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Fandom looking for danganronpa in general!


¡AMOR para mi detective!
HI! I'm an alter, PG-13yes, that is my name!
i know it sounds like the MPAA rating, but it's actually because "PG" is short for "Pregame" and "13" is the best-sounding of my favourite numbers. 24 and 52 are the other two.

my biggest interest is Danganronpa. i encourage you to bother me if you are also heavily into it, because you can never have too many friends that like the same things you do!

V is the best letter, and i have two cats that i don't give enough attention!

i own two, black, stainless steel knives! my camera never does them justice so i can't even show them in their full glory, but they're the 5.5" Remington FAST fixed blade and the 4" Remington FAST lock knife, both from bladehq! a very nice friend of mine bought them for me, and i am extremely happy to have them.

• • • roleplay details, for reference! • • •

please please please PLEASE talk to me ooc!! it'll (usually) make me more comfortable!

i do have anxiety and am incredibly insecure about my writing despite it not being horrific, so (again) i prefer talking about ideas or what you like, rather than actually working on things. i'm trying to get over it, that's why i'm here!

i have trouble reading walls of text. linebreaks or color help!

going off the first two points, you will be 100% more successful in talking to me if you greet me instead of coming at me with a request first off. it's okay for the greeting to include what you want, though!
also, i might come off as immature. i can assure you that if need be, for roleplay or otherwise, i am serious!

this section doubles as a demonstration of how much highlighting i might need if you write a lot.

i'm most comfortable writing and reading full paragraphs! depending on how motivated i am, i might actually have to shorten my response.
i'll do my best to inform you when i'm not feeling too hot about writing.
constantly asking me when i will get back to you (when it's been less than two days) is not going to make me respond any faster. BUT! (please) REMIND ME if it's been longer than two days.
If I previously showed clear interest, I most likely just forgot to reply.

anyway, just give me something to work with, and i'll try to do the same!
i like accuracy in character depictions, but i know everyone has their own differences to their interpretations. i WELCOME and will be very happy to receive them as long as they don't deviate from the original in a way that makes the character unrecognizable to me.

communication is important, please try your best! i won't snap if you can't, but i can't change things to make you more comfortable if i'm unaware of them.

( short version of info )
— just be polite and TALK TO ME!, please!
— i prefer full paragraphs and responses with actual content in them.
— sometimes i run out of the ability to process or create words, so please be patient if that happens. i'll let you know!

— i can play V3Pregame Saihara, SDR2Kamukura Izuru, and Saihara Shuuichi, in that order. there are more, but these are the ones i would know the best!
— ships with any of those are OK, though if you want it, i usually prefer m/m and canon/canon!! just ask me!
— i really, really, really love (playing as) vampires, so if you have anything to do with that, for the love of all, please pitch it!

• • • as a final note, all the extra colourful formatting (such as, punctuation) is just for funi don't always do it when i actually talk.
thank you!!
Hey, I’d love to do Danganronpa!

What’s the other two characters besides Saihara you can play? I dunno why, but they’re blurred out for me (maybe because I’m on mobile haha)
oh! they're blurred out because they are spoilers... i wasn't sure how else to make that convenient for everyone, but you've just gotta click on them!
oh! they're blurred out because they are spoilers... i wasn't sure how else to make that convenient for everyone, but you've just gotta click on them!
Still not working for me, probably just because I’m on mobile lmao. Feel free to dm me and we can discuss, though!

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