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"Curse, what the heck...", whispering to herself. She quickly ran past the door and straight into gym."what does he mean by a curse... This is serious".
"Curse, what the heck...", whispering to herself. She quickly ran past the door and straight into gym."what does he mean by a curse... This is serious".

(puta picture of his female form)
Adrian walked out of the room and headed to where his first class would be, which coincidently was gym
"Oh fish sticks...", she ran and hid behind a basketball hoop.

He walked about halfway through the gym to the other side before he dropped to his knees and clutched his head, and was soon enveloped in a eerie green light (Changeling shape shifting green) which lasted about 10 seconds before the light vanished and revealed a different person (clothes changed too)

Anna looked at her watch witch showed the same time as when it was last seen "oh great, my watch was dead, Damn, well 24 hours left" she sighed and stood back up before continuing her path
She watched in complete horror, for she never seen a person or at least one that changed. She gotten up, and ran out the doors, slamming them. And ran out and onto the roof
Anna continued her day, getting her things organized for class, talking with each teacher about the situation, afterwards heading to the cafeteria
""What the hell...", she breathed out to herself. She shake her head continually,".I must be crazy! That kind of magic is... Unheard of!", she jumped down from the roof and walked in with an awkward smile
If she ventered to the cafeteria she could see Anna siting in the corner, and she could see some of the male students eyeing her from across the room
"Hmmm...", she saw the other students eyeing her, and walked over to an empty table and sat there. "Why is everybody looking at her.." She took off her jacket and placed it on the back of the chair, she was wearing a shirt with the words on the back of it that read "lord of 'touch me and you're dead'.". She looked at the male students that were staring at her for no reason.
Anna just ignored the guys, knowing this was pretty much routine, guys staring at cute girls, girls that they liked.

Anna dealt with this on a daily basis, mostly because no one knew of her curse.

Anna flicked her finger through the air as a white light began to glow on her finger tip, before making a circle above her head which descended down her body causing her to become invisible to the guys, but still visible to girls
Laura gotten up and slammed her fist on the table,"what am I to do about this kind of magic?". She put her jacket back on and sat there, watching the strange girl like a hawk.
"I know your watching me" Anna stated i, her direction without even looking up from her table
She quickly screched, "who are you, what do ya want!?", looking at her with anger in her eyes
"What's with the hostility? I was just going to ask the same thing" she replied looking at her
She slammed her hands on the table again, made a hat appear from her hands with her magic, and put it on her face.
One of the older male students approached Laura "goes it going cutie, is it your first day?" He asked stupidly Virus Virus
After she was done, Anna walked up to the girl "based on how you are acting, I take it you were the one in the gym that saw my transformation?" She asked Virus Virus
"What have you heard, I didn't do anything...."", she said harshly smacking her cap on her face

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