Viewpoint Making the first post, yay or nay?


New Member
This is something I found myself thinking about recently. I usually always make the first post to my 1x1 roleplays about 98% of the time. Most of my partners ask me to post first, and at first I struggled with it due to finding good ways to start, but it's gotten to the point where I pretty much offer to make the first post every single time now, and even prefer it over posting second.

So, my question is: do you usually make the first post in your roleplays, and do you enjoy it if so? Or if not, then what do you find to be the most difficult about posting first post or why do you dislike it so much?

I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions!
It depends. I usually respond to other people's search threads and if they already have some plot in mind I'd prefer them to make first post to introduce their ideas they way the see it and then I could adapt to them because I'm the one joining their plot.

If we make up a plot on the go when none of us had ideas prior to discussing rp, it's whoever wants to post first lol I don't mind doing it.
For me, it depends. If my character is in a position where it makes sense for me to write the starter, then I'll offer to do it-- ie., if they're the one driving the action. If that isn't the case... well, I'll still do it if my partner asks me to, though I will be less enthusiastic about it. I don't like writing first posts per se, mostly because they make me more nervous than regular posts, but someone has to do it, you know? So I just bite the bullet.
To me it's always about the plot/premise. I'll make the first post, or ask my partner to make the first post, depending on which one makes sense for that plot. As a rule of thumb, the first poster is the one that's setting the scene, while the second posts is starting the action.
i definitely agree with what Syntra Syntra and Idea Idea said, whatever makes more sense for the plot to start with gets to do the starter post. it makes things work out for the best, in my own opinion! it’s kinda hard to write starter posts, especially if your character...can’t really do much to start off a scene.

starter posts i definitely write in the sense to get a basic idea of the world AND my character, while with second posts i tend to focus way more on just introducing my own character. i think so, at least...? trying describe your own writing is weird, i have realized writing this out xD. but yeah, a lot of people are scared by starter posts, as they have to do “more” work. so whenever i have a partner who i ask to write the starter post for our rp, i always remind them i’m here to help so it’s not only their burden if they are struggling a bit. maybe you can try that- i suggest that kinda to everyone in general- makes starter posts a lot more easy and fun for me AND my partner :-D.
I often quite like writing first posts, probably because I find it fun to write the settings (~worldbuilding~) and go a bit mad with it. But not if it's the other person's vision: partly because I might not be sure that I've got the right idea and don't want to step on their toes, but mostly because... well, if it's your scene, you set it :v

For joint efforts, tentatively suggested plots, my own worlds, or existing canon universes... sure, if I'm in the mood to write, then I'll intimidate them with too many words, with the promise that follow-up posts almost definitely won't be as pointlessly wordy, please come back, I'm sorry. It tends to be setting-based, like a few people have said. Introduce the world: arrange the furniture and put out the snacks, and then focus on the guests properly when they show up.
I am somewhat of an exposition fairy, and tend to do the bulk of the world building in my roleplays. So I usually do the first post just to set up the world.

In the event of more equal world building it’s usually whoever is free first.
For me, it tends to depend on who's available to do it soonest, honestly. I don't mind either way. I enjoy doing it because exposition is fun, and I enjoy when someone else does it so I know where their head is at and have something to react to.
It depends on the plot. If it's something of my own that a partner expressed interest in, I have no problem writing up a first post. If it's the other way around, I expect my partner to write the opening. The only thing I find difficult about a first post is if it is from my partner's plot and they want me to start us off. I have no idea what's going on in their mind, what type of place our characters should meet in, and so on.
I prefer having the first post. I make a series of starters to minimize the amount of rework but there's something liberating about being the one to set the groundwork for our adventure. Likely an unpopular (?) opinion but one I feel all the same.
NAY! I hate doing the first post, if I set up the idea and world I technically have to- but if I'm talking to someone I'm close or comfortable with they already know I don't want to do it. I avoid it like the plague.
I'd say it's a mix of being worried I will set a poor precedent, do something wrong and also having merely mediocre writing skills. I've tried to get over my first-post-phobia but it's a work in progress.
There's no one in this thread so far who's been adamantly against it though, which is weird to me since in my experience I've seen more people hate the first post like I do. I wonder what changed that perspective?
NAY! I hate doing the first post, if I set up the idea and world I technically have to- but if I'm talking to someone I'm close or comfortable with they already know I don't want to do it. I avoid it like the plague.
I'd say it's a mix of being worried I will set a poor precedent, do something wrong and also having merely mediocre writing skills. I've tried to get over my first-post-phobia but it's a work in progress.
There's no one in this thread so far who's been adamantly against it though, which is weird to me since in my experience I've seen more people hate the first post like I do. I wonder what changed that perspective?

I think in my case, I just came to terms with the fact that I’m just as capable as whoever my partner is of setting a good scene to begin with. I’m pretty confident in my writing, so why not? There’s also the fact that we talk out beforehand where we wanna start, what the world is inspired by, etc. If we agree on the overall mood of the RP and the scene we want to play out first, as far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason why I can’t do it well. Also if for some reason they ever straight-up hate it, I can always edit ^.^

I still get excited tingles and slight anxiety whenever they post a reply, but that never goes away.
Like a lot of people here, for me it just depends on the individual circumstances. Usually when I post an ad for roleplay, it's because I already have a plot and setting in mind that I'm really itching to use. In that case, I'm probably going to have a better idea of what the setting is like so it makes more sense for me to start-- but if I approach someone else about a plot/setting they're advertising for, then I'd prefer they start because I'd feel a lot more confident if I have their writing to work off of.

Also, certain story beats might mean it makes more sense for one character to reply-- i.e., if the plot starts with my character finding your character unconscious, and how your character got there is supposed to be a mystery, it would probably make sense for me to start.

If all things are equal and it's not clear who would be best to start, I don't mind doing it. In fact, I'll usually volunteer. I find a lot of people find it difficult to get the ball rolling, so I'm happy to do it if it makes them more comfortable.

I do always kind of feel anxious sending my first post, but that's true whether it's a starter or reply. I never know if they're gonna like my writing style, if my character fits what they had in mind, etc. It's just the nerves of starting a roleplay with someone new, I guess.
In the past, I used to worry a lot about what other people would think of my starting post, but I was also too nervous to say no whenever I would get asked to start. Most of the people I'd meet preferred not to, so I knew I would have more opportunities if I improved. To soothe my anxieties, I told myself that one of us would have to write it eventually, and if they'd rather not, they would have to deal with whatever I put forward. I guess it ended up working out since I now actually enjoy making the first post. It still makes me just as anxious as anything else would, but my desire to write is more intense. Though I prefer not to start if I'm writing in a world someone else created-- unless it's a fandom.
This only counts for 1x1 rps for me, but my partner hates doing first posts so I just got very used to doing them. I tend to also be the one who's more keen on world building anyway, but we workshop it together until we both like the setting and have a general idea on what plot points and dynamics we want to hit. It helps we've been writing together for 12 years now, so I'm not that worried about accidentally hitting a theme they won't enjoy.
And it's just fun, to set the tone, figure out the framing and building in connection points and then handing the scene over and seeing how the other interacts with it

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