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Fandom Httyd: Life after Berk (reboot)

“Yeah sure! Go ahead!“, she told Serenity when she asked if she could try the food. „Just watch out: I don‘t know if you had spicy food yet, so if you didn‘t I‘d recommend you either the yellow one“, Octavia had decided to make the yellow one as well in the end, for a bit of a milder alternative, since the others are pretty surely not used to spicy food. „I don‘t recommend the red one or green one to start with. The green one is my favorite, but it‘s the spiciest out of the three. It still makes me cough and makes my eyes water. The yellow one is more sweet with a hint of spice and the red one is pretty spicy again and less sweet than the yellow one“, she explained to Serenity, that she wouldn‘t take the wrong one when she didn‘t feel like she was ready. „Though you have to eat it when the others are around. Everyone reacts differently to spicy food and it‘s always really funny to watch the others enjoy the food, but also almost loosing it because it feels as if their mouth is on fire“, Octavia laughed a bit.

Octavia smiled a little wider when Serenity announced that Starlight was starting to like her. At least one person and one dragon would vouch for her once Rose announced the voting on wether she got to stay in the group or not. Her outcome still looked pretty bad, since Victoria and Rose were going to vote against her, but it felt nice that Serenity was on her side. It made her feel like she belonged at least a little bit and that was a lot more than it usually was in the places she had been so far. „Yeah, see you later“, she said as Serenity left again and walked back into the kitchen to start to clean up what she could so far and getting plates out, so the food was completely ready for the others once they were there.
Midnight lands near the clubhouse, but doesn't see anything, so she's panicking and she lets out a desperate roar, hoping for anyone to come help out her rider.

Rose sighs as she sneaks around the island, trying to find the safest road to the dragon "Shhh." she hushes when the dragon wants to make a sound "Come on, we gotta get to safety." she whispers holding out her hand so the dragon knows she's friendly.
Embla, after having heard everything she and her peers would doing out at Dragon's Edge, had to take some time to convince her Light Furry, Zephyr, that following the others wouldn't get her trouble. They were supposed to leave New Berk this time.

Finally having convinced the dragon to follow the others, she tied her packs to his saddle. She packed light, only the essentials. Packing too much would make Zephyr have to work harder to keep them in the air. And it was going to be the longest flight they had ever taken.

Having mounted her dragon, they stood at the edge of a high cliff. "This is it, Zeph." She said. "We're really doing this."

The Light Furry leaped off the cliff, dropped, and dramatically flared his wings to send them flying on thier path.

"That's why I picked this cliff. You show-off." Embla said to the dragon. "Even though there's no one to show off to since we're leaving late." She grumbled.

Finally, after who knows how long, Dragon's Edge came into view. "That's going to be Home for a while, Zeph." She said. "We'll have to build our hut all new, too."

Embla's parents were not part of the original Riders group and had never been to Dragon's Edge. They've never even ridden dragons, but kept a bunch of Terrors as pets. Zephyr was the first rideable sized dragon her family had ever had. The Light Furry had found Embla wandering outside the village alone as a child. Zephyr wasn't so much different than a child then either. They had played together and forged a bond. Zephyr had saved Embla from wild dragons during one such time alone in the woods. He had never left her side since. He believed the human needed him to protect her at all times. He was more overbearing than her own parents.

Not wanting to bother the others, who were clearly hard at work, Embla set down with Zephyr and went searching for a location to build her own hut.
Victoria groans, okay, Rose would be fine, hopefully, but there was no way to track her down "Embla, have you seen Rose take off?" she asks, spotting the girl "She left her cloak behind, but the forge is locked, so she's not there." she says "And be careful, I haven't finished that part of the walkway yet.", it would be done, if she also hadn't been making a start on her hut in the forest, opting for a treehouse instead of one of the ground so she could make a small lake underneath it.

SkulblakaWyrda95 SkulblakaWyrda95 AquaMarie AquaMarie SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon
Taking heed of the other girl's warning, Embla remain saddled and signaled Zephyr to glide over the unfinished section of the aforementioned walkway. She shook her head in response to Victoria's question. "No." She replied, "We did not see another Rider on our way here." She dismounted her Light Furry and went to scratch under his chin. "Knowing our Future Chieftess, Rose has gone out exploring on her own again." Embla replied. "I remember the stories the older Riders told of thier time here."

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Yeah, but she left her cloak behind." Victoria tells Embla while showing the piece of clothing "And I don't think she realizes she forgot it either, her mother made her this cloak, so she's usually careful with it. Oh do you need help with your hut or will you be fine on your own? I can help out if you want to, once you find a spot. Rose has the cliff where the old catapult stood, I'm in the forest, Serenity's also making it in a tree I think and I believe I saw Octavia near the water, but you know, she doesn't really ask for help." she says.
"Maybe if we had a Tracker Class dragon we could find her easier." Embla replied. "The Edge looks like a good sized island. She could have gone to check out the other side if it. We'll help look if you want to launch a search party." She said.

"I'm not sure where to build yet, but help would be appreciated. Thank you." Embla said in reply to the girl's offer.
"Well, I know she doesn't get along that good with Octavia, so I'm a bit worried they got into yet another argument." Victoria explains "But when you have a hut design and a location I'll help you build it." she says.

Midnight peeks into the clubhouse and sees the person her rider likes the least, but well, Rose had said 'anyone', so she goes in and tries dragging Octavia with her, trying to show her she has to come along.

After finding the injury the dragon lets Rose take care of it "Go." she whispers hearing footsteps and she gets the dragon to hide somewhere, at least she's carrying her sword, but she doesn't know how much that'll help.

Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon SkulblakaWyrda95 SkulblakaWyrda95 AquaMarie AquaMarie SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
It had been quite a while since Serenity had seen Rose and this started to worry her as she knew that her younger sister was really one to get into trouble easily. She was starting to worry more and more as time went by and Starlight could tell and picked up on her human companion’s anxiety and tried to keep her calm. “I don’t know, Starlight.” She tells her, “I guess I’m just worrying about her because she’s never been too far off from me and this is making me nervous, plus those intruders we ran into the other week still has me on edge. I don’t want Rose or any of the others to run into them. They’re ruthless. They almost got ahold of you. What would they do if they found the others? New Berk wouldn’t be able to respond in time. Maybe…. Maybe we should report back to Hiccup, Astrid, Valca and Stoic. What do you think? Or am I just being paranoid and overprotective?” She asked her feathered dragon who could only coo and growl in response but Serenity seemed to understand her quite easily.

Over by the clubhouse, inside the nearly finished greenhouse/medic hospice/home of Alva, the tall, gentile and elvish-looking boy was finishing up with some dragon nip that he had to keep contained so that the dragons around them wouldn’t get into the stash. This was by far the most valued plant he had in his collection as the dragons would be very upset if they didn’t have any once in a while. He tucked some of his pale blonde hair behind his ear and stood up, proud of his work. He looked around and saw that, besides a few glass panels, the greenhouse was done and he could even help with others pretty soon and he had all his medicinal plants and herbs ready for any kind of emergency.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SkulblakaWyrda95 SkulblakaWyrda95 AquaMarie AquaMarie Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon
"I don't think Rose gets along with a lot of Vikings." Embla replied. "She definitely does her own thing and doesn't seem to be able to really be made to not do what she wants." Embla shrugged. "If you need help looking for her, let me know. Give it another day maybe. If she doesn't come back by tomorrow, we'll go looking for her. We might need a Tracker Class dragon though. Does anyone have a Tracker Class?" She asked.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Not that I know off." Victoria says "Well, Astrid had Stormfly, but most dragons are in the hidden world by now." she tells her "Should we warn Serenity?" she asks, though chances are that the older girl already noticed tbeir leaders absends. "And Octavia's not a viking, she came here with Rose for reasons Rose hasn't told anyone yet. I think they're new to New Berk."

Rose rubs her arms from the cold and she scans the skies, still no sign of her dragon, dammit, there's only so long she could stay hidden.

Midnight, after getting no apparent reaction from Octavia, flies around the island and spot Serenity, so she flies over and lands in front of the older Haddock, nudging her to come along, she could've kidnapped Octavia, sure, but she felt that might cause more trouble.

Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel SkulblakaWyrda95 SkulblakaWyrda95 AquaMarie AquaMarie
Octavia was cleaning up the kitchen when Midnight entered and tried to drag her along, but since she wasn’t finished yet with cleaning it up and really didn’t want to see Rose this soon again after their fight, she slightly pushed Midnight away. „Not now, Midnight. I‘m busy“, she said slightly annoyed and without looking, barely concentrating on what she had said and what was going on around her. She barely noticed the dragon leave, but her movement started to slow. Suddenly, her brain processed what had happened. Midnight was there without Rose. This wasn‘t good. A knot started to form in her stomach and even though, she didn‘t like the girl too much, she had a feeling she was in trouble and Octavia wasn‘t going to let anyone who needed help stay on her own. She‘d been in trouble enough times without help, that she vowed to herself, that she would never let that happen to anyone else as long as she was around.

She dropped everything, ran to her hut and grabbed a bag she always placed at the door. That was an old habit from a place she had visited where a war broke out and they needed to leave their ship a few times without notice. So, she started packing a bag with some essentials in it, though the difference to this bag and the bag from a while back, is that there‘s no spare clothes in them, but more some sugary food, in case someone didn‘t have enough sugar in their system, some more food, as well as some bandages and premade mixtures and thread and a needle, in case something needed stitching. Other than basic medical things, there were also a few things that were important in case she‘d have to live in the wilderness a while, like a rope, a knife and a lighter, to make fire a bit more easily.

She ran out the door as she put on the bag and started sprinting in the direction of Midnight, who she saw flying over and landing somewhere. She started calling out to the dragon to get her attention and that she was going to help her rider. She was relieved when she finally stood in front of the dragon. „Sorry for not reacting too much earlier. I‘m ready to help though“, she wheezed out as well as she could, while trying to catch her breath. She really needs to get more athletic here than that. She barely even ran around and felt like she was almost dying. Though Rose was more important now. Who knew what happened? Maybe she was badly injured and couldn‘t move or was trapped in some cave or close to death in any other way or form. She climbed up on the dragon and let Midnight take her to Rose.
As soon as Serenity saw the silhouette of the night fury that was flying her directions, the girl’s heart sank and her blood froze to ice. The worrying feeling was not without reason and that was perfectly proven when the dark dragon landed in front of her and her panic became evident when all the color drained from her face as Midnight nudged her to come along.

Without even a moment’s her situation or thought, her body was moving and hopped onto Midnight’s back with Starlight getting ready to follow suit but she saw Octavia running towards them and figured th extra help could be useful and let the other girl follow along on Starlight, whom wasn’t all that happy that her rider wasn’t flying with her but did not protest to the other girl riding her. “Just hold on to the saddle bars tight and don’t let go. She’s fast and we’re moving fast against the wind. Be ready and don’t fall off.” She called to Octavia before letting the Nightfury fly and take her to her little sister.

“Rosemarie, you better be alright and safe.” She said lowly to herself. If she found that Rose was hurt even a little she was going to be out for blood and she would not stop until she had been satisfied and the blood debt paid. The wind seemed even more cold than normal against the girl’s skin, though that mit be due to the heightened worry and panic for the younger girl.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon
"And I bet the only ones here who might have a chance at getting Stormfly to listen would be one of the Haddock kids." Embla replied. "Dragon's don't usually trust people they're not familiar with."

"I'm a fair tracker when I'm hunting, but I've never needed to find a person." Embla said. "That, and my skills really aren't the same as a Nadder. If you need someone to keep an eye on Octavia, I'm not bad in the stealth department. Zephyr is even better."
Midnight shows them the island where Rose is, slowing down a bit away from it to avoid getting attacked again, scanning the island before shooting to the location she left Rose, panicking when she can't find her rider, meaning Rose must be further away from the threatening humans, which means they have to look more towards the caves.

Rose, for her credit, is still trying to stay hidden instead of activily going against these people and her sword gave of some warmth, she wished she hadn't left her cloak, but it had been a very hasty decision to imvestigate and she couldn't call her dragon without drawing attention, so she uses her sword to mark an X in the wall before going towards the cave where she saw the dragon enter to hide, she hoped whoever found that mark was friendly.

Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

"Not to start bragging, but I think Spike might be the best one when it comes to stealth." Victoria points out dryly, looking at the cloak before hearing dragons fly off, so she looks up "I hope she's okay though. I know she has a tendency to run off, but usually she doesn't stray too far or into too much danger.", well Rose is Hiccup's kid, hopefully she had a good plan.

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"Can a dragon really be more stealthy than a Light Furry who can turn invisible?" Embla countered. She gave Zephyr the signal to go invisible and he did. You had to know where to look or what to look for to even tell he was there. He head butted up against Embla for more chin scratches.
"You have met Spike right?" Victoria asks tilting her head and she whistles, her dragon landing next to her "Meet Spike, my Dramillion." she says "And the reason I have a scar on my back, but he had a tooth stuck in his stomach, so he hadn't meant to hurt me." she says petting the creature. "And Midnight can become invisible. So..." she trails off "Good thing about being Toothless' offspring I guess."
"Night Furries and Light Furries are very similar, almost the same except for color it seems." Embla replied as Zephyr returned to his normal appearance. "Dragon's that bond with a Viking never intend to hurt us, I've noticed. They protect us. And we protect them too. Right Zeph?" The Light Furry gave a little roar in reply and licked Embla.

"Maybe we can take them both out to scout the other islands in the Archapelago." Embla suggested. I saw the map Chief Hiccup has made of Old Berk, Dragon's Edge and the islands around them."
Midnight shows them the island where Rose is, slowing down a bit away from it to avoid getting attacked again, scanning the island before shooting to the location she left Rose, panicking when she can't find her rider, meaning Rose must be further away from the threatening humans, which means they have to look more towards the caves.

Rose, for her credit, is still trying to stay hidden instead of activily going against these people and her sword gave of some warmth, she wished she hadn't left her cloak, but it had been a very hasty decision to imvestigate and she couldn't call her dragon without drawing attention, so she uses her sword to mark an X in the wall before going towards the cave where she saw the dragon enter to hide, she hoped whoever found that mark was friendly.

Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

Octavia held on to Midnight, just like Serenity had told her. She knew how wind could be like and really didn't want to fall off. She yelped a bit when Midnight took off suddenly, faster than Octavia had ever seen the dragon fly. Sitting on the dragon there, she closed her eyes for a bit, simply enjoying the feeling. This was even better than the airships her father and her frequently used. Though the knot and worry about Rose made her enjoy the ride there a lot less. She just hoped, that Serenity and her would find the girl in one piece. Even better if she was was safe, but she'd already take one piece. After all, wounds can heal, death is final.

A few minutes later the dragon landed on an island and lead them to a place, but no one was to be found there. Octavia got off the dragon, but stayed rather close to it. She wasn't armed and also didn't know how to fight too well. She's more the person to avoid conflict anyways, but if it needed to be, she usually faught with bombs and traps she built beforehand, something she hasn't yet gotten a chance to do. So she deemed it smarter, to keep close to Midnight while also keeping an eye out for something, but letting Serenity search further away. She ended up following midnight to a mountain, seeing several caves. She was almost certain, Rose was hiding in one of them. That was the only logical solution to that.

She walked closer and looked at the several entrances, noticing some strange marks on one entrance. It kind of looked like someone made a cross inside the wall. She looked over at Midnight. "Did Rose do that?", she asked the dragon.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Victoria nods "Though Light Furies use fire while Toothless and Midnight use lightning, probably why I've never seen Midnight do it with Rose. I think Serenity can find Rose, but I don't know in what state, so we could go and continue her hut. Give her at least a safe place to rest when she's back, given that both Rose and Serenity already ran into unknown men that tried killing their dragons
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Midnight inspects the mark and nods, so she uses her echolocation, only to look dejected and she sits down, connecting caves and a wild dragon in it, she didn't like those odds, however she suddenly stands up and turns to the entrance, narrowing her eyes as voices become louder. "I must've missed, all I got is some cloth here, think our dogs can sniff out whoever's here." someone asks, so Midnight takes to the skies and uses her camoflage before shooting the path behind the men, leading them away before heading back to the cave and becoming visible again, satisfied the group of strangers isn't gonna get closer.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon
Once on solid ground, Serenity instantly jumped off and drew her sword bet left the flame off so that she didn’t alert any unfriendly individuals. She followed somewhat near Midnight but spread out a bit to cover more ground. She couldn’t exactly call out to her little sister as if she could have she was sure Rose would have done so or set up a flair or something a bit flashy to catch her eye. The fact she didn’t meant she couldn’t and this fact made the girl worry more and almost panic. She wanted to call out to Rose and bring her running to her instantly but couldn’t. Instead she kept an eye out for anything subtle but unusual that would be unusual to mark a trail.

When she heard Octavia ask if Rose did something her attention went straight to it as she couldn’t find any other evidence of her sister. She hurried over and looked at the sample cross shape in the stone and it made a small relieved smile cross her face a bit. She then turned to Midnight, “Is her scent on this marking, Midnight?” She asked hopeful. She wanted to find the other girl safe and soon.

Starlight kept close behind and also kept a nose out for the other human that was always around her rider. The two were dear to one another and Midnight was attached to her so, of course, she was worried about the human girl as well, and because thy spent so much time together, the two human girls smelled similar but very distinctively themselves so she could tell Serenity’s scent from Roses but she could not pick up her scent at all.

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"Lead the way." Embla replied. "I just got here, so I don't know who likes where." She said. "I can pick a spot to build after we locate our chieftess." Zephyr growled his agreement and flapped his wings in a "ready to fly" gesture.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Midnight looks into the cave, trying her echolocation again and she slowly enters, she had seen an injured dragon before she flew off, so Rose was most likely there and using the dragon to hide her scent, which is smart. When she sees another X on the wall the stops in front of it, it was an effective way to mark a trail, especially if you weren't trying to draw attention. She looks around for the next one and finds it at an intersection, but there's some sort of light deeper into the cave, that's there the dragon is.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon

Victoria jumps on Spike and grins "That was our bonding moment, me pulling out a tooth the was lodged in his stomach." she says and she pats her dragon, who takes off in the direction of Rose her hut, it was getting somewhere at least, though Victoria figures they can at least put the finished furniture in, since Rose had spends ours on her house design, especially the roof. "We can put the couch in front of the fireplace, we probably shouldn't do much else though, maybe install her small kitchen." she says looking at the layout, stone for the walls is a good choice, since that lasted longer and is sturdier.
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Embla hoped on Zephyr and the Light Furry took off after the Dramillion. Zephyr flew close on Spike's tail, careful about his speed so he won't overtake the other dragon.

"I got lost is the woods as a kid once. Zephyr here found me." Embla said, giving Zephyr a pat. "He was pretty young himself then. I think he might have been lost too." She said. "After my parents found us, Zeph didn't want to leave me, so we've been together ever since. I've got his back and he'd got mine. Right Zeph?" The Light Furry voiced his agreement with a dragon grin.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"I found Spike on Berk, we were there looking for dragons and he burst into the old great hall, he tried to lay down, so when I saw the tooth I knew I had to help, I got the tooth, but Spike here hit my back with his claws, he burned it close though." Victoria says and she smiles slightly "He's been overprotective ever since. And the chief made a dagger for me out of the tooth I pulled out." she says showing her weapon.

SkulblakaWyrda95 SkulblakaWyrda95

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