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Realistic or Modern Magic Space Dragon Teens: OOC

Character's Name
  • 158318bbfcf6a644937d950aed2d1d44--dragon-cartoon-drawing-tattoo-cartoon.jpg

    But in green

    Name: Bean (It's a nickname)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15 in dragon years

    Appearance: An Eastern-style dragon approximately one foot in length.


Psst, your not ment to post in the profile section until you have been aproved by welian welian .
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Also I still won't be home for a few hours but I'm working on a blood scale dragon warrior with healing abilities uwu

Hes like 1/3 done
  • 1aQin34.png

    Name: Princess (yes that's really her name) Barton

    Gender: Female

    Age: Sixteen

    Appearance: Princess is of average height, standing at about 5'5". Her figure is slim and willowy except for her hips which are rather wide. They curve into a nice, round firm bottom that extends to two long legs. Her arms and fingers are long as well with narrow shoulders. She doesn't have much by the way of breasts, only filling about a B cup.
    Her hair is long and thick with a natural straightness to it. It is well kept so it's texture is silken to the touch. It is a warm, light blonde color and extends down to the middle of her back.
    Her eyes are a striking blue color that light up when she smiles. She moves with the subtle grace and easyness that all those who are higher born and privileged possess. Her posture and physical mannerisms are excellent.

    Personality: Princess is mouthy, bossy and generally fairly annoying. She considers herself well above her peers due to her rich upbringing and never misses an opportunity to let everyone know it. When she has her heart set on something it's best not to get in her way as she is quite stubborn and pushy. Spoiled, vain and overly confident in herself, Princess can be a difficult person to get along with however if you win her over you'll have a very beneficial friend on your side.

    Backstory: Life before discovering the scale was actually pretty awesome for Princess. Born to the ancient, highly esteemed and very very rich Barton family, the girl never wanted for anything and had all the comforts in life money could buy. As you imagine, Princess was never told no and easily became a spoiled brat. Of course her parents weren't the ones to deal with her increasing attitude as she was left to the care of several household staff members who were more like family to her than any of her actual blood. This isolation by her parents didn't bother her too much as she had plenty of interesting things to occupy her time and plenty of people to order around.

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  • 1aQin34.png

    Name: Princess (yes that's really her name) Barton

    Gender: Female

    Age: Sixteen

    Appearance: Princess is of average height, standing at about 5'5". Her figure is slim and willowy except for her hips which are rather wide. They curve into a nice, round firm bottom that extends to two long legs. Her arms and fingers are long as well with narrow shoulders. She doesn't have much by the way of breasts, only filling about a B cup.
    Her hair is long and thick with a natural straightness to it. It is well kept so it's texture is silken to the touch. It is a warm, light blonde color and extends down to the middle of her back.
    Her eyes are a striking blue color that light up when she smiles. She moves with the subtle grace and easyness that all those who are higher born and privileged possess. Her posture and physical mannerisms are excellent.

    Personality: Princess is mouthy, bossy and generally fairly annoying. She considers herself well above her peers due to her rich upbringing and never misses an opportunity to let everyone know it. When she has her heart set on something it's best not to get in her way as she is quite stubborn and pushy. Spoiled, vain and overly confident in herself, Princess can be a difficult person to get along with however if you win her over you'll have a very beneficial friend on your side.

    Backstory: Life before discovering the scale was actually pretty awesome for Princess. Born to the ancient, highly esteemed and very very rich Barton family, the girl never wanted for anything and had all the comforts in life money could buy. As you imagine, Princess was never told no and easily became a spoiled brat. Of course her parents weren't the ones to deal with her increasing attitude as she was left to the care of several household staff members who were more like family to her than any of her actual blood. This isolation by her parents didn't bother her too much as she had plenty of interesting things to occupy her time and plenty of people to order around.

I love this. And I love how she contrasts with Anise. This is going to make for some interesting interactions.
I'm looking forward to actually being able to read the profiles after work.
teddy's abilities are still in progress because i'm a little stumped with what to make his last two, but other wise he's finished. im gonna take a break for now and maybe some ideas will pop into my head when im not even trying!

  • 9b1b3002b02392d67b5eb0393feb99c3--fan-art-chanyeol.jpg

    Name: Theodore "Teddy" Stoep

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Teddy has soft brown curly hair, amber eyes, and fair skin with warm undertones. He's a bit taller than average, and skinny, but not unhealthily so. For the most part he takes care of himself, and he likes the nice-smelling lady shampoos.

    Personality: Teddy is very earnest and enthusiastic, especially when it comes to friends. He is eager to make them, and gets attached to people easily. Around his friends he can be touchy-feely, being a hugger and enjoying being physically near them. On some level he is aware of the fact that coming off too strong can put other people at unease and therefore tries to control himself and give other people the distance they need. An emotionally volatile person, if he makes a friend and he thinks they've abandoned or betrayed him in some way he becomes upset very easily, whether or not it's actually happened. Getting quickly caught up in his emotions and having a victim mentality can lead to him turning on people or consider forms of revenge, and all this makes him highly susceptible to manipulation. His self-esteem is below average and he fears abandonment. Despite all that, when he's thinking clearly he typically follows the rules and respects authority and makes for a thoughtful companion. As for hobbies and interests, he likes animals, taking care of plants, and watching films.

    Teddy has had a slightly below average upbringing with distant parents and otherwise uneventful life. He's never had a very large friend group for long, and typically spends his time alone, not completely of his own volition. Plants and animals don't get weirded out by him, plants can't leave, and animals love the attention he can give them so Teddy would spend his time gardening and volunteering at a shelter. Seeing all his peers go out and live their lives and do crazy wild fun things gave him a sense of melancholy and made him wonder if he was wasting his youth before he'd inevitably be thrown into the workforce, so finding the Blood Dragon's scale in his backyard garden seems like the best thing that's ever happened to him- superhero powers and having a fantasy life to actually escape to, where he totally belongs? Yes please!

teddy's abilities are still in progress because i'm a little stumped with what to make his last two, but other wise he's finished. im gonna take a break for now and maybe some ideas will pop into my head when im not even trying!

Teddy (WIP)
  • 9b1b3002b02392d67b5eb0393feb99c3--fan-art-chanyeol.jpg

    Name: Theodore "Teddy" Stoep

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Teddy has soft brown curly hair, amber eyes, and fair skin with warm undertones. He's a bit taller than average, and skinny, but not unhealthily so. For the most part he takes care of himself, and he likes the nice-smelling lady shampoos.

    Personality: Teddy is very earnest and enthusiastic, especially when it comes to friends. He is eager to make them, and gets attached to people easily. Around his friends he can be touchy-feely, being a hugger and enjoying being physically near them. On some level he is aware of the fact that coming off too strong can put other people at unease and therefore tries to control himself and give other people the distance they need. An emotionally volatile person, if he makes a friend and he thinks they've abandoned or betrayed him in some way he becomes upset very easily, whether or not it's actually happened. Getting quickly caught up in his emotions and having a victim mentality can lead to him turning on people or consider forms of revenge, and all this makes him highly susceptible to manipulation. His self-esteem is below average and he fears abandonment. Despite all that, when he's thinking clearly he typically follows the rules and respects authority and makes for a thoughtful companion. As for hobbies and interests, he likes animals, taking care of plants, and watching films.

    Teddy has had a slightly below average upbringing with distant parents and otherwise uneventful life. He's never had a very large friend group for long, and typically spends his time alone, not completely of his own volition. Plants and animals don't get weirded out by him, plants can't leave, and animals love the attention he can give them so Teddy would spend his time gardening and volunteering at a shelter. Seeing all his peers go out and live their lives and do crazy wild fun things gave him a sense of melancholy and made him wonder if he was wasting his youth before he'd inevitably be thrown into the workforce, so finding the Blood Dragon's scale in his backyard garden seems like the best thing that's ever happened to him- superhero powers and having a fantasy life to actually escape to, where he totally belongs? Yes please!

Perhaps he can turn parts of his blood corrosive for his Heavy/Ultimate attack? (Not all of it, that'll kill him) Or apply some debuffs, the latter would make him even more of a support character.
I personallly associate Blood with a general sense of life, so perhaps some sort of communing with animals would also fit in the Blood dragon.
I personallly associate Blood with a general sense of life, so perhaps some sort of communing with animals would also fit in the Blood dragon.
IMO something like that would fit with the concept so far rather nicely >w<

Not that the other option is a bad idea, it's pretty interesting as well, especially the buffing :3
Idea Idea

If I'm not mistaken fire, metal, air and blood all have two people, which means they're full (The OP post needs an update~)
All of the other elements are still open and good to go!
Character's Name
  • 158318bbfcf6a644937d950aed2d1d44--dragon-cartoon-drawing-tattoo-cartoon.jpg

    But in green

    Name: Bean (It's a nickname)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15 in dragon years

    Appearance: An Eastern-style dragon approximately one foot in length.

    Personality: A handsome boy! An intelligent boy! And he loves to pose for photos! No, he doesn't. Bean is actually kind of anxious and will carry the shame of taking bad photos to his grave.

    Backstory: Bean has had a pretty sweet life as the son of one of the Guardians, even though his mom is just a glorified prison guard. He doesn't actually talk to her much, and lives with his father.
I finished. It's sloppy but finished.
Technically it's not full since we haven't been accepted yet right?
I know what you're trying to say but if the other two do get accepted, then the element is taken.
And it would be a waste of effort for the third person who made a profile with that element, so I think that's something that needed to be said anyway...

I was just encouraging people to try something else. It would be cruel to give them a option that could not really exist, you know? ^^'

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