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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Power RP [RP Mechanics]



Hydro Dragon
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What is the Exhaustion cap?
The Exhaustion Cap is the limit on your Power. Once reached, it will become harder to perform your Power successfully.

Breath-type Power Mechanics;
If you use a Breath-type power, once you reach the Exhaustion Cap, it will become hard, if not, impossible to use your Power as you will be out of breath.

Active-type Power Mechanics;
This is the type you would fire out your hands (or another body part). Once you reach the Exhaustion Cap, you will find it straining on your body to continue using your Power.

Passive-type Power Mechanics;
(This includes creation-types)
As a Passive-type Power, you have no real Exhaustion Cap, instead once you reach the Exhaustion 'Soft' Cap, you find your abilities slowed significantly, creation is slower and your overall passive performance may be slowed by a great amount.

When you reach this Cap is up to you and is affected by your Power type. Active-type users tend to reach the cap faster then others due to using up more at a time. Breath-type reach it slower depending on they can manage it. Passive-type don't reach a hard Cap but reach a 'soft' Cap where their abilities become sluggish and reduced.

Don't worry about categorization, you pick what type you want and abide by these Mechanics. (The only exceptions are Creation-types, they are ALWAYS a Passive-type Power)

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