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Valeria reached down and took the map, pulling out her own map from her coat pocket. She unfolded both, laying them side by side on the table, and began to follow the markings on the map Aleister had found. "...Buckshard...Black Hollow...Castle Ellisgate? The castle's been abandoned for centuries, why would he be there?" said Valeria, studying the map. Tariun spoke up. "Castle Ellisgate was the former capital of the island. Perhaps he plans to make it the capital once again for his new world order." she stated, cutting a look to Aleister as she spoke and glancing down at the damage he had done to the table.

Valeria also noticed a marking on the castle. "...The Romanov is being held there as well? We have to find him and free him if we can."
Camille folded her arms and leaned back into her seat, shaking her head yet again as they were given a location. "So how far away is it? Can we even reach him in time before he gets his insane plan going?" she asks, quirking a brow at the demon.
Rosanna finally spoke up after remaining silent through it all. "...Its already goin'. He had the entire Atracan military here on the island under his control, he got all the vamps he didn't want together and killed them at the mansion, he knew the sword was in Porthcrawl and sent Wallace to get it. He's gearin' up for whatever he plans to do..." Tariun nodded. "Its likely he's attempting to master the use of the ring before putting his plans into motion. Regardless of the wrenches you've tossed in, he can still proceed if he masters it. Its a few days to Castle Ellisgate. You can reach him in time before he gains full control of the ring, and cut him down. Just follow the river east, and head into the mountains."
Ethraeil stayed his tongue, knowing not to inflame the situation further with the deranged priest as he ranted on and insulted those around him. The last thing that was needed was this. Eventually it died down as the Inquiry's next move was discussed. With the Duke holed up in an abandoned castle in Black Hollow, they now knew where to go. And with Tauriel explaining what the Duke was up to, the urgency only increased exponentially.

"Then we must go immediately. Time is of the essence here, and is something we do not have much of."
"Indeed. Gather your things, we leave shortly." said Valeria, taking the maps and refolding them before tucking them into her inner coat pocket. Afterwards, she turned about and walked over to the far end of the bar to sit alone. Rosanna simply gulped down the whiskey in her glass and stood, cutting a look to both Valeria and Camille, before heading towards the staircase. Soon enough, everyone had repacked and were ready to proceed. Rosanna had gathered her things and put them back on her horse, with Valeria doing the same. Afterwards, Rosanna checked with the local post office and made sure to have all of Mariette's things sent back to her home in Escaria. It was the least she could do for her friend.

By noon, the group was on the move. Aleister was back inside the carriage, this time sharing it with Wesley. The group moved through Peltragow as if nothing had happened the other night. As they passed the large park in the center of the city, they noticed that the estate had partially burned to the ground. Firefighters had managed to put out the blaze during the previous morning, and were now attempting to salvage what they could from the burnt sections of the building. The garrison didn't fair as well, as the blast was far more massive than initially thought. It had destroyed several sections of the massive concrete building, and also took out a portion of the old wall around the inner city. It was an effective distraction at least, and no civilians were harmed.

They passed through the eastern gate, emerging into the countryside with the large river flowing past them from the direction of Buckshard. Valeria rode ahead of the group, her inquisitorial hat simply attached to her saddle bag. She didn't feel that she deserved to wear it now.



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Chapter 3
The night of the meeting, Aleister remained reserved and quiet following his outburst, having not the desire or energy to carry on against people who simply didn't understand nor properly care. Once he had retired to his room, he wrote two letters. First was a small one to the doctor they had left Jakob at. Aleister had left his paintings there, and he enclosed an address and some coins for the doctor to mail them back to the mainland. To his family home in Whitecliffe. The estate was more of a storage house for items he collected, as the staff was a skeleton crew and no one lived there permanently. He often resided with his blood family, the Saville's, at their estate on the edge of town.

The second letter was also relatively brief. One to mail to his blood family, to check in with them and inform them that he was in... a dangerous situation that he hoped to return from. Perhaps most importantly was the last line, and e stared at it for a moment.

Elisa, do you still have our theater masks? The ones we used to play with and put on little shows for the others? Find them. I will need them when I return.

He reread his letters then sealed them. The following morning they were mailed off, and he joined the inquiry by sitting in the carriage with Wesley. He said not a word to the other man, and decided to rest his eyes and sleep for the carriage ride. There was no use in talking anymore.
Camille glared right back at Rosanna once she shot that look to her, narrowing her eyes and standing up from her table before moving to gather her things upstairs. To know nothing of her and the countess' exchange and to be so hateful was nothing short of idiocy. The decision to leave La Cygne be was not one she made lightly, and it would be something that would weigh heavily on her conscience for good or ill. Her ideals meant that the tiniest risk meant that it could reflect back on her, and if anyone were lost to her own negligence she would never forgive herself. The dulluhan knew nothing of this, yet still cast her judgment regardless.

Throughout their journey to Buckshard she contemplated just how they would go about killing Sazak once he took hold of Valeria's body. Many times she considered simply taking matters into her own hands and killing Witlock as she slept, then the Sazak problem would be eliminated entirely. Holding down the Duke so that Theodore could swing a sword that would be half his size seemed like a much less dangerous proposition than what the Senior Inquisitor was hoping to achieve. How much time would they have to kill Sazak once he took over? If he could bring that sword to bear against them they would not stand a chance, surely. Despite how logical this plan of action was she could never go through with it, as she rode behind Witlock she could feel the regret and shame coming off of her. Could Camille do any better leading such an expedition? As one who often worked alone, she had to admit she might make similar missteps. Out of pity and empathy she would not do such an underhanded thing to protect her own life. The Marquess was no coward.

Perhaps such thinking was getting ahead of herself - the Duke wouldn't exactly be the easiest foe to face. Even still, the way their situation keeps getting more and more dire was becoming bothersome to her. Her gaze focused on the path ahead, hoping that they would reach their destination in time.
Ethraeil stayed upon his dead horse and trotted alongside the Inquiry as they advanced their way towards Black Hollow. This was nearing the end it seemed, their end goal was in sight as was the end of this Inquiry. The question was, would this final battle take more victims? Would they even succeed? And if they did, would they be able to prevent Sazak's plans from coming to fruition, whatever they might be? All of these were uncertanties as they pressed on against seemingly insurmountable odds, but they had made it this far.

But should the Inquiry prevail, another doubt creeped into Ethraeil's mind. Would he really be able to strike Valeria down that quickly? Without hesitation? He didn't know, and he dreaded the possibility of failing in the one thing he promised to do. Nonetheless, he would only find out when the time comes to carry out the deed. He focused ahead on the immediate needs of getting to Black Hollow in the first place. And so, he rode on in silence with the Inquiry to their destination.
After Valeria's revelation Galina kept to herself. She attempted to speak with Rosanna once to offer her shoulder but sadly this attempt bore no fruit.
Considering just how complicated this entire ordeal had become it was surprising that they had gotten so far in the first place.

Once the party set out to travel once more Galina watched the rear. She had closed her coat and pulled up her hood to not only shield her face but also to conceal the loaded rifle in her lap.

Sighing, she looked up at the others. Her eyes stopped at Wesley for a couple of seconds. Shaking her head she began to pet Boris as they strode forth.


The group continued up the riverside, eventually crossing over the rivers when they forked and lead to Lake Peltragow. The journey was quiet, as most of the group were still thinking over all that had happened in the past few days. Valeria's revelation about her deal with Sazak, Mariette's death, Cassandra's sad execution. They were also mulling over the events still to come. The slaying of the Duke at Castle Ellisgate, and prompt execution of Valeria. Valeria herself only worried about the Duke, as she road several yards ahead of the group.

The others were right. She was incompetent. Too incompetent to lead anything. She wasn't ready for the duty that was thrust upon her when Father Weston was injured. She was far from ready. This was her first official inquiry as a senior inquisitor, and already she had horribly screwed up. Making a deal with a demon, using a weapon that never should have been unearthed, getting one friend crippled while another committed suicide due to her. She didn't deserve to lead anyone, but here she was. Leading them to their potential doom.

As they approached the small riverside village of Westerly, Valeria stopped. "...I'm going to find a spot to set up camp once we reach the village. If you wish to head into the village to find an inn, you may do so. I'd understand if you wish to be away from me. I've wronged you all, so...I'm fine with being alone till we reach the conclusion of this inquiry." she said aloud, without looking back to them. Its probably for the best, anyway. They need to make their plans. And we'll see if what they come up with actually works, won't we?

She then continued on, as the village began to appear in the distance. Everything seemed calm. Peaceful, even. As they neared Westerly, there were a few fishermen by the riverbank, casting lines into the blue waters. Some kids were playing in the shallow areas downstream. A few horses of various colors were moving about in a field to their left, fenced in with old white wooden fence posts. As Valeria glanced up, she noticed in the distance that some dark clouds were rolling in from the east. Rain was coming later.
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"I'll tag along." Ethraeil replied, seeing the choice was obvious as to not draw attention to the group in the village. And he also wanted to keep an eye on Valeria just in case.
Aleister tapped on the visor slot between the interior of the carriage and the outside where the driver sat. He cracked it open slightly. "I'd rather rest at an inn," he said to whoever was driving, and closed the slot. As if he was going to degrade himself sleeping outdoors at a time like this. This was no happy adventure and fun camp.
Wesley unsheathes a dagger from his holster, he was looking over if the edges have dulled. Wesley felt the gaze of the Tsavanian from eariler, "there's still an apology to be taken care off." The Inquiry have been through a hellish journey. The Duke and The suicide of Mariette Dosoriers have pretty much lowered the morale of everyone, especially Aleister.

Welsey doesn't know Aleister on a personal level. and the both of them haven't talked much to be acquainted with each other. Although, Wesley can pretty much pick out that he is obsessed with paintings. His quick pick-up of the Estate's paintings while the Estate itself was burning down was proof of that. Wesley sighs in relief, knowing that he doesn't take art commissions from him.

While still looking over his dagger, Wesley started a conversation with the Cleric in front of him. "After all of this Duke nonsense is taken care off, what do you plan to do next?"
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He had closed his eyes to rest again, but when Wesley spoke up they slowly opened as he fixed the man with a stern red gaze. His arms were crossed over his body and his feet were up on the side of the opposite seating beside Wesley.

"Get far away from the fools that survive and return home. I rather think I'll have some things to do there."
Soon enough, the group arrived. Westerly was a quaint little village, really, sandwiched between Peltragow and Buckshard's larger cities. Apparently the village mainly dealt in livestock, as they also noticed several fluffy white sheep, pigs, and cows outside the village on small farms. There was an inn inside the village. A small one, run by what appeared to be a...goblin. It was rather surprising, but not as much as the kobale from Peltragow. After all, Westerly was a small village, Peltragow was the territorial capital.

As they had talked about, Valeria remained outside the village with Ethraeil. They found a nice camping spot under some trees down near the river, Valeria quietly setting up a tent and starting a small camp fire. Afterward, she simply spent her time in silence, looking over her map and writing down various thoughts in a small personal journal. She had bought it back in Peltragow before they departed, deciding to jot down things before her inevitable demise.

Inside the village, the group dispersed. Some would head into the inn and remain there, while others would step out to get some fresh air. Aleister happened to be one of those, able to walk around in the day due to the clouds that were gathering overhead prior to the rain. With much on his mind, and an urge to gather some fresh blood for his vials, he strolled through the village towards the areas where the livestock were being held. As he walked, he eventually noticed something rather familiar to him. Well, someone.

At a stall, selling fresh apples, was a man dressed in the typical attire of a farmer from the area. His hair was cut short and choppy, a style popular in Stiusil and near it long ago. He was particularly handsome, really. In far greater shape than most of the other farmers wandering about, and wore an odd amulet...which greatly resembled the one that Undite had given him back in Tresomin. Eventually the man noticed him and waved. "Apples? I have red ones, green ones, yellow..." she said, motioning to the baskets on the wooden table before him and in two baskets next to it.
Ethraeil sat under one of the nearby trees overlooking the quaint river near the camp. He stared at the water for a while, reminiscing and thinking. The water flowed gently, and it gave a sense of serenity for the area. But it also served another purpose.

Ethraeil chuckled before speaking to Valeria: "Do you remember how I told you of Elise? This river reminds me of her... I still remember how the two of us would walk about the stream near my village and spend our time there. So many cherised memories before she was... taken from me."
Camille was among the group that was outside getting some air, focusing her mind as she threw several quills at a tree several yards away. Stationed just outside the village, the huntress was taking the time to gather her thoughts and regain her focus. She desperately wanted to talk strategy on how they would be killing Valeria with the others, but most if not all of them were unapproachable in this instance. It was for the best, though, as she didn't have the slightest idea on what they would do either. Without any idea of the specifics of Valeria losing her body, their window of opportunity was an unknown factor.

After a handful of quills were spent she stepped over to the tree and pulled them from where they were embedded, gritting her teeth as frustration welled up inside of her again. With a sigh they were all stowed back into the bandoleers on her legs, and she decided to venture back into the village. Once she was back in the quaint settlement she hovered about the outside of the inn, leaning near its alley as she watched the villagers go about their lives on this gloomy day.
Aleister paused in the street, and after a moment, hesitantly turned around towards the stall he had glanced over a second ago. The man there... surely he wasn't.... He took a step to the side of the street to avoid any of the traffic, and he slowly began to walk his way back towards the market stand. There was no denying he was still weary, in both soul and body. It was difficult to find amusement in things with everything that was going on now. The man he had spotted could have easily been someone who looked familiar, a simple trick of the eye, but having met Undite those weeks ago it wouldn't have been... entirely impossible that this man was....

He approached the stand in a somewhat guarded way, eyes hooded and face uncomfortably blank.

"I... can't eat apples," Aleister said quietly, eying the amulet the man wore. He reached beneath his collar and removed his own amulet which he always wore, the one granted to him by his goddess, and let it hang in view. He gestured at the one the man was wearing.

"Are you...?"
Valeria looked over as Ethraeil spoke, pausing her writing. He spoke of Elise, the woman whom he had fell in love with all those years ago and climbed the social ranks to the title of Count just to marry her. Whom he had a child with...and whom he had lost when demons plagued his kingdom. She remembered the story he had told her, eventually closing her journal and tucking it away in her coat. "...What did Sazak and Taranoch really do to you?...If I may ask. I know it is a sensitive subject..." she said, turning back to Ethraeil. What didn't I do to him? He was my favorite plaything.

The man paused for a moment, his eyes traveling from Aleister's face to the amulet around his neck. As he gazed upon it, he reached up and touched his own. "That's..." he said, pausing for a moment, before looking back up to Aleister's face. He then smiled. "Yes, I am. I go by Guy now." he said, his smile turning to a grin afterwards. "When did you see her? How is she? I miss her so much, and we rarely get to see one another." he asked, as he motioned Aleister over next to the stall.

From where Camille was up the street at the end, she had a clear view all the way down through the people wandering about. She could see Aleister being drawn over to a man at a stall, whom seemed to be selling apples.
Galina, having emerged seemingly out of thin air, took a loud bite from an apple and offered one to Camille. "Here. It's fresh." The Tsavanian then took another bite and studied the villagers walking about. In a way it was amusing to her. Westerly almost seemed idyllic. For a moment Galina forgot about her worries and allowed herself to just absorb the tranquility. No enemies. No sorcery. No treason. No screaming. No death.

She looked at Camille. "How are you holding up?"
Ethraeil stayed silent for another moment as he continued to stare into the running waters. He then turned his head ever so slightly towards Valeria to speak. "In my grief, i heard a voice whisper to me. Promising me a way to avenge both of them. What man in his lowest point wouldn't take up an offer like that? I did so without hesitation, believing I could..."

He paused for a moment, looking at his phylactery. "Sazak taught me necromancy and all its caveats... and eventually helped me turn into what I am now. A lich." Ethraeil spoke, his last words containing a hint of disgust in them. "I thought it would help me with my vengeance, and it did. But all too soon did I realize that I had truly become a slave for Sazak as he took hold of my phylactery. He used me as a weapon for Taranoch's means... to scour kingdoms and lands with an army of the dead. Countless atrocities committed by my hands..."
Wordlessly Camille took the apple offered to her, mouth opening slowly to nibble on it gently as she stared into the distance. Aleister appeared to be talking to someone she did not quite recognize. Just what sort of trouble was he getting himself into? Or was he compromising their mission somehow now, accidentally or deliberately? He couldn't even eat apples, could he? Just another thought she would have to push back for this moment, as Galina was at least owed a few moments of her time. Everyone was taken by surprise to see her so ghastly and screaming like a monstrous apparition in the fight with Cassandra, but this inquiry was so rife with the unusual and supernatural in their corner Camille couldn't even muster any anger toward her now.

"Best as one with the weight of the world on their shoulders can be." she admitted, chewing on the fruit yet again. Her stance was relaxed and heavily leaning on the wall, arms crossed while one held the apple aloft to easily reach her mouth. "And what about you? These past few days have been... difficult for many."
Galina raised her eyebrows, grunted and nodded while taking another bite. "It's been difficult to say the least. Truth to be told I don't have much hope left but if we give up, who will take our place? Will anyone? Perhaps I'm foolish to think so but I would rather die fighting than give up and flee."

She gestured outwards, motioning towards the buildings and people. "I'm not going to argue who's innocent or not. I won't spare Witlock and her foolish mistakes much thought. All I know is that these people and all others who are innocent will die if we let the Duke win."

Galina shook her head and took another bite. "Everything we've gone through must have counted for something, right?"
She gave a slow nod of agreement to Galina, working through her apple neatly as she could manage before her attention turned from Aleister to back to the Tsavanian. "Despite how bleak things seem, I am never one to lose hope." she replies, rolling her shoulders. "Where things seem their worst is when we have to try our hardest, especially when there is so much at stake. To give up hope means that you are defeated before the battle has even began." Camille explains, moving from her lean on the building to stand tall once again.

"The choice Witlock has made cannot be undone, and unfortunately we are the ones who have to pick up the pieces it will leave behind. Yet no matter how difficult the task ahead may seem, we always have a chance to win. I won't lay down and die either, believe me."

"All of our battles and victories have brought us this far, so they have counted for much. So long as people are threatened by monsters they have no chance of facing; I will never stop fighting." Camille declares, clenching her free hand into a fist. After that she gently puts a hand on Galina's shoulder, giving her a far more determined nod now. "Keep your spirit up, we have to plan to kill a demon prince tonight." With that she was off, turning on her heel and moving toward the apple stand that Aleister had been gawking at. On the way she discarded her half-eaten apple and stood at a reasonable distance from the conversation, visible yet saying nothing.

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