• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
neko male.jpgCurrent location-Maid cafe Interactions-open. Feel free to mess or adopt him ;)

Not paying attention to anything around him, the tiny Nekomata continued to eat the food. Not starting to slow down so he could savior it, the black haired male was to enthralled with having a actual meat to notice anything going on around him. Heck there could be talks of getting rid of him by any means necessary and he would not even notice it. Almost 3/4ths done with his meal, Tetsuya started to yawn getting tired from having a full belly. Managing to devour the last bites of the food, the Nekomata soon fell asleep leaning back in the chair he was in as his hood fell off revealing his neko ears. His tear had slipped free from where he was hiding it as it started to sway a little bit. People looked at the guy and, thanks to figuring out ideas, he had added a headband to make the ears look like they were fake and that made people think he was just cosplaying or dressing up. Being ignored now, Tetsuya mewed a bit in the chair not realizing where he was at all as he took a nap.
Hikaru Iwamoto
Location: Maid Cafe
Interaction: PlusUltra PlusUltra
Mentions: PlusUltra PlusUltra Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Japanime Japanime

"U-Ugh...." Hikaru took a moment. "What's up with this girl?" She stared at her, trying to figure out what was running through this girl's head. She couldn't figure out why she was so interested in this club. "Our biggest find... Probably a feather of what we believe belongs to a Fallen Angel." She easily made that up on the spot. Although technically it is true. "We usually go about finding stuff by just searching in certain areas and being observant. Is there a reason you wish to know so mu-"

Hikaru noticed the mysterious girl had begun bleeding down her neck. "Are you okay?" She asked, not quite understanding why she was bleeding out of nowhere. That's when she noticed a small indent in her neck, like something invisible was poking her. "Zero!" She tried not to make it obvious but she glanced at him then back at the girl in front of him. "For him to do something like this, he must find something fishy with this girl or something's wrong."

Hikaru herself thought this girl was odd. She had to keep her guard up now. Then the girl in front of her mentioned something about getting to the point, most of which Hikaru did not hear. "Sure." She was far more focused on the situation. "Is this girl dangerous? Is she here for us? Has Arakad noticed? Are we going to have to fight here? There's innocent people around. I guess we could always wipe their memory after. But what if they get hurt? What about the building? Is Zero the only one that has noticed Sure, she's odd but I don't sense anything from her. Then again Zero has keener senses." These are the thoughts that rushed through her mind as she glanced all around the room.
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Medai Asmodeus
: Maid Cafe, Kuoh Academy
Tags: Dimple Doll Dimple Doll Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Japanime Japanime (Open)

Waving her hand dismissively towards Hikaru she seems to downplay the issue as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening "Oh and I'm fine really, well not entirely fine....not eaten in a while so guess that does degrade it to mostly fine" watching the girl turned panicked she follows her glances around the room, more curious than anything but otherwise relaxed, the same smile even with a blade at her throat.

Attempting to get back to the conversation at hand she was tempted to press more on the Fallen Angel part but that could be done later, there was truth in what she was saying and it was good to know that Fallen Angels were in the area, which likely meant Angels as well. She would draw a few other theories as her mind goes on since overall it seems that despite the entire landscape of the area being transformed from the last time she was here that some things had remained consistent. "Fallen Angel feathers sound neat, I mean if you read the good book there was something about a third of them dropping, just look how many pigeon feathers you can find scattered when one of those gets hit so if that many people were suddenly dropping from the sky it's actually more surprising your not finding them all over" the girls stops and scratches her head thinking that over a little more, it had really been a long time since she read that thing and she wasn't exactly a bookworm.

"Hmm, how many years ago did they say it was? I mean at least 6,000 years they say everything got made, so sometime after that considering everything...but still, guess that's not important really. It was just one Angel that actually fell and the rest followed according to the story, the books always say it was the first treachery, but when you think about it wouldn't it also be the first example of real loyalty as well?" Knowing some of them that were still around from that time she does wonder if they actually fell, there was that one English guy...or was it Scottish? either way, someone like him wouldn't have fallen as much as sauntered vaguely downwards if she had to put any money on it, likely blaming it on hanging around with the wrong people.

She stops once more as if she was forgetting something which is when she recalled the girl's initial concern about the blood and panicked demeanor, she probably really should do something about that "Don't take this the wrong way but you're seeming a bit stressed? The maid thing that bad or just a few too many difficult customers? might be better to relax and take a break I'm sure someone else can cover you for five minutes to take a load off, Nice conversation comes hand in hand with questions sometimes" Really some people were way too much on edge, this was why she hung around humans so much since they were less likely to panic at a stranger due to sheer blissful ignorance of the supernatural and the ones who don't just go to caution first instead. She said less likely since there were some who just seemed to want to be upset, that or territorial but perhaps that was the reason for the sword? Either case will likely be fine.
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~Location: Outside Kuoh Academy~
Mentions: Shourlia [ Milky Way Milky Way ] Lephres [ s u n f l o w e r s u n f l o w e r ] Arakad [ Japanime Japanime ]

Entering Kuoh Academy, the sights and sounds of the common folk enjoying themselves was quite sickening to see. Enthralled by the simplistic attractions of the Academies students, it was quite bothersome for Mikhail to push his way through the large crowd of people whom had gathered in the courtyard. The vast majority of them were clearly family of the students attending the academy. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, the plethora of nuisances knew no ends as these happy - go - lucky people continued to get in Mikhail's way, either to stop and observe a stall or simply because they lacked the common decency to walk at a decent pace. Whatever their reasoning for being an obstacle for Mikhail, it was without doubt a test of endurance for the wolfman as he resisted the urge to take matters into his own hands. Worst yet, the aroma of various foods from the countless snack booths was enough to make him gag. The sweet aroma of candied apples and oily fried octopus were the two most troublesome scents, the stark contrast between the two 'human' delicacies fighting for supremacy within his nose. It was times like these when his keener senses were more a burden than a benefit.

Gritting his teeth and controlling the urge to just use his powers to get him to his destination faster, the increasingly displeased individual that was Mikhail had continued forwards towards the school; the furrowed brow and almost permanent glare on his face somewhat helping him a little as the few people who saw him actually got out of his way. Despite the increasingly obvious commotion from inside, it was quite clear that the oblivious neantherthals were unaware of the demonic energy permeating from deeper within the Academy building, even if it was subtle. To those attuned to the spiritual, it'd be hard for them to miss the faint traces of demonic energy radiating from the school interiors, the obvious candidates for that source being the schools infamous Occult Research Club, who presently accounted for the large majority of devils presently in the human academy.

A club led by the demon Arakad, it was quite impressive that he had already gathered quite a big following, considering how 'new' he was to the scene. Considered to be quite the up and coming prospect, the temptation to test their prowess in battle was something that Mikhail had initially found quite hard to ignore. Undoubtedly the lone wolf was eager to sink his teeth into the relatively new peerage, if only to see if the rumours surrounding them were true. Alas, against his own desires, Mikhail had relinquished such thoughts after having been reminded of the consequences of doing as such outside of an official ratings match. Some 'high-class' BS among the devils and something he still presently lacked the power to oppose. Thus, not wanting to risk jeopardising his own goals, Mikhail had thus far held off from interacting with them; if only to avoid the temptation of starting a fight.

Outside of the Occult Research club, the only other alternative that Mikhail was aware of would have been Shourlia; a fellow member of the Lephres Peerage and someone whom Mikhail thought to be quite similar to their King. Both were perverted in their own right and Mikhail was quite sure that her decision to be the school nurse was not just because of her 'Twilight Healing' and rather influenced by some other interests. That being said, Mikhail would have recognised the demonic energy had it come from Shourlia and since he didn't, it only made the likelihood of it being from Arakad's peerage all the more likely.

On the subject of their King, Mikhail did find it rather odd that Lephres didn't seem to be running riot at the festival, surely Shourlia would have mentioned it to her? It was quite awkward that she didn't seem to pounce on this opportunity to excuse herself from her duties. Whatever the case, it meant one less headache for Mikhail today.

Finally arriving at the doorway of Kuoh Academy's main building, the white haired boy gave a sigh of frustration as he noticed the interior of the building being just as busy if not busier than outside. What made things even more worse was the various bits of gossip that Mikhail had begun to overhear, a group of giggling girls coming down the stairs as they fawned over the 'boys' of the Maid Café. If the combined fragrance of candied apples and fried octopus did not make him hurl earlier, overhearing their fantasies about the Occult Research Club boys would definitely push him to the limits. The human youths of this era were definitely something else.
Bithiah Duat
: Entrance Way, Kuoh Academy
Tags: Phayne Phayne (Open)

A refined-looking teen slowly arrives upon the Kuoh academy after an extended journey, her ashen hair flowing across her ankles and contrasting their caramel skin as she surveys the area, extracting a heavy book for a moment to check against the location's name with golden amber eyes. She would have been here sooner however it appeared this novel land was unfortunately not the clearest to locate and had spent a good deal of time to track down. Though really why did all these settlements' names have to sound so similar? Kamo, Koyu, Kaho, Kamurocho...such a violent place, though impeccably dressed at the very least. At least her homeland still had the same feel to it even if it had also changed radically, she fondly thinks back to that revelation when discovering it with her Mistress as she aided in the Vampiric contract long ago.

It was disgraceful it had taken her so long to locate her Mistress, the woman pulling tightly at a silken bandage across her arm as she chastises herself, she would need to make this up to her and receive a suitable punishment for her foolishness. She would have liked to have spent more time engrossing herself in all the near novel stalls she could see and walk amongst the market of curios but her duty came first, besides she had already enjoyed plentiful uses of the horseless carriages so any more would surely be excessive for now.

Storing the book away several times until it sat perfect and refreshing an application of perfume she once again strolls forward in steady measured steps, clutching her hands neatly before her as she walks with the scent of lilac and gooseberry flowing around the area in her wake. Now she was within the area she could sense the demonic energy so clearly, she could almost taste it though it appeared her Mistress was suppressing her own as usual requiring their intimate servant connection in order to be located. Though next came another challenge in navigating the alien architecture of the school to find an actual path towards the room where all the energy was concentrated, she should hasten her step given it could be a potential powderkeg though at the same time modern mortals would panic should she levitate herself up to the window directly. Bithiah drew the attention of several individuals on how to get up there as she navigated the corridors, placating them with a smile and wave but not stopping her long measured strides, she needed to find her way through this labyrinth. What was it Media had said? Sticking to a single wall was the right way? then right? hmm no, this was another bathroom, here? no, another closet.

Eventually, she thought she had the way only to find herself once again at the entranceway looking over a poorly dressed and scared wolven devil who seemed quite displeased at something. She never really was one for dogs, but she supposed he could be of aid to her for the moment. Raising a hand to her heart she closes her eyes for a moment to finally speak in a clear refined tone "Pardon, I, Lady Bithiah Duat would like to request your assistance in escorting one towards the upwards location known as the Cafe of Maids. Would you kindly lend one your aid in this endeavor Sir?" opening her eyes to look across him as she finishes speaking.
Roxas would go toro as would finish sharpening his scythe and glanced at dusk who was standing guard. He just hoped his teammate would know if demon nest by. Dusknew as she as a insane sense of smell. Roxas would toss her a chicken left l watch out for boned” he told dusk as he devour the meat
Arakad Thorgarath
Location: Maid Cafe

Interaction: Milky Way Milky Way
Mentions: Milky Way Milky Way

1606158107047.jpeg Arakad made direct eye contact with Shourlia. It felt like she was looking into his soul. He had lost focus of what she said because he was so drawn in to her pretty green eyes and naturally his eyes drifted downward to her chest, although he quickly recovered, shooting them back up to her eyes. He could feel the heat growing in his cheeks. "What the hell am I doing?" He thought. Shaking his head, he cleared his mind and throat before finally answering her question. "I haven't heard about anything going on recently?" He leaned back and lounged in his chair, letting out a sigh. "At least nothing serious." His demeanor somewhat changed. He became slightly more serious and the previous young man who was all giddy and blushing had vanished. He looked straight into her eyes, not backing down or avoiding eye contact, rather facing it dead on. "Should I have heard about something?" A dramatic shadow was casted on his face which only made his serious face and expression, more serious. The king was a little worried that Shourlia would come and say something to him let alone speak about something possibly serious that's been happening. He realized there might be a problem and him and his Peerage may be involved.

Location: Maid Cafe

Interaction: Whoopy Pandaa Whoopy Pandaa
Mentions: Whoopy Pandaa Whoopy Pandaa Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PlusUltra PlusUltra Dimple Doll Dimple Doll

Zeodror was clearing and wiping down tables. He walked back and forth and back and forth from the kitchen to the dining area, returning dishes and serving people. He was suddenly approached by Namiko who was asking if they needed any help. "Ummmmmmm..." Zeodror looked at Namiko then around the cafe, then at Namiko again. In reality, there really wasn't much that needed to be done but just by looking at her he could tell she eagerly wanted to help. Not to mention he couldn't bring himself to turn her down when she was making that cute expression. "Actually... You know what you can do?" Zeodror held up a spoon, fork, and napkin.

"We're running low on tableware, there should be a box of some in the storage room right around the corner of this class. Could you go grab it?" They weren't necessarily low on tableware but it wouldn't hurt if they got more so he figured he'd give her the task of getting more for the sake of her being able to help out in some way. He couldn't help but smile. "She's too sweet." He thought. "Y'know Namiko, you're still helping out just as much as everyone else by playing as a patron. Don't think you're not doing anything, okay?" A warm smile spread across his face as he gave her a soft pat on the head. "Hm?" That's when Zeodror noticed Zero's sword pointed at the neck of the girl speaking with Hikaru. "The hell is going on?" He thought to himself. He also began to notice the change in the air. It seemed like some type of tension, something supernatural was becoming more apparent which may not be a good sign.
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~Location: Outside Kuoh Academy~
Interactions: Lady Bithiah Duat PlusUltra PlusUltra


Taking advantage of the group of lovestruck girls finally moving out of earshot, Mikhail spent the next few moments doing his best to erase the last few minutes from memory, the Wolfman having preferred to be completely oblivious to their taste of fantasy. Whilst he had no actual problem with the logistics of what they were discussing, it wasn't his cup of tea nor something he would entertain personally; thus not something he wanted to remember or even think about.

With his mind drawn elsewhere in his attempt to forget, the Wolfman had now become the obstruction in the corridor, much to the annoyance of several passers by. Standing perfectly central of the entrance, he had made it quite troublesome for the various visitors wishing to enter and exit the building, though their protest fell on deaf ears. Whether he had actually heard them or not, Mikhail was not the type to step out of the way for others, especially those who were far beneath him on the food chain.

Alas, if only those on the bottom tier of the food chain were aware of their place beneath Mikhail's Feet, then the growing tension could quite easily be avoided. Unlike Mikhail, whom against all odds had managed not to resort to violence so far, the same could not be said for the three 'wannabe' gangsters who had taken offence to Mikhail being in their way. With a level of hubris that was quite fitting for the human species, the biggest of the three had decided to act upon the offence; prodding Mikhail in the back with his right index finger and beginning to huff and puff as he began to chastise Mikhail for standing in their way; his two cronies echoing him.

"Hey Douchebag, you're standing in my way. You better move it before I make you" came the biggest of the three stooges, serenaded by his fellow two stooges 'twiddle dee' and 'twiddle dumb'. "Yeah, you're in our way. Move it!"

Unfortunately for them, the role of the 'big bad wolf' was not cast in their favour, rather they were the each cast in the role of the three little piggy's about to have their house blown down as Mikhail turned to confront them. Like a cat to the canary, the three little pigs would feel a cold shiver run up their spine as Mikhail's violet eyes made contact with theirs, his predatory gaze piercing their souls to their very core. Unlike the false machismo that the three swines tried to exude, Mikhail's aura was the real deal. He was a bona fide beast, and the three pigs merely breakfast, lunch and dinner; or they would have been had Mikhail's nose not caught whiff of the alluring scent growing ever stronger.

"Get lost" barked Mikhail as he shoved the biggest of the three with ease, the swollen piggy falling flat on his arse from the gentle nudge; beads of sweat dripping from his forehead as the two cronies turned tail and ran. Mikhail could have sworn he heard a soft 'oink', though that could have just been his imagination.

As the onlookers began to disperse from the sight of 'Darwin's Natural Selection', Mikhail had turned to face one of the side corridors, his head arched upwards a bit as he tried to pinpoint the source of the aroma. With each passing second, the scent of lilac and gooseberry continued to get more potent, the combination tickling at Mikhails keener sense of smell. Like a hot knife through butter, this combination of fragrances had easily managed to overpower the sickening amalgamation of Apple and octopus, much to Mikhail's pleasure. Anything was better than that rancid combination.

Eventually the source of Lilac and Gooseberry would soon reveal itself to be a woman, one far shorter then he was yet exuding an aura of elegance that far outclassed that of everyone else around them. What Mikhail could also determine from merely glancing at her was that she was different. Unlike the frivolously weak humans that crawled all over the place, the woman standing before Mikhail had power. She, like himself reeked of demonic energy and considering her demeanour and way of speaking, she seemed to be of the higher echelon. With both Shourlia and Lephres being 'Higher Status', it was fair to say that Mikhail was around his fair share of 'High-Class Devils', so being able to detect one of similar status was not all too difficult for him. Though whether she was as powerful as either of them was still too early to tell.

"Tsk" clicked Mikhail as he glanced down towards her as she opened one eye, her amber Iris a stark contrast to his deep violet. The pair of them were like night and day in their appearance, the pale white Nordic skin of Mikhail with rich violet irises and the caramel-skinned teen with piercing amber eyes, and straight ash blonde hair. It didn't take a genius to deduce that they were from complete polar opposite countries. Needless to say, the difference in their heights were also quite apparent. "Don't get the wrong idea, Bithiah" began Mikhail as he turned around and began walking towards the stairs; pocketing both hands. "I'm not doing this because you asked, but simply because something of interest has piqued my attention from the very same place you're heading to" a faint smirk appearing on his face as he referenced the flicker of demonic energy still emanating from the maid cafe. "Keep up. If you decide to get lost, then that's your own problem. I'm not so charitable that I'll hold your hand nor am I patient enough to wait for you to catch up if you do fall behind" finished Mikhail as he approached the stairs and began to make his way to the upper floors.

It wouldn't be too long before they found themselves standing at the entrance to the Maid Cafe, Mikhail intentionally cutting to the front of the queue much to the annoyance of the long line of eager school girls. A quick glance towards them with his ever 'welcoming' glare and they were silent.

Bithiah Duat
: Maid Cafe, Kuoh Academy
Tags: Phayne Phayne Maid Cafe Occupants (Open)

Nodding her head ever so slightly she lowers her hand back to its position in front of her, her head tilted upwards towards his eye. This wolven boy was most certainly a rougher individual, bringing to mind a term that otherwise eluded Bithiah in how he responded but the more she grasped for the word the more it eluded her causing the extraction of her book as it appeared to open towards the T section. Placing a hand against her cheek for a moment her lips turn up slightly in a faint smile, It was certainly fortunate and somewhat comforting to encounter another foreigner in this ever more foreign land full so perhaps she should feel flattered at these characters' reaction. His actions seemed to be betraying the facade of his words, the tall youth appearing more and more like a shy curiosity within her mind as her imagination takes hold.

Reentering the building she keeps close behind as Mikhail works his way towards the cafe, her movements causing a gentle sway of her hair and dress as she moves, footsteps almost floating and weightless as she ventures ever closer to her Mistresses location. "Pardon, one's presence is required within, Pardon..." her words and faint gestures aim to placate each of the girls as she passes but does not slow her step until she arrives in the doorway next to her guide. When she looks around the room however her eyes widen slightly and pulls back her arm for a moment, seemingly about to shout something and hair flinging backwards with the gesture until she stops, a casual gesture of a raised open hand from Medai seeming to halt her action. Looking upset for a moment she quickly turns her head in a strange mix of shame and something else. Raising a closed hand to her mouth as she looks away and the other pulls tightly on her arms bandage she can faintly be heard muttering something to herself.

"So foolish to overreact in such an undignified manner...unacceptable behaviour to doubt one's mistress....unbecoming...My late arrival is impermissible..."
Roxas smiled and played with dusk as the two cooked dusk helping heat up pan. He was tryna keep her from running wiled and wants to run. Dusk gets bored again and roxas sighs
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~Location: Outside Kuoh Academy~
Interactions: Lady Bithiah Duat PlusUltra PlusUltra // Zero Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Mentions: Shourlia Milky Way Milky Way // Arakad Japanime Japanime //Medai PlusUltra PlusUltra

The silent communication between Medai and Bithiah was not lost on Mikhail as he caught the silent exchange that occurred between the pair of them. Like someone stumbling across an unexpected surprise, a smirk had spread across Mikhail's face as he made silent note of their relationship being far more than just 'two random strangers at a Maid Café'. Not a single word had been uttered from either of the two women, but considering how for the briefest of moments Bithiah's composure had fluctuated in excitement, only to simmer down just as quickly upon the white haired woman's hand gesture could only imply that the two of them indeed knew one another. How deep their relation was was still unknown to the wolf, though considering how Bithiah was reacting, he did have his suspicions.

Suspicions that would only deepen as he overheard the faint mumbling of the caramel skinned woman, her closed hand a futile attempt at disguising her crumbling confidence. With a simple hand gesture, the woman sitting at the far table had managed to wipe away the dignified composure that she had carried with her only a few minutes ago, leaving her a shell of her former self as the girl standing to his side fidgeted with her bandages. Her faint rumblings did hint towards what her relationship was with the white haired woman at the far end, Bitiah quite obviously being the inferior of the two in some way.

"Tchh" clicked Mikhail, as his gaze remained forward towards the occupants of the room, the vast majority of the occupants being mere humans; a sight that did frustrate him. Seeing members of the occult research club, all of which he understood to be Devils be at the beck and call of these humans was something he himself could not fathom doing. Hence his absence from his own class's haunted room. "Not even a thank you then? This is why I don't do charity. Whatever, I'm going in." stated Mikhail as he began to enter the Maid Cafe, stopping short of the Podium where Zero stood; though it was evident that the blonde's mind was elsewhere. Unlike the others in the room, there was a scent about Zero that seemed familiar to Mikhail. A faint lingering aroma that brought memories of a time long gone. So faint was it, that Mikhail could not even pinpoint where or when he would have come into contact with it in the past, only that there was something about him that seemed somewhat nostalgic. Regardless, it was nothing that required further prodding or attention from Mikhail, rather he merely wanted a front row seat to what ever it was that had spurned the fluctuation of demonic energy.

What was definitely familiar however was Shourlia, the busty school nurse sitting opposite of Arakad, the pair of them in conversation. The subject unknown to Mikhail. Not that he had interest in what it possibly was. Hopefully whatever they were conversing about was deep enough that Mikhail would not have to deal with any repercussions from his behaviour

"Table for One" barked Mikhail, tearing his gaze away from Shourlia and Arakad and instead focusing on Zero, the wolf man placing his right fist upon the podium top in an attempt to draw Zero's attention back to his job at hand. "You can miss me with this fancy service nonsense. Keep it simple and straight to the point. Unlike the rest of your clientele, I do not get off on this kind of roleplaying. Just give me a cola and whatever the meatiest dish is, cooked Medium." demanded Mikhail as he removed his fist from the podium and began to walk to the closest empty table, without waiting to be shown or accepted by Zero.

Arriving at an empty table, Mikhail quickly sat down; using a spare chair as a footrest as he made himself at home.

Location: Maid Cafè (Kuoh Academy)
Mentions: Lunawolf1 Lunawolf1 , Random Yearmate (Kurosawa-san)
Interactions: Lunawolf1 Lunawolf1 , Random Yearmate (Kurosawa-san)
Mood: Frustrated
Mikazuki let out a soft sigh, endeavoring to ignore her fellow Peerage members and King for the time being, she wouldn't be much help unless an actual fought out anyway, so, better to mitigate and pretend the world wasn't about to burst into flames.

(It worked well enough most days.)

"Kobayashi-chan!" A hand latched onto her arm, causing her to stumble, and practically dragged her over to the Nekomata's table, all the while practically bouncing.

(Also, her name. Butchered. Yipee.)

"Is he like, some kind of host for this thing?" The girl, Kurosawa-san if she remembered correctly, stage whispered, far to giddy for Mikazuki's liking, some ten or so feet away, pointing.

Mikazuki blinked, took in the small Nekomata, turned back to Kurosawa-san, then back to the Nekomata, and once more back to Kurosawa-san.

She politely ignored the burning urge to start screaming, and put on the brightest smile she could muster, "Unfortunately, he's just a guest."

Forcing herself free from Kurosawa-san's grip, Mikazuki pressed forward, hand outstretched.

"Kitty, up and at 'em, you're attractiing eyes."
She said, voice raised just a bit louder than usual, hand on his shoulder, and lightly shaking.
neko male.jpgCurrent location-Maid Cafe
Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage

Yawning some, the young tired Tetsuya started to feel himself being shaken. He was dreaming of a river where there was all the fishes he wanted! Before he could even catch the first fish he heard someone talking to him and shake him as he grumbled slowly opening up his eyes and rubbing one of them. Was this random person disturbing his nap? He almost caught a fish in it! Mumbling, he soon noticed that his hood was done as that helped him wake up a bit more as he quickly put if over his head and looked down blushing a bit. That was embarrassing to him and he could of easily got caught and in trouble. "F-First off its not kitty, its Tetsuya. Second, I was tired so sorry." He mumbled the sorry as he sat there feeling like he was in trouble. Almost like a deer caught in the headlights, he just sat there looking down trying not to make eye contact with this person. This was almost to much social interaction for him.
Location: Maid Cafè (Kuoh Academy)
Mentions: Lunawolf1 Lunawolf1 , Random Upperclassmen
Interactions: Lunawolf1 Lunawolf1
Mood: Bemused

Mikazuki snorted, amused at the smaller males defense, "It's whatever Tetsuya-kun, but you need to move, like I said before, you're attracting eyes."

She made small gesture to over her shoulder, where several teenage girls, and odd woman, were blatantly staring and talking about him.

"I'm fine with you sleeping, but I'd rather you do where no one can grab hold of your cute ears," she leaned in closer, dropping her void, and made a small flicking motion towards his hood at this point, "and realize they aren't exactly cosplay."

Straightening back up, she flashed him a slightly more genuine smile, "I'm willing to lead you to a more secluded place, if you want."

She offered her hand.

There was choking noise behind her, and furious whisper, "Did Kobashigawa just proposition him!?"
After cooking for a while Roxas would leave the kitchen and take a seat at a empty table. Taking the huge pile of food he made for himself amd
The meat for dusk. The lion stood on the chair. She starts eating the meat Roxas cooked and Roxas would eat his mountain of food he had
(Honestly was waiting for more people to reply so I don't spam)

neko male.jpgLocation-Maid Cafe

Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage

Yawning once more, Tetsuya rubbed his eyes and looked around seeing people look at him. Hearing someone say something about propositioning, he tilted his head having no idea what that meant. He heard that word a couple of times when he was walking down the streets but he never did figure out what it meant. All he knew is that it meant taking people, usually with a smile on their face, somewhere else. Was she trying to kill him? She did not seem to be sounding angry, more like she was wanting to not attract attention to him. Sighing, he weighed the pros and cons and decided to take a risk for now. "Fine. But no funny business!" With that, he got up and started to stretch not hiding his tail again.
Roxas was siting at the table and looked at Luna and raised a eyebrow but shakes his head “
Yea I know Dusk know “he would
Say and takes a drink of his energy drink. They aren’t allowed but he snuck one in. He was trained from all the cooking he takes a few gulps and the lion pout “
No you can’t have any. Your you can never sit still Not giving you auger and caffeine “
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Hikaru Iwamoto
Location: Maid Cafe

Interaction: PlusUltra PlusUltra
Mentions: PlusUltra PlusUltra Phayne Phayne

Hikaru's thoughts were interrupted by the mysterious woman's blabbering. She was talking about some book and history but somewhere early on in her chatter, Hikaru found herself lost. She was completely confused by what the girl was talking about and didn't bother to understand. She just stared at her and let her talk. Hikaru seemed to snap out of it when she mentioned something about her being stressed. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine." Perhaps it was because the girl started talking about something else as to how she got Hikaru's attention all of a sudden. Or maybe it was because she was directly addressing her. Out of the corner of her eye, the knight noticed a white-haired boy who had entered the cafe. His demeanor didn't seem nice and he gave off a troublemaker vibe. "I'm sure he's just one of those rebellious kids."
Bithiah Duat
: Maid Cafe, Kuoh Academy
Tags: Phayne Phayne (Open)

"Please forgive ones momentary lapse in etiquette, Your assistance was greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten" placing a hand once more to her chest, turning away and leaning backwards almost in dramatic fashion towards Mikhail as he moves off towards a distant table, though she does purse her lips somewhat when he raises his feet across the chair. Perhaps it was just a foreign custom where he was from so she should not really judge, just as there was also those she observed sitting upon the floor on her trip here. Regardless she was here for her mistress and her own folly could not distract her from this duty.

The longer she stood there she more she could begin to pick out the specifics, the potential threats, oh why did her mistress enter such a den of potential vipers....and kittens?. Bithiah attention is soon locked upon a cat-eared individual, such noble creatures surely couldn't be in a place this bad, could they? surely it would be fine if she investigated for a short moment, maybe?. Yanking the bandage once more she brings herself back to focus, no she was not here for that, her Mistress currently had a blade to her neck but she had been told not to intervene, this was so frustrating. Conflicted Bithiah continued to stand by the doorway just inside the room debating her next course of action while continuing to observe the scene before her.
Medai Asmodeus
: Maid Cafe, Kuoh Academy
Tags: Dimple Doll Dimple Doll Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Japanime Japanime (Open)

Continuing to wait on the oncoming food she idly wonders how much longer the figure behind her was going to keep his blade drawn, maybe his arm would get tired? either that or he says something at least. For now, however, her maid server did seem to be getting distracted, spacing out before turning to the chaperone Bithiah had brought with her, probably found him along somewhere in her travels. Sure she said she was fine, but that was one of the most common white lies in the world, in any case might as well get back to her conversation.

"So Tengu feathers? How do you actually tell those apart from just bird feathers?"
PlusUltra PlusUltra Dimple Doll Dimple Doll
Roxas was taking a quick drink before finishing his drink then went to the kitchen Getting the meal done in 5 minutes and and so she would get her foood 10 minutes later after she originally ordered.

he heard the lion growls then looks at the lady out front where Hikaru was the lion yawns “ I’m sorry dusk I am the cook after all “ he said and comes back In his normal clothes to see her looking at the the women out front near hikaru dusk his lion runs she darts off and runs over to the strange womenat the entrance “ “ you dumb lion get back here “ he said and would toss out the energy as he ran over “ dusk torna qui “ he would yell( Italian for “get back here”) he runs over. After the lion got a few sniffs of the strange women she turn and came to him im
So sorry dunno what gotten into into her. Dusk Dire che ti dispiace ( say your sorry ) and would him and the lion bowed them he again apologized then takes dusk back into the kitchen

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