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Fantasy Kill Nothing but Time | On-Site OOC

Hello! Sorry I immediately posted a cs right after saying I was interested I got very excited by the premise of the rp!
Literally don't apologize I appreciate the passion!! Just woke up so I haven't looked quite yet but I'm excited to have a read
Finally finished my own character sheet. creativity well now has been run dry for the day.
i'm currently working on Amby's form and hopefully my brain does not end up blanking out on me
Isn't that always the dream! Really worked against the clock on my sheet in terms of creative juices I had left lmao
Aaaaa loving the characters so far these are all great!!
Cis people try to enter the woods and got launched out at high speeds like a bouncy ball being repelled from a wall
aLRIGHT. Amby's form is up! The backstory is big ol' WIP because my brain blanked out on me. i'll finish everything up tomorrow.
aLRIGHT. Amby's form is up! The backstory is big ol' WIP because my brain blanked out on me. i'll finish everything up tomorrow.
OHH I love him so far! No worries on a WIP backstory, getting through that can be rough
oop just realized the links to bretts tattoo references disappeared when I posted, fixed now lol. Also love how so far everyone has brown eyes.
late to the party? couldnt be me smh
FASHIONABLY late to the party! Also technically not too late since the form due date is next Monday haha 👁️ I look forward to seeing your sheet

oop just realized the links to bretts tattoo references disappeared when I posted, fixed now lol. Also love how so far everyone has brown eyes.
That's true I didn't even notice that lmao
the lore?? splendid, much mystery 👀
the characters?? beautiful, gorgeous, chef’s kiss
hotel?? trivago
AJSKFJHJK token blue eyed character <3
me additionally fighting the urge to make my character the stereotypical asshole with a heart of gold i play all the time 😭
Honestly it'd probably work well with the current cast ngl. I'm an enabler

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