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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Powers RP [IC]

"What I can do, you ask..." Reign was still smiling, but the question hurt her. "My life became an RPG... Is the simplest way I can put it? I have an inventory, get quests, and level up. I'm not all that much, though... I'm only level two, with one skill - «Observation». I'm definitely way stronger, smarter, and faster than before I got this ability, but I can't do anything like that explosion from before." Her fists clenched inside her pockets, lamenting that she hadn't been able to figure out the best way to level yet. Her frustration didn't get through in her face or voice, though. "I just haven't found a good way to grind, so I'm stuck at this point aside the small quests I get every day." Reign cast a sidelong glance at the task she had gotten earlier, which was still in effect. "We should probably start heading towards the site of the explosion if we want to go the guild route... All the justice-minded folks that want to protect this place are probably already there, investigating behind the military's back. A car would be useful, but... Do you have an ability that lets you go fast?"

Karcen Karcen

(We're coming D duegxybus !)
The power to make life a game, that was cool, really cool though sol liked her powers better as she could skip the grind and just be what she wanted to be. while Sol wasn't exactly eager to go to the explosion as well it would likely be crawling with guards that would have shoot to kill orders. sol didn't quite see why they would need it but at this point shoot first and assume guilt seemed to be how things world. thus she would need to change into a form that could also fight and be fast, she could be the flash but would she be fast enough to stop bullets. She likely could but well there was another option, that had a few more options when it came to fighting but not as much speed.

" Well not super fast but i got something" Sol said " Bayonetta " She said activating the power powers.

Nothing seemed to change as Sol was not manifesting her weapons yet but just her powers. Still it wasn't this form that she needed and in a bright flash she became what looked like a panther with flowers growing at her feet. " Hop on"
Fay Wight
"Apologize for being heartless? Did anyone apologize to me for making me this way?"


"Um.. ye-yes, hello." Fay felt his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. This is why people think I'm crazy! Snap out of it, Fay! Uh... apologize! Instead of letting go, he just hugged her tighter. "I suppose I'm fine, I appreciate the hug, but why were you hugging me? Did.. did we meet before? Should we know each other?" Fay shook his head. "Uh... not really.." She cleared her throat and turned to Savva and Romeo for a moment, her cheeks still a light shade of pink, "Um.. Savva, yes, we will." She then turned to Romeo, "Nice to meet you, Romeo. I'm Teva Caledon and this is Savva."

THIS IS SO FUCKING AWKWARD! A-are those breasts I feel?

It wasn't until she started moving that her chest began to hurt, "Ow ow.." She groaned in slight discomfort. Fay cringed and immediately let go. "S-sorry... I thought you were.. someone else.." he said, gritting his teeth. Damn... what would she think if I thought she was a guy!? A dad, actually!?

" Teva, you alright?" Fay started to whistle, and bring up his hood. " C'mon maybe we can find you something at the Pharmacy." She started to anxiously tap her foot to the ground. "You 2 boys coming?" She didn't wait for their answers though, because She really needed that medicine, and by the looks of it, so did Teva. "Why would I go? It's not like-like I'm sick or anything!" He paused. Yeah. Not sick. Yet, I was seeing things that weren't there.

At the corner of his eye, he saw stupid Joshua and his crew with baseball bats.

"Uh.. second thought I really am sick and I.. uh... will go with you!" He grinned. If he was with a young girl, and another girl a hot one indeed, then Josh wouldn't be able to trample all up on him. "Name's Sean deWinter!" He lied. He wasn't found of giving his name, especially his last name for... many reasons.

"So, uh, am I the only one that saw that 'little public service announcement'?" another boy asked. Fay guessed he was Romeo. "If not, then let me sum it for you guys... ALIENS will show up to ERADICATE the Earth in TWO years."

"No shit, dude. I mean, with the damn projector thingamajiggy, and how loud that shit is, everyone saw it and heard it." He grinned. "And I drink milk." He crossed his arms. "Your argument is invalid." Hopefully that'd confuse the living daylights out of him.


He heard Josh shout his name, and point his baseball bat towards him. Fay's face colored, and he pulled on his hood. "Fuck..." Josh and his crew ran up to him, and started swinging at him. Fay cringed. "Dude.. you're worried about beating me up instead of something arriving here in two years!?"

"I'd rather kill you than worry about some damn mother ship coming here!" He swung at Fay, and Fay dodged it, quickly pushing Josh down using his hand on the delinquent's head, and jumped over his body. "DAMN WIGHT! GET HIM!" Running, Fay was trying to reach the Pharmacy. "UHHH.. SEE YOU GUYS THERE.. IF I LIVE!" He turned to Josh while running backwards. "All this from defending a girl from getting raped?"


"I'm not gay, dude."

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Kumii Kumii Deathpelt Deathpelt mkuchiha mkuchiha
Teva Caledon
Location: Heading to the Pharmacy

Teva, at this point, was being helped by Savva, she was breathing heavy and with every breath a bit of what looked like mist came out of her mouth. It was actually a very small bit of poisonous gas, undetectable by the human body and very harmless as it only just evaporated a few seconds after leaving her mouth. Teva felt so weak, there were several time on the way to the pharmacy that she nearly fell on the ground, Am I dying? Is this what dying feels like? Weak and unable to do anything? The thought actually scared and a tear formed in her eye, intelligence aside, she was a sweet girl with fears of her own, death being one of them.

Her breathing became raspy and labored, "S-Savva.." She said weakly, "Wh-why are you helping me? Yo-you only just met me." Her cheeks were a light pink, as if poisoned or sick and with every exhale a light mist exited her mouth, still very harmless at this moment however.
Interacting: Emmi Emmi Deathpelt Deathpelt mkuchiha mkuchiha | Mentioned: None
That guy, Fay, was one really weird dude, Romeo thought. How does a conversation go from aliens to drinking milk? Maybe, it was the hip thing to say? He wouldn't know though. The television, after all was always on the news channel in his house.

"Uh, sure dude." He responded awkwardly not knowing what else to say. "I drink milk too."

He was however cut off from saying anything when a group of teenage boys appeared with a bat, trying to beat Fay's ass.

"Yo, chill." He said sort of meekly, trying to sound brave. Although he was twice the height of the other guys, he wasn't really much of a fighter. "Go pick on someone your own size!" He exclaimed. He had heard that line in a movie once, but he wasn't too sure if it would be effective in this scenario.

Searching for someone to back him up, he noticed the blonde, Teva, leaning against Savva as they crossed the street towards the pharmacy.

Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi Deathpelt Deathpelt
Savva Wolfe
The weird boy who decided to hug Teva was apparently following them, she didn't exactly trust him, but she thought that it was probably just her off her anxiety pills. Still when she heard someone call, "FUCK YOU FAY!" She immediately felt like throwing up, still she needed to get the others to the pharmacy, and Teva seemed to be actually getting worse!
Romeo tried to ward off the band of weird looking teens (stronger looking teens) but looked pretty weak in comparison... Still hopefully it would give enough time to get to the pharmacy, after all it was basically down the street!

Suddenly a soft raspy voice seemed to hit Savva, "S-Savva.." She said weakly, "Wh-why are you helping me? Yo-you only just met me." Teva seemed to have a feverish pink hue on her face. Well tough, Savva didn't exactly know why, I guess she just enjoyed the company and of friend, and having one, even if the circumstances were a bit... Interesting.

"Well, I guess, I just enjoy having a friend with me." It sounded pretty stupid when it came out of her mouth, but thats what she mean't, so it couldn't be that bad! Savva looked worriedly at the girl, her rasping was getting worse.

"Come on guys, the Pharmacy is right over there!" a couple more yards, and they were face to door? With the large building, an assortment of drugs, medicine and some chips inside. She helped Teva into the building, and hoped the others had followed.

Interactions: Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi mkuchiha mkuchiha Mentions: None
Luna Pruinae
Have I been cursed?
First the explosion, which sent fear and concern into the hearts of Luna and her mother, and now a message from up-high, quite literally. The time for study was long gone, their hand's gripped tightly as the broadcast repeated on the screen before them, little did she know, this might be the last time she could hold her mother's. It wasn't long before Luna was sent to her room, perhaps some rest would calm her nerves, her mother meanwhile frantically making numerous calls on the phone, all to no avail.

Sleep did not come, minutes passed, they felt like hours, tossing and turning in discomfort. What would happen to them? What did the countdown mean? Or their bounty? Her father was still at work, who knew what had happened to him with the explosion. Her eyes opened wide, deep in thought as Luna stared toward the ceiling, body resting on her bed. She couldn't even feel it, her fingertips gripping the mattress, her focus elsewhere. From her fingertips frost slowly moved along the bed, the soft, warm duvet becoming a hard, frozen layer. That was the moment, in the corner of her eyes, the pale ice revealing itself to her, causing the small girl to literally jump out in shock.

"W-what on earth!?" Luna thought to herself, looking around in a panic as to the source of the now frozen sheets. Could this be the work of an alien? Or something to do with that extra-terrestrial? It seemed to stop as soon as she got up, could it have been something aimed toward her? A heavy breath escaped the young woman, though it sounded more like a soft sigh, her hands falling toward the wall to support her relaxing frame. "At least it seems to have sto..." She began to think, eyes closed, slowly opening, only to witness the wall now like the bed, layers of frost developing over it, turning it to solid ice.

"Ee!" She began to squeal in shock, before covering her mouth with her hands, not wanting to worry her mother further. Whatever this was, it didn't seem to hurt her, and yet... That was when she noticed something else, her firm fingertips pushing into her soft cheeks, the ends of them seemingly tinged with specs of... Ice? As if they had been scooped around the edges of the freezer. Luna pulled her hands away, inspecting them vigorously. Instinctively, she attempted to brush away the specs, surely they were just from the wall and bed frozen over earlier. No matter how hard she tried, however, the ice remained, intent on sticking to her fingertips.

"What if I?" She questioned internally, looking at the hard side table by her bed. Bringing her hands toward it, she began to drag her fingertips across the wood, assuming the friction would be enough to scrape off the residue. As soon as they made contact, the table itself began to turn, her facial expression too, turned, yet to one of despair, as the ice enveloped the furniture, pulling her hand away in shock. "N-no..." Her voice was soft, full of worry, her head now swimming with thoughts of desperation and what-ifs. Was this some sort of trick an alien was playing on her? As she backed away, resting herself on the wardrobe behind her, before the sudden realisation hit her, forcing her back up. Turning around, the same was clear, this strange ice... Anything it touched seemed to freeze. Her face dropped, as she brought her palms up to her cheeks, the concern that she might have also frozen them clear on her face, and yet... They were still fleshy, and soft.

A tear slowly began to run down her cheek, before stopping at her chin, solidifying as it drooped below. She couldn't stay here. What if they thought she was an alien? Considering all that had been going on it might be too much for her parents to handle... And if they came into contact... Who's to say it wouldn't do to them, what it did to the furniture in her room? Luna had to find something to fix this...

Digging her fingers into a fist, thumb inside, doing her best to hide them from sight, she pushed the bedroom door open with her shoulder, the firm weight pressing on her jumper. Eyes wide open, scanning the kitchen, the coast seemed clear, her mother's distraught voice clearly audible from her parents room, she began to move out of the house, her steps as silent as she could make them. Getting to the door, she moved her right palm to twist the knob, doing her best to avoid touching anything with the tips of her fingers, yet a streak of ice revealed her attempts were not all successful. Quickly she opened it, the heated wind tickling her cheeks as a gust of air blew through the house, yet it did little to warm her. "I'm sorry..." She muttered under her breath, knowing full well that her absence would be a tragedy to them. Luna tried to tell herself that she would be back soon, she just needed to find something to get rid of whatever this was, and she could be home before dark. Yet somewhere deep down, she doubted her own reassurances.

So, she began to walk through the streets of California, not sure of where she was going, or even what she was looking for. Staring to the ground as she walked, only to lift her head to look from side to side, she was sure there was somewhere near here... The stress and concern grew more and more obvious on her expression as she continued on.
Terror Resistance(puny)
Passive Skill, LV: 47/1000
Resists «terror» status effect.
Physical Resistance(puny)
Passive Skill, LV: 40/1000
Resists physical damage.
'Bayonetta?' Where have I heard that before? Reign looked on in surprise as Sol became a huge panther, her jaw dropping. "Woah... A transformation power, awesome." Reign obediently climbed onto the panther's - Sol's? - back, hooking her fingers in the panther's fur, making sure to put her hood up beforehand. "Alright, I'm ready." They quickly ran through the city, making a beeline to the Iowa. What was there... Honestly wasn't what Reign was expecting. In the place of the expected armored battalions, there were smoldering metal scrapheaps. In place of soldiers there were corpses, some sliced cleanly in half and others charred from the vehicles exploding. Reign felt revolted by the sight, but she continued to cling to Sol's back anyways, turning her sight away from the destruction. It wasn't as though the place was empty, though. A helicopter passed overhead, taking potshots. One of the bullets hit Reign in the leg, making her wince in pain, but no wound was left. Sol quickly ran away, though, and they easily lost the helicopter via alleys.

Karcen Karcen

(Sorry D duegxybus , mission aborted)
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That had just blown up in their face big time, really they could have been brighter about it as in any more positive world that would have worked but in the grim darkness of right now it didn't. Sol had ended up needing to make a run for it after the helicopter came in as it seemed that the people thought that they were in the thing. Still she managed to lose them and with any luck they couldn't Technobabble a way to figure out who they were for awhile at least 2 years. This also put the damper on putting together any kind of team as well anyone else that went there was going to get shot. Yeah their plans were in ruins though they could still train maybe go somewhere remote or something.

"Well that didn't go to plan" Sol said shiftimy into normal form again "So how about games until the world end or training as we can't exactly advertise " Sol sighed
When Reign got off Sol's back, the first thing she did was massage the still hurting calf. I definitely got shot, but there isn't any wound... Only my HP went down. Reign only caught the last bit of what Sol said while wound up in her thinking, but it was enough to understand what Sol's concerns were. "We won't be identified, and I'm confident that anyone else who went there managed to escape too. Though, hopefully we were the only ones underestimating how fast the army can mobilize." Reign sat down, and the remaining pain in her leg quickly went away. She pulled her hood down, showing a confident smile on her face. "Luckily that was just a bonus action; I wanted to see how many people we could gather before officially making the group." Reign stood up again, swinging around the leg that bothered her sense of realism. "I'm going to continue on to the next phase of the plan, which is a lot less sophisticated than you might think." Reign went on her phone and sure enough people were slowly catching pictures, ones which she downloaded the moment she saw them. "I need to go back to my house for now, so let's exchange numbers and addresses. Let's do game night some other night, yeah?" Reign quickly flipped over to her contacts on her phone, knowing she was bad at accurately remembering the annoying string of numbers that had no easy to remember pattern.

Karcen Karcen
Tyrson Caledon
Tyrson sat on a beach chair near the harbor after just returning to California, he caught a glimpse of a helicopter taking shots at something. Putting down his drink he brought up his 'UI' and started hacking away, "Mm, what a beautiful piece of tech you have." He took over the controls of the helicopter, as he did a joystick like thing appeared in his hand, "Aaaand it's mine now. Time for a bit of scouting, hmm?" Using the helicopter's on board thermal camera, he flew overhead and looked for interesting things, inside the helicopter he could hear the pilot and co-pilot, "What the hell? I've lost control!"

Tyrson, being a massive jerk, said the following, "This is your new captain speaking, we're taking a little detour. After that, I'll return you to your air base." After searching, he found nothing of interest and returned the men to the air base. "This is your captain speaking, get the hell out." They did and Tyrson took the helicopter anyways. After a few unsuccessful attempts to shoot him down, Tyrson had successfully stolen a military helicopter, "Oh my... I'm a criminal. I'll deal with that when I get to it." He landed the helicopter next to him and hopped in, "Oh geez, this is way different.. okay, um, pull back on the thingy and maybe the helicopter will go up?" The helicopter tilted back and started fly backwards, he leveled out he helicopter, "Nope, that makes it go backwards... good to know." After about 5 minutes of fiddling, he finally found out how to go up, "I'm so dumb." He increased the throttle and the helicopter started to lift off, "Houston... we have lift off."

He gently pushed forward on the stick and the helicopter went forwards, "Nice and easy, Tyrson.." After a bit of flying, he landed the helicopter near his house and got out, "My, those things are hard to land." A quick reveal showed that he managed to nearly tilt the entire thing on it's side, Tyrson merely shrugged and went into his house, "Mother! I'm home!" Teva and Tyrson's mother came out to meet him, she quickly embraced her son, "Oh, Tyrson, I missed you so much!" Tyrson hugged her back, "Me too, mom. Where's Teva?"

His mom let go and looked at him, "She's somewhere in California, I haven't received a text from her aside from, 'Be home in a bit.' I'm worried, could you go find her?" Tyrson chuckled, "Sure mom." Tyrson gave her a kiss on the cheek and set out to find his little sister, checking by the harbor and everything in between.
Interactions: Open | Mentioned: None
Explosions were bad for business, apparently. Shockwaves tore through the noble city of California, shattering glass, shaking hearts, and shutting down businesses. Right in the middle of a certain maid's shift, no less. While others scrambled for their loved ones, Sena Ubel thought only one thing.

"Damn Aliens."

Right in the middle of her cafe gig, they had to go and cause some city disrupting disaster. Or at least, so she assumed. It wasn't her business what they and the military did in their neverending game of cat and mouse, but she really did wish they'd stop making her life harder. Maybe that was a bit callous of her to think, but she wouldn't be feeling as composed as she was if she was of a more compassionate sort. No no, she definitely didn't lack compassion to that degree of severity, but, she definitely didn't have any to spare for chaos causers like either of the culprits at large. She'd neither be able to work as hard as she did or adapt as finely as she did if she were some sort of bleeding heart type.

Though, even if she said that, sometimes she just couldn't help herself. What could she say? Sena Ubel was a woman with soft spots. It was a good few hours until her next job, and that was assuming that wouldn't be canceled by the chaos too, so she'd taken to roaming the streets of California. For some reason, still clad in her uniform. She was familiar enough with the area's streets to have confidence that she'd be able to find her way back, which was perhaps why the sight of a girl looking decidedly lost and distressed tugged at her heartstrings. If she were looking to find her way, she'd definitely be able to guide her. It wasn't like she had anything better to do. Alternatively, she just wanted an excuse to talk to the cute-looking girl.

Platonically, of course. She may have been walking the streets dressed as a maid, but she wasn't some sort of teen-ogling pervert.

"Ah, excuse me?" Sena approached with a smile, and as a professional. She dealt with nervous and socially awkward customers on a daily basis, so this was par for the course. "I couldn't help but notice you looked upset. Are you lost? Did you get separated from someone because of the explosion? I'm quite familiar with the area, so if you're trying to find your way anywhere I can help. Oh. And my name is Sena, by the way." Gently, she extended her hand. "What about yours?"

Randomfella Randomfella
Sol did have one idea how to help as Reign was trying to level up but was having issues what she needed was a sparing partner, though Sol had a few other ideas of how to help her in truth she needed to know how Reign was going to level up assuming her version of a game allowed you to pick how things were distributed like diablo back in the day. There was one idea she had as she knew of something that might be able to stop the aliens if they could master the powers which was hard but well it might work, though it meant limiting herself to support. That really wouldn't be fun when it came to fights basically doing magical math instead of fighting.

" Sure" Sol said bringing out her phone and telling Reign her number " Though before we part i had an idea what, class, or job, or whatever are you going for?"

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
"My class, huh..." Reign looked up at the sky, crossing her arms. "My first thought when I saw there was an MATK stat was to go for the idea of a mobile artillery that just keeps dodging attacks while firing off lots of DPS and CC spells, but... I honestly don't know how I'd learn magic. All the skills I've gotten so far have been by experiencing something or by repetition, so how would I perform magic to get the skill? It might take me years to figure that out. I don't really want to abandon the idea though... When thinking about the higher survivability, mages that stay away from the front lines and can cast healing spells are the ones that come to mind after all. I'm not exactly eager to throw myself on the front line when it might as well be a death sentence, I'm not ready to die for the world." She shook her head, snapping herself out of the funk she was slowly sinking into.

"Anyways, I think I'm going to use the next two level up stat points to increase my INT. I want to see if getting it to 25 will do anything, like give me an enlightenment or a basic magic skill. If that doesn't work, I'll probably switch to thief-style, depending on my naturally high SPD and AGL as well as items to deal and avoid lethal damage." And if that doesn't work, I'll do whatever I can to support everyone. Reign stared at her menu, which was invisible to Sol, looking intently at the INT stat.

Karcen Karcen
That was almost perfect for what sol thought up, magic that was the key point in this even if she wasn't strong in it she had it. Still she wanted to be in the background while Sol had thought up a more front line ability. Well no matter what they needed the power if they were going to fight the aliens and while there might be others Sol was only thinking about what the two of them might be able to do. Still it would likely mean that she would be removed from combat, and Regin would have to do it but hey powerful magic was powerful magic. Still the risks Sol saw in this were great given the power that could be used and if the E.T. could do what she could then they could summon a mirror copy or worse. Well that actually opened the door for a lot of issues and questions that Sol didn't want to think of. Still these people wouldn't know earth culture so there was no way they could summon liber legis even they would have to know the risks.

" Okay that works actually really well with my idea though it might be less back row glass cannon and more battle mage" Sol explained " and if it works right then you won't have to worry about bullets" She explained she had noticed a little less power but this was giving another power but still bullets shouldn't be an issue. " And before you ask no i can't explain it as well it is a bit weird and complex also i want it to be a surprise because where is the fun in knowing everything"

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Luna Pruinae
Luna awkwardly glanced as the maid approached, before instinctively looking back away in the other direction. The short girl jumped to a stop in slight shock at the sound of her words. They weren't exactly exacerbating, or sudden, but the shift in Luna's expression was all too apparent. Her eyes moved up to the stranger at the same time, meeting theirs in the process. Flustered, Luna quickly turned her head down, looking toward the ground, and then to the side, really anywhere other than toward the woman's face.

Nevertheless, Luna listened without response, small beads of sweat forming from the side of her brow, seeming to stop at her cheek. "W-What do I say?" She questioned herself, unsure of how to respond to so many questions at once. Luna's eyes spotted the hand before her, rescinding her body somewhat as if they shared a charge. The maid's words remind her of just why she was out here, causing the girl to tense up as she tightly gripped her fist, her thumb still lodged inside. Still, she looked away, obviously more concerned than aggressive, her expression betrayed her after all.

"I'm not sup..." Her light voice began to croak up, starting at a whisper, and never really reaching a proper tone. Her mind drifted back, it wasn't really smart for her to get near anyone, especially not now, and yet... To be truthful, she felt helpless. How long had she lived here? And she couldn't even locate the nearest clinic, at least not unless it was from the back of a car. Still, she wasn't about to share her name, she had been taught that much at least.

"Pharmacy..." Her voice rose once more after a short break, this time somewhat more clearly, yet one couldn't be blamed for missing it. Her tone didn't exactly make it sound like a question, but more of an awkward statement, as if one word had been picked out from a sentence. Yet she remained still, a cat in headlights, hoping the woman might possibly be able to help in some way.
Luna didn't really know what she was looking for, hell, what was the chance she could find a solution there? She couldn't tell anyone, who knew what would happen if the wrong person heard about her sudden issue? Still, she couldn't simply do nothing, she couldn't go home until whatever this was, was somehow fixed.
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Tyrson and Teva Caledon
Location: Pharmacy
Teva smiled, "Enjoy having a friend. How stupid." She coughed, "B-but true, it's good to have friends." She felt like passing out, but stayed steady and went into the pharmacy to look for some type of medicine.

*** 5 years ago...
A young Teva ran throughout the house, "Come here, Tyrson! Stop running!" Tyrson laughed and continued to run from Teva, "Sis, I don't think you understand how tag works." Their mother and father sat on the couch in the living room watching their children play with each other, their mother smiling joyuously and their father giving nothing but a scowl, "Petty." He said, causing their mother to look at him but there was no look of anger or stern-ness, it was a look of fear. Teva and Tyrson both stopped to look at him, he got up and walked out the door, grabbing the keys to his car, "I'm going out." Teva responded with a little cough, Tyrson and their mother thought nothing of it at the time.

Later that night, Teva stayed up coughing up a storm in her room. This concerned Tyrson greatly, he responded by leaving his room and going to Teva's to give her a bit of comfort. It obviously pained Teva because when Tyrson went into her room, he noticed she was crying. Tyrson only could respond with a hug.

*** Present Day...

It was eventually that Tyrson stumbled across a pharmacy, "Mm, may as well get some--" Tyrson was stopped when he saw her.. Teva, all slooped over and overall looking sickly, "The hell? Little sis?" he rushed to her side, noticing Savva, without question, "What the hell is going, Teva?" Teva looked up to the voice she heard and saw her brother, "Ty-tyrson!" She immediately hugged him, but it was weak. He pulled his glasses off and put them on his head revealing his fiery-orange eyes. Inspecting his sister closely, he determined it was some kind of poisoning, "It's poisoning." He grabbed a painkiller, bought it and gave it to Teva, who swallowed one. "There's nothing we can do here. It pains me to say this... but with all the chaos recently, I doubt hospitals are even opened. All we can do is wait." Teva, at this point, was out cold, Tyrson picked her up and carried her outside, only to stop and look at Savva, "I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm Tyrson Caledon, Teva's older brother. Were you the one that helped her here?"
Interaction: Deathpelt Deathpelt | Mentioned: None
Savva Wolfe

Teva smiled, "Enjoy having a friend. How stupid." She coughed, "B-but true, it's good to have friends." Teva looked sickly and very pale, almost as if she was being killed from the inside, it made Savva's stomach lurch.

Well hey I never said I was smart." Savva tried to make a joke out of the rural fear, and hope to light the mood a little bit, but it was hard when your friend looked feeble enough to break with a touch. She had Teva hunched over her shoulder when they were scanning the isles for something that might help. She looked around, but it didn't seem like there was anything that matched Teva's description. She picked up a vile of lavender oil when suddenly a boy burst out at her.

"The hell? Little sis?" he rushed to her side, noticing Savva, without question, "What the hell is going, Teva?" Teva looked up to the voice she heard and saw her brother, "Ty-tyrson!" She immediately hugged him. Though Savva could stop noticing how fragile she looked she she hugged him. She didn't mind being completely ignored, she actually enjoyed it better, but right now everything seemed so.. weird. The boy had called her sis, so probably it was a brother, or cousin? She wasn't 100% sure to be honest. He took off his glasses to reveal, ORNAGE EYES? Savva felt sick, what was happening? Panic, panic, panic, panic... She lurched forward and threw up, she felt dizzy and aware at the same time.... Calm, calm, calm, calm... She quickly grabbed some of the anxiety pills and opened the packet, taking down three pills. Her world was still spinning when Teva's brother said something, he didn't seem to notice anything except his sister right now.
"It's poisoning."
He grabbed a painkiller, bought it and gave it to Teva, who swallowed one. "There's nothing we can do here. It pains me to say this... but with all the chaos recently, I doubt hospitals are even opened. All we can do is wait." Teva, at this point, was out cold, Tyrson picked her up and carried her outside, only to stop and look at me. I walked dizzily outside following him. "I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm Tyrson Caledon, Teva's older brother. Were you the one that helped her here?"

"ye-yes." She regained her balance, and made eye contact with the boy, his eyes however
interesting were also a beautiful shade. She wondered how something so creepy could also be so pretty. "Do you know anywhere to go? I don't think being out in the street is safe.." She looked around the street, wondering how many people could be watching them. This was just too much for her... She needed some place to calm down. "You said she was poisoned right? But by what? When I found her she hadn't eaten anything, I was with her."
Romeo looked anxiously between the mob of guys advancing towards Fay, and the two girls who were now joined by another guy. Just how many people were going to show up? He really wanted to get away, but also didn't want to leave Fay by himself. Then the teen started to run backwards, and after a little hesitation, Romeo quickly followed, trying to get across the street and towards the pharmacy.

Kumii Kumii Deathpelt Deathpelt Emmi Emmi
Fay Wight
"If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly.. then why did it fall off?"

The mint eyed boy finally lost the redhead, and stopped to get a breather, his hood falling off. "Damn.. what the fuck, Joshua?!" He took a deep breath, and started to compose himself, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain aching his head. He grimaced, and squinted his eyes. His hands moved on top of his head, as if he was pressing the aching feeling back in his skull. I guess I really do need to go to the pharmacy. He bit his lip, and slowly started to walk towards the pharmacy, trying to ignore the horrible feeling.

He walked towards the building, and heard voices. A familiar girl's voice. "You said she was poisoned right? But by what? When I found her she hadn't eaten anything, I was with her."

Fay immediately realized it was the young teenager's voice. With a goofy grin, he popped up behind Savva, and yelled out "Savvyyyy~" He winced again, the pain in his head back. It was as if his brain was completely damaged. With his hand rubbing his temples, he said, "I heard somethin' 'bout poison." He glanced up at the blonde girl who was hugging a guy with orange eyes. "Ello." He said. "Is Tev alright?" he asked, his cheeks warming as he remembered the um--cough--incident earlier. "Yeah.. uh... sorry about earlier.. I really thought you were someone else." He paused. "Then again, how did I think you were someone who was dead?" he mumbled to himself. Guessing by the way he was hugging the boy so closely, she was either his girlfriend or relative. Possibly a small chance of a friend. "Sup," he greeted.

He started looking around for painkillers, or well, anything that would help him. He staggered a bit, looking at the shelves. I'm sure not one of them hit me.. why am I-- He gasped, looking at a woman with thick black hair and hazelnut eyes. M-mom!? His whole body began to shake, and he quickly looked away. After a few moments, he looked back, and cringed and blinked. It wasn't his mother. Instead, it was a man with brown hair and hazel eyes. He quickly relaxed, trying his best to ignore the pain he's in.

Kumii Kumii Deathpelt Deathpelt
Tyrson Caledon
Tyrson paused for a second, still carrying Teva, he sighed, "Well, I suppose you've a right to know. You did help her here after all." Tyrson gently sat Teva against the wall of the pharmacy and sat down next to her, allowing her head to fall onto his shoulder, "To start, I should say, I used poisoning in the loosest possible way. She's had fits like this since she was 13."

(Stuff in italics is flashback, bolded green is Tyrson talking to Savva)
*** 5 years ago...
Date: Monday January 14th, 2013

"Wake up, sweetie. It's 6 AM, you'll be late for school!" Teva's mom, Jessica, stood at her bedside, gently shaking Teva to wake her up. It wasn't until Teva turned over that her mom noticed the feverish hue on her cheeks and her labored breathing, "Oh god.." Jessica rushed out of the room and called a doctor to their home. After the arrival of the doctor and an inspection, the doctor told Jessica, "Well, she's not sick nor can I detect any fevers. Honestly, I don't know what's up.. it may be best to wait this out and see what happens next.." Tyrson only watched from the back, worried about his little sister.

"Teva had always been 'sick'. At least 'sick' is what we called it. We didn't know what was happening, nor do we now."

The next day, Jessica went to check on Teva only to find she was up and running like nothing had ever happened yesterday, "Hey, momma!" She gave Jessica a playful smile, and she returned a worried yet relieved smile, "You were sick yesterday... how do you feel, sweetie?" Teva gave her a thumbs up, "A-okay, mom!" Tyrson was behind their mom, "You had us worried, sis." Tyrson had a worried look but Teva's expression was all but excited for school and being able to talk to her friend, Levia, again.

"It would worry us most that Teva was completely fine the next day, as if nothing had ever happened the day before."

*** Present day

"So, you see, she's always been like this. Both Mom and I know this. We know she'll be fine the next day, but it still causes her great pain. So we give her painkillers to help with that when it does happen." Tyrson looked as his sister, out cold and sick, "We can only wait... for now, it's all anyone can really do." He wasn't just referring to his sister at this point. It would come as a surprise but a vibration in his pocket startled him a bit. He took out his phone, "It's mom.."

'Have you found her, honey?' she texted Tyrson, who replied back, 'Yeah, found her at the pharmacy... she's sick again though. I'm watching her now.' With that he put his phone away and continued to sit with Teva on his shoulder. Tyrson looked up at Fay, "Tev..?" He said in a blank voice, slapping his shades down over his eyes, "Sorry, who.. who are you?" He asked Fay.
Interactions: Deathpelt Deathpelt Emmi Emmi | Mentions: D duegxybus (Levia in a flashback)
Savva Wolfe
Outside Pharmacy

Tyrson paused for a second, still carrying Teva, he sighed, "Well, I suppose you've a right to know. You did help her here after all." Tyrson gently sat Teva against the wall of the pharmacy and sat down next to her, allowing her head to fall onto his shoulder, "To start, I should say, I used poisoning in the loosest possible way. She's had fits like this since she was 13." To Savva, Tyrson seemed sort of distant when he spoke, as if not entirely speaking to her. She waited a few seconds before he continued.

"Teva had always been 'sick'. At least 'sick' is what we called it. We didn't know what was happening, nor do we now."
"So, you see, she's always been like this. Both Mom and I know this. We know she'll be fine the next day, but it still causes her great pain. So we give her painkillers to help with that when it does happen."
Tyrson looked as his sister, out cold and sick, "We can only wait... for now, it's all anyone can really do." He wasn't just referring to his sister at this point. It would come as a surprise but a vibration in his pocket startled him a bit. He took out his phone, "It's mom.."

Savva looked at Teva, she was the faint pink color of feverish skin, however she wasn't just sick, she was also being poisoned. And since 13? She wondered what this "poison" was actually doing to her, and why? It couldn't have been anything she'd ate or touched. Savva pondered the thought for a moment, before snapping back into reality. "what did she say?" Savva asked curiously, but not before showering him with about five hundred more questions. "Do you know how she got sick?" And "Do you have any safe spaces we can go to?" The streets didn't exactly look friendly after the entire event that had happened a few days ago. She also noticed with a jump that the boy who had hugged Teva was here. "What are you doing here? And who are you?" She asked him, wondering about his reason for following them.

Interactions: Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi
By god, she was precious! Soft looks, soft voice, soft demeanor, Sena just wanted to take her home and stick her on a shelf.

Er, or something along those lines.

"Pharmacy, huh? No problem!" Speaking with an exaggerated pep, Sena seized Luna's hand in her own and began to pull her alongside her. "I hope you don't mind. Can't be too careful about stuff like this, right? Whoever was responsible for that explosion might be wandering around for all we know." Or at least, that was the excuse. Really, holding hands with a little sister figure like this just made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. It made her wish that her mother had given birth to just one more child. And to reiterate, definitely not in a perverted way.

She knew the way there well enough. One of her older clients always had her running off to pick up her prescriptions before she finished her visit. Always paid her in hard candies for it too. Sweet. Both figuratively, literally and liberally appreciated. Speaking of sweets, she was currently feeling some strange compulsion to stuff her cheeks full of marshmallows.

It was probably best not to tell her that.

The urges didn't end there. She, quite thoroughly, felt an impulse to take the 'scenic route'. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt, right? Ugh. No, waylaying a distressed young innocent like her would be more than uncouth of her. She was just going to have to enjoy the trip while it lasted. Both quickness and thoroughness was her goal, not even interrupting the trip when she cast the odd "So, how old are you?" or "Are you from around here?" over her shoulder. And so, it wasn't long before they came to their destination, announced with a "Here we are!", and a smile.

Randomfella Randomfella
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Sol seemed to take Reign's answer as a 'I definitely can do magic, and am leaning towards that'. Reign didn't really feel like pointing that out, though, not wanting to get too pessimistic about the chances. She scratched her head, trying to think about what to say. "Battle mage isn't exactly my playstyle... But, whenever you feel like sharing, I'd be glad to hear your build idea." Reign knew that for some novice at combat like her an involved, technique and timing heavy archetype like battle mage was a bit too much, and she wasn't even sure if she'd get magic that permitted that path anyways. There was a possibility that Sol had thought of something Reign would be blind to, though, so she left it open to conversation. Discussion and insight on the powers was half the reason why she wanted to gather power-users into an organization anyways. She looked down at her phone, going through the worried texts she'd been getting from her mom. "I think it's best if I go home soon. Do remember that you owe me game night, alright? I don't care if the world burns from some UFO shooting a death star laser at us, you better call me over some time to play." Reign started walking backwards towards the street, waving as she waited to see if Sol had anything else to say.

Karcen Karcen
"Eek!" Luna silently squeaked as the strange maid suddenly grasped her closed fist, before pulling her spaghetti arm, the girl hardly showing resistance. Slowly her legs began to move as Sena's did, like Luna was the young woman's luggage, held slightly behind her, being pulled along. Head down, trying to hide the panic now showing itself, she could only wonder... What if her fingers slipped? The thought of a frozen maid tightly holding onto her, with troops suddenly surrounding Luna did not help her state of mind. A nervous sweat was becoming more of a drench, though the sensation eventually passed, the girl realising she hadn't the spirit to speak out against it, or find an excuse that wouldn't raise suspicion. Perhaps this was normal?

As they continued on, Luna's responses to Sena's questions were short, if answered at all, avoiding any personal questions, such as her age, but giving a short "Yes.." To ones like if she lived nearby, though often regretting it soon after. Nevertheless, and despite her concerns, it wasn't long before they arrived at the pharmacy, the maid's smile beaming at her. "...Thank you." She spoke up in a much clearer voice, though still a slightly uncertain one. Looking toward Sena for a split second, before moving her gaze toward the shop, Luna slowly pulled her hand free, fingers still pressed into her palm. The hand the woman had held being slightly red from how much tighter she had been clenching it. Still, they remained that way, if not slightly more relaxed.

Luna observed the area, few people remained on the street now, a group she assumed to be around her age supporting a sick girl outside the building, though she didn't stare long, trying to stay out of the way. Luna then began scouring the shelves from the window, not yet wanting to go in. First she needed some idea of what she was looking for... Something to melt this stuff off? Normally ice melted pretty easily, and yet she could still feel it, pressing against her smooth palms. Maybe she would have been better off finding a Bunsen burner... Perhaps she should have listened more during her mother's lectures. Luna let out a short sigh as her eyes moved along, it almost seemed like there was no reason to bother going inside at this rate.

Sena had been so nice bringing her here, it almost made Luna question strangers in general, yet she imagined this one to be the exception. "You're a maid?" Her tone was soft, and still slightly awkward, but far easier to understand. Luna's eyes slowly moved toward Sena's side to gauge her reaction, before they looked into the pharmacy once more. Perhaps being less direct would have been more appropriate, yet she wasn't exactly well versed in this. Let alone the fact that her own answers to the young woman's questions didn't exactly seem satisfactory. Still, with how friendly she was, Luna imagined the young woman enjoyed conversation, and she owed her something at the very least.
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

Mentions: Kumii Kumii and co.
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