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Academy garden.






Ellis Landon.
The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue, dotted with feathery white clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shone brightly in the sky. Birds were whistling their harmonious songs, trees were rustling as a gentle breeze past through them. The temperature was pleasant, lingering around a 21°C.

The chattering of people was being emitted from the courtyard, making the Academy livelier. There was no uniform that the students had to wear unlike other schools in the neighborhood. Given the freedom, some students took it upon themselves to show of their wealth to others. The few commoners however could be easily spotted from the more natural clothes they wore, yet elegant in their own way. The professors could be recognized by the robes they were required to wear: a white base with golden embroideries sewn on it in the form of roses, they were of medium length, most of them hanging at the same height of their knees.

Then a voice which was full of authority boomed throughout the entire domain by amplifying his sound with a magical device (it resembled a microphone but powered on magic input). The principal’s name was Claus Von Deik, one of the strongest magic users of the kingdom hence why he was chosen to become the principal of the academy. It didn’t take long for him to establish a well-known reputation which spread even further than Cathonia alone.

”Welcome my students into a fresh beginning of a school year. You will be learning about magic and the working of Cathonia which will require a lot of studying and knowledge you picked up along the years as it will help you out greatly. There are also rankings based on your academic prestation, yes both in knowledge as well as practical. You can always climb the rankings after every evaluation which you will be notified about beforehand. Besides the ranking, there is the opportunity for you to join the student council which has a total of 3 spots available for the meantime. There will be two upperclassmen guiding you through the tasks if you decide to join so you won’t be like a chicken without a head. If there is any of you who want to establish another club, the minimum requirement will be 5 students and must be along the lines of the academy to be approved…”

The principal eventually ended his piece of information after about half an hour. Afterwards followed the introductions of the professors who were going to teach their subjects: magical combat, politics, magic control, statistics and language. A total of five which were a necessity to go through life these days. Those without magic got the magical combat and magic control replaced with literature and sales as they were probably going to become a shop owner, an employee at a shop, a sailor, a travelling merchant, etc. The options were practically endless these days as long as they gained some profit. Some even went astray and got dealt with by the knights once caught.

The information papers of the dormitory were hanging on the walls here and there for the first day only so people could check out who they were rooming up with. It was entirely at random and not based on epithet which sometimes resulted in discussions and eventual replacements of people as it couldn’t go on like that anymore. It mostly happened if they had to dorm with a commoner sadly enough but someone’s personality couldn’t be changed that easily, they mostly didn’t in the first place.

Male Dormitory
> 48: Alex Mason and Cassius Vorenus
> 69: Theodore Argent and Gyleon Autic
> 19: Camille Beaumont and Griffin Chadston
> 2: Jack Vicboss

Female Dormitory
> 32: Miranda Fisher and Seraphina Honeycutt
> 11: Catalina Springs and Galina Geas
> 54: Lendri Velicosa and Alice Lorewerth
> 8: Ellis Landon
> 5: Yekaterina Van der Zee

Dormitory Rules
> Curfew is at 10pm.
> Males and females cannot be in the same room after 10pm.
> No use of dangerous magic in the dormitory.
> If anyone breaks these, punishment will follow.

Straight snowy white hair, shining ruby red eyes complimented with a pale skin. Slender fingers with nicely polished nails in a neutral color went over the written words of one of the dormitory papers. Stopping at the exact spot of where her name was presented. A faint smile decorating her cherry red lips as she saw that she had the room for herself. It seemed like everything was decided at random as usually royalty would get the advantage of choosing a single room but not at this school which was nice for a change. Taking a few steps back as to let other students look for their dorm room. Adjusting her dress which represented a kimono, slightly opened (which was easier to move around in unlike the English ones). Made of silk which felt nice to the skin with a red base color. Thin lines of gold were placed so they formed birds, representing freedom. Underneath she wore a dress in white, gracefully completing the entire outfit. At her feet she wore closed shoes, climbing up until her calves in coal black, laces holding everything neatly together.

Today (on a spring day), there were no classes scheduled as it was the start of a school year which was nice. Wooden signs indicated to be followed for the books. Gracefully making her way to the library which was noisy just for the day. Waiting in line patiently until it was her turn. Upon saying her name, she received glances from her and there as her family was pretty well-known. Her father being the best strategist of the kingdom and her mother having a shop for dresses which were all hand-made. The best of the best. Her own outfit was created by her mother as well. Golden hair ornaments in the form of leaves decorating her hair was a present from her cousin for good luck. She got along more with him than with anyone else in the family. Yet, because he was out of the country, he couldn’t enter the Academy of Magic as of now which was a pity.

Upon receiving a brown bag where her books were placed in, she thanked the person and made her way out of the library and into the garden which was not too far of a walk away. Eyes widening at the beautiful sight where flowers adorned the pavement of grey stones. Several kinds of trees were placed in a way which made the garden look even bigger and a pond in the middle. Water lilies floating upon the cold surface. Butterflies fluttering out and about, if she was right, she recognized the Amber Phantom Butterfly, the Blue Morpho Butterlfy and the Western Blue Beauty. While giving herself a treat to the eyes, she sat down on one of the wooden benches, placing her bag on the ground. ”Beautiful” She muttered unconsciously as she took everything in.

A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

coded by incandescent

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Today was the true start of Gyleon's new life. After having lost his life as a result of his own sloth and having nothing to show for it, he was given the opportunity to have a second chance to lead a fulfilling life that would be remembered. Gyleon was blessed to be born to the Autic family holding the title of Count, and hold the power of magic as all nobles do. At 5 years of age, he regained his memory of his previous incarnation and set about making it his mission in life to improve himself to become the best person he could be and have his name written in history, unable to be eroded.

Although it was difficult to break the poor and harmful habits formed by his other self, Gyleon was strict with himself and broke through them to absorb as much knowledge of this world as he could and train his body. Gyleon was not a paragon of willpower and, often breaking down when alone but the fear of ending up like his past self and birth of his talented siblings pushed him forward. Ultimately, at 16 years of age he was now at the Cathonia School of Magic, where he'd be able to truly master himself through the training of his magic and gain necessary connections for his future.

It was a fine day with a cool temperature and a beautiful blue sky dotted with clouds, only appreciable to this level due to being a fantasy world without the trappings of industrialization polluting nature. The chatter of new and old students alike filled the air, slightly annoying Gyleon but he could not blame them as he too was excited. Though he disagreed with the arrangement as it is a prestigious school attended by nobles who are the future of this land, most dressed casually or far too fancifully to draw attention to themselves and display their wealth as there was no dress code. Gyleon wanting to make a good impression on his first day dressed up to show respect, donning a white dress shirt and tie with black pants and a light, darker blue shaded jacket as his own impromptu uniform.

As Gyleon mused on his own past and his hopes to the future, time passed and the chatter of the students soon died down as the great Claus Von Deik took the stage and began his speech. Although he had not seen the principal in person until now, he had an air of capability about himself if not having a slightly sinister air that Gyleon pushed from his mind. The speech was rather standard, though making Gyleon excited to be within the top rankings and have a place within the student council to further his resume. After the speech the professors introduced themselves and listed the classes that would be available, Magical Combat and Magic Control being his main interest as they were not subjects he could drown himself in as much.

Soon the speeches of the professors ended as well and the students were left to their own devices and as with most, Gyleon checked the information about his dorm setup. Ignoring the rather childish humor that came from his room number, Gyleon was able to find that he was roomed with one Theodore Argent. Although Gyleon was not one with much interest in politics, the name still rang somewhat familiar as one of the rare light users on top of being from a Duke household that he had heard vaguely about due to some scandals or another. Out of curiosity for the people he could only really call acquaintances, he found that Yakaterina and her occasionally seen and god given gift of a friend of high status were present as well not to much surprise.

After confirming where his room was, Gyleon made his way to the the library to receive the books for his studies. As expected of the prestigious school, it was rather large and contained countless books, likely containing those that would not be able to be found anywhere else as well. While lost in his own world, in awe of the materials available to him that he would need to check at a later time, he was brought back to his senses after a familiar name was uttered and the attention of the surroundings seemed to focus in a particular direction. Further ahead of himself, after confirming by the mumur of the surrounding students, it seemed that the young daughter of the Landon family had been found, disappearing soon after receiving her own books. Unfortunately Gyleon was unable to get much of a clear look and proceeded to retrieve his books with far less fanfare than the famous duke's daughter and made his way out.

After securing his study materials Gyleon was left with a choice. He could either proceed to his dorms to begin preparing it for living in while surrounded by the crowds of students doing likewise and being forced to interact with his new roomate, or he could find somewhere else to wait out the majority of the rush temporarily. At least for Gyleon this was an easy decision and he soon made his way to the garden that would at least be mildly quieter in comparison and only have to deal with the noise of those passing through, while having a beautiful and peaceful environemnt at the risk of getting himself dirty.

While making his way to the garden Gyleon fetched out the book on Magical Control for his class, to get a better idea on and begin getting ahead in. Out of the corner of his eye, he was forced to bring his attention to someone who stands out rather easily. In outfit reminiscent of the kimono of Japan from his previous life, and with silver hair that glowed slightly in the sunlight, he was met with the appearance of who he believed to be Ellis Landon. Unlike what he'd expect of a noble lady part of a duke household, she was rather relaxed despite the chance of being spotted by others and innocently taken in by the surrounding nature and even letting slip her opinion of it's beauty.

Though his thoughts were more on her own beauty, Gyleon quickly shook off those thoughts as someone far more mature mentally, deciding to use the comment to speak with her despite not being said with intent of conversation. "Indeed it is." he replied before continuing "Please excuse me Lady Landon, I am Gyleon Autic, a first year. My apologies for disturbing you but may i be so presumptuous as to ask if i may join you here to take a temporary rest?" As expected, like usual his words came out overly formal, even more so dealing with the opposite sex, especially one of such high rank.

Location: Academy Garden

Interactions: Ellis Landon

Mood: Anxious

Tags: Clouds Clouds
School. Magic school. Big magic school filled with well known people from rich families or just royalty in general, for someone who doesn't originate in this land's culture, it was very overwhelming. Even after how ever many years of figuring out that it existed, Alice was still baffled by the reality of magic just because of how scientifically impossible it seemed, but hey, it's magic, logic is not required!

Sure, Alice was born into a rich family and was a Duchess, doesn't mean she wanted to be recognised like it. She imagined it would be so much cooler if she was recognised as a nobody and was so much better than everyone else, because that's the dream. Although if she were to get recognised, she wasn't going to act smug about it.... hopefully. She took note of the clothing variety of commoners and rich peoples alike, and decided to ignore her family's opinion of being the most beautiful and choosing what she wanted. She ended up with a cute crimson red kimono, and of course bought a yukata because of her lack of making up a decision in less than 72 hours. Her black hair was slightly shiny and had a silky feeling anyway, so no need to bring any extra attention by splurging on fashion... however, she couldn't help but feeling an urge she NEEDED something cool and unique, and her fascinated little brain decided: she was into fire and red, and she LOVED New Year, so why not a Kitsune Mask? Alas, the fashion was perfect.... in her opinion anyway, she looked like a silly peasant but she did not care.

A while later after the principal's grand introductory talk, something was constantly replaying within her mind, 'ranked', they were being judged and receiving 'somewhat' praise for how well they performed, she finally figured out what she wanted to do. Although she would probably struggle along the way as she does with a lot of things, this was going to be something she was passionate about for a very long time to come.

Alice was on the way to figure out what dorm she was at before picking up her books from the library. She was a duchess, so she was probably overreacting and wasn't going to attract any attention of sorts, but mask. Mask to be safe. She slid her mask over her face and absentmindedly strolled to the library, taking in everything and trying to memorise it quickly, although she'd probably need to remember it again next time she visited. She noticed where others were collecting books for their studies and copied the herd, waiting for her time and leaving the queues and groups as soon as possible, wanting to see the outside again. However, what dorm she would be in was more important to her right now, she had her fingers crossed she wouldn't be stuck with someone she was either going to hate, or may have some sort of advantage of being better than her. Of course, egogirl, needs to be the cooler one.

Alice was glancing over the dorm listings, remembering 54. Lendri Velicosa was definitely a name she didn't recognise, so she wasn't going to be royalty at least, didn't mean she felt overall fine with it. Not disappointed or angry either, just slightly off-put, considering she had no prior knowledge on who she was going to be essentially living with for a long time. It had been many years since her past life, but it doesn't mean she forgot music of her old homelands, and she was vibing pretty happily. She didn't really understand where she should be going, so she was just hanging around outside taking in the nature, it was one of her favourite things after all. She pondered on her future at the Academy to herself, singing an old song to herself very quietly as she wandered around, heading to the gardens. The gardens, nature, now this was her jam.

Location: Academy Gardens

Interactions: N/A

Mood: Chill
If it wasn't for the stupid drake he had been forced to ride to school...perhaps Griffin would have been on time. Years of drilling made his skin crawl at the realization he was late...worse yet the only information he'd been given from home was he wasn't allowed to wear armor like typical dress, his back was to be bare until ordered otherwise... and there should be a letter at his room explaining things either when it got there -or shortly thereafter. Storm, the name of just shy of brooding age beast beneath his crossed legs had been finicky of all things when eating before arriving. Given drakes were mostly poikilothermic...having enough food for the beast wasn't a problem. The things engorged themselves on anything and everything and would just lounge around for at least a week at a time if left to their own devices. Still the beasts were strong - incredibly so and despite their appetites, their strength and immense size made them adequate beasts of burden for hauling goods. Foul temperaments aside, they were more economical than horses...riding on the other hand was a chore given even his immense father needed to make them lay out before mounting. The fact Storm actually didn't just dive into the early meal of the day to keep the first bit of school calm actually made the large, fiery haired teenager question if she was healthy - after all his father intended to 'surprise' the academy with the gift of a trained drake -a recent breakthrough of his family. But if she wasn't healthy, he did have the leeway to handle the beast as he saw fit.

The Principal's voice had fortunately been loud enough where even he was able to make out most of it...before recognizing he should probably dismount... something he was eager to do since he personally felt just a bit of magical reinforcement to his legs would be faster. He eagerly jumped down as Storm attempted to laze further, and with a light curse he hauled the grumpy beast along - earth coalesced around him, a scale like pattern forming on his body as Griffin was ultimately forced to drag and then carry the beast as she lulled into slumber. His ears ultimately tinged to match his hair as he realized his first impression was 'the guy who carried in a drake' (what field officer actually carried his own mount?!)... luckily a mix of magic, the humans of this world, and his own family genes meant the weight wasn't a strain. But the remnants of him that were still Jon couldn't help but think the image of a young man carrying a beast more than twice his size to be odd. Especially when he's taking efforts to keep his back from being covered in the process. "I swear...if the academy doesn't want this thing...Im just going to kill it and eat it as pay back." The vow was mumbled under his breath as he was shuffled through the line for some reason for a smooth entrance...a potential sign of interest in his father's stupid present he hoped.

Unfortunately, getting on the grounds didn't make things easier since he still had to navigate around the larger-than-a-carriage mass of flesh and scales in his arms. Irritation showed on his face while he planted his feet and power and earth coursed from the ground- the scaling of his skin growing deeper as the redefined beast of burden was hoisted over head so he could see. If all drakes were like this one, he could only marvel at Anna managing to break in 2 in the past month...otherwise he could only hope it was his bad luck on his first drake to get one like Storm. He shoved the complaints from his head...after all priority one was either to find staff, or a place to just drop off Storm somewhere she couldn't cause trouble so he could get his luggage off her hulking frame. An extra stomped surged more power as he entered the final stage of the basic family art - the very thing that earned the Dragon astride a Mountain he bore on his back. There was a groan from his bones in protest, but with a few labored breaths as he brought everything under control...simply throwing Storm was no longer an impossibility (even if the effort would drop the angered beast just shy of his feet) as he panned his gaze around in search for a means to complete the task of ridding himself of the beast.

Location: Academy Gate

Mood: Hangry

Interactions: NA
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Location:Academy Male Dormitory

Interactions: Cassius Vorenus

Mood: Cheerful

Another year, and more knowledge to gain on his respective element. Another year away from the cold people he called parents. Hunched over at the small table he and his roommate shared, he poured them both a drink. While most nobles would disdain having to share quarters with a commoner, the scion of House Mason was known for going against the grain of societal norms. He and Cassius had been classmates for over a year now, and despite the difference in social class, Alex had felt right at home. His father would be furious when he learned this, which made the young Marquis smirk. "Well my friend, to another year of learning." The noble said raising his glass to his roommate.

It was no secret that Mason brewed libations in his closet, most of the second year students and some of the staff knew this. Although many just kept quiet, either enjoying the comfort of such drink, or were "Persuaded" into keeping their silence. Of course, Due to his politics or lack there of, he had gained much support from the common folk and lower nobility attending this prestigious academy that he had no fear of retribution, allowing him to focus on his studies and hobbies.

Knocking back his drink, the amber liquid burning nicely, leaving a pleasant warmth in his chest, the noble sighed in delight before pouring a second. Setting down the unlabeled bottle Mason set to work going over a set of schematics he had drawn up for his advanced class of artifice, along with the schedule for this year of classes. It was gonna be a busy year, and he hoped he would soon find out his affinity for his Terra magic, be it Crystallization, Metals, Glass, or even Lava. The prospects just made him feel giddy with excitement. In all honesty, the first three would be the most useful to him and his work as an artificer. Not looking up from his schematics, he spoke once more. "Tell me, are you excited for this new year friend?"

Cenedril Cenedril
Galina Geas
Listening attentively to the speech or at least keeping up the appearance of doing so Galina fought the grip at her dress excitedly not wanting to mess it up, while some tiny remaining fragment of her former masculinity rebelled at getting dressed up in a manner befitting a noble lady she was otherwise very much into feeling pretty, especially since she looked so good while doing it.

So she remained still contenting herself with twisting a lock of her hair around her finger a sunny smile that reached near blinding levels when the headmaster pointed out the second year students that were on hand to help out and Galina picked out the familiar face of Birdie, her resolve to hold still began to very quickly crumble away leaving her itching for the welcome address to be over so she could get a hold of her friend. While the speech went on and on she did manage to catch the eye of Gyleon Autic, she had first met the courteous Count while visiting Birdie in her nearby new home after her adoption and while they got along fairly well that had been more than enough excuse for her mother to put him high up on the list of marriage candidates making any later meetings between them extremely awkward.

After an unbearable half hour of listening politely Galina was finally free to rush forward and throw her arms around her friend. "Birdie! It's so great to see you!" The two had been close since not long after Birdie had been hired on as one of Galina's maids and the discovery that they were both reincarnated had formed a bond that had held fast through Birdie's elevation into the Baroness Yekaterina van der Zee and her departure for the Academy a year earlier. "This is going to be the best year ever!"

pinnasina pinnasina Akudon Akudon (sort of?)
camille beaumont
Watch how they smile
The Academy was massive to him, much bigger than what he thought it would be. Not that living on the rural side meant he didn't knew a thing about 2 story buildings or higher ones, of course he knew. Her mother and him took turns to see who'd go next day to the town center, get items and any goods that were needed for the week at home, do paperwork if needed and get back home, plain and simple.

Camille grew accustomed to the countryside, vast landscapes filled with forests, grasslands, wildlife or the neverending sound of a river flowing next to his house and his horse neighing every now and then. But this was something else. Though it wasn't hard at all to learn were departments, faculties and other stuff where located, it actually took him just an hour of exploring, walking around the facility and getting to know people from other towns and different social strata to get a fairly decent glimpse at both the student body and the magic section.

As opposed to regular students, most magic scholars where connected to the high society. He was one of them too, but at the age of 12 he rejected two proposals from a marquess and a count to adopt him into that world teeming with wealth and political matters, his life at the countryside was more than enough to him.

By the time the speech from the principal was coming to an end, Camille had finally found the wall with the dorms info. Finding himself in the middle of a crowd, with some eyes gazing at his look composed by some harem pants printed with white and blue mandalas drawn by himself, a pair of white espadrilles, a white long sleeved shirt rolled up to his forearms and on top of it all, a flower crown. Sigh, Maybe his style was much like of a commoner after all, he thought. Speed reading through all of them got him the answer he needed: dorm 19 Camille Beaumont and Griffin Chadston? He'd heard that name before on his trips to nearby towns, that could be a clue to his high class origin, not that it mattered right now, he would check on him latter.

Even though he got into the academy on his own, Camille hadn't read that much about what he was going to study except for the magic combat and magic control parts. He'd never payed any serious attention to his power, apart from that time when he help unclog a water mill from his neighbor, somehow using his magic, he never really knew how it happened but oh well... Now it was time to learn once and for all how to use his for real. He gathered the books corresponding to his studies at the library, making sure he was leaving none behind and quickly left to enjoy the day outside.

What really caught his attention was how well kept the construction and its overall image was on every single detail, from the architecture's perspective and the intricate designs in some small corners to their well trimmed gardens, he fell in love with them at first sight, the variety of species and their blossomed stage showing off their natural beauty.

As he was looking out for some he could add to his flower crown, Camille stumbled upon a girl wearing a kitsune mask, a sudden flashback from behind the scenes of a modeling stage and himself asking the designer if they should wear it or not, his remebrance got shut without knowing the answer, but he was interested on who was behind the mask. "Breathtaking isn't it? The beauty and work behind this gardens is just astounding"

Mood: Amazed| Location: Academy Gardens | Interactions: Alice Lorewerth | Tags: Femboy Femboy

coded by weldherwings.
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Side: Snake

Snake sat on the bench and pulled a strange looking object from his pocket. It looked like an item that was part inhaler and part pacifier. Placing it between his lips, a button was pressed. Snake then inhaled a bittersweet tasting vapor before exhaling it in a puff of mist. This was a special medicine that Snake had picked up to ease his nerves and balance him out. In his previous life, he'd have just used one of his specialty E-Cigars to perform the same task. Yet this body was younger and a lot more noticeable in regards to using harmful substances to minors. He'd just gotten out of a meeting with the Vice Principal over his enrollment. His grandfathers name alone carried a lot of weight. Yet even the Boss was still a commoner by birth. Hence why Instructor Claire had been the one to formally recommend Snake to the school board. Snake was thankful that his teacher was able to score him a spot at the nations top magic academy. Here, he'd be able to push the limits of his powers and obtain the certifications he needed to pursue his ultimate goal.

"Hey Boss" said a familiar voice as a dark haired youth approached Snake. This was Maverick, or Theo Argent to the public. Like him, Maverick was also a reincarnator. In fact, the two had also worked together as members of the covert black ops group known as FOX. While Snake had received training from groups like the Green Berets and the Spetsnaz. Maverick was trained by a few of the most dangerous people on their world. A former assassin who had taken out politicians, warlords and even other professional assassins. The two of them had an interesting history....considering Snake was the one who killed Maverick and sent him here in the first place. To this world of magic and mankind living side by side. Though he wasn't fond of being called "Boss" considering their unit was only two at the moment.

"Cut it out with the BOSS stuff Maverick. Save it for after we figure out how to form our own PMC" said Snake as he finished off his medicine. The final puff of the white vapor was simply blown away by the breeze. Getting up and walking with Maverick, Snake turned to his comrade. "So how long has baldie been following you?" asked Snake as he gestured behind them.

Side: Maverick

That woman has her strings wound WAY TOO TIGHT thought Maverick closed the door to the Vice Principals office and exhaled. She had kept him in that room for over half an hour with what could only be described as an interrogation. All that frowning and eyebrow furrowing ruined that pretty face of hers....it also distracted from her GIANT TITS. "Goddamn! She must be keeping those puppies stored into that pantsuit with some kind of gravity magic because those things are HUGE!" said Maverick as he held his hands to the heavens. Maverick had overheard that she was single, unmarried and probably straight. Could she just be a massive prude or is there method to her inevitable future as an old maid? Pondering this, Maverick slyly looked over his shoulder. There was a cute blonde girl picking up her books, she had nice curvature and her eyes were gorgeous. "Let me help you with that" said Maverick as he came to her aid like a gallant prince. Though he felt slightly bad. She was cute, yet he just needed an excuse to look back. Handing the books back to the girl, Maverick confirmed that there was definitely someone following him. His assassin instincts were telling him to corner, extract info from and then eliminate his pursuer. However, he wanted to see where this would lead.

"Hey Boss!" said Maverick as he walked over to the bench outside. Seated there, in the same uniform as Maverick was Snake. Whether or not they could be called "Friends" was debatable. The two of them were simply coworkers in their previous life and had decided to pair together in this one. In this life, Snake was the grandson of their nations greatest soldier. Which Maverick couldn't help but chuckle at since a battle hardened old man had been the source for Snakes growth before as well. Snake's dislike of being called "Boss" brought a wry smile to Mavericks face. As the leader of their future unit, Snake WAS the boss. The two then began the trek to the Male Dorms, where they'd be staying at for the foreseeable future. "So how long has baldie been following you?" asked Snake as he nudged his head to their unseen shadow. "Since I left the VP's office.... most likely sent by members of the board to keep an eye on me" replied Maverick as he didn't even look back. "Well its your own fault....you killed the third best assassin in the country when you were ten. Last month you tore out the spine of a man who once led the fifth best mercenary company in the nation....could you BE any more blatant?" said Snake as he furrowed his brow at Maverick.

They soon got close to a cluster of trees and decided to pretend to take a break. Looking at one another, Snake and Maverick both nodded at the same time and vanished from sight. Within seconds, Maverick held a tree branch enhanced with high frequency light waves against an adams apple while Snake held the arms of the bald man behind his back in a vice grip. "Lose your vocal cords or lose your arms....pick" said Maverick as he dropped the pitch of his voice. At their mercy was a balding older looking man in dull orange robes with a long maroon scarf hanging from his neck. The slight burn markings left on his sleeves and the faint smell of charcoal indicated he was a Fire Mage. "WAIT WAIT! I was sent by the Vice Principal to test you, Argent.....she didn't believe some of the rumors surrounding your abilities. Obviously we were wrong to underestimate you.....as well as.... Mr Vicboss?" said the man as he looked around for Snake. There was no sight of Snake in all directions. Maverick gave a wave to the man before using Solarity to exit the scene...
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Vorenus snapped two fingers together, and with a crackling pop they lit up into a small flame he used to set a candle on his nightstand alight. Bending over the side of his bed, he clawed at the shadows beneath it, one hand latching on to the handle of a medium-sized wooden chest. He hauled the thing out, producing a key from beneath his flowing - though at the moment, somewhat tattered - black sorcerer's robe. Cassius inserted it swiftly into the lock, popping the top of the chest open and withdrawing a recently acquired book. 'On the History of Magic' a treatise by the great, long dead conjurer Ezerius. One of many such books Cassius had looked over in his search for the coveted Dark Magic. And he assumed, having gotten about half-way through without the slightest hint of the information he desired, it would soon also be added to the ranks of many disappointments. He didn't even know why he was bothering with this, it was a complete waste of time! Cassius let out an annoyed growl, the candle's flame flaring up alongside his anger. He knew the chance of him finding anything out about Dark Magic from some random book he picked up from a library was basically zero, but he didn't know what else to do. Where would you even keep that information? Undoubtedly in some dusty crypt of ancient necromancers buried far beneath the earth, but who was going to retrieve it? Him? Maybe, if he had to. But first he had to find it, and that would probably be the most difficult part. And it wasn't like he could ask anyone for help, they'd probably throw him in the stockades or execute him, or at least tell the principal and then he could say goodbye to ever legally casting magic again.

But, his thoughts were interrupted by his roommate's voice - when had he come in? Cassius hadn't even noticed - but he had drinks and was toasting one to him. Vorenus grinned, tossing the book to the side and grabbing the cup Alex offered, taking a nice long sip. "Ah, I knew there was a reason I kept you around." Cassius said with a wry smile, bumping his cup against Mason's. The follow-up question brought a furrow to his brow, as Vorenus considered the question. He was always excited for the opportunity to increase his power, but that's not really the kind of answer people like to hear. So he shrugged, "Yeah, of course. Maybe those pompous fucking nobles will cut me some slack this year." It was sometimes hard, being a man of common birth in a place like this. Not that being talked down to hurt his feelings, he met their sneers with the same defiance they always showed, and he knew they weren't better than him. But it could make things...difficult. Especially when they wanted to be addressed by their proper titles, which was something Cassius loathed. "Anyways," he said with another shrug, polishing off his drink. "What are you working on?"

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Alice was still having a wonderful time along the variety of flowers and such within the gardens, every single butterfly was amazing to her and she loved it. She was pondering on the idea of collecting some of the flowers in order to use them for something pretty, maybe they'd make a nice centerpiece in a vase in the middle of her dorm room, maybe they'd make a nice flowercrown or even just look great in her hair. Her fascinated thoughts were interrupted by a male voice she wasn't expecting, jumping softly as she turned her head to look at the man. She didnt recognise him by any means, so she was curious if he was just an everyday commoner. She was always interested in being friends with commoners more, so she thought, she didn't really want any sort of bonds that were built entirely on nobility status. She definitely wasn't going to bow to anyone by any means.

Alice took one quick glance over his appearance, which should hopefully have gone unnoticed under the mask. He was a pretty handsome fellow, though his clothes were something... she did not see often. He must have not realised she was a duchess yet, so Alice wanted to keep it that way, or at least not get a big deal made out of it. "Oh, I didn't notice you were even there, but yes I do agree, it's one of the most beautiful things I've seen... I'd prefer it more if it weren't attached to a bustling school though" she laughed softly, looking over some of the red flowers specifics for those she had particular interest in taking for herself as long as there wasnt any rules against it. "Oh, I should've introduced myself-" in her moment of turning and going to introduce herself, she realised how stupid she really was. Saying her name would remove the entire purpose of wearing the mask. "Actually, I realised nevermind, I didn't really need to go around saying that yet, uuuh hey look pretty flowers" she hummed softly, turning her attentions back to the plants to block out her dumb action. In the whole thing, she realised now much taller Camille was than her, though it was kind of to be expected, she was a little on the small side to begin with.

Location: Academy Gardens
Mood: Slightly Embarrassed
Interactions: Camille Beaumont
Tags: Paltajayd Paltajayd
Seeing his friend and roommate obviously changing the subject, the terra mage obliged. "Well, since you asked, It's a schema for an arcane power core. Something I puzzled out during our small break from the academy. My hope is to be able to craft it during Artifice class since it'll require quite a few rare materials. Although I do hope I find out my secondary attunement soon. It would make this project so much easier, be it for molding the metal parts, or creating the channeling gem." He replied, stopping himself short of going on a full lecture mode, not wanting to bore him on the technical aspects of it.

Pushing the schematic forward towards his friend, Alex took another pull on his glass draining it before getting up and heading towards his trunk. Opening it up, he rummaged through it before pulling out a brass and ruby core prototype, setting it on the small table before pouring them both another round. "This is but a prototype, non-enchanted piece. Mostly to see how all the parts work together and move smoothly" The craftsman of a marquis explained winding up much like a watch before setting it back down, the parts moving in sync with one another, at a quick pace.


Cenedril Cenedril


Academy garden.


Gyleon Autic.




Akudon Akudon .
Ellis Landon.
Ellis’ breath halted as she heard a voice coming from somewhere near her. Having been captivated by the garden, she stopped focusing on her surroundings all together. Blinking twice as she turned her head towards the male’s voice direction. Letting her eyes trickle upwards until they reached his face. Black hair with a blue/purple hue depending on how the light shone on him, and his eyes, one of the most beautiful colors she had seen in her life. A bright swiss blue topaz, reminding her immediately of the healing stone she had in her little jewel box. A light skin that suited his features nearly perfectly. The only thing that made her hold back her laugh was his overly polite way of speech. Even though she was of a higher epithet, there was no reason to go that far.

She chuckled as she forced herself to look down for a split second to keep herself together. Not wanting to offend someone on the first day of school, even worse since it was someone she didn’t know yet. ”Of course, thou are allowed to take seat next to me.” She teased (as she couldn’t resist doing so in the end). Tapping the empty place next to her almost like a child. ”Nice to meet you, mr. Autic.” She commented with a soothing smile. It felt nice to talk to people even if they were obviously nervous by unknown reasoning.

”What brings you here?” She asked after a small moment of silence. ”Looking for a place to escape or just running away from all the noise back there?” Tilting her head to the side as she stared right at him. Eyes twinkling out of curiosity. There was also the option of the guy preferring nature but it didn’t look like it much.

In the meantime, she tried to store his name up somewhere in her memory as it might come in handy later on. It would be pretty annoying if she had to keep asking for it which was not the first time that happened. Her mother had given up on that part already and just gave her a list of names for whenever they had to go somewhere or they were heaving a tea party. The only disadvantage was that there were only vague descriptions of the people so she had to guess most of the time. How much she craved for pictures to exist at those times…

Hearing a sudden excited voice from another side, glancing through the leaves to see from who it was but then again. She couldn’t remember. Ah… those dreadful names.

A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

coded by incandescent

camille beaumont
Watch how they smile
Camille squatted so he could talk face to face with her, looking straight into her eyes not for the sake of looking for attention, but because he liked them, a little gate to someone’s soul as many said. He then answered her in a amicable way, maybe then she would loosen up and say her name. He let out a giggle behind his bent hand “Well, guess I’ll be the one introducing myself. My name’s Camille Beaumont, nice to meet you!” And with that, he whip from his back a red carnation that covered his mouth and cheeks, leaving only his eyes and the facial marks of a sweet smile visible. He the carnation in a bouquet made from rose colored camellias, yellow daffodils and white hyacinths ready to get watered in a vase for his room, same idea as her’s, though didn’t know she though”I was thinking of adding this one to my crown, but maybe it’ll go better with your style.”

Judging by the look of her clothes, how they shined with the suns radiance and the strange mask she was wearing, at least to this world, she could be some kind of noble who’s not on the royal ranks. He personally tried to follow the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover”, so instead of “musts” they had to be “could”. That way he made sure not to be so close minded. There were other thoughts in mind too, it must be hard for smaller beings to be surrounded by taller ones everywhere, bustled places sure are complicated for some, but her natural beauty and the resplendent and long black hair where more than enough to not ignore in the midst of multitudes.

There was no special reason to make friends with nobles like her. Nothing mischievous or ill-intentioned behind a commoner like him making connections with a high life damsel. He was just looking for friends, as long as they were true to their heart and acted on good will. It wasn’t enough, but that’s a good start for him. Now he had a plan that could be a possibility for the near future, what if he could be a candidate for the regular students council if they where separated on regulars and magical? Damn, if he had payed attention to the principal he would know. That idea resounded on his mind for a while as he was giving the flower to the cute girl standing in front of him.

Mood: Curious | Location: Academy Gardens | Interactions: Alice Lorewerth | Tags: Femboy Femboy

coded by weldherwings.
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Alice took note of the name, it fit his appearance for whatever reason and she kind of liked it. She was considering the possibility that she might be being quite melodramatic and overreacting about her identity of a duchess, she wasn't royalty but from being such a standing it definitely wasn't a ridiculous idea for a possibility in the future, there wasn't much to prove that it couldn't happen. Baby steps though, she glanced up at his flower crown, it looked and felt like such a tranquil piece of apparel which must've took incredible patience and delicate handwork in order to make, all for a small yet unique fashion statement.

During his very first approach to her though, she was already... let's say she was a bit distracted from the main point. From seeing him bend down to her eye level, she felt immediately upset. Was he actually just trying to be friendly, did he really think she was a child, was he just making fun of how short she was? Her mind was boggled by the simplest action, but everything else he did showed he was justified trying to be nice, especially to someone he didn't know the identity of. She decides not to being it up, her bright luminescent crimson red eyes looking directly back at his own. "Mhm, I was thinking a similar thing earlier, but wasnt exactly sure on the ethics of picking flowers like these from another's garden" she answered softly, delicately accepting the flower from him and holding it upright between two of her fingers.

Alice came to the conclusion that the man was just a generally nice fellow also interested in the flora within the Academy Gardens, despite his height-differentiating introduction. She hummed softly and smiled under the mask, reaching up with her empty hand and lifting the kitsune mask up, moving it to as where it lied on the side of her head so it could easily be swivelled over her face to put it back on. "I do suppose I owe you a more formal introduction than the rude one I gave you before, I'm Alice Lorewerth, of the... Lore...Werth, family..." smooth, didn't think her introduction before she spoke. Nevertheless it wasnt as bad as her original mistake. "I suppose someone like you could give me advice on how to incorporate something like this into one's appearance, mhm?" she asked sweetly, referring to the flower. She didnt really need or care about speaking in a formal way, she just found it fun to do so. With the mask no longer obstructing her face, her crimson red eyes glistened much brighter in the sunlight, as did her silky black hair.

Location: Academy Gardens
Mood: Cheerful, Casual
Interactions: Camille Beaumont
Tags: Paltajayd Paltajayd

Her presence felt out of place no matter how much she was expected to be here, stumbling about cheerfully and barely making it to the principles speech. Having been distracted part way watching a butterfly flutter past she wandered aimlessly away from the presentation, a smile lit up on her face as though oblivious to all the problems of the world. It was only when the noise died down and she blinked her way out of the trance the small yet stunning creature had put her in she noticed where she was- or rather, a lack there of in the department of 'knowing' where.

Taking a moment to glance around her placement she was almost immediately enthralled by the pretty flowers and soft greenery of the area. "A... Garden. How beautiful!- wait, how did i even get here?" she muttered to herself, giggling awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her head with one hand. Fingers gliding through the silky long blonde hair with ease as a sudden approach of footsteps startled her.

Fearing it was someone of authority coming to tell her off much like she was used to with her father back home she ducked behind a rather large trees trunk and peaked out after a moment, all but able to watch curiously as two students approached the area nearby and began to discuss.... something?

However her oh-so-bright idea to lean out a little more in order to work out what they were saying failed miserably and ended up in both the girl, her blue dress and her small satchel of belongings to come crashing down into the ground with a noticeable thud. Pulling herself up slowly she gave an embarrassed yet still cheerful smile as she looked over at the pair unable to gather many more words than a simple "Uh, hi!" her nose slightly pink from the impact.

Her features were rather distinct even if not for the families crest pictured on the front of her dress. Miranda Fisher, one of the royalty within Cathonia. And not only that, but one who held the rare magical trait of light. Not that you'd be able to tell either of these things from how she acted or carried herself.


Location: Academy garden
Current Mood: Embarrassed
Tags/Interaction: Clouds Clouds Akudon Akudon
sorry i took so long t^t first posts aren't my strong point dammit. Proofread done i think

Yekaterina Van der Zee
interaction: school gate.
interaction: IG42 IG42 AdmiralNeko AdmiralNeko .
mention: no one in particular.
the past few months back at creiddylad had been particularly stressful this time around, what with the madoc patriarch and his son staying at the van der zee manor.

and before anyone asks, no, it wasn't katya's idea. nor was it the baroness'. stars above know that neither of them wanted the madoc dyad within their proximity, let alone their palace.

the only one who wanted the madocs around was madame ksenia. "because they're family," she said. "you all should be bonding together, especially since yevdokiya..." she had trailed off then, and no one could find it in their heart to say no to a still-grieving mother. besides, even if someone, say, katya, wanted to say no, they couldn't. not without bearing the woman's ire and irritation for life!

her schedule for the day? sorry, no memory found. but every subtle frown, every crease of your brow, every opposition? suddenly, i've got a photographic memory! and with how sour her last conversation with madame ksenia had ended, katya knew she had only one option: smile. and nod. but always remember that there's a snake in my boot. i mean, home..

the last time the madocs were over had ended up in a near-disaster. this time, though, katya and yeronimia were prepared with numerous countermeasures.

and it paid off. katya narrowly avoided a fatal accident en route to an isolated village on the outskirts of their territory. yeronimia avoided getting involved in a scandal.

if she were anyone but herself, she would have brought out the popcorn and laughed at the absolute absurdity of it all. this was the type of family drama you'd only expect to see in shakespeare's works or in k-dramas! what even is my life now? a soap opera? what is this?

with all that messiness in her life, it's no stretch that katya missed the academy the whole time she was away.

she's got nothing against creiddylad and its people, but that peace of mind she has at the academy? nothing in this world can beat that. there's no need to keep a constant vigil or to worry about the giant target on her back. nor is there a need to suffer under the baroness' truculent tutelage.

she can safely fail and not have it blow up dramatically in her face. more importantly, she can have some stability in her life, even if it's just for a little while.


much of her first year at the academy had been spent pining for their principal, claus von deik.

he just seemed like the perfect man! not only was he single, he was classy. capable. loaded. it definitely didn't hurt that he was easy on the eyes, too.

unfortunately, he was also notoriously hard to track down and reach out to. so that was a dead-end.

still, at least things seem to be looking up for her this year. after all, big names will be joining the academy. from what she remembers, there was someone from the landon family; the sole heiress, i think. the argent family, the lorewerths' youngest daughter... i think the royal princess will be joining the fray too.

in other words: this year's going to be it. the year i'll meet that special someone who'll fill up the van der zee treasury.

And to top all of that off, her closest friends will also be attending the academy!

the moment the opening ceremony had ended, katya, who had easily picked galina out from the crowd, immediately speeds up to meet the blonde's embrace halfway.

"it has been too long!" it really has been too long, especially since katya had been busy trying to survive for months.

The murmurs around them, however, quickly reminds her of their audience. She clears her throat and sweeps into a dramatic cursty in front of galina, careful to press her playful smile away. "a most merry morning to you, my lady." still, it doesn't take long before katya breaks her character and laughs.

In an attempt to make up for the months where they couldn't meet, she affectionately clasps galina's hands into her own and squeals. "oh, you have no idea how long i waited for this! pray, lina, that we are assigned the same dorm. i cannot bear having to suffice for letters again. not unless someone reinvents cellphones!"

"let us away!" she cries, heading for one of the bulletin boards nearby, only to stop short at the sight of giant carrying what seems to be a dragon.

She's aware of the fantasy setting they were dropped in, but this level of ridiculously fantastical is a first.

now, the question: were they a student? a staff-member? an outsider meeting a staff-member? an intruder? An intruder trying to pass off as a student? an adventurer who got lost on his travels?

only one way to find out.

she diverts from her original destination and instead approaches the individual, careful to be a step in front of galina, should something go wrong.

she begins with a slight bow to the individual, on the off-chance that they were one of the big-name students. "greetings, sir. you seem to be, well, encumbered." which is putting it rather mildly. that dragon looks like it could sit on her and she'd be flat as a pancake.

"do you perhaps need directions? or some help?" she can't help but cringe at that last bit, knowing just how much 'help' she'll be with carrying that.
code by fudgecakez
hidden scroll
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As his friend - he supposed that's what they were - began to explain the workings of the strange looking schematic on their small table, Cassius's eyes almost glazed over. That was an exaggeration of course, but still, why had he even bothered? This happened every time he asked Alex about one of his crazy magic/science hybrid inventions. Science hadn't really been a strong-suit of his in his previous life. Which was really a shame, because if it was, he probably could've invented indoor plumbing or a tv or something. Nodding sagely as Mason continued, Vorenus took a last swig on his drink and blinked his eyes a few times at the schematic. One eyebrow rose as Alex hefted the prototype up on to the table. It certainly looked pretty impressive, though he had seen Alex come up with far crazier things.

"I see." Cassius said as he graciously accepted the fresh drink, and he understood enough for that to be true, at least. "So it's a power core - what's it going to power? I'm hoping some sort of personal golem servant for me that will carry my books and keep the freshmen away?" He said with a grin. It was sort of a joke, but also he would definitely take one of those if Alex could provide it. And of course he'd pay him back by providing some powerful melting flame for his forge, or flame to scare away some people he didn't like or something. They always figured something out. If only Alex could make him some sort of Dark Magic-sensing device...actually...He'd save idea that for later.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Stepping out of her family's carriage upon arrival at the esteemed Magic Academy, Seraphina gazed at the building that would become her home away from home. Her parents had enrolled her once she was old enough to attend in hopes that their daughter would make some friends since she was no longer cooped up in their estate. The teen knew that was her parent's intentions, but one can only hope.

Walking down the cobblestone path that lead to the gates, and into the school grounds, Seraphina took notice at how some of the other students decided to represent themselves since the academy seemed to not have any sort of dress code. Some of them were dressed to the nines in their finest clothes as a sign of their wealth and nobility. Then there were a few who did not choose to stand out whether that be because they simply didn't feel that it was necessary, or were commoners who had been accepted in due to their magical aptitude. Seraphina herself was clad in a dress which had a teal colored skirt with gold trim and white ruffles that poked out ever so slightly. The top portion of her dress was black with a high neckline and cold shoulder sleeve style, as well as gold trim. Though it seemed that when the black fabric met the teal it went away, at the front of her dress at least. The back of it had the darker fabric split off just above her rear into two coattails the same length as her skirt. Sewn in gold thread between her shoulder blades was the Honeycutt family crest.

The clicking of her black, close toed heels seemed to get lost in the echo of footsteps as she made her way towards the opening ceremony. Once she made it to where the students needed to gather Seraphina kept to the back of the pack as she didn't want to become stuck in the large mass when they started tapering off. Listening attentively the young marquess took in the principle's speech as he spoke of what the school holds. As he spoke of the classes all the magic users would be required to take Seraphina couldn't help but to frown a bit at hearing "Magic Combat" being one of the ones she'd have to take part in. True she does partake in mock sword fights at home with her brother, and isn't too shabby at it, but the idea of using her abilities to fight wasn't something she was fond of. Nonetheless, she had to make piece that it would be something that she'd have to do in order to excel.

When the principle concluded his speech Seraphina made her way towards the location in which the dorm list was. As she got closer there were a few familiar faces in the crowd of students such as Ellis Landon, Gyleon Autic, Alice Lorewerth, and a few others that she was having trouble remembering. Seraphina looked back ahead of her and walked towards the wall with the list of names and rules once there was room for her. Finding the list that contained the girl's dormitory rules and roommate list the earth mage skimmed it until she found her name on the list. Seeing her name and the name of her roommate Seraphina held her breath, her roommate was to be Madame Miranda Fisher; who, was not only one of the rare light magic users, but also a young royal decent of the well known Fisher family. Some of the other students around talked excitedly about the fact that a royal was attending the academy, few gazed at Seraphina as it was no secret that she was a Honeycutt. Clearing her throat softly the marquess held her head up with dignity as she gracefully walked away from the crowd to get to the library.

As she arrived at the library Seraphina walked inside the building before making her way to the line where she'd be picking up her books required for the classes she'd be taking for the year. After patiently waiting in the line of students it came to be Seraphina's turn, and when it was she gave her name before being handed a brown paper bag containing her books. Strolling out of the building the young Honeycutt sighed to herself as she began walking away from the library.

With getting what she needed done out of her way there were very few things left for the teen to do aside from going straight to the dorms and claiming a bed or a room. Hearing that there was a garden on the grounds Seraphina yearned to explore it, but after seeing a number of people heading for it, she thought it might be best to wait. Instead she began making her way to the girl's dormitory with the help of the directional signs.
Alex Smiled wickedly at the idea, before replying. "Sorry, but a golem is just not in the cards just yet. I had something simpler but much, much more fun in mind." He replied, starting to get into the Drunk Science mindset. "I don't know about you, but i'm starting to get tired of traveling by horse and carriage. In fact, I happened to make an acquisition of an old warehouse not even a mile from here. It's currently going through repairs and has all my supplies for the project already being moved in." The Marquis alluded, not telling Cassius exactly what he had in mind for placing the completed core.

The look in his slightly mad eyes said it would be something revolutionary for this worlds technology. "But, I will give you a hint on one of my more, destructive projects that i've had in the works. the plans are all in here" He said pointing at his head. "Just need the right tools for the job, and a way to create a propellant..." Contented to leave his friend in suspense, Mason nursed his third glass of bourbon, enjoying the warmth in his chest and stomach from the hard corn liquor, reminiscing on the previous year when he managed to get Cassius to agree to help building a still in their closet. With Cass being a fire mage it made the most sense, plus like him, he needed a good drink.

Cenedril Cenedril
Griffin's pause to get his bearings reward him with a lady appearing his age approaching him and an offer for assistance - more importantly though was the bow... it rubbed him the wrong way. Since with his still growing 205cm of height he was looking down on most people his age, he made a point to try softening his naturally stern expression before he answered a naturally hearty laugh at joke of his encumbrance.

"You could say that again, Storm here ate 2 hogs and a hay bale before deciding she wasn't going anywhere. If it weren't for a fact my father said the Chadstons are gifting her to the academy I'd have just left her to the barracks and walked here." With a bit of effort he managed to balance the bulk of his package to free up his right arm and thump his chest in a quick military salute. "The name's Griffin, and I'd love some help finding anyone who can tell me where to drop this thing. The freed hand quickly went back to bearing the weight of his charge.

"Can we save a proper introduction until then? She's about as uncomfortable to carry as she looks - I'll even settle for just a corner away from crowds since she's going to like this for at least an hour or four." Given he didn't know the girl, some sort of faux pas was highly likely to occur the longer they talked...noble niceties had not been part of the family education. But something about the casual nature nature of the conversation gave him an aching suspicion he was being incredibly rude. In his defense, even with what protection his magic was offering his flesh...her scales and one of her back spines were viciously attempting to draw blood from his otherwise bared hands and her spine was to close to the family crest on his back for comfort. Back home he'd have been yelled at for obstructing gate traffic by now so that was another incentive to move along.

Interaction: pinnasina pinnasina
Location: Gate
Mood:my jimmies are slightly rustled
Cassius let out a disappointed, tch, sound at the no-go on the golem, though Alex's next words had him intrigued to be sure. Although, the mad gleam in his friend's eye had him slightly worried, he'd gotten used to that look and the craziness that usually ensued afterward. Especially once alcohol got involved, which it often did. No doubt some sort of new demented idea that would wound up with the both of them getting in a bit of trouble with the school administrators. But that was something that Cassius had certainly gotten used to. As Alex spoke, a grin grew on Vorenus's face. Was this absolute madman about to invent cars? No, probably nothing that safe. But he'd take what he could get, Alex was right about carriages. Magic was cool and all, but there were definitely some modern inventions Cassius missed dearly. If only he could get Alex to invent something really useful, like air conditioning.

He raised an eyebrow at him, "You bought an entire warehouse?" Cassius asked incredulously, shaking his head with an amused expression on his face. "Fucking nobles..." though he addressed his friend with the term without the usual venom it carried. Though his thoughts on nobles had caused their friendship to have a bit of a rocky start, that hadn't lasted too long, and it was a complete non-issue now. "Well, as always - let me know if you need something set on fire." He offered, setting his cup aside once he'd emptied it for the second time. That was enough for him. He returned to his seat on his bed, though it was right next to the table. He popped another research tome open, beginning to read through it. Though, Alex knew he was a good multi-tasker when it came to reading and talking at least, and Cassius could continue the conversation if he wished. But for now he felt the compulsion to return to his attempt to uncover anything related to dark magic, despite the fact that it really only ever proved to annoy or disappoint him. Maybe he would actually try to get Alex to make him some sort of device to attempt to locate any sources of dark magic, although he wasn't sure how to do that while keeping his intentions secret.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
camille beaumont
Watch how they smile
"Oh I'm sorry if this goes against the school rules or anything like that, I thought this was our garden since we're staying here from now on. Regardless, this can be our little secret for now" Camille ended the sentence making a shush sign and winking at her. He didn't worry, not even thought about it because of the sheer amount of flowers available, but it made sense to him for he wouldn't want that to happen to his own garden. Any caretaker would get mad at him if they saw him for sure, imagining them made him feel somewhat ashamed, specially because of his love for gardening.

When the kimono girl took of her mask to reveal her true identity, Camille lost his words. Her red eyes where a unique trait he'd never seen on another human before, he couldn't stop gazing at them, every single line and detail made him feel as if he was being captured by their attractive essence. His green iris paled to her solid redness, he'd never felt like wanting to draw someone's eyes so bad until now. His expression didn't change much, apart from opening wide his own eyes to get every aspect of her's. Alicia... Lorewerth. That last name resounded on his head as a distant one, coming from the northern region of Cathonia. He'd heard at his hometown of some duchesses and marquesses over at that region, but no specific family name.

Her introduction was fine, even if it vaguely stumbled at the end. Formal ways of speaking and chatting with one another weren't something he was fond of, unless there was true necessity for that type of language, but generally, Camille felt formalities as if with them nobles felt more superior and correct in their speech or commoners could hid their tangible reality that lacked luxuries and extravagance with pretty words, not that everyone used them like this, but he'd met many opulent farmers with double facades. He would have to use it during his stay, after all, he was surrounded by this kind of people. The interest in learning a thing or two about this type of speech made him re-evaluate his point of view, there must be someone who's doesn't care about their status, right?

He felt her request as a compliment to his crown and his ability to craft such thing, it had been a lot of work for the sake of art. He enjoyed them, at some point in lif he even went on exchanging them around with fellow neighbours for bargains. His most valuable one was made for a wedding couple, a majestic piece of work that gained him recognition around town and his precious horse. He then finally stood up to take a look at her pristine hair for possible options. While his thinking face was inspecting her, Camille started to drop some fast thoughts, "I'm no stylist or anything close to it though, however I do enjoy trying out new looks from time to time. I'm thinking it would look nice on the side or at the back of your head. It complements your eyes and the kitsune mask pretty well if you ask me. Mind if I help you?"

Mood: A bit ashamed, Content | Location: Academy Gardens | Interactions: Alice Lorewerth | Tags: Femboy Femboy

coded by weldherwings.
Up close, it was even more apparent to Gyleon that the Landon daughter was noble lady, especially of a high epithet. After finally blurting out the lines he had managed to carefully prepare in his mind he was able to finally observe her properly with at least a little less nervousness. Ellis had a beautiful soft and pale skin tone that further complimented her image as a classical eastern beauty. Gyleon's heart seemed to skip a beat once she reacted to his voice and her attention was finally on himself and smiled at him. For better or worse it did not last however as Ellis let slip a short chuckle and gave him his first taste of her clear voice, lowering her head to hide her amusement and restrain further laughter likely.

Although he was already embarrassed by forcing himself to go out of his way to speak to someone; not to mention a member of an opposite sex and someone of a high epithet at that, it seemed his suffering had just begun. While seeming to hold a polite air, her eyes that reminded him of the vast clear sky that was equally as easy to get lost in seemed to smile like that of a predator had found new prey or a toy to play with, beginning to tease him for his awkwardly serious attitude and overly formal words. Despite being teased, Gyleon wasn't too upset as she seemed to show good faith in it, only his face being tinged slightly red along with his ears being dyed a similar color while he gave a slight and wry smile. After a moment to collect himself and will his body to move despite his worries, he stiffly joined the young woman, obviously distancing himself to have room to spare.

After having gotten comfortable and a moment of silence Gyleon was questioned by Ellis as to why he was in the garden in the first place. Letting out an embarrassed chuckle due to the idea of slightly revealing his nature and giving the girl more information to use to tease him with, he replied; "I-,I...do not exactly handle large gatherings very well. I thought it easier to seek some peace where others were less likely to gather until the surroundings settled down more." Though initially stuttering a bit out of embarrassment Gyleon soon relaxed and spoke more at ease, though keeping his speech formal like with most. "What about yourself Lady Landon?" He questioned, though it seems said girl was distracted and stuffing her face into the surrounding foliage.

Before Gyleon could question Ellis on what in the world she was doing, a new matter abruptly brought itself forward; or rather seemed to faceplant to their attention. He was surprised by the peaceful surroundings suddenly being interrupted by the sound of something suddenly impacting grass. After jumping slightly in his seat he quickly found the source; a young lady who's face had an unfortunate meeting with the ground next to a nearby tree, though luckily cushioned by the greenery. Thankfully it seems the only thing injured was her pride as she soon pulled her body up and awkwardly greeted the other two.

After taking a moment to mentally question why she was there and get slightly embarrassed with being seen alone and close with a young noble lady, Gyleon raised himself to approach the new girl. "Are you alright my lady?" he questioned her in concern, being cautious despite seeming fine for the most part. "If needed i can help you find someone for your injuries, should you have any." While offering his assistance, Gyleons concern and desire for cleanliness; especially for a young noble woman, overruled his usual awkwardness as he recovered a handkerchief from his front shirt pocket and helped clean the dirt off her face.

The girl seemed to be around his age, a soft and pretty face being revealed to go with her beautiful golden colored hair. If not for details like that and the quality of her dress Gyleon would guess her to be one of the few commoners in attendance to her more ditzy and casual attitude. Unfortunately for him while in middle of assisting her with cleaning her face, he only then noticed her family crest. While having a feeling he vaguely knew her at first, the crest of the royal family finally jogged his memory and simultaneously fried his brain, causing his body to freeze and go pale with wide eyes and the look of a deer in headlights.

Location: Academy Gardens

Interactions: Ellis Landon and Miranda Fisher

Mood: Losing years of his life to panic.

Tags: Clouds Clouds Cosmos Cosmos
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Side: Snake

Having escaped the area the moment their stalker turned his head. Snake now found himself in a box being transported to the Male Dormitory. It was a simple matter of covering himself in a layer of cloaking wind and climbing into the box while the movers were on break. The old "Box Trick" was a tactic taught to him by Old Man Snake. A rogue crate or cardboard box in some areas would be largely dismissed or ignored by all by the most astute. Snake could tell exactly where they were going and how they got there. During his training, Snake had developed a technique that allowed him to read the airwaves in his vicinity to get a decent read on where everything was. He had wanted to call it "Airdar" but decided that he'd give it a better name at a later date. Feeling the box get placed on the ground, Snake waited for the mover to move out of range. Slipping out of the box and silently sealing it back up, Snake skulked away. According to the Vice Principal, Snake would be by himself in Room 2. That'd make things easier for Snake. No roommates or unwanted visitors popping their heads in on his business. On the way to his room, he faintly heard an exchange between two male voices. He was about to write it off as simple adolescent banter UNTIL he heard mention of Golems. Better yet, he then heard some juicy details about a secret project located in a warehouse close to campus. Finally he heard a single word that motivated him to make this an op, Propellant.

Nobody in this fantasy world should what propellants are. Science and technology are severely underdeveloped. Snake couldn't help but think the Meritocratic nature of the nobility had kept society from advancing past the Dark Ages. That settled it, the denizens of Room 48 were now on Snakes watchlist. They could even prove to be useful allies for the formation of his PMC. Quickly disappearing yet again, Snake made his way to Room 2. Entering and locking the door behind him, Snake stood up. Opening up his suitcase and unlocking a hidden compartment. Snake pulled out a strange looking object. Pressing a button on the side caused it to open up into a familiar shape. It was a small crossbow that fit in Snakes hand. The lack of firearms in this world had caused Snake to improvise and request the production of this from his Grandfather. Unlike other crossbows currently found in this world. This one was smaller, silent and could fire up to three bolts before needing to be reloaded. Paired with his knife, Snake could use CQC to its fullest capability. Snake read the note attached to the crossbow.

Kept you waiting, huh?

Mentions: Cenedril Cenedril HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest

Side: Maverick

Maverick was surprised to find that his uncle had left him a package with the receptionist. Brigadier Argent was not a man to simply give gifts to people. This proved true for even his own son, August. Though Auggie never seemed to mind. Thinking about his cousin brought a smile to Maverick's face. August Argent was a proud soldier in service to the Royal Army, loving his Kingdom more than anything. He had seen conflict in the recent skirmishes with raiders from neighboring kingdoms. While possessing no magical power, he was able to take out mages capable of toppling fortresses with his bare hands. Auggie was a hero in Mavericks eyes, a true patriot. In both of his lives he hadn't experienced a real family until after he tragically lost his parents. Living with the Brigadier and August for the past few years had certainly shaped Maverick into a stronger person. He was now just as physically capable as he was in his previous life. The fact he and Snake were able to overpower and hold a Fire Mage hostage in mere seconds was proof of that. The High Frequency Branch was a tactic he hadn't used in a while. Through manipulating light waves, Maverick could create a photon blade capable of slicing through molecular bonds. It was how he preferred to kill his opponents. Thats right....kill thought Maverick as he bitterly smirked at the concept.

Maverick couldn't run from the killer instincts instilled in him during his time as the assassin known as Cooldown. When faced with danger, his body will always move to eliminate the threat. No amount of goodwill and honest work will ever change that. Maverick had continued to stain his hands with blood since the day he killed that hired thug. His own brother, Philip had sent assassins after him for years. First as revenge for their parents, then for interferring in his efforts to establish himself on the black market. Yet no matter who was sent, Maverick always cut them to ribbons. He was a monster who delighted in the pain he caused, there was no hiding it. Making his way into the reception area, he notified the nice lady that he was Theo Argent. She passed him a long bag that was almost the size of a guitar case. Maverick decided to wait until he got back to his room to look at it. Leaving the office with the item slung over his shoulder. Maverick decided to take the scenic route through the gardens. Breathing in the scent of flowers, he came upon a flustered looking male interacting with two eye catching girls. Then he saw the crest on the outfit of the blonde beauty on the ground. Not being one to miss a chance to take to a pretty face....Maverick walked on over.

"Is this a Meet and Greet with the Royal Family?"

Interactions: Akudon Akudon Clouds Clouds Cosmos Cosmos
Lendri Lineart 01.jpg

The weather was clear and calm, unlike Lendri’s rapidly beating heart.She sat in her carriage, parked in front of the school's unloading zone, gazing out onto the pristine grounds, desperately trying to work up the courage to exit the carriage, and it’s familiarity.
The coachmen knew to wait patiently for her temperament to calm.

She’d never been to a school before,private home tutors had been the norm all of her life.
Just the thought of how many people would be at the academy, was staggering for her. She saw them filing through the gates in droves.
It brought back memories of the few grand socials, her father had forced her to attend, before she wound up having a panic attack, and started refusing to go to any and all social events.
The thought of all those people, all those eyes looking at her, gazes full of expectations she could never quite understand.
She could already feel the panic attack rising, as her breath became quick and shallow.
She tried to suppress it, to calm her breathing, with deep breaths, like the physician had tried to teach her, but she wasn’t very good at it. Her breathing felt like an untrained hound, that she couldn’t pull to heel no matter how hard she tried.
She started to cry a little bit.
“I miss Bella” she said softly to herself as the tears began to flow.

Her heart calmed a little bit, as she imagined stroking Bella’s long chestnut mane, while gazing into her trust filled amber eyes.

“It’s ok, I… I’m going to be ok, I need to do this. I'm going to be a magic researcher just like mother, developing techniques yet unheard of, and unearthing ancient spells, forgotten by society.
I won’t be able to inherit, i’ll need to find my own way in the world, and there’s no way I can marry. I must become independent. I must! This is the only chance I have.”
“I may not be good with socialization, but I’m passionate about learning, and they have the best resources, tools, and teachers here, in all of the continent. “
“Just think of the library, overflowing with knowledge, more books than i could read in a lifetime.”

Her heart calmed further, as she thought of being surrounded by innumerable shelves upon shelves of tomes, ancient and new alike.
A small voice in the back of her mind whispered that she still hadn’t tapped into her powers, despite coming from a long and powerful line of fire mages.
But she shoved that voice back. Sternly insisting that the academy had the resources to help her unlock whatever mental blockage was holding up her stubborn powers. It must be true, after all, she’d read it in a book.

Finding a bit of strength, she stood, and wiped off the remaining tears.
“I just have to get through this. I can do this.”


Lendri opened the door and stepped down out of the coach. The coachmen knew not to try giving her a hand.
Not giving herself any time to think any further she marched towards the school, trusting that the servants would take care of her baggage.
She kept her eyes angled firmly downward, desperately attempting to use her bangs to block any attempted eye contact.
Luckily the school had an open dress code, so her odd clothing, was just one among many.

She entered the courtyard, and stopped for a time, to listen to the Principal's welcoming speech, as it was magically projected across the school grounds. A good thing it was too, or she would have missed it entirely.
He sounded very intimidating. She certainly wouldn’t want to get on his bad side.

As he finished his speech she spotted the information board.
She meandered nervously for a bit, as students crowded around, getting their info, until the majority had finished their business.
She did her best to ignore the few stragglers still looking at the board, and found her name and correlated dorm number.
It seemed she’d have to share her room with another student. Her breathing got a little ragged. She hadn’t expected that. She’d never shared a room with anybody before.
“Alice Loreworth?” she whispered.
She’d never heard of her before. Though that was to be expected.
As anxious about it as she was, she hoped they could get along somehow.
“At Least I won’t have have to share with a boy. I don't think i'd survive that.” she consoled herself.
She hastily noted her class schedule, and drew a quick map of the grounds and notable locations, before considering what she’d do next.

She shook off the anxiety about how to get along with her new roommate, and headed directly to the library, as if drawn by a lodestone.
She could practically hear the books calling to her, whispering sweet promises of glorious escape.
She entered, and the smell of old leather and parchment hit her. She breathed it in, and all of her stress seemed to melt away.
She drifted in, only vaguely remembering to be embarrassed, when a beautiful girl in a stunning red and kimono, with lustrous white hair, walked by her on her way out.

All distraction melted away as she began deciphering the library's cataloguing system. Gliding through the rows and levels, not stopping to look at any particular book, but simply taking in its true scope, marveling at it's structure.
She’d found her haven here.
“If only I could just sleep in the library.” She pushed the intruding thoughts of the dormitory, and related social expectations out of her mind.
“we’ve got no time for worries, silly girl! it’s time to find some choice books!” she chastised herself.

A short while later, she had a spot at a reading table, and was surrounded by prospective reading picks, on her current subjects of interest. She began the process of skimming through each one, and separating them into a pile for checkout and a pile of inferior titles which she’d return before leaving.
She completed her process after about an hour, and got into the thankfully thinned out line for checkout.
The librarians gave her a bit of an odd look at the number of her checkouts, and eventually forced her to select six or so to put back. She was a bit annoyed at that, but she supposed they didn’t yet understand the scope and intensity of her literary appetites yet.
She wandered off, skimming a fascinating tome on magical tool imbuement, while she searched for a secluded corner of the school to read in.

Lo and behold, after only a short search, she’d found a nice quiet stairwell leading to what looked like a long unused room. She could tell from the amount of dust on the landing, and even on the handle of the door itself.
She settled in, and was soon lost in a world of joyous new knowledge to discover and decipher, collect and categorize.
soon, she would not even notice, as the sun began to slowly slip past the horizon, painting the grounds beyond the adjacent window, in a brilliant shade of amber.


Mentions: Femboy Femboy Clouds Clouds


If anybody would like to interact with Lendri, feel free to give me shout either onsite via Messaging, or through offsite via discord.
I feel like role playing dialogue, and other interaction, will flow more naturally if we do it separately from this long form thread, and then simply paste the results, into our prospective entries here.

Though you can also feel free to approach Lendri here, she will most likely run away after stuttering a few words. :P
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