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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Power RP [CS][Closed]



Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[Appearance Here]
Aliases (For later in the RP)
Bio (optional)
Power Description (Describe what your power does)
Extra Skills (Non-power related)
Previous Relationship(s) (optional but, if planned, both must have this in their CS's)

Rate your Character (optional) Strength ??/5
Speed ??/5
Intelligence ??/5
Durability ??/5

Energy ??/5

*Replace '??' with a number between 1 and 5. Be honest and reasonable. 1 is poor, 5 is excellent.
**Energy, in this case, is how long you can continue to use your power after a supposed 'exhaustion'
***Strength is overall power strength, not just brute strength.
****I reserve the right to have you edit the ratings as I see fit.
*****Character sign-ups are restricted to RP members only currently​
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Levia Blythe Walker

Aliases - Static Stacy (This is her name at the night club - She'll take up this alias later), Zippy Zap
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Bisexual
Personality -
To a ridiculous degree, cranked up to eleven with Levia. Ever since high school, she's never taken no for an answer and never really bothered changing for other people, and always kept to her own morals. Despite almost being arrested on more than one occasion, she continued up until the law could no longer touch her. Known at her workplace for being difficult and stoic with her bosses while being extremely expressive around customers has earned her the nickname "Static Stacy." Static is how she's around her bosses, and Stacy is who she's when around customers.
+Playful & Daring
To a fair extent, Levia is quite playful, enjoying a good joke or a tease, as well as taking enjoyment from pulling pranks and putting her friends and colleagues into compromising situations just for the sake of a joke. Nevertheless, Levia is far from cruel. She usually makes up for the jokes by treating the victim to ice cream or invites them over to a movie soon after. Levia is also very daring, and will never really turn down a challenge to anything.
Levia's determination is commendable. While she won't fight to the end of the world over one small thing, she's hellbent on making a good sum of money each night, at least 300 dollars and she rarely settles for less (despite making, on average, at least $650.) She is willing to even go as far as overworking herself just to get some more money.
Levia treats almost everything as a competition and typically wants to finish first, no matter what. It's a rare occasion she lets someone go ahead of her, and this is usually ONLY due to her having feelings for them.
Power - Electricity Manipulation (Power Focus - Mobility/Locomotion | Reflexes | Electrical Flow) - Levia's super ability allows her to generate and manipulate electrical phenomena, starting from static discharges up to possible lightning calling. However, her power works a little differently when she first discovers it. It doesn't start with shooting lightning bolts like Zeus. In fact, most of her power is invisible.
  • Electrical Wall-Crawling - Levia is capable of attaching herself to metal walls using electrical currents (electrical fields create magnetic fields), allowing her to climb up the sides of buildings, sticking to the top or sides of moving vehicles, and attracting herself towards metal. To start off, it requires approximately 300 pounds of force to overcome her attachment to the wall, making wall-crawling a delicate balance, as she can be pulled off by a strong person. This number is bound to increase.
  • Electrically Enhanced Speed - Levia is capable of using electrical currents to enhance her physical speed. While acceleration remains more or less the same, her top speed as of right now stands at approximately 240 km/h (~67 meters per second), allowing her to currently outpace highway vehicles and even low-powered aircraft. However, this doesn't change the strain on her body, and she is capable of only sustaining this speed for as long as her stamina can hold out. This speed is subject to a high increase.
    • Electrically Enhanced Reflexes - Levia's reflexes are enhanced as a result of electricity, and she is capable of perceiving* situations as of right now within 50 milliseconds. This is about 4 times better than an athlete's reaction times. While she cannot observe objects moving faster than the speed of sound, she is capable of, at most, observing something moving at the cruising speed of a jet airliner (250 m/s, or 900 km/h) from 10 meters away or more. *Perceiving is NOT the same as reacting! She cannot dodge everything!
  • Electroreception - Levia is capable of perceiving electrical phenomena, from a human's bioelectric field to the current flowing throughout an electrical grid. While her powers are currently not precise enough to alter flow at a low setting, she is capable of tracing electrical pathways.
  • Electrical Resistance - Levia possesses a passive resistance to electricity. Tasers will not do anything, and being struck by lightning will only knock her out, leaving no physical burns.
  • [Limited] Electricity Guiding - A weaker version of direct electricity manipulation, Levia is capable of guiding electrical current down different routes, including in and around in open air. She can also force it through an insulator that is less than 4mm thick, discounting air, in which her range extends to around 8 meters currently. Her precision is quite low for electricity, which discounts all electrical hacking at the moment.
  • [Limited] Electricity Generation - Levia is capable of generating electricity. While this power has the potential to have Levia able to scorch entire buildings, she is currently only capable of delivering a shock of 4 million volts and a negligible amperage, meaning her current strength is seldom lethal and amounts to the same effect as a high-power taser. This electrical power is generated from Levia's already electrically charged body. She can only produce a limited amount every ten minutes. If only she could siphon electricity from other sources...
  • [NOT DISCOVERED] Electricity Absorption
  • [NOT DISCOVERED] Lightning Calling (Will remove if too powerful)
  • [NOT DISCOVERED] Electrolysis
Extra Skills -
  • Dancing/Agility - Levia's profession is that of an exotic nightclub dancer. As a result of this, she is quick on her feet, can change directions quickly, and can easily throw around her body weight from place to place. She is also physically fit for her height and weight. Combined with her slight figure, she is quite agile.
  • Languages - Having taken languages in high school as well as being raised in a bilingual Romanian household, she knows how to speak English, Spanish, and Romanian. (Before you ask, I have enough knowledge of languages to do Spanish and Romanian accurately, and I'm not afraid to do research.)
  • Silver-Tongued - Ever since she was a child, Levia had this...unnatural charisma and charm. So much so that she was able to use it to her advantage in day to day situations, from doing simple things like cheating a dollar out of the cashier to earning more tips at her job. However, most of all, she uses her unnatural charm to bring friends, and possibly love interests.
  • No Limits - Levia is difficult to make uncomfortable. She is always up to pushing her boundaries, both personal, social, and physical. Because of this, it is very easy to get her onto doing dares and other things that she shouldn't be doing.
  • Intelligence - While Levia's IQ falls in the "high-average" level, and her skill in mathematics and other subject areas are about that of a high school student, her wit and natural quick thinking make up for a slight lack in academic knowledge.
  • Athletic - Levia's athletic high school background puts her at a higher physical standing than most of her peers. However, she can't arm wrestle fully grown men. Like, that's just a physiological thing. She just can't. She's not f*cking Batman.
    • Running in High Heels - Levia is capable of running in high heels at 80% of her top speed. This amounts to nearly 192 km/h, allowing her to still outpace most.
  • Singing - Levia has an incredibly sweet voice, and she should be expected to sing all but the hardest of songs.
Boon(s) -
Electrical Appliances - Without knowing it, Levia feels much more charged around electrical appliances. Doing something as simple as taking a picture of her will immediately lift her spirits.
Tasers - Despite being tased repeatedly on account of a single arrest, she described the sensation as "arousing" rather than painful.
Bioelectrical Fields - In her case, someone doing something as simple as giving her a hug, or a solid handshake, results in the part of her body responsible for her power's activation to light up. Her mood is very easily lifted with physical contact with another human being.

Bane(s) -
Dry Air - Dry air has more of an effect on her than it would a regular person. Walking in a desert for an extended period of time may result in her passing out from asphyxiation. However, it's rarely fatal. Her power has less of an effect in dry air.
Kinetic Impact - Impact abilities, such as enhanced strength or kinetic energy manipulation on her body, cause a lot of pain due to residual electrical currents stimulating neurons in her body. While her body itself is fairly hardy, kinetic impacts and pain make her more nauseous than most.
Electromagnets - Levia can easily overwhelm electromagnets, making getting an MRI nearly impossible unless she is fully unconscious to the point where even her power's residual aura is deactivated.

Like(s) -
+Money to buy food
+Food bought with someone else's money
Dislike(s) -
-Boring people
-Entitled customers
-People who think being an exotic dancer is not an art
-Getting punched. Like, REALLY hates getting punched.
-Firearms. She has a strange disliking towards guns.

Previous Relationship(s) - FULLY open for relationships! PM me! (:
Hadrian Auris ( Abyss Abyss ) - Work friend, on very good talking terms
Reign Fuerhen ( That Lass Over There That Lass Over There ) - High school acquaintance, familiar.
Teva Caledon ( Kumii Kumii ) - High school friend/Distant Friend

Rate your Character (optional)


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Don't try and pretend. I'm a freak and we both it."

IMG_2509.JPGName: Hadrian Auris
Aliases: Shade
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: WIP
Bio: To be revealed (possibly)

Power: Darkness Embodiement (Awakened)

Power Description (Describe what your power does)

Extra Skills:

Gut Instinct: Hadrian has got good intuition and plenty of experience working with the scoundrel types. He can pick up on the general character of a person—whether that's good or bad or somewhere between—and he's good at picking apart the truth from lies. It's this ability that determines what clients he takes, offers he accepts, the people he works with and whether or not he insists on getting paid first.


Internal GPS/Environment Navigation: Hadrian has got an excellent sense of direction and he's great at memorizing maps and building layouts; mentally storing them for use later when he needs to come up with a quick getaway plan on the go. In addition, he's become proficient in climbing, jumping, and otherwise navigating his environment in whatever unconventional fashion suits his current terrain. Some people might call it parkour.

Improvised Innovation: Hadrian is a creative individual who's good at making makeshift tools, weapons, and fix-its using basic materials or whatever else he can find. He's able to understand diagrams and outlines, and is usually able to figure out how something works and how to take it apart or put it back together again quite easily.

Cooking: Despite his claims otherwise, Hadrian is actually a good cook who can make a decent meal out of whatever ingredients happen to be on hand.

Batter, batter swing: There's a reason his weapon of choice is a baseball bat.


- He's used to working independently or as part of a team and can be trusted to fulfill his end of a deal.

- Has issues with trusting or cooperating with the authorities.
- Found school to be really boring, so he didn't pay much attention to his studies (though he is good at math).
- Struggles more with restraining his powers than activating them, so if he isn't careful to keep it contained the nearby shadows will (unintentionally) give him away.

- Video Games
- Cloudy Days
- Thunderstorms
- Animals (Has a boa named Beautiful)
- Sweet and/or sour foods
- Dark places
- Fast vehicles
- People that don't 'beat around the bush' or try to fill in every silence
- People that don't let themselves get pushed around

- Condescending attitudes
- Bright lights
- Sunlight
- Cops and authority figures
- Lawyers
- Being caught off guard or startled

Notable Relationship(s):

[Siblings/NPCs]: Hadrian has an older brother named Hektor (23) and two younger siblings, Mason (9) and Celeana (16).

Hektor: Hadrian's mentor figure during his adolescence, Hektor taught Hadrian the fundamentals of how to protect himself and introduced him to his current crowd. When he was sixteen he fled the nest in search of greener pastures, putting the past and his family behind him for good.

Celeana: w

Mason: An exuberant kid with a positive outlook on life and a love of dinosaurs, history, and collecting cool rocks. He's a little naive and too trusting for his own good, but an overall smart kid who probably has a bright future ahead of him. .


Jude Cloverpott: Hadrian's longtime best friend and sort-of-roommate, he keeps his couch open for whenever Hadrian needs a place to stay and uses his tech-savvy ways to keep his friend off of the government's radar. He's also the only person other than Kara who's aware that Hadrian's one of those so called 'aliens.'

[Other NPCs]

Mr. Corsac: A crooked lawyer on multiple payrolls who's willing to win by any means necessary. He's been Hadrian's legal representative in the past and his job offers can be anything from keeping an eye on someone to delivering packages or planting evidence. Despite Hadrian's personal distaste for the man, he's one of his more frequent clients.

(I'm open to creating friendships, rivalries, etc, just send me a PM)


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Power or not, you're still a Human and have a right to be treated as such.
Teva Caledon
I hope we're done here. You're starting to bore me. I get grumpy when I'm bored and, as a result, people start dying.
Teva Caledon (Toxic Side)
Teva Caledon

Aliases (For later in the RP)
Poison Maiden




She is sweet and caring and surprisingly intelligent. Usually soft spoken though, so her voice is barely heard unless she is talking one on one with someone. She is often selfless but is hard to be this way due to her Power. She likes to think things through and is always a couple steps ahead of others but by no means is she a tactician in this respect. Despite her usual sweet and caring base nature, she can become quite toxic and can unintentionally say something that may upset another person and she'll soon feel regret afterwards. She is a profuse apologizer to the point where it's a habit now.

Poison Generation (Breath variant, for now)

Power Description (Describe what your power does)
Poison generally refers to the type of gas that induces bodily harm upon inhalation or, in some cases, contact with another living organism. Due to this, she can manage to unintentionally kill other people who she means not to kill or harm. She can only create gas-like poisons at the beginning, so her type of power only works upon inhalation by her opponents. She can create two type of poison gases, sleep gas and toxic gas. Sleep gas makes her targets drowsy but not outright fall asleep and toxic gas poisons her target. She cannot outright kill her target but only poison them. Even her toxic gases can be deadly if not treated and can have brutal effects on combat abilities. Her gases do not affect plant life. Her power mainly relies on her ability to breath, after she becomes exhausted, she can't create Poison at all.

Toxic Gas effects on the body;
-Violent coughing, sometimes resulting in coughing up blood.
-Sudden and unexpected muscle weakness
-Blurred vision and feeling light-headed
-Death (If left untreated). Once Poisoned, you would have about 36 hours to get it treated before you die.

Major weaknesses;
Not Breathing
- Simply said, don't breath and you won't get poisoned or wear a gas mask.
Cures - Anti-Venoms, Poison Cures, Body fluid flushing. These can all flush a body of her poison
Plant-type Powers - Plants are immune to her gases.
Breathing Moderation - She has to moderate her breathing so she doesn't go out of breath as quickly
Winds/Drafts - Winds and drafts can quickly clear out her poison gas

Extra Skills (Non-power related)
Natural Tailor - Along with her intellect, she has above average hand-eye coordination, allowing her to tailor with ease.
Precognitive-level Thinking - She's able to think of many possible outcomes but not all of them.
Natural Intellect - She had straight A's in high school and was even selected to substitute teach at times.
Singer - She's not a pro singer, but she can sing with an okay voice.

-Immunity to Poisons

Double Personality
- She has a sweet and caring side but also has a toxic and rude side. She fears the latter side coming out.
Anthropophobia (Post Power unlock) - To a small degree, she has a fear of Humans. Fearing that she might accidentally kill someone close to her
Plant-type Powers - Since her Gases cannot affect Plant-life, anyone smart enough to keep their mouth/nose covered can easily win versus Teva
Low Stamina - She has below average stamina, she gets exhausted easily if she runs and uses her Power at the same time (I wonder why)
Low Physical Strength - She has below-average physical strength, even for a female.

-Making friends

-Unintentional death
-Hurting those she didn't mean too
-When her Toxic side comes out

Previous Relationship(s)
Levia Walker ( D duegxybus ) - Close High School Friend/Distant Friend
Tyrson Caledon (me) - Older Brother
Rate your Character(optional) Strength
5/5 (A-Class)

3.5/5 (C-Class)

6/5 (S-Class)

4/5 (A-Class)


(Energy is a 0/5, an F-Class)

**Powers not yet discovered**
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Reign Fuehren.jpg

17 years old

Reign is bright, cheery, sincere, and never shows weakness of heart or body. She aspires to be the strong, self dependent heroine from a story so that nobody has to worry about her. Although, it isn't helping that aspiration that she is extremely childish, and often simplistic in her thinking, mistaking reality to be those stories and not recognizing (or perhaps refusing to) that real life is complex, with politics and beliefs that often get in the way of what is right. She is mother-like, and acts as an emotional support for any who need it.

- Cookies
- Trying to score a date
- Playing RPGs
- Reading Light Novels

- Politics
- Complicated issues
- Spicy food
- Lying

«The Gamer»
- Repeated actions get turned into skills, which can aid in the related action.
- Objects turn into items that can be put in an inventory.
- Her body is treated as that of a game character (instead of being wounded her HP goes down, she is kept calm enough to make rational decisions at all times)
- After sleep in a bed she fully restores HP, MP and all status effects.
- Certain technique books are treated as skill books.
- It also can generate certain items from defeated enemies. These items include crafting and healing items.
- EXP points can be gained by defeating enemies (monsters, ability users, some thug, etc.) to completing tasks.
- EXP awarded is based on the challenge rating, and when a level-up occurs she gets a few stat points to spend.
- Stats can be trained up at an excruciatingly slow (but still superhuman) pace by practice, without leveling up.
- She can't gain certain skills or techniques until she has reached a certain level in certain areas.
- She can't 'absorb' books based on theories.
- Reign can only complete 3 tasks a day
- Reign can only get 20 drop items a day (and they tend to be pretty trashy)

- «The Gamer» is active, but not detectable. She hasn't told anyone, either.

Extra Skill
- Book smarts, very good with math

- Good at getting away with things; charismatic
- She's got a pair of running legs on her
- She's cute
- Her ability helps her grow, so even if she isn't powerful right now she'll just keep getting stronger

- Trusting
- Kind
- Idealistic
- Tries way too hard and pushes herself way too far

- Goes to the same highschool Levia did
- Member of track team at her highschool
Open to discussion!

Rate your Character (endgame Reign)
Strength - 6/5 (S-Class)

Speed - 2.5/5 (E-Class)

Intelligence - 4.5/5 (A+-Class)

Durability - 3/5 (D-Class)

Energy - 3.5/5 (B-Class)

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A determined and focused individual, once they set a goal, they'll always go through with it. Not necessarily aligning with good are evil, they would be considered a chaotic neutral kind of individual. They'll work on their own goals and agendas, doing what they see fit and what they please. Close to those that he cares about, though usually respecting what path they take and what they want to do with their lives. They could be considered somewhat prideful, having confidence in themselves - and with confidence comes some charisma as well. Appreciative of the little things, and quite observant, he may notice things that some people might not bat an eye to, which can either be helpful or unhelpful. Raiju is emotional as a person, not holding back what he feels - for the most part. While he may try to stay calm at times, that wall can be broken down. He isn't very trustful of others that he encounters, usually having some doubts about an individual, especially those that he finds suspicious. There have been instances in his life where trust has been broken, and so, the only people he really opens up to anymore are close relatives in his family. Raiju could also be considered a pretty intelligent person - perhaps, maybe not by the books, but street intelligence may definitely be one. Not an optimist or a pessimist, he takes on a realistic view of situations he encounters and does what's necessary.

Power: Regeneration

Power Description:
Raiju's body can regenerate from physical harm done to the body. including recreating organs, limbs, and damaged tissues in general. In the beginning stages, as slowly develops the power, something like regenerating a severed finger is time consuming and require a lot of concentration, but as time progresses, even the body being cut clean in half could be instantly remedied by the speed of his regeneration.- of course, the regeneration reaching this state will take a lot of time. He would be a walking meat tank, able to absorb tons of damage that would be dished out to him. Even though they can regenerate, they can still be restrained, if they were say, completely shackled and unable to move. This would effectively "kill" the user, though of course, they could be released by an outside force. Acids are another major weakness towards regeneration. While it does not necessary "stop" the regeneration of the body, it will continue to damage and melt the body and work against the regeneration until it is properly eliminated or removed from the body. With this ability of regeneration, he is not necessarily granted above human strength, just insane durability and ability to tank damage. It also allows fighting in ways that may be unsafe for a normal human as well.

Power is in it's beginning stages, not very noticeable, but awakened.

Extra Skills:
Plays multiple string instruments, such as the violin or viola.

Knowledge in freerunning, quick on their feet.
A decent cook.
A sleight of hand, able to pickpocket other quites well.

Power allows a sense of fearlessness of permanent injury, improves confidence.
Observational of things going on around him.

Generally doesn't work very well with a team.

- Rain
- Good music

- Animals
- Nature
- Cooking

- Ignorance
- Crowded rooms
- Hypocrites

- Lazy people

Previous Relationship(s)
None at the moment, but open!

Rate your Character:
Strength 3/5

Speed 3/5
Intelligence 4/5
Durability 6/5
Energy 2/5
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Name: Savva Wolfe

Aliases: Jenny Smith
Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Savva is a sweet girl, as her age suggests she is still somewhat of a child, mentally and physically, which can sometimes hinder her with other people. She is very shy, and barely ever starts a conversation first. Savva is VERY observant and is keen on noticing things that people usually don't. With her friends, she can be very sociable and bubbly, often making dark humored jokes, and witty or sharp tongued remarks. Savva doesn't really enjoy being put on the spotlight, and would rather stick to the shadows of other people. She gets especially anxious when she gets her power, and feels like its absolutely a "curse."

Power: Shapeshifting

Power Description: Savva can shape shift into any real living animal on earth. (not at first, at first she can only shape shift into three animals) The three animals she can shape shift for now is a grey tabby cat, a secretary bird, and a retriever. There are however limitations to her shifting. For one, if she shifts vigorously, she may pass out from lack of energy or exhaustion. Also if she's exhausted theres a chance her shifts might slightly alter her look. (Example: If she was really really tired she may grow slightly pointy cat ears.) Strong emotions may also cause her to shift spontaneously. And finally, if she's tired and in an animal shift, she may get stuck in it for a bit intel she recovers energy. As she masters this power, she can shift into different types of animals.
(This power is not yet Awakened)

Extra Skills:
Good Runner

Boons :
Very caring and sweet, often can gain people's trust.
Determined to get what she wants.

Very caring and sweet.
Undyingly loyal to friends and family.
Very anxious and jumpy, has an anxiety disorder.

Calmness, a calm environment and peaceful place.
Enjoys reading alone, or sketching.
Loves to run (before becoming centaur.)

Loud noises, chaos and anything messy.
Hunters, lab people, the government.

Strength: 2/5
Speed: 3/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Durability: 2/5
Engery: 2/5
(Remember she is only a 13 year old girl!)

(Not Awakened)
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View attachment 418105 Centaur Form, except her hair and tail are brown, not blonde. Her human body is basically the same except without the horse body, and her eyes are hazel.

Name: Savva Wolfe

Aliases: Jenny Smith
Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Savva is a sweet girl, as her age suggests she is still somewhat of a child, mentally and physically, which can sometimes hinder her with other people. She is very shy, and barely ever starts a conversation first. Savva is VERY observant and is keen on noticing things that people usually don't. With her friends, she can be very sociable and bubbly, often making dark humored jokes, and witty or sharp tongued remarks. Savva doesn't really enjoy being put on the spotlight, and would rather stick to the shadows of other people. She gets especially anxious when she gets her power, and feels like its absolutely a "curse."

Power: Slowly turning into a centaur.

Power Description: Savva is slowly being turned into the half horse-half person mythical creature. It starts out as an itch around her waist, and a bit of reddening, and stays like that for a while. Then the skin starts to get discolored waist down, it stays like that for a bit, and seems like a really bad rash, and thats all. The feet start to look a bit swollen, and the legs look a bit twisted. this all takes months to come down. Then in the final stages which last about a week of excruciating pain, the spine and muscle stretch and another pair of horse legs grow, short fur may also appear on the new skin. New ribs and multiple new organs are formed, and the transformation is complete. Being a centaur means that you have pretty good speed, fighting skills, and well kicking, it is however very hard to keep hidden.

Extra Skills:
Good Runner

Boons :
Good at trickery and tricking people.
A very good escapist, (learned at school!)
Due to her age people don't suspect her of anything. (there wrong!)

Very caring and sweet.
Undyingly loyal to friends and family.
Very anxious and jumpy, has an anxiety disorder.

Calmness, a calm environment and peaceful place.
Enjoys reading alone, or sketching.
Loves to run (before becoming centaur.)

Loud noises, chaos and anything messy.
Hunters, lab people, the government.
Being a centaur.

Strength: 2/5
Speed: 4/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Durability: 2/5
Engery: 2/5
(Remember she is only a 13 year old girl!)
Idk if I like a person slowly being forced into turning a centaur. Especially in a Human-only enviroment. Transformation Powers are a different story, but you make this seem like she can't back and I can't accept that.

View attachment 418032





( W.I.P) Personality:
A determined and focused individual, once they set a goal, they'll always go through with it. Not necessarily aligning with good are evil, they would be considered a chaotic neutral kind of individual. They'll work on their own goals and agendas, doing what they see fit and what they please. Close to those that he cares about, though usually respecting what path they take and what they want to do with their lives.


Power Description:
Raiju's body goes through accelerated evolution when recovering, changing their physical form to become more powerful. These changes happen in stages, and each stage makes him even more powerful. This evolution causes absolute change to the human body, making the user look, usually, completely different in appearance to how they once were. The evolutionary process can not occur while being idle, they have to actually go through something, such as being beaten down or gravely injured, to enter their next stage and become stronger. Usually, evolution improves all physical aspects of the user by some margin. Evolution can change some aspects of personality as well, but it is not likely.

Extra Skills:
Plays multiple string instruments,

- Rain
- Good music

- Ignorance

Previous Relationship(s)
None at the moment, but open!

Rate your Character:
Strength 1/5
Speed 1/5
Intelligence 4/5
Durability 1/5
Energy 5/5

(Average physical attributes for a human, currently.)
The same applies to you. as stated above. You can have a transformation but I wanna keep this Humans only.
I.E. A good alternative to kasigi kasigi 's power would be an Adaptation type power. One that can allow him to earn resistances (but not immunities) to other thing given enough exposure to it.

Fay Wight
"'Us'? There's no 'us'. You're on your own, kiddo."


|| Name ||
Fay Wight

|| Aliases ||

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Personality ||
Fay Wight is an interesting individual who will never back down from a fight, even though he doesn't know how to fight physically. He's a cocky individual, and a smart ass. He's extremely witty, and uses jokes to break the ice, even though it's a fifty fifty chance that he'd get chased. He's a pest who only cares about himself, and not others. He loves to pull pranks, and is a mischievous troublemaker. He loves to lie and cheat to get his way. He can also get distracted pretty easily. He's extremely determined and dependable, even though he isn't really loyal.

|| Power ||
Illusion Manipulation
{ Creation Type}

|| Power Description ||
Basically, the user of this power can manipulate illusions. Like, hear, touch, etc. I'm too lazy to type, so here, from the superpower wiki.
"User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived."
With that, I'll list weaknesses, and some other shit since I don't know what else to put.
Major Weaknesses
o Strong Mind
If you have a strong conscious, things won't go planned for Fay.
o Destroying Fay's Concentration
Fay isn't a god. He can lose concentration easily. If you destroy his concentration, the illusion would disappear.
o Closed Eyes
It isn't difficult. Just close your eyes, or have something blocking them, you can easily be immune to the illusion. It's that simple.
o Fog
How the fuck can you see an illusion in all of that fog?
This power has not yet been awakened.
|| Boon(s) ||
o Clever
o Witty
o Determined

|| Bane(s) ||
o Cocky
o Pest
o Cares about Himself

|| Like(s) ||
o Games
o Chocolate
o Pranks

|| Dislike(s) ||
o Dark Coffee
o Naivity
o Idiots in General

|| Previous Relationship(s) ||

|| Rate your Character ||
Strength 2/5
Speed 4/5
Intelligence 3/5
Durability 2/5
Energy 3/5

|| Skills That Are Not Magical ||
o Hacking
o Violin and Piano Playing
o Persuasive





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Felix Syl
"Who's pulling your strings?"
Roleplay Nation Felix Syl.jpg

Aliases (For later in the RP): The Orchestrator

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: For the most part, Felix upholds a carefree and relaxed personality in which he tends to act callously and in a joking manner. One of his habits is purposely making uncomfortable remarks on others' behalf simply to see their reaction. Beneath this appearance, though, he is surprisingly observational, taking in every detail into account. Despite his often relaxed posture, his thoughts are always racing and he is not only considering his next move but also his opponent's.

Bio (optional): N/A

Power: Puppet Manipulation/Mastery. Note that his power only applies to inanimate object (though they do not have to be humanoid). [Awakened]

Extra Skills (Non-power related): Felix is not only very observational but also has a surprisingly good memory, allowing him to consider every factor when analyzing the situation. As well, he is a very careful planner.

1. A careful planner
2. Observational
3. Good memory

1. Overly competitive
2. Arrogant
3. Overconfident

1. Bothering others
2. Outsmarting others
3. Plays

1. Losing
2. Being bored
3. Disrespect

Previous Relationship(s) (optional but, if planned, both must have this in their CS's): N/A

Strength: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Durability: 2/5
Energy: 4/5​
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Name: Sol eldrige

Aliases: TBD

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sol is honestly not what people think of when they would think of a gamer, she is rather brash, overly friendly, reckless, confidant, and overly touchy. Sol isn't one for over thinking things and acts on her gut instinct instead of taking her time and thinking things through she is one to rush in and make up the plan as she goes. She likes it when things are big and flashy citing that as one of the reasons she likes games doing awesome things while looking great doing it. Sol loves a challenge unless she finds it to be boring, normally meaning it takes way to long.

Power: Visual power replacation

Power Description: Sol can manifest the powers abilities and signature items of fictional characters from any form of media for long as she knows their name and face, even though there is no physical transformation but hey she ash to have seen it or heard about about and seen a picture. Any kind of exposure that gives her a name face and general power set qualifies as a characters who she can manifest. This does not affect her personality though as she is merely copying powers and said powers are slightly diminished though not to any significant degree. Sol can only have one character active and must power down and activate another in order to change abilities. It is also shown that while she does gain things like endurance ( otherwise super strength ect woudl kill her) it tends to operate under video game logic and while not seeming to physical damage her it will do so to a lesser degree.
Extra Skills (Non-power related)

positive outlook
almost never gives up
not afraid to get in a big fight
not willing to leave people behind

can't cook
can easily get bored
over confidant
rarely thinks things through before acting
most likely to screw up a plan.

Spectacle fighters
high energy just about anything
modern RPGs ( well some)
fluffy things, like bunnies and bunnygirls

games that she finds to slow

Relationships: Open and single

Power rating: Her power is really kinda depends on who she is manifesting.

Extra: As i couldn't find a good point to put this in and it seems a possible concern Sol can't shape shift she will remain human looking even if manifesting a lizard man. Not sure where to put it but yeah her power woke up but she has been careful reasoning either she is the first or people go after powers .
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Name: Sol eldrige

Aliases: TBD

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sol is honestly not what people think of when they would think of a gamer, she is rather brash, overly friendly, reckless, confidant, and overly touchy. Sol isn't one for over thinking things and acts on her gut instinct instead of taking her time and thinking things through she is one to rush in and make up the plan as she goes. She likes it when things are big and flashy citing that as one of the reasons she likes games doing awesome things while looking great doing it. Sol loves a challenge unless she finds it to be boring, normally meaning it takes way to long.

Power: Game Magic

Power Description: Sol can call manifest the powers, physical abilities, and items associated with game character. The requirements for the character are that Sol must have played the game as the character, so no NPC or villains, She must also have completed the game, though not to 100%, the character can not be invincible or fan made or innately broken. The game dose not include any modifications to the game and any item she calls forth the character she is manifesting must use in their respective game. Games that have characters from multiple series ( ex smash bros) do not count and she cant use that as experience. If the game character comes from a game which has mechanics not normally comparable with reality, for example turn based, they will be manifested in the closest proximity to how Sol perceives the powers working. When Sol is manifesting a character she will also gain their weaknesses and style of fighting. To actually activate a character Sol will have to call out the character and may only have one active at any given time, to swap between them she but power down then rest for a moment and call out a new name.
Extra Skills (Non-power related)

positive outlook
almost never gives up
not afraid to get in a big fight
not willing to leave people behind

can't cook
can easily get bored
over confidant
rarely thinks things through before acting
most likely to screw up a plan.

Spectacle fighters
high energy just about anything
modern RPGs ( well some)
fluffy things, like bunnies and bunnygirls

games that she finds to slow

Relationships: Open and single

Power rating: Her power is really kinda depends on who she is manifesting.

Extra: As i couldn't find a good point to put this in and it seems a possible concern Sol can't shape shift she will remain human looking even if manifesting a lizard man. Not sure where to put it but yeah her power woke up but she has been careful reasoning either she is the first or people go after powers .
As mush as I like this Power, it relates too much to what That Guy has, for this reason, I must ask you change it as each character has their own unique Power from the other character.
As mush as I like this Power, it relates too much to what That Guy has, for this reason, I must ask you change it as each character has their own unique Power from the other character.
I don't think their powers are alike at all besides the game correlation; Reign literally is an unique RPG character of her own, while Sol turns into characters from games she knows and loves, borrowing their powers for a short time. Reign is completely able to forge her own path by dedicating time and effort to her stats and skills, while Sol is stuck with what already exists and can't grow all that much besides learning tricks with her power and learning to use the character's powers as her own. Heck, the similarities stop from the point of "Reign has a menu, Sol doesn't" and the fact that Sol's power isn't always active while Reign's power is.

I like Sol, don't really want to see her change. Her power is very much her own.

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