted and succeeded to kill her, he was well aware sheā€™d haunt him.

ā€œDANG IT!ā€

Mako replied.

ā€œIf it makes you feel better, I wonā€™t be in the dorm all that often. The library is way more relaxing and quiet.ā€

Narah glared at him as they walked inside the dorm. Which seemed newly cleaned.

ā€œWhatā€™s that supposed to mean!?ā€

Mako replies

ā€œYou are loud. And a bit overwhelming. Besides, as far as I am concerned, there are no possible ghosts in the library. I call Right Sideā€

Narah shivered. There werenā€™t actually any possible ghosts in their dorm but Mako wasnā€™t going to tell her that. Narah took the left side of the room, dropped her belongings in a corner and merely fixed up her bed so she could pass out on it. Mako took more time fixing his side up before deciding to draw for the sake of calming his nerves before thinking about what to do next.
Suki's head leaned against the car window as she watched buildings and people pass by. She wasn't sure how to feel at this current moment and allowed the silence between her and her mom to fill the car. She could hear the occasional rubbing against the steering wheel as her mom let out a small breath. Suki could only assume that it was because both of them didn't know how to feel about this. It would be Suki's first time being away from home for so long. Suki always preferred being home to anywhere else. She would rather just stay in for the night, but this time there was no getting out of it. Both of them knew this.

The car came to a screeching halt as her mom parked the car, "Well, here we are." Her mom stated with a sigh. Her mom looked over at her and Suki looked right back. She could see the tears swelling up in her mom's eyes and noticed how her mom bit her cheek. "This is as far as I can take you," her mom continued as she looked away.

"Yeah," Suki responded, "I guess this is it? I'll have to walk the rest of the way?"
"Let me get your bags out of the car at least."

Her mom opened the car door and slammed it shut behind her. Suki followed suit, a part of her feeling guilty for making mom do most of the work. The trunk opened with a loud ding as the two stood there watching the trunk open. Her mom handed her the backpack and rolling suitcase Suki packed. She smiled at Suki and went in for a hug. Suki could feel the tears on her shirt.

"Let me know if you need anything, okay?" Her mom said in between sniffles.
"I promise," Suki said, refusing to let go of the hug.
"I love you, baby."
"Me too, mom."

Her mom was the first to let go of the hug.

The walk to the school wasn't bad. Suki darted between people and kept her eyes on the ground as she speed-walked into the gated community. Once inside she opened her backpack and grabbed an ID, assuming the school would need it to confirm it really was her. She took a breath and made her way to the front office. She walked in and placed her id on the table, "Hi. I was told to come here today? My name is Suki Wakanbe. I think I was supposed to see a Mr. Clint Barton?"
Suki's head leaned against the car window as she watched buildings and people pass by. She wasn't sure how to feel at this current moment and allowed the silence between her and her mom to fill the car. She could hear the occasional rubbing against the steering wheel as her mom let out a small breath. Suki could only assume that it was because both of them didn't know how to feel about this. It would be Suki's first time being away from home for so long. Suki always preferred being home to anywhere else. She would rather just stay in for the night, but this time there was no getting out of it. Both of them knew this.

The car came to a screeching halt as her mom parked the car, "Well, here we are." Her mom stated with a sigh. Her mom looked over at her and Suki looked right back. She could see the tears swelling up in her mom's eyes and noticed how her mom bit her cheek. "This is as far as I can take you," her mom continued as she looked away.

"Yeah," Suki responded, "I guess this is it? I'll have to walk the rest of the way?"
"Let me get your bags out of the car at least."

Her mom opened the car door and slammed it shut behind her. Suki followed suit, a part of her feeling guilty for making mom do most of the work. The trunk opened with a loud ding as the two stood there watching the trunk open. Her mom handed her the backpack and rolling suitcase Suki packed. She smiled at Suki and went in for a hug. Suki could feel the tears on her shirt.

"Let me know if you need anything, okay?" Her mom said in between sniffles.
"I promise," Suki said, refusing to let go of the hug.
"I love you, baby."
"Me too, mom."

Her mom was the first to let go of the hug.

The walk to the school wasn't bad. Suki darted between people and kept her eyes on the ground as she speed-walked into the gated community. Once inside she opened her backpack and grabbed an ID, assuming the school would need it to confirm it really was her. She took a breath and made her way to the front office. She walked in and placed her id on the table, "Hi. I was told to come here today? My name is Suki Wakanbe. I think I was supposed to see a Mr. Clint Barton?"
Clint barton was sitting in the admin desk reading a book when suki walked in. He slip the bookmark in and look at the id before starting to check the schedule folder. ā€œYes that would be meā€

He pull out the schedule setting it beside her id, the dorm key taped to it ā€œhere is your schedule miss wakanbe, follow the rules and you will be fine. Any questions?ā€

UhOhStinkyGirl UhOhStinkyGirl
Clint barton was sitting in the admin desk reading a book when suki walked in. He slip the bookmark in and look at the id before starting to check the schedule folder. ā€œYes that would be meā€

He pull out the schedule setting it beside her id, the dorm key taped to it ā€œhere is your schedule miss wakanbe, follow the rules and you will be fine. Any questions?ā€

UhOhStinkyGirl UhOhStinkyGirl
Suki pulled the paper schedule closer to her and traced her fingers on the words. Her eyes darted as she read the schedule and gave a firm nod. Everything seemed to be in order. She looked back up, meeting Clint's eyes.

"Do I have a roommate," she asked.

She was told that she might get a roommate, something she wasn't looking forward to. She never had to share a room or even a restroom--except in public spaces--so she was a bit nervous. What if they were messy? What if they were loud? There were too many things to worry about, one of them being a roommate. But, Suki also knew she had more concerns than a stranger. She was worried for her mom. They've never been apart this long before or maybe even ever.
Suki pulled the paper schedule closer to her and traced her fingers on the words. Her eyes darted as she read the schedule and gave a firm nod. Everything seemed to be in order. She looked back up, meeting Clint's eyes.

"Do I have a roommate," she asked.

She was told that she might get a roommate, something she wasn't looking forward to. She never had to share a room or even a restroom--except in public spaces--so she was a bit nervous. What if they were messy? What if they were loud? There were too many things to worry about, one of them being a roommate. But, Suki also knew she had more concerns than a stranger. She was worried for her mom. They've never been apart this long before or maybe even ever.
Clint sit back in his desk chair and explained ā€œyes, if you have any concerns or like to change roommates i can help. Sometimes its boy and girl pairing or same gender pairing for dorms but that depends on your preferenceā€

He understands why students felt nervous about dorm sharing, some might keep their hero side a secret or prefer being alone. But it was to help others with learning to coexist and work together
UhOhStinkyGirl UhOhStinkyGirl
Eddie Gears
Eddie quickly grabbed the metal, contained within a reinforced box before opening a portal in the room. Glitch was on the other side, not noticing him before pulling a hard drive from his massive computer. The exchange was quick and while Eddies portal recharged he said ā€œI thought you would have been called to this school I got sent too, you get anything from a Wayne guy or shield?ā€ Glitch nodded ā€œI felt I did not need further scholarly because of my high intellect, so I denied them.ā€ Eddie nodded before his pirral returned to bright green, allowing him to leave ā€œSee you around Glitch.ā€ Glitch nodded as he walked away with the metal, defining what project he could use it for.
Lily murdock

Lily sit quietly in the cafeteria, eating alone at a lunch table as other students were busy talking or chowing down on food. She wondered about if anyone wanted to talk with her or if they were too scared cause of rumors
Eddie locked his project inside of the safe, deciding to have the AI go through his data while he ate before he could begin training and testing its compatibility.

A few minutes later, Eddie walked to the lunch area, looking for a spot. Eddie didn't know anyone and wasn't much to make friends, seeing a lone girl he decided to sit at her table, close but not close enough to look creepy.

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