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Fantasy Lakoria High school

Dabi Busche, 44c7dfe1c0f12e17f137e928a0c7f8a1.jpgOutside trying to find Journey House

Dabi was wandering around the looking for something fun to do. He was looking for someone to talk to and mess around with who could maybe point him in the right direction to the Journey House. Eventually he gave up and sat on a bench messing with things, like some flowers that he passed, he switched the colors of flowers to whatever the opposite might be.

Dabi eventually got bored of doing the same thing over and over so he decided to walk around. Even if he didn't know the right direction he could always ask someone. But he wasn't sure to ask. Maybe someone who seemed like they new there way around the place. Though it kind of seems like everyone new where there were going. He decided to just stand against a wall that he wrote "Please help me find my way around?". Surely this would help his case.

(This but he's smiling! --->)
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Raziel stifled his embarrassment at speaking his thoughts out loud and just kept pace with the hoofed steps beside him. For food he was eating a simple sandwich as he was still unaccustomed to the more seasoned foods of this time. He had worked his way through the first and was working on his second sandwich when he heard the announcement. Well that was weird but I guess it means it's time to go. Judging by the fact his horned company wasn't reacting it was likely too focused on its food. He watched it eat for another minute enjoying the amusing experience of the prideful unicorn resembling his old warhorse.

"It sounds like we need to head to the dorms Mistral." He rose without realizing he'd spoken to the unicorn the same way he used to talk to his warhorse. He cleared their table and began to lead the way back to the dorm. He was lost in thought on the way back to the dorm and sadly failed to notice if the unicorn was with him let alone make conversion with it.

Interactions: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl

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Umeki Shou

Finally, finally, finally!! Years of searching and listening for any sign had paid off. Umeki was at the school her parents had spoke of, Lakoria. She couldn't quite believe it after all this time. No more running, no more hiding who she was, this school would be her home now.

Before stepping through the gates, she unwound her tail from around her waist letting it swish freely behind her. Then pulled her hood down allowing her ears to show. She walked forward with a giddy smile, scanning her surroundings curiously.

She twirled in a circle as she walked, not paying attention to where she was going. "Amazing, I wanna see everything." She whispered as she took in the school grounds. "Now only if I new where to begin." She muttered with a light laugh.

NyxDarling NyxDarling open if you want​
Since a certain Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai is getting their beauty rest, I've been burdened allowed to make the transition post for today!


Just as the sun began to hang low in the sky, the next phase of the first-day itinerary was set to begin. All around campus, the Lakoria announcement system began assembling itself. Birds began perching on lampposts, mice and rats in the classrooms crawled out of the woodwork, and even some animal-traited students felt the sudden urge to talk. Then, all at once, the animals opened their mouths to the keen of a microphone.

"Is this thing on? Testing, testing..." A small yet peppy voice rang out from the microphone-animals, accompanied by several loud taps on the microphone. "There we go! Hello students - this Professor Clover speaking! I hope you all have had fantastic days today, and I hope even more that it's just the first of many here at Lakoria. But enough of my prattling. I'm sure there's a burning question on your minds: Where will you be spending your nights at Lakoria? Allow me to introduce you to Lakoria's very own housing system! Spacious rooms, state-of-the-art magic decoration, and great company all in one!

"Now," Professor Clover started, with the sound of her pushed-up spectacles echoing across campus. "Ms. Littel has so graciously deprived us of her presence, so I will be reading Logica's acceptances today. Let's see..." With all-too-close mic picking up the sound of crinkling paper, the professor began rattling off Logica's list of names. "For House Logica... Emilia, Erika Dubloit, Raziel, Mistral Aquilo, Wayne Atwater, Tac Yassup, Lily Blackheart, Nikiri Elms, Claude Summers, Nevore Mimata..." Once she finished, Professor Clover paused, the cleared her throat for one more announcement. "Now, Logicas, if you'd so kindly meet with your head teacher at your respective dorm. You can't miss it - it's the one with the purple banner and the Lynx! Oh, and if you see Ms. Littel, tell her 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding" can't possibly good enough to miss announcing her own house." With a huff, Professor Clover moved to leave the office. "Arktos? You're up next!"

Before she even had a chance to leave the room, Coach Coro barreled in, causing the PA system to ring with the sound of falling boxes and general commotion. "Oh no. Am I, uh, too late?" His boomed from the animals, slightly out-of breath. "No, Arktos... but you're.... crushing me against the wall. Also, you're on air..." Professor Clover wheezed, calling from somewhere in the back of the office. "Oh, that's you, Muriel! I am sooo sorry - wait, this thing is on? I'm sorry, I'll get to you in a second!" With an exasperated sigh from Professor Clover, Coach Coro began his part of the announcements. "Uh, hello, students! I'm Coach Coro, assistant head of Haven - Mr. Plum had some important business to attend to. Now, who's gonna be part of our family this year? Ahem... Nyx Bellgard, Kuruki Zumotoki, Shali Lulo, Arion Sparks, "Spook", Hecate Truth, Savva Wolfe, Jonathan Gardner, Mikaela Thomson, Dibe Teharikino, Umeki Shou, Syke Cria, and Pluto Doma... tilla? Did I get that right?" Realizing what he'd just asked, Coach Coro reddened, thankful that students weren't able to see him. "A-anyways, I'll see you at Haven! We've got the lavender Deer banner - keep your eyes peeled for it! Next, for House Journey, we have... Dr. Schmetterling?"

Realizing his mistake a second too late, Coach Coro watched in horror as Schmetterling, in his full mothy glory, burst through the door, heavily intoxicated, crashing into Coro and his already-created mess. "Hellooooooo, House Journey!" Dr. Schmetterling called, dragging the microphone with his as his slid down the office desk. "I'm sure you geeks are ready for the best opening day party in the history of Lakoria, aren'tcha?" He paused for a second, letting out the most vulgar belch to grace working ears. "Anyways,sucks if you're not so, let's find out who's invited - Coro, gimme the list - aha! Alright, Asad Bellavaud, Mact Beag, my boys! Then there's Shu Crudele, a Greed McKnob - hey, is that a name? - Angelica, Dabi Bushe, Elusia, Eliott, Luminatti Digiix, Nero, and Sylva - lucky you! You're - urp - invited! Something about yellow, something about our eagle, I'd better catch you guys there - you're missing out if you don't! Alright, peace!"

The microphone finally went silent, though it was really because the alcohol had caused Dr. Schmetterling to take a power nap after his speech. After a few long seconds of silence, the microphone dropped, sending another loud keen through the school. Just before the animals dispersed, a scuffle sounded out from the other side of the PA system, with a breathless Professor Clover seizing the microphone in the end. "Alright students, now you've received your assignments! Make sure to stop by your houses by six o'clock and meet with your house heads, if you haven't already!" With a bit more commotion, angry growls, and a "Damnit Arktos, get off of me," the announcment system finally shut down, scattering its animals and leaving the students with their new destinations.

okmelonn okmelonn SpiritOwl SpiritOwl Silvis Silvis Deathpelt Deathpelt Emmi Emmi NyxNightmare NyxNightmare AI10100 AI10100 Shagranoz Shagranoz Loony_Bin Loony_Bin GingerBread GingerBread metalcity metalcity TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity @1234 The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof @Gurrrrl flor @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Foxu @Sizniche Mistborn Mistborn NyxDarling NyxDarling OceanBunny OceanBunny Foogels Foogels

(Alright guys, go nuts! If you don't see your character here it's probably because we haven't gotten around to accepting it, we haven't found a hosue for them, or the fact that I'm typing this at midnight, Squid is a slave driver, and I forgot ; P. If it's any of these circumstances, just tell me and the mod team and we'll edit it ASAP!)

Sullen steps echoed through the courtyard. Crimson red delicately trailing alongelusias cheek and forming in drips along her chin. The deep red dazzling against rhe light of the sun as it fell almost gracefull from her chin and downwards dashing against the pavement beneath her feet. Shock and dread still burdnened heavily against the back of her eyes as her gaze sweeped from right to the left. And the display of arragontly lsrge numbers of people before her merely made the feeling of losing control even worse. "is this hell, or am I merely dreaming." her words came out quakey as she drew in a long needed bbreath. Hips shaking heavily as she drew her arms in tight around her and began to shiver, the blood upon her body had cooled. And was slowly drying, it would stain most of her clothes. Although thst thought merely disipated as soon as It came. Especially as she saw a girl pass by her that had cat ears and a tail.

mere moments after the 'catgirl' passed by her, her name was announced among others out loud. By what seemingly looked liie to be animals. She was told all her life that she was insane. It made sense now. Or merely the world outside was just more insane than even she. She couldnt decide which thought made her feel more safe and secure. Having not a clue what the message had meant by collecting in one location. She merely began to wander forward. Until someone stopped her or, she found the one in charge. Everyone Everyone , especially people in my group.

As Angelica continued to be in the presence of this wrestler she grew more impressed with the costume as it seemed very life like, but also concerned that it was a bit too life like. She waved it off due to that being an absurd thought, she would believe small stuff like a guy in armour and other real witches but a magical tv box? That's just out of wack yo. When the box asked about being friends in reply to being a bouncer, Angelica wasn't really sure to react Again!?! Why does every reckin person want to be friends here?!?! I'm just here to start an awesome business!! This isn't cupcake land! Its real life! Its a matter of life and death and I don't want to be death! I want to be life! Or something like that...But I got to do what i did to that other guy, be kind and deflect the question with a question then answer that question then ask my own question and answer that one as well! This is gonna be genius! Business 1 0 1! Angelica grew a slightly cocky smile at her own genius, she raised her right hand to her mouth and cleared her throat "Ahem...Would it make us friends? Sure, But do I want to be friends..." This is it girl, you got this, now be polite and put them down nicely, nice enough that they will buy potions and hats, but not nice enough that they will never bring up being friends again... Angelica was about to respond but then saw the 'tail' swaying behind the box which was cute as heck "Yes!" She responded joyous yell, folding her arms in confidence at how good she was at everything. Her eyes then shot open and darted around horrifically, looking at the box then at her folded arm as she realised what she said and her mouth trembled as she tried to think of how to fix this mess YOU DUMMY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?! WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!? WHAT THE FLUGADY FRIG WAS THAT!?!?!?! THAT WAS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF NO!!! I GET THE TAIL WAS ADORABLE BUT COME ON!!!! YOU DONKEY!!!! One mentally angry version of herself yelled, making a timid version of herself in her mind tear up as they tried to respond I'M SORRY OKAY!!! I'M SUPER SORRY!! I CAN FIX THIS!!! GIVE ME MORE TIME!!! Angelica sneakily raised her hand and wiped away a tear building up.

Angelica composed herself, she began to nervously put on a happy tone "Oopsy daisy, what I actually mean-" Angelica attempted to speak but the booming announcement went off, muffling the next few words she said until she gave up and listened to the loud speakers, a sadness plagued her face as she thought about how mean it would be to tell this poor looking creature she didn't want to be friends, it seemed so excited. Luckily for her though it turned out she was summoned to some building, giving her the perfect excuse to run away very very fast and not explain anything, like a true businessman or businesswoman. When she heard her name a grin replaced her previously shaking lips and when the announcement finished she began to speak "Well its been a pleasure talking to you and all, but I gotta scram before they kill me be for being late...until next time, maybe...um...bye!" And with that farewell she turned around and legged it, not looking back "I'm free! I'm free!" She quietly cheered, making sure the poor abandoned box didn't hear her. She ran around until she saw a building with a poorly made paper sign on the door saying "welcome journey members" in a variety of colours. Angelica gracefully skipped in through the front door gleefully whistling, however her grace soon ended when she remembered something very important that she got distracted from before "EH GAWDS!! THE TINFOIL!!" She yelled, placing her hands on her cheeks in shock.

N Nonexisting (sorry sweet prince, maybe next time they can be friends ;-; )
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Mistral Aquilo
✧・゚:*Magical Unicorn*:・゚✧
Mistral was foreign to the concept of embarrassment. He felt some things like nervousness, but embarrassment? Please, one such as himself had no need to feel shame. He failed to pick up on a change in Raziel's mood at all. The obliviousness Mistral had to the world around him is quite the concern. Then again, he was real into that broccoli, food managed to improve his mood greatly! Even if those sounds from above disrupted his munching.

"Ah," Mistral was determined to stuff his face after regaining an appetite but as a stickler for rules, he had to restrain his beating heart and ruefully trod after Raziel trusting that he repeated the ceiling's wishes truthfully. Food seemed to have put Mistral in a better mood, if the slight bounce to his step was anything to go by. Though Mistral was indulging in his own good spirits, staying a ways behind Raziel for most of their time wandering the halls, he did skitter a head once or twice, glancing in Raziel's direction to notice a distracted look on his face. He might've queried him about it if he wasn't busy with his own distractions about how the sun set alighting on his mane was a real good look; or maybe if he didn't sense something school-plot related was about to happen shortly and he needed to be prepared for it.

He wrinkled his nose in a cringe upon entering Logic House, the Common Rooms? Whatever their destination was intended to be. Despite its spaciousness, he simply found it unnatural for so many beings to be in one place at once. Mistral wasn't entirely sure who it was they were intended to be looking for, seeing as he'd never met the Logic house leader - but he reasoned they'd make themselves apparent through some manner. Hopefully they weren't still caught up in the previously mentioned 'Greek Wedding' - it was the last thing he heard before tuning the ceiling voices out. Then again, weddings were one of the few things Mistral could admire aside from himself.
Silvis Silvis
Savva Wolfe

Savva gave an unsatisfied huff and not finding anyone. pawing at the ground she decided the next best place was her dorm. However when she was heading there a type of intercom seemed to come on. Haven! Alright.... Savva had been worried that she might have not been placed in the house she preferred. Now find the lavender deer banner, easy? She walked around for a bite before finally noticing a lavender deer, though she didn't exactly know where she was now. "eh, Ill found out later!'

With that she trotted up the common room, surprisingly it was kind of sweet. Like any good common room it had a few chairs to sit on and a table. There in the house she managed to see a few people. Though none whom she had had met in person, secretly she hoped that some people she knew would come. And she reluctantly picked up a House Haven pamphlet and started reading.
Umeki Shou

Wait, did I see that right? Umeki wondered as she stopped in her tracks after passing a girl she thought had been covered in blood. As she turned around, a voice started to emit from nearby animals. Fascinated by the small creatures, she knelt down to watch them curiously as the announcement progressed. "House Haven, hmm?" She said before her eyes went wide as she remembered the girl covered in blood.

Jumping to her feet she spun back the direction she had come from. Spotting the girl she stepped forward hesitantly. "A-are you okay?" She questioned, glancing over the blood stained form. "My name is Umeki, I'm new here so I don't really know my way around but I'll help if I can.." She rambled slightly, not really used to any part of her current situation.

Lily was startled by the sound of the door opening, and further confused when she saw who walked in. A doll that had somehow been animated, with what could only be described as giant metal limbs floating besides her. Okay, this is somewhat weirder than I expected. Guess I'll just have to get used to it. "Come on, sit next to me. I promise I don't bite... though I may nibble a little bit." The demon flashed a wink, to show that she was just joking.

Next, a ghost phased into the room. Lily raised an eyebrow at this. She'd heard stories of souls being bound to the mortal plane even after death, instead of going to one of the myriad afterlives, but she'd always thought they were just that. Stories. "Yes, I'm a freshman. My name's Lily, it's a pleasure to meet you." No need to reveal who her father was just yet- being a demon carried enough baggage on its own.
Lily was startled by the sound of the door opening, and further confused when she saw who walked in. A doll that had somehow been animated, with what could only be described as giant metal limbs floating besides her. Okay, this is somewhat weirder than I expected. Guess I'll just have to get used to it. "Come on, sit next to me. I promise I don't bite... though I may nibble a little bit." The demon flashed a wink, to show that she was just joking.

Next, a ghost phased into the room. Lily raised an eyebrow at this. She'd heard stories of souls being bound to the mortal plane even after death, instead of going to one of the myriad afterlives, but she'd always thought they were just that. Stories. "Yes, I'm a freshman. My name's Lily, it's a pleasure to meet you." No need to reveal who her father was just yet- being a demon carried enough baggage on its own.
Kyra sat down close to the girl with pink hair, as a ghost joined the scenery as well. The ghost started to open a conversation with the pink haired girl. "My name is Kyra.", she joined in bluntly. She wasn´t quite sure which scheme this conversation was going to follow, therefore having her keep out until further notice, while not being impolite and remaining a part of the social interaction nonetheless. "I´m a in the junior grade.", she added, before taking out a small book. It was a human book, a small drama by a rather unknown author. She opened it, immediatly remembering the page she had left off and continuing to read, while still listening into the conversation. Her metal limbs meanwhile gently hovered beside her.
AI10100 AI10100

Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Lily ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ), Kyra ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )

"Lily, what a cute name~" Erika claimed, the smile on her face spreading. She wasn't about to ask what they were. That was a question reserved for later on in the platonic relationship. She's made the mistake of asking before, which caused the other person to suddenly turn tail and not talk to her for quite a while. Sometimes, they aren't too open about their races. Though in Erika's case, it was much too obvious to hide. Besides, she isn't about to start getting shy about being a ghost. "I hope you find Lakoria a great place to study in, and not just an escape from the 'natural world'." She air quoted the last two words as if ridiculing it. While she spent a lot of time with the normal humans, she wasn't exactly fond of hiding her witch abilities before. Though she doubted she'd be let out frequently now.

She then turned to the doll with the gigantic metal arms floating beside her. By this point, Erika didn't even find anything surprising nor is she bothered by it. If she was going to let that bother her, then seeing that unicorn earlier would have freaked her out. Four years of going to Lakoria means you get to build up some resistance to these kinds of things. She's pretty sure she's seen it all by this point. "Junior huh? Almost getting to the last year here in Lakoria." She mused. So Kyra and Lily. She felt like she could make friends out of them, though Kyra seemed more aloof. But not too much.

"So, Lily," She started, deciding not to involve Kyra too much since she seems engrossed in her book. Though Erika suspected she was still listening to the conversation somewhat. "What pushed you to go to Lakoria? To get a handle on your powers or just to learn more about the supernatural world?" She asked. "Personally, I just came here so I could practice witchcraft freely." Erika forgot to elaborate how she came here as an actual witch, and not already a spirit.
Current mood: Mildly irritated
Familiar’s form: not currently visible
Location: House Journey common room
Interacting with: NyxNightmare NyxNightmare Loony_Bin Loony_Bin

Elliott could hardly believe the scene that played out before him as he watched the man and the masked boy interact. At least the boy had acknowledged part of his question, although the answer he got back was not the one he wanted to hear. "Well Cowboy, if you're fine with assisting me in fulfilling this man's desires, I'm sure we could allow you to stay with us for a few night...if you can keep up with us that is." His statement gave Elliott pause, and a little bit of color showed on his face. Where they seriously interested in him?! The next thing that he knew the masked boy had lifted his mask and kissed the man! He seemed to hold the gesture for an awful long time before pulling his mask back down. Elliott groaned as he thought to himself, “I know that I signed up to be in the party house, but I wasn’t expecting this kind of party!”

It was then that some announcements came on over the intercom. Elliott was glad to hear that his name had been listed under house Journey, and that there was going to be a party, although at the moment he was starting to regret his decision. What he was happy to hear though was that he had a room with someone besides “Mac Daddy” or his roommate Asad, he assumed that’s what the mans name was. The next thing that Mac said was even more astonishing given the boys sly, yet serious, tone. "Dammit, wish we had a bit more time to fuck with you Cowboy but looks like the announcements have spoiled our fun, and if they haven't then the crazed butterfly man surely will..." The boy paused looking as if he wanted to say more and, not a moment later, he added on, "...and when I say fuck with you, I really do mean fuck with you."

Elliott was bewildered at the thought of sleeping with another man. Why were these two being so weird? He couldn’t come up with any ideas other than that they were just messing with him since he was new, but the way both of them were looking at him was making his skin crawl. If he was given the option of sleeping with a man or outside in the rain, he’d definitely choose to sleep outside. He quietly sighed and rubbed his forehead to calm himself down and organize his thoughts. “I’m just gonna wait for the rest of everyone to get here. Then I’ll be able to find my room and get some shut-eye,” he muttered his words under his breath, hopefully not loud enough for the pair in front of him to hear. Elliott did his best to retreat from the conversation without being blatantly rude, quickly saying that, “I’m just gonna wait for the others,” before leaning back against the wall on the opposite side of the vending machine from the two. He let his pack slide down off of his shoulders to land on the ground next to him, once it did he sat next to it and took out one of granola bars he had packed for his journey. He thought that if there was going to be a party he might as well have something in his stomach. As he wordlessly ate the bar he hoped that everyone in his house wasn’t this strange.​
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"Nice to meet you. Kyra." As the doll turned to bury her nose in a book, Lily let her be. She didn't want to disturb the other student.

"It' short for Lilith, actually. And as for your question, a bit of both, really," Lily responded. "See, I'm... Lucifer's daughter, and in order to unlock my powers, I have to truly understand the Seven Deadly Sins. It's hard going- so far I've only mastered wrath." The demon blanched a little bit. Her royal heritage was out in the open now, and she wondered how Erika would react.

"What kind of witchcraft do you specialize in, Erika?" Lily asked, trying to change the subject. "I mean, there's so many different kinds- herbalism, necromancy, divination. I doubt you could learn it all in one lifetime. Though I suspect that's not a problem for you anymore."
Umeki Shou

Wait, did I see that right? Umeki wondered as she stopped in her tracks after passing a girl she thought had been covered in blood. As she turned around, a voice started to emit from nearby animals. Fascinated by the small creatures, she knelt down to watch them curiously as the announcement progressed. "House Haven, hmm?" She said before her eyes went wide as she remembered the girl covered in blood.

Jumping to her feet she spun back the direction she had come from. Spotting the girl she stepped forward hesitantly. "A-are you okay?" She questioned, glancing over the blood stained form. "My name is Umeki, I'm new here so I don't really know my way around but I'll help if I can.." She rambled slightly, not really used to any part of her current situation.

"..." impartial at first glance, Elusia nearly side stepped the neko. Clearly she was hallucinating or this was a pretty damn realistic dream that she was having. So without hesitating she grasped at the neko's tiny fra as he talked, only to let out a bewildered chuf. Umeki, was real. For all intent and purposes. Physical beyond belief, the warmth radiating of the gals body was note enough for her to realize. "o..oh my god...m..my bad" now more bashfull than a midterm house wife. Elusias stoic and nightmarish posture reduced to that of a meek little mouse. "I...uh. Well im Elusia. And its nice to meet you emuki" her tounge slipping as the words left her lips, replacing the e with the u in umeki's name. It was a subtle mistake, but it spoke volumes to XII current demeanor. " i think im supposed to find a place called...house journey?" she paused for a moment to ponder, the blood now dried upon her form. She looked like a nightmarish figure in the midst of fantasy land. Why was she even here....she was normal...sh was human.

"uhm...i dont exactly know why im here. I was walking towards what i believed to be an abandoned town. And then...suddenly...here i am" her breath came out in heavy bursts as she recounted the memorys leading up to the random displacement in reality itself. All of the bodys before her, their souls. All but two had gone to hell that day. And she greived for the soul she sure was her long lost friend now roaming the world as a lost void. Bitterness brought her teeth down upon her cheek, gouging tbe flesh, and causing the flush taste of iron wash over her tounge. She realized quickly that her visage had gone blank during this. "sorry. It seems i have to get to house journey. Maybe ill find asnwers there." the last few words were barely a whisper. Her heart thudding heavily against her breast, each beat causing a flash of images. The grotesque display of what she had done to the people who ultimatley were only trying to protect her. And as she turned away and brought her foot down upon the ground, cracks and breaks formed around such said foot for a radius of about 25 feet. Although she didnt notice this. Or even notice that as she lifted her foot, there was a small foot sized crater sunk into the pavement.

"now...to find house jjourney
OceanBunny OceanBunny

Luminatti Digiix
male-possessed tv(nightmare demon)-pansexual

natti's antenna twitched in anticipation and his eyes narrowed showing a small mouth below them. he leaned over as his tail wagging continued. Angelica then got his hopes up by saying the word yes making him hold his head in his hands and his face looked almost like one of those kawaii emjoiis for a moment. he was excited. he didn't know all the context of what friends did since his only friend had been taken away from him at a young age but he imagined it would be something along the lines of spending free time together and maybe he would show her his favorite books. his face changed when she spoken up again and he tilted his head confused as his tail stopped wagging dropping to the ground. his eyes narrowed and he made a deep exhale sound with his antenna drooping as his tail did.he looked away listening to the people of authority on the loud speakers announce the houses. oh right he had to get to his dorm and settle in. he listened until the announcement was over and watched her leave as quickly as he had met her. he stood there for a few minutes kind of disappointed in himself. "natti how could you be so stupid? you are supposed to be smarter than that.. of course nobody wants to be your friend, especially that pretty angelica female...and citrus. why would they? it's not like you are a normal fleshie person...human.." he muttered to himself as digital tears formed in his eyes. he held his head in his hands. "no.no. crying would be illlogically,natti....you have not been harmed but. something hurts.......maybe i have head damage?" he said to himself as the digital tears fell from his face and making themselves looks real falling out of his screen. after a bit he stood straight and started walking away to the journey house. he wasn't crying anymore but he was still bummed out. it didn't take long for him to walk through that door one hand holding onto his pack strap as he looked over those there. "greetings! i am Luminatti, or just natti for short...nice to meet you all!" he announced to get that out of the way. he then looked around with a whistle as his tail flicked up. there were lots of fleshie people and that made him suddenly excited. maybe all hope wasn't lost. maybe he could make friends still. his antenna twitched perking up and he waved. he looked like a excited puppy who wanted to play.

metalcity metalcity
NyxDarling NyxDarling
NyxNightmare NyxNightmare
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Mistborn Mistborn
Who Who ever else is nearby in journey​
Umeki Shou

Umeki let out a surprised squeak, not expecting the girl to grasp onto her. "I-It's okay," She stuttered, shaking off the girls odd behavior. "Elusia is a pretty name, that odd announcement told me to go to Haven." She watched the girl curiously as she seemed lost in thought for a moment. I wonder what happened to her, she seems rather out of touch. Umeki thought, waiting for the girl's attention to come back. She gave a warm smile as Elusia's eyes cleared. Her ears twitched as the girls voice became softer, not only picking up the quiet words but also the thudding of her heart. "I'm sure the lodgings will be around the same area, maybe we could.." Umeki started to say but stopped as the girl turned away, large cracks forming where she placed her foot down. Eyes wide, she stared in shock at the ground.

"What are you..?" She wondered allowed, not understanding how a seemingly human girl had created such a break in the pavement. Not knowing her own way around, Umeki decided to follow the strange girl. "I'll look with you, maybe we can find someone to point us in the right direction." She said in way of explanation as she came up alongside the girl. "Is this your first year too?" She asked, giving into her curious nature as she wanted to learn more about thi unique girl.

Umeki Shou

Umeki let out a surprised squeak, not expecting the girl to grasp onto her. "I-It's okay," She stuttered, shaking off the girls odd behavior. "Elusia is a pretty name, that odd announcement told me to go to Haven." She watched the girl curiously as she seemed lost in thought for a moment. I wonder what happened to her, she seems rather out of touch. Umeki thought, waiting for the girl's attention to come back. She gave a warm smile as Elusia's eyes cleared. Her ears twitched as the girls voice became softer, not only picking up the quiet words but also the thudding of her heart. "I'm sure the lodgings will be around the same area, maybe we could.." Umeki started to say but stopped as the girl turned away, large cracks forming where she placed her foot down. Eyes wide, she stared in shock at the ground.

"What are you..?" She wondered allowed, not understanding how a seemingly human girl had created such a break in the pavement. Not knowing her own way around, Umeki decided to follow the strange girl. "I'll look with you, maybe we can find someone to point us in the right direction." She said in way of explanation as she came up alongside the girl. "Is this your first year too?" She asked, giving into her curious nature as she wanted to learn more about thi unique girl.

"human" elusia responded curtly, eyes dipping downwards to gaze at umeki as the little las stepped in unison with her. Noticing the cracks, but oddly thinking nothing of it. Stranger occurences had happened to her, and she always had a weird static like sound whenever she tried to think about it to much. Caused her headaches which she would much rather be without. "i think, at least. And what do you mean 'first yearyear'? Gonna need more context than that to pick up what your getting at ume." her tone and demeanor had dropped ever since the neko had stsrted following her...she reminded Elusia of john. His gentle tone and fragrant acent. As well as the innocent smile. All this disassembling her gaurd and weariness, her shoulders gliding back to a resting point. Instead of constantly being in duress and under pressure in irser to be ready for any incoming danger. " do you mind, if we come up to someone. Do the talking ..i tend to scare people" this was said in earnest, her eyes flitting downwards in subtle rmbarrasment.

all of this was drowned out by a dull whisp of sound in the back of her head "forward child. Just around the corner. Yes. And now to your left. Play fair little one" her body moved on its own accord, her elven like ears flitting to the sides of her head as she was guided to what seemed like a hastily built house, common grounds. And dorms. A hand drawn picture of an eagle marked the way. And for some reason she couldnt help but scoff. Her eyes flitting back at umeki "well, seems i have a good sense of direction eheh- maybe someone will know where you need to go inside." as she let the words slip from her pursed lips. She turned and grasped at the handle for the house journeys common room....to only to into a small ball within her hand. Bits and peices of the metal bending and tearing under great stress. The sound was like metal against a chalkboard " well uhm....shit"

OceanBunny OceanBunny
metalcity metalcity
NyxDarling NyxDarling
NyxNightmare NyxNightmare
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Mistborn Mistborn
Who Who anyonr nearby
What a sight to behold. As if his dreams have come true once again, Nekomancer was left standing in the presence of the very thing that he dedicated his entire life to. There she was, a real bonafide neko for him to consume with love and affection (and possible dismantlement). The way her ears pricked up and moved as she spoke was enough to make Nekomancer gush. All he wanted in life was to cut them off her scalp and wear them as his own, a genuine trophy and symbol of his love for her. The way her body danced so wildly and full of life gave him purpose, a will to strike her down on the spot and hack away until there was nothing left. That would have to wait, however. Apparently, she was talking during his little escape from reality, and despite his best efforts to listen in, he only got a few words from her small tangent.

She wants to meet me at the gym after school. Alone. Feeling his body erupt from unforeseen pleasure, Nekomancer cradled himself in his arms, a small spasm escaping as he choked with glee. He already saw how everything was going to go down. First, they were both to meet up in the gym, where Nikiri confessed her undying love for him (ironically), and he spoke the same to her. The two were then going to stare into each other's eyes, her cat-like gaze enough to make him melt in his blood-stained boots as she leaned in closer to kiss him, pursing those perfect lips that he wanted to just rip off and keep in a jar on his shelf. Then, at the last second, where both of their eyes close, he was going to stab her and revive her soon after. She was going to love him for it, too, for it was his genius that allowed her the gift of eternal life by his side. The plan was perfect, just like her.

Pushing his eagerness to the side, Nekomancer caught himself, coughing into his hand and straightening his posture, blood still dripping from the sides of his cloak. It was only right to give Nikiri the time and space she needed before such an event. Confessions were definitely difficult, and that was why Nekomancer went with the whole "staring at them from a distance with binoculars" route himself. Luckily for him, that was when the announcements sounded off, and within a flash, he was given a reason to leave. Waving his hand towards the two, he dashed away with a skip, only realizing when he had already vacated the library that he hadn't actually said a single word to the duo. Oh well. He was going to see Nikiri soon enough, and when he did, he was going to have her. Permanently.

NyxNightmare NyxNightmare SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
"When you love someone more than they deserve, surely they will hurt you more than you deserve..."


The boy took a deep breath, and looked at the young lady. She seemed as though she was not up to good. Then, the woman had affected a look of shock. "Like you've never heard of a Sylva? We're, like, a special kind of elf that serves the goddess of fortune. Like we give good luck!" The white haired male snickered. Was this girl serious? Goddess of fortune? My tail. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. I guess I should just go along with whatever she's saying. However, he couldn't stop himself from saying his next sentence. "I thought that was Tyche's* job..?"

He cringed at his comment. "Well, uh--" he paused. "I should really get to my house now..." he said, trying to leave this awkward scene. "Erm.. bye..? I guess?" He turned to face the Journey house, and started to walk to that direction. He looked around the school as well. He also earned weird glances from people, and thirsty looks from girls. He sighed. He felt uncomfortable all morning. He didn't know what that pokey stick-like with flesh was on his bottom. It was very uncomfortable.

He extended his fingers, staring at them while he walked. It's been... what? Three years? When he got--

He gasped and jumped back, a stream of water zipping past his face by a centimeter. He glanced at his side, and noticed a couple of teens with water guns. "Sorry!" He took a deep breath, and shuddered. He didn't even want to think what would happen to him if he was in his siren form on land. He would most likely shrivel up and die if he doesn't get water. In human form? He can only last a couple of days without a nice bath in water.

Tyche* - Greek god of fortune and luck.

Mentioned/Interacting With: Silvis Silvis
Last edited:
"human" elusia responded curtly, eyes dipping downwards to gaze at umeki as the little las stepped in unison with her. Noticing the cracks, but oddly thinking nothing of it. Stranger occurences had happened to her, and she always had a weird static like sound whenever she tried to think about it to much. Caused her headaches which she would much rather be without. "i think, at least. And what do you mean 'first yearyear'? Gonna need more context than that to pick up what your getting at ume." her tone and demeanor had dropped ever since the neko had stsrted following her...she reminded Elusia of john. His gentle tone and fragrant acent. As well as the innocent smile. All this disassembling her gaurd and weariness, her shoulders gliding back to a resting point. Instead of constantly being in duress and under pressure in irser to be ready for any incoming danger. " do you mind, if we come up to someone. Do the talking ..i tend to scare people" this was said in earnest, her eyes flitting downwards in subtle rmbarrasment.

all of this was drowned out by a dull whisp of sound in the back of her head "forward child. Just around the corner. Yes. And now to your left. Play fair little one" her body moved on its own accord, her elven like ears flitting to the sides of her head as she was guided to what seemed like a hastily built house, common grounds. And dorms. A hand drawn picture of an eagle marked the way. And for some reason she couldnt help but scoff. Her eyes flitting back at umeki "well, seems i have a good sense of direction eheh- maybe someone will know where you need to go inside." as she let the words slip from her pursed lips. She turned and grasped at the handle for the house journeys common room....to only to into a small ball within her hand. Bits and peices of the metal bending and tearing under great stress. The sound was like metal against a chalkboard " well uhm....shit"

OceanBunny OceanBunny
metalcity metalcity
NyxDarling NyxDarling
NyxNightmare NyxNightmare
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
Mistborn Mistborn
Who Who anyonr nearby

Umeki Shou

Umeki tipped her head with a smile on her lips. She thinks, interesting, she looks pretty human to me.. wonder what else she could be. Her tail swished behind her a she happily walked beside the girl. A pang of sadness went through her as the girl shortened her name, no one had used a nickname with her since her parents, but she shook the feeling off concentrating on the Elusia's inquiry. "Are you a Freshman? Or a new transfer this year?" She elaborated on her initial question, "This will be my first year here at Lakoria." Her voice rose slightly at the end, showing her excitement at being on campus. Noting the change in the girls demeanor at her next words, Umeki became more serious as well. "I don't mind at all. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." She smiled genuinely up at Elusia.

How come they find her scary, looked like she was in need of help to me.. She thought as she followed the girls lead through the school grounds. An amused smile crossed her lips as they came upon the House Journey buildings. Nodding in agreement at Elusia's words. "It would definitely be nice to find House Haven." She mentioned absently as the girl reached for the door. She winced, her ears flattening against her head at the sound of grinding metal. "Wholly crap," Umeki mumbled as she rubbed her ear. "I guess we need another way in." She said louder with a slight grin, before walking up and knocking on the door. "Anyone home? Sorry about the handle." She called out.

NyxDarling NyxDarling
And anyone near Journey ^^

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Anyone in Haven Dorms


Haven House




Jon frowned as Hecate called him a loser and then ignored his advice to not go to the Library where the Nekomancer most likely still was. He didn't want to see anyone get hurt, but he also didn't want his reputation to fall any further than it already had. But before he could even think about a retort to Hecate, he was swept off his feet, literally by Mr Plum, who was being gentle and careful to not touch his wings. Though If Jon hadn't lost so much Blood, his face would've been bright red; He was embarrassed and was hoping the Yarn teacher would take a short route and not pass many students. Unfortunately, Mr plum decided to take quite a long route, or at least it felt like it since Jon noticed them passing two more students than he would've liked.

When Mr Plum entered the Nurse's office, Jon was finally put down. He noticed the Nurse seemed to be a bit jaded about having to treat so many students at this school, as he mentioned he wasn't even the first stab victim from Haven. When the Nurse offered him a sweet, Jon raised his hand to decline it; He didn't particularly want a sweet right now, but mostly because he didn't think it was edgy and badass to eat sweets, and although he enjoyed them he didn't want to risk it in case someone else walked into the nurses office. When the Nurse started using his magic on him, Jon felt all his wounds start to close up and disappear with the exception of one, the slice on his chest instead of disappearing, left a nasty scar. Jon also started to feel really fatigued, as if he'd just attempted to run a marathon. Jon stood up after he was fully healed by the nurse. "Thanks.. Though I'm knackered now, I think I'm gonna go"

As soon as Jon left the nurses office out of the door marked Haven, he heard the announcement telling everyone to go to their houses and meet their respective house heads. He felt too tried too really care about any of it, but he figured he'd have to go or he'd get in trouble. And as much as he wanted to keep his edgy persona, he didn't want to get into any trouble with the teachers. And what would be more lame than going to bed early? So he made his way over to the House Haven, his clothes were still ripped up where he was sliced, but his face was regaining it's colour. 'I don't have anymore spare shirts.. I used the other one to try to patch myself up.. that was stupid of me. I wonder if There's somewhere I can buy clothes.. or Will I have to go outside the school?' Jon decided that he could put it off until tomorrow.

Jon sluggishly entered the Haven common room, he decided to keep to the back of the room, assuming that there would be less people there and he wouldn't be as likely to be noticed by anyone. Though a fairy boy with ripped clothes would stand out quite a bit in a crowd of normal people, Jon didn't really care to think about that, as he wanted right now was just go to bed, he was pretty sure that he didn't have a roommate, so he wouldn't have to deal with anyone and he wouldn't have to keep up the edgy persona if he was by himself. At least that's what he hoped, because he felt like he just didn't have enough energy right now to try to keep it up.

[/div][div class="tabsContent1 tabsContentTabTwo" style="display: none;"]



Anyone currently in House haven

House Haven

The post is short because I am illiterate and I am bad at first posts


Nyx made his way into the school, he knew he was a bit late, but he just didn't care. He knew that if he'd come in early the teachers would probably get on his case and try to force him to join in on the tour and go to the initial assembly, which he'd avoiding for the whole time he'd been at Lakoria. He didn't really care about ''getting a good education'' or ''looking out for his fellow students'' He was only here because it was better than just being at home, and he got loads of people to put down and help them realise that he was the only person in the school worth anything. On the bright side, since Nyx was late the school was darker which meant he didn't have to spend any time in the sun.

The announcement for meeting the house heads started almost immediately after Nyx had walked into the School. 'I might as well see who the new people are for once.. plus it's always fun to fuck with Plum and pluto' Nyx made his way over to the Haven dorms, swinging the doors open and walking in like he owned the place. "The only person that matters in his school is here now, and all you lucky people get to be in the same house as me! Count yourselves lucky" Nyx went and sat down on a sofa and kicked his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, leaning back and getting comfortable.

Savva Wolfe

Savva was starting to get really bored.... No one seemed to talk in Haven and everyone mainly kept to themselves. Savva knew she shouldn't be so hypocritical because she was also backing away from any conversation, but she couldn't help herself. Looking through the pamphlet she saw photos of happy people and creatures all doing various tasks. Swimming, climbing, chatting, and overall having a good time. Savva had a hard time believing it though, it was sort of like when you go through middle school, you think its some kind of fantasy-graduating-your-getting-older-party but really it was some kind of hell ride. She put the pamphlet back on the table and looked around, there were a few people but not that many yet. Sighing Savva made her way to the back of the room and lay down giving her sore legs a rest.

Savva was about to flip out her phone when suddenly came in a kind of tiny human.... No, a fairy of some sort. hmmm Interesting... Savva thought to herself watching the little guy come in. He had rips on his shirt and overall seemed a bit flushed, Savva chuckled a bit. Guess I'm not the only one having a bad day. She stood up on her heavy legs and tried to approach to say hi. However she was stopped when I guy basically came crashing in, he had a pale complexion and reddish colored eyes. Some kind of nocturnal creature, definitely. "The only person that matters in his school is here now, and all you lucky people get to be in the same house as me! Count yourselves lucky" He said arrogantly. Savva was fed up with these people and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, great another self important douchebag WELCOME!" Savva said harshly, the tone in her voice reflecting what she thought of this moron. Looks like Savva would have more enemies than intended this year.

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai
Silvis Silvis
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin
GingerBread GingerBread
SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
okmelonn okmelonn
Anyone Anyone Else in Haven
Puppeteering Parrot

You best be believing that Éanna had stopped by the school store that very day. Perhaps he wandered in halfway through Mister Plum's tour and made himself cozy among the merchandise. He quickly got lost in the expansive collection - hours passing without his notice. So many trinkets to pick up, handle with less then grace, and clunkily place back on a shelf to which it did not belong. Éanna prodded anything which caught his fancy, which, to be honest - in a magical school store probably wasn't the best idea. Éanna found subtle inspiration among the rows of items, picking up a single garment that drew his attention more then the rest. My my, if it wasn't some Journey House merch, 'didn't mind if he did. He let out a few pleasant tweets and made his way to the checkout. After last year's attempts - he carefully decided to not take anything from the store without 'purchasing' it, at least for now.

He puffed up his feathers, flapped his arms, swiped his knife, crowed in an upset manner and glared demonically through his mask at whatever poor sap was running the thing before a steady supply of recruits could be scouted. His haggling manner left the cashier unscathed, and Éanna could respect that - begrudgling paying full price, not like it was his money anyway. He left the store sporting a yellow be'eagled Journey sweater which covered the upper-half of his body as well as most of his manly bird skirt - but that's not all! That boy came outta their toting one gnarly kebab of anonymous meats. Mmm, mystery meat. Each bite a different flavor, exhilarating in their individual surprise. Surely only the finest chef could whip up such a monstrous confection. He'd need to thank Mr Plum via creepily standing outside of his classroom wielding a picket to ward off students one of these days, even with the school year just beginning, Éanna knew Mr Yarnhead deserved a break.

Éanna strutted about the courtyard for a while, making small jerky movements as he walked. He was both stretching his legs, and unknowingly recalling a very famous Avexvot dance. Famous among their people, of course. He chattered many strings of nonsense to himself as he noshed on the delicious kabob. He saw the sun begin to dip over the horizon and reasoned it was probably about time for the house parties to begin! At least, that's what he presumed all of them to be. He sure hopped to it! Skittering off to Journey House Éanna was in a pleasant mood. His kabab was half eaten by the time he got to the entrance, noticing what appeared to be some type of projector planted in the doorway Eanna raised his leggie and gave the Illuminati-ed figure a swift kick in the back, he assumed whatever-it-was was on wheels and would go flying across the room. Uninterested in watching the consequences of his own actions, Éanna hobbled through the doorway and moved to perch on a shelf that was probably unintended to be used as a chair, but had to be used to it by now. Éanna took in the scopes of the House, noticing surely not everybody had arrived yet - he was quite excited to garble unintelligibly talk to some new and old faces! Though his ceaselessly whistling might've made one assume he didn't speak the common language.

After taking in all he could from his vantage point he dropped to the floor and started (metaphorically) flitting about. Last year had brought with it many potent inspirations, and he reasoned that this year could be no different.

@ E'erybody Attending Journey Initiation #2018​
A new day for a couple of new students. That was what Kast wanted to think, at least, but sadly, it was already way past the morning and it was nearing much later in the day when both her and her sister, Rae, had finally stumbled upon the new school they were attending, Lakoria. Yes, this tiny little ball of energy was late for her first day of school because of someone not wanting to wake up on time, but she wasn't going to point fingers (even if it was totally Rae). Instead, she was going to let the prospect of a new life really sink in as she took a long breath in and let the aroma of the trees, the freshly cut grass, and some gym socks seep into her senses. It was fantastic, and Kast wanted to share this newfound feeling with Rae.

"Can ya believe it, Sis? Can ya? Didja hear what they said on the speakers, didja? Taking our first steps in and we already get the chance to meet new faces and make bonds that will never be broken!" Reaching for her sister's hand, the small creature nearly chirped in excitement, her other hand adjusting the mask that rested against the side of her face. Bobbing up and down and having a jump to her step, the faint jingle of a bell around her neck chimed in a rhythmic fashion, her cheeks having a faint red blush to them. Unlike her solemn sister that decided to sleep in on the first day, she was raring to go.

"I think we're both in Journey. Can ya believe it, can ya? We're so totally lucky to be able to stick with each other as sisters, aren't we, Rae?" She asked, pelting the poor sister with yet another irrelevant question. "I just knew we were similar, ya know? We just click sometimes, right?" Turning drastically on the (slightly) taller girl, the younger sibling covered a hand over her mouth. "Ya do look a little rough, though. That bedhead suits ya pretty well if I say so myself."

Once again putting herself on the correct path, she still attempted to hold the other girl's hand. It was important to make a statement of whom you are related to because people will see you as a loner if you didn't already know somebody in school, that was being cool in high school 101. Not only that, but Rae was in a higher grade than her, so sticking around them was going to get her some street cred, which led to meeting more people. She really was a smart one, wasn't she? Huffing in pride, she darted her eyes to Rae, wondering what she thought about the whole idea of being in a new school. She was probably just as thrilled as Kast was, yup. Totally.

NyxNightmare NyxNightmare

Kareek - Big to small

Kareek was very annoyed at the announcement he for some reason. He had just gotten back to sleep and now he had to go to Haven. If he remembered correctly the wizard had said he would be sharing his den with something called a callum or something else equally ridiculous. Unwinding he began the trek to house Haven. The numerous gasps he heard upon slithering past humanoids was pleasing to him but alas a giant snake travels quickly and he arrived at Haven house.

Right before he came to the door the necklace glowed and he shrank to his small form again leaving his massive skin behind. He never put thought into cleaning up his skin but it was likely mages who used it in potions. As he slithered under the door he heard a prey that thought itself a predator announce its own importance before a different prey snapped at it. It seemed they wanted to establish a hierarchy and while he considered changing form and ending the debate himself he relented. It would be far easier to just eat whoever won.

He refused to introduce himself or seek out that callum thing so instead he looked for a perch. That timid winged prey looks like a nice option. He silently slithered over and immediately began winding his way up the fairy's leg. He hoped this would scare the prey enough to get that delicious fear smell without it being so afraid it tried to remove him as he might have to bite then.

Interactions: Jon ( GingerBread GingerBread )

Well things were finally starting around the school. They were supposed to meet at the haven room.
'That dumb teacher got our last name wrong! How dare he. Does he even know who we are!?'
"It's not that bad. Why are you acting like it's the first time?" He chuckled. He was sitting near the fireplace, waiting for the teacher to appear.
'So on an unrelated note, what are we going to watch later tonight?'
"We aren't watching anything! We need to go to sleep." Pluto replied, rolling his eyes.
'I wasn't asking you! I was asking everyone else. You can go sleep like the queer you are. We will be watching anime.'
'So anyway, i think we should continue watching Toriko.'
'What about Vampire knight?'

'No. I ain't watching that shit. I need somthing with cool violence. Like that deadman show. that looks good.'
'Prison school!'

'Touken Ranbu.'
'No? No!? Litsen here you little sh-'
It was getting kind of boring and he was definitely getting tired of listening to the snakes argue about anime. It was getting pretty violent up there. Luckily an old face showed up.
"The only person that matters in his school is here now, and all you lucky people get to be in the same house as me! Count yourselves lucky"
Pluto smiled and stood up. "Nyx!" He cheered as he ran over to his friend and did what most people around here would never do. He hugged Nyx. Not just hugged him, Pluto dove for Nyx, wrapping his arms around him. "I'm glad you are here!"

GingerBread GingerBread

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