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"You did what?"

Galina looked up at Wesley. Her face was devoid of any emotion and the gaze which accompanied it was as cold as a Tsavanian winter. Before Wesley could respond a hand slapped him across the face. As he looked up he was slapped again followed by Galina storming out, following Valeria out onto the street.
"I am always open to listen to you, madam, just as I am always open for a dance," Aleister chuckled. "I have spent my living as a man of voice. What else is a priest, after all? And speaking is merely one side of the same coin, in which listening is its natural twin. Conversation is always a pleasure."

While it was apparent she wasn't one to change her mind - and he really wasn't one either in these regards - it was still somewhat pleasing simply being around her, all things considered. Her electric personality of danger and conviction was thoroughly tantalizing to one like him. He wasn't entirely certain that it was his indulgence into the exquisite drinks from that bar that was making him think this way, and he felt that perhaps there was a little more to it than that.

"Indeed, we've rather had the misfortune of having to dance a far less pleasurable movement at the behest of blade and barrel. And now we find ourselves dancing to the tune of darker magics," he sighed, eyes lingering on her. It was somewhat difficult for him to interact with her for the sole reason that most people he dealt with in this fashion often ended up as promising bedroom prospects, and like-minded in the case of vampirism or other philosophies of nature and art. Camille didn't seem to be one for either, though he certainly wished it could be otherwise.
"Oui." she replies to his first point, her stance gradually shifting to something somewhat more relaxed as she stood several paces away from the vampire. "It's not as small a service as you make it out to be, however. I have been doing some... thinking, after Wallace was slain. One of the things I came to realize was how poorly I treated my savior." Camille recalled, twisting her mouth in thought as she struggled to find the words that properly conveyed her feelings on the situation. Her inadequacy, failure, and perhaps even her own insecurities were currently holding her in a sort of mire of self-doubt at the moment. To her there was little she could do but press on, yet it was evident that that woman was shaken in several ways.

It was fortunate that she had someone like Aleister to talk to, even if he didn't agree with her he would genuinely listen and give her opinions on what she had to say. While the Marquess had dealt with a variety of types that would fawn over her affections, it was always done through an arrangement by their parents or came from a place of greed. For all the talk of priestly duty and the teasing, she could tell that the vampire was different in that regard. Any affection he displayed for her seemed to come from a place of actual respect and... perhaps desire? Why was she not feeling sick to her stomach as she thought these things? Even though she didn't know the answer, she was still here and made no attempt to bolt out of the place.

"The 'tune of darker magicks?'" she repeats, her head tilting ever so slightly as she asks the question. "Just what do you mean by that, Aleister?"
Aleister bowed his head slightly. "I truly appreciate your words, madam, but know that I hold no ill will to you for any transgression you feel like you may have committed towards me earlier. Saving your life was pleasure and duty, and I do not regret doing so."

He considered mentioning how he regretted speaking to Mariette on her near-death situation, but he didn't wish to upset Camille with that. The Countess would have to be a matter for another time.

The priest could tell the woman was still rather shaken on the matter, likely a mix between her behavior and self-identity. What had occured during that fight was not quite the woman Camille made herself out to be, but he knew very well that a fight of that magnitude did not show if one was strong or not - it was a matter of luck rather than skill when facing a beast like Wallace. Skill went a long way to helping, of course, but sometimes luck and fate took one further.

Almost hesitantly, torn between doing nothing and giving her a hug, he stepped forward and gently placed his hand on her arm. It seemed most appropriate to comfort her, and to convey his sincerity.

"I understand how you may be feeling, and I do not resent that. You owe me no favors or explanations, madam, though if it would ease your mind, I would not deny them," he explained gently.

"And as for these dark magics... this entire business with the Duke, the ring, Cassandra... Velin's sword, the necromancy... its all dark magic to me, and all a deplorable situation. I fear we are dancing to the tune of our enemies more so than they to ours."
His hand to her arm did provide some comfort, even if it caused her to seize up ever so slightly out of some kind of shock or defense still. What Aleister didn't know was the conversation she had with Velin, and how she was slowly coming to grips with the idea that she may be the only one who can see things through. Camille's failure in the recent battle notwithstanding, that was yet another thing weighing heavily on her mind. If she fails at any other point in this mission or acts on the goddess' wishes, what will become of her home and her family? All she could hope was to improve herself to become skilled enough to do what needed to be done.

"You know me well enough that I shouldn't have to explain anything." she says with a light chuckle. "This whole situation has been a terrible embarrassment, and I need to do better." With that she rolled her wrists and closed her hands, looking rather stern before her face gradually shifts back to something neutral.

"This world is filled with all manner of terrible things. And it is easy to succumb and be tempted by greater forces just to get what you so desperately desire." the huntress reasons, soon reaching her hand up to his wrist to hang off of it gently. "For me, I tell myself that there is nothing that can outlast human will. When all seems bleak or lost, I still push myself to go further than my limits. Even if I am to die due to just how weak I am compared to my foes, I would never lose myself in an effort to best them. My mistakes and mortal limitations, they inspire me to do things I never would have dreamed."

She shakes her head, having gotten off subject a bit. "I am certain a similar kind of conviction lives in you, Aleister. Your... gods, they are watching us. Move through them and never forget why you fight or care for this world so much. So long as you do that, you will never be like the enemies we face."
"So you two ain't gonna kiss?" Jakob said, holding his harmonica and waggling his eyebrows. "Don't worry, I won't say anything!" He could see both Aleister and Camille glare at him for a moment. He then let out a hearty chuckle and asked with a smile. "What? What did I say?" He then looked to Reginald and his band, and gave them a little bow. "Y'all are amazing performers. Keep on doin' great music." He then walked off the stage and to the bar, waiting to see what his companions would do now.
Aleister nodded solemnly to her words, holding her gaze. "I do not doubt that you will succeed in all that you pursue. Challenges in your path will only make you stronger. But the gods, they will help you too, madam. I know that you trust in your own sword arm and gaze, but truly, I believe there is much to be gained through faith. It can be a steadying hand of guidance for one when the hour is most dark. I do not believe that I can exist without the ways of Undite."

Jakob's remark earned a somewhat startled look from Aleister, who almost certainly would have blushed if he still had blood to do so. He smiled in an embarrassed manner and straightened up.

"I..." He trailed off, glancing between Jakob and Camille, unable to come up with a witty quip or remark. The constable carried on away from the stage and towards the bar with a chuckle, and Aleister looked back at Camille rather uncertainly, worried that perhaps he should step away now.
Camille smirked rather warmly at his words, put somewhat at ease due to hearing such reassurance from him. "They do watch us, surely. Maybe they have had a hand in my survival already, but I do not rely on others when I can help it. I trust their judgment, though." she replies with a nod, trying to place just when and how Velin may have taken an interest in her.

Any train of thought she had is broken by Jakob, to which she shoots him a scornful glare as he steps off stage. Her eyes return to Aleister, and she can see just how flustered that comment made him. Looking at him this way was both a pity and... somewhat moving? Just what had gotten into her? Chuckling, she shakes her head and pulls his hand gently down from his body. Taking a single step, Camille leans in and gives the priest a quick peck on the cheek.

Once her lips leave his face, she looks at him and then her eyes widen slightly. Why did I do that?! she screams to herself internally, her smile forcibly getting larger just to save face. The awkard air was palpable, and with a less-than-smooth nod she turned on her heel and sauntered back to her seat at the bar. The wine was awful, but she found herself sipping on it quicker than ever before.
After Galina stormed out of the building. Wesley merely stood and ran his hand through the cheek that got slap. Galina slaps hard. Evident that the stinging pain is there, long after Galina left. Wesley immediately thought up any ways to mend what had happend. he gives a sigh and then walks to another exit of the shop that leads into a secluded spot where there were little to no one passing by.

with the intense aura gone. he looks over to the roof of the building and sees Mariette.

"Your aura is intense. Made it quite hard when I was talking with the others." he only spoke normally. knowing her powers, she can easily pick up what he said.
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Mariette was both amused and annoyed by Wesley's tone as he addressed her. It was somewhat matter-of-fact, not apologetic as she would have expected. Then again, she and Wesley hadn't been close before the boy disappeared. Maybe he resents her choices at the mansion, same as the others. Or, maybe, since he probably had no other choice himself, ignoring his romance with Cassandra, he feels he has nothing to apologize for. Mariette figured it was a little of both. Nevertheless, she stepped calmly over the edge of the building and dropped to the ground, landing on her feet just as she would after a flying leap. They were alone now. "So, you're one of us now," she remarked with a smirk. "I figure this was forced on you in one way or another, just like it was for me."

She could already tell Wesley was about to agree, so she simply kept talking. "But... you'll soon grow to enjoy this more than you'd ever expect, I'm sure. I'll bet Cassandra has told you the same, but I don't care about your relationship with that woman. I would tell you that she's dangerous and has long-since lost her mind, but I think you're already well aware. Don't kill anyone you don't have to in order to survive. No one can trust you fully, ever again, but that's okay. You and I are the same in that regard as well, and when this is over and Ashwood is slain, you'll need protection and guidance that Cassandra, if she's even alive, won't be able to give you. So... go to Escaria. My friends in Chalmette Florissant will take care of you. I would even grant you a room at my estate as long as you keep your fangs away from the innocent."

It was a strange conversation. Mariette wasn't treating Wesley like a friend or a foe, but rather just another freshly-turned vampire. It was almost as if she were secretly recruiting him to a third side, separate from the Inquisitors and Ashwood's scheme entirely.
Aleister was rather caught off guard by the quick kiss, and he wondered if it showed on his face. Given how startled Camille seemed as well, perhaps that was so. Even the woman seemed like she didn't plan on doing it. It was... rather nice. Not in any particular romantic sense, but in a friendly way, a sort of bond between people who have grown just a little closer as a result of the trials they had encountered together. He wouldn't have denied more if it came.

Still, watching Camille head back to the bar, he felt that it all was still somewhat... different. Not dreamlike, exactly, but different. This didn't seem like the Camille he knew from before, unless she was truly opening up. It seemed strange that a woman of such strong passions could open up in this way. Really, it showed just how complex the soul was, and that made it even more precious. This could have just as easily been something motivated by deeper feelings, a passing joke thanks to Jakob's quip, or a flustered move by a flustered woman.

With a soft and somewhat amused smile, Aleister also went back to the bar and sat down near Camille and Jakob, finishing his drink.

"I suppose we have lingered about here for as long as we should. We may wish to visit our employer and see what our plan for the coming days is."
Theodore entered the church. The atmosphere was as always, a calm one. Every single house of the gods was the same from his experience. At times he wondered if there was a strict uniform procedure that each priest that took care of these buildings had to follow. Perhaps they did serve as a vessel for those above.

After a brief talk with the priest and show of a badge of the Inquisition, Theodore was given a private room at the back to write. Being part of an inquiry had it's set of procedures. He could not say of Valeria was following through on her own or not, but he still had obligations to those back at the Archives.

To: Head Archivist Ludwig Von Estril
From: Theodore Boivin
Subject: Witlock inquiry report

I should start this report to congratulate you Ludwig. You were right on your hunch that there was trouble in this region. Cases of necromancy, werewolves and your favorite subject. Purebloods. Two of them in fact. One in direct opposition of us and one that I can only describe in an uneasy alliance with us. Although our ally would like to believe she is far more clever than she actually is, she suffers from the same disease that grips a majority of her kind. Arrogance. This has allowed for us to barely keep her in check. But I get ahead of myself.

The majority of the report was Theodore recounting the events that had transpired from start to finish. But there were some more things he would add:

If you worry about me given this account, don't. I need not remind you of your own foray into places you shouldn't have. That reminder growls and hisses at you even now I recon. A brief moment of weakness will not hinder me of performing my duties and you know this. So does Henderson, that son of a bitch. I'm sure that by now you've come to the same conclusion I have regarding Witlock. Her incompetence and struggle to keep the inquiry together is a great danger that cannot be ignored. Had it not been for the threats that wait ahead, I would have departed already, but considering what we face, I refuse to let her blind bumbling in the dark go unsupervised. And as much I think the vampires in the group pose a liability, others such as constable Jacob, the huntress Camille and the lich Ethraeil have proven to balance it out.

I will write the next report in due time. From where that will be, I can't tell you. Until then, I trust you are handling things accordingly.

Theodore finished the report and placed it in an envelope, sealing it with wax. The seal he used was not one of the inquisition, but that used by the archivists among them. Leaving the room that was given to him, he handed over the envelope to the priest that he talked to earlier.

"Thank you for the service mon ami." The scholar said with a humble tone in his voice "Just remember. Wait three days before sending this."

Theodore left the church soon after. The atmosphere was calming and helped him focus, but there was more work to be done soon and he couldn't afford to waste too much time. Passing by the marketplace and the different shops, he looked around for anything that could prove useful or at least of some interest.
The huntress rapidly finished her wine and put her payment on the table, the coin she produced probably far too much tender for such a cheap drink. That hardly concerned her however, as she turned her attention to Aleister and nodded.

"Yes, I think it best we get to moving on now. This was a decent respite, but we have a great deal of business to tend to." Camille states, starting to get up from the bar and quietly move herself out of the tavern. She thought it best not to dwell on what she had just done with Aleister, the exchange was certainly nice but it ended on an impulse she was not entirely sure was her own. Whatever the case for why it occurred, she wouldn't be thinking on it much more than that.
"Hmm, I appreciate your offer Mariette, but, Even after all of this is done, My work as a hunter is never done..." Wesley turned his back to Mariette and proceed to walk, before stopping just a few feet away.

"Although.. I'll think about your offer. I'll let you know when I made up my mind. for now, I should get going. I'll meet the rest of the Inquiry behind the inn up the street in about an hour or else they'll have my head, Literally." Wesley continues walking just enough so if Mariette wants to join him, she can.
Mariette's smile twisted a bit as her eyes sharpened, a look of exasperation overtaking her. She shook her head in disbelief. "Your... 'work' as a hunter? Monsieur, please. You simply don't realize it, but that chapter of your life, if you could even call such a short venture as such, has ended. Not much of a loss for the vampire-hunting community, if I had to describe it myself," she added with a snicker before becoming serious once more. "Now then, the others should illustrate my point rather gracefully once we meet again. Until then, tchao."

The pureblood went the opposite direction. Although she had tried to build trust with Wesley, she didn't want to be seen walking and conversing with the disgraced hunter for fear of re-igniting the Inquisitors' innate suspicions of treachery again. They could always continue this conversation later.
Eventually, the group at the bar would return to the inn that the group had checked into. Once there, they found Valeria and Galina waiting for them. Valeria was quick to explain their run-in with Wesley, and also said that she demanded that Wesley meet them behind the inn soon. There, they'd get some answers. And if Wesley didn't show up, they'd deem him an enemy and would likely kill him the next time they saw him.

The hour passed, and the group gathered behind the inn. They waited patiently for their formerly lost comrade to appear, and soon enough, he did. He appeared wearing the same cloak that Valeria and Galina had seen him in, as it was still daylight outside. Can't risk getting roasted alive, obviously. His eyes were still the dead giveaway of his new status as a vampire, as well as the fangs that poked from under his lip.

Valeria wasted no time. "...Now, start explaining. And make it good. Otherwise you're a dead man." she said, rather bluntly.
Having spent the majority of the day eating good food, playing nice songs, and having fun with good friends, Jakob's day was looking great! He even made a toast with the bartender after seeing Camille kiss Aleister on the cheek. While there were many things that made Jakob worried, such as Rosanna's state or the fact that tthe Inquiry couldn't save a single person, he felt this day couldn't get worse. Of course, he was wrong.

Back at the inn, he was told about Wesley's sudden appearance. Jakob tried his best to remain calm until the hour to meet Wesley came, but once he showed up, Jakob looked Wesley dead in the eyes. His own eyes flashing yellow from time to time. "You thought we wouldn't know, huh?" he said, bitterly. "But the divine know what you've done. An angel of all things! An angel told me that you started a relationship with that vile woman." He wanted Valeria to continue the interrogation, but his unstable emotions were getting the best of him. "Now tell us where Rosanna is, you little shit."
Camille stood against the back wall of the inn, her arms crossed over her chest as Wesley approached the group. Between Valeria and Jakob immediately laying into the boy she saw no reason to interject or say her piece just yet. At least not fully, as she wanted to see how the Senior Inquisitor would deal with this situation. What she began with was a good start, though Camille was most curious if she would hold that aggression all throughout or soften up so easily like she did with Mariette. There she sat in the shadows, squinting at his now-glowing eyes and shaking her head in clear disappointment. The huntress knew that he was inexperienced but she was always hoping that he would die rather than get turned. Between that and how... close he had apparently gotten with Cassandra things had become a great deal more complicated.

"Were you simply so smitten with that psychopath that you threw away your life and sanity? Just how foolish are you?" is all she can manage at the moment.
Like Camille, Mariette didn't say much at first. She simply watched as the other Inquisitors lashed out at the boy, quite unfairly, in fact, for taking what was likely his only option to survive. It was quite obvious that Cassandra was the one "smitten" with Wesley, and with her speed and strength, he had no chance of escaping her once he had fallen into her grasp. Now, Mariette had the pleasant opportunity to watch a once-hopeful and still-prideful vampire killer experience the sort of prejudice-fueled backlash that others would give him for falling victim to such a thing. They no longer saw their junior comrade in arms; they only saw another vampire, and another pawn of the enemy, at that. You wanted to hunt us, just like them. See what kind of company you were keeping, garçon?
Theodore mask hid his real reactions to the what he was told regarding Wesley initially. An angel told Jacob of what the young boy's fate was and that he had joined the enemy only to try and come back as if nothing had happened. The first half already sounded fantastical and the second while less absurd, was still unlikely. What vampire would join a pureblood and then come back unannounced to the same people who were hunting said pureblood? Each and every one of them could cut him down in an instant if they didn't recognize him or didn't like what he had to say. Walking into a lion's den with the intent to talk to the lions. Brave, but foolish.

But the others believed the story and had their own details to fill in regarding the boy. Erwin made a gesture to Theodore to 'pay up' for their deal before going behind the inn. Something the scholar refused to do before seeing it for himself. There they waited until the man of the hour would show up and sure enough, he had the signs of being turned. By the gods, he is this stupid. As the others layed into him with remarks and threats, Theodore could only try and think what led to him accepting the offer. Was it lust, was it a trick or was it a desperate gamble to survive?
Wesley arrives at the back of the inn where he can see the group huddled together, waiting for his arrival. he patted down his cloak and calmed himself down before facing everyone.

"You thought we wouldn't know, huh?" he said, bitterly. "But the divine know what you've done. An angel of all things! An angel told me that you started a relationship with that vile woman....."Now tell us where Rosanna is, you little shit."

Wesley did a double take to see that Jakob's eyes were flashing yellow at times when he was speaking. he puts it to side for now and focuses. "A onesided relationship, Mr.Phillomon, I'll get to the part with Rosanna later."

"Were you simply so smitten with that psychopath that you threw away your life and sanity? Just how foolish are you?"

Wesley ignored what Camille said and cleared his mind, a little, isolated part of anger was stroking a fire in him that he didn't want at the moment,

Valeria wasted no time. "...Now, start explaining. And make it good. Otherwise you're a dead man." she said, rather bluntly.

"Will do... If you didn't notice, Back in the mansion. I was trying to save Galina from being captured by the enemy. It seems that my emotions took over me as I found myself as the last one that was still in the manor grounds, from there. Cassandra spotted me and I tried to escape from her by running into the cover of the forest, but. she was too fast. I was hit in the head and next thing I know was waking up in a barn somewhere with Cassandra taking me prisoner. The apparent reason why she kept me alive and didn't feast on my blood was because she reminds her of a person that she cared about.. I don't know either, but I was left with two choices in that situation, One, I could deny her offer. and I'll be torn to shreds or I can take advantage of this opportunity and learn more about their plans. So, I took it."

"I may be a vampire now but my loyalty still lies with the Inquiry. As you may know, Rosanna has been captured. and Cassandra, with the help of the Devonshire Twins, is corrupting her mind and making her their mindless slave. I tried thinking up any ways I can get her out of there without being spotted, but to no avail. It would mean certain death for both me and Rosanna if we were spotted escaping, and plus. Cassandra can easily detect where I am because she sired me. So I'll leave it to all of you when the time comes. for now. I'll mark where the hideout is."
Ethraeil had spent quite some time brooding in the attic, and had been deep in thought before noticing that the Inquiry's auras were returning... and converging behind the inn alongside a new aura that he didn't recognize apart from it being a vampire. A thought passed that it could be Wesley, but that would be a great coincidence. Though, this mission had been no stranger to coincidences anyhow and was not entirely out of the question. As such, Ethraeil descended from the attic and down the stairs, heading outside to behind the inn. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Wesley standing there, and properly being grilled by the others in the Inquiry. But Ethraeil had no interest in shaming the boy further, and only felt pity for him for the curse that had been placed upon him.

Ethraeil stayed quiet as he listened to Wesley speak, and shook his head as he mentioned Rosanna's situation. "So then, the worst has come to pass. Rosanna is a prisoner of the enemy. These twins you speak of, they wield dark magic from what you describe it to be. Would it be right to assume they were behind the disappearance of Oar's Rest?" he asked.
"Quite the story." Theodore said before letting Ethreil ask his own question. "How did you leave Cassandra's side? Did you sneak out or did she let you leave? The woman is enamored with you if we go by your story and as such she would likely want no harm to come to you if she could help it. How are you sure there aren't a few sets of eyes covering your movement?"
Adding to what Theodore had said, Mariette stoked the flames further: "I hadn't considered Cassandra's ability to track you," she began, glancing at the party with a swift explanation. "The last person I plotted to turn was my husband, and it never came to pass. I wouldn't know exactly how siring another feels, especially to a pureblood. But this presents a problem. If we allow Wesley to continue meeting with us, we provide the enemy the ability to track us. Wherever he goes, Cassandra can easily follow."
Aleister lingered among the inquisitors, listening to the others issue their sharp questions as expected. While he privately felt that Wesley had no choice in the matter - this was Cassandra they were dealing with - it was still entirely possible that the boy could have been corrupted in some way. Mariette had outlined Aleister's immediate concern the moment he saw the young hunter. Cassandra could track him easily. And here he was, with the entire inquiry loitering around him.

Uneasy as he often was in situations with little avenues of escape, Aleister continued to hang about the peripherals, eyes on the alley and their surroundings. He didn't stand in one spot, but instead made a slow half circle about the group to the best he could in the confines of their location. His own senses were much more limited compared to Mariette's, and he suspected she would sense trouble if she noticed it, but he kept his own senses focused. There was no telling what trickery Cassandra could perform.

And the entire news about what was happening to Rosanna... it was heartbreaking. The light sting of the sunlight permeating his surroundings, regardless of his own hood, gloves, and protective magic, was forgotten momentarily with the empathetic pain he felt for the dullahan. The torture she must be subjected to would undoubtedly be horrendous, and standing around here questioning Wesley while she was out there, suffering, was enough to make him a little irritable.

"Theodore and Mariette address our most pressing concern, I think, in the case of Cassandra being able to track the boy," he spoke, almost as if Wesley wasn't there. "We could be watched right now because of it. I do believe, however, that it is a possibility that I - with the help of the Countess - could potentially weave a concealing spell about the boy as his aura is not particularly... impressionable. Not a simple task but something we may have to consider."

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