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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Powers RP [IC]

Fay Wight
"Math. The only place where someone can buy 125 watermelons and no one wonders why."


Tyrson looked up at Fay, "Tev..?" He said in a blank voice, slapping his shades down over his eyes, "Sorry, who.. who are you?" He asked him. Fay straightened up, and grimaced. He turned around to Tyrson, and started at his shades, a sly grin forming. He slowly walked towards Tyrson, still trembling. "I'm..." he cocks his head to his head. "Mental." He turns to Savva. "I'm psychotic, who is here for his medication." He grins. "Who knows. I may snap and kill someone," he snickered.

He went back, and tried to scan the area for painkillers, still rubbing his temples a little. "No. I'm just here for painkillers." He grimaced a little, looking at them. "My head's killing me." He looked back at the medicines. He could've sworn his eyeballs hurt as well. He glanced around, and noticed everyone being little kittens. He cringed. "What the fuck!? Dude, you're a cat--" he rubbed his eyes, and realized that they were, indeed, humans. "Oh..." He gave a weak chuckle, his cheeks warming a little.

"A-anyway.. I.. uh.. damn.. I guess I really do need medications." He muttered to himself.

Tyrson Caledon
Tyrson looked back at Savva, who was asking question at a mile a minute and then Fay who being a smartass which caused Tyrson to sigh sigh heavily. He turned to Savva, "Hey, calm down, alright. You're scared, I get that, but you have to relax a bit, okay?" then he turned to Fay, "Look, kid, being a smart ass will get you nowhere. Don't call my little sister 'Tev' again. Ever." It was at this time that Tyrson's radio wave interceptor or communications hacker began picking up some chatter..

***Heard only by Tyrson
"Sir, This is Tiger Leader, survey of the convoy area reveal that no human could have done this."

"Well, obviously, ya num nuts. I wanna know what that... thing was that attacked our convoy."

"Yessir, continuing investigation, we'll keep you posted."
Tyrson raised an eyebrow, "I'll have to keep that on the line." Beneath his glasses, his eyes began shifting colors rapidly, 'I'm gonna store that frequency.' He hacked his little interceptor and stored the wave frequency in his little mind database but also kept his hacker tuned in to that frequency. Teva shifted on his shoulder, she wasn't out cold anymore, instead she was just sleeping. As per a side effect of her long term 'sickness'. Tyrson turned to face Savva again, "How did she get sick? We don't know. That's a mysterious, much like the Bermuda Triangle, it comes in and vanishes without a trace." Tyrson tried to answer her question, but like Teva before, there was some, "The only safe space we can go is... um.." He thought.. and thought.. a good minute had passed, "I... I don't know.."
Interactions: Emmi Emmi Deathpelt Deathpelt | Mentions: None
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Savva Wolfe

Savva watched as a desiorented Fay started around them. He first muttered Tev, before asking who Tyrson was. He then snapped toward her, with a smirk on his face. "I'm..." he cocks his head to his head. "Mental." He turns to Savva. "I'm psychotic, who is here for his medication." He grins. "Who knows. I may snap and kill someone," he snickered. Savva looked fearfully at him for a moment, and jerked forward, her spastic movement created by a mix of fear, tiredness, and anxiety. She watched as Fay, went around the Pharmacy isles and looked for painkillers, he muttered a bit about needing them, but Savva couldn't make out all the words. She rubbed her eyes, and took her phone out of her bag, her mom had texted her.

"Are you alright?" Her mom texted, Savva contemplated that for a little bit before answering, "Yes, though I won't be back for a bit. Love you! <3" She tapped the send button and stuffed her phone back in the black bag.

She suddenly heard someone yell,
"What the fuck!? Dude, you're a cat--" She quickly turned to see who said that, and surprise surprise it was Fay. She sighed before shuttering again at his words. Tyrson also seemed to have enough of this crap, though he didn't seem one bit as fearful.

He snapped his head at her before talking, "Hey, calm down, alright. You're scared, I get that, but you have to relax a bit, okay?" then he turned to Fay, "Look, kid, being a smart ass will get you nowhere. Don't call my little sister 'Tev' again. Ever." Savva continued to listen to him, but he then seemed somewhere else. She tilted her head curiously at him, wondering what was happening in his head right now. He muttered a few words, though she couldn't hear what he said. Savva could see that Teva was starting to wake up? No, but at least she was moving. Suddenly Tyrson seemed to come back to life, "How did get sick? We don't know. That's a mysterious, much like the Bermuda Triangle, it comes in and vanishes without a trace." He paused for a few minutes, "The only safe space we can go is... um.. "I... I don't know.."

Well that didn't make Savva feel any safer. So there was a delusion Fay, a sick Teva with no cure, and now a Tyrson that apparently knew no safe place. She looked around, trying to think of a place that could be safe. Her home was in an apartment building which mean't that it was probably not secluded, and would draw some attention. She stared into blankness for a few minutes before an idea popped into her head. "Hey, why don't we go to that old motel? Its better then the street!" She pointed to a run down building only 5 - 15 minutes by foot. A small sign on the top read "The jackpot" Though Savva though it was probably far from it. Thought she'd rather be there then in a pharmacy.

Interations : Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi
Tyrson Caledon
Location: Abandoned Motel
Tyrson looked at Savva, who had made a good suggestion, "Abandoned motel?" He looked around and saw the one she was talking about, "I see.. it's a start." He got up and cradled Teva and began walking towards it, "I'll see you there. Got a few things I have to set up if we're gonna stay there for a bit." He jogged off with Teva in his arms, 'That girl seemed scared, I wonder if the attack scared her. I mean, it probably did.' He arrived there and slowly opened the door, which creaked open slowly.

"Man... what a creepy place. Abandoned, hmm? Perfect." After laying Teva on a bed in one of the rooms on the bottom floors, he went to work. He pulled out what looked like a pocket speaker and placed it on the front desk. Taking off his shades, he double tapped on his headphones and they began interfacing with the speaker, once they interfaced, it started to work more as a radio now. He played with a knob on his left headphone, finding the frequency again, "Come on, where'd it go? Did it change? Shit.."

Songs and voices came through as he sweeped through the channels, "Tiger--" he quickly tuned back into that one, "--report that the damage is great, many dead. Some cut clean in half. Target must have disappeared, no sign anywhere. No exit signs at all, no trace, it's gone."

"Fine... return to base, we have to come up with a plan. It may be time that we ask these... aliens... for assistance." You could hear the distress in his voice. Tyrson slammed his fist on the desk, "You shits, took you this fucking long to figure that out?" Tyrson was clearly angry.
Interactions: None | Mentions: Emmi Emmi Deathpelt Deathpelt
Fay Wight
"Here's a tissue. You have a little bullshit on your lip."


"Look, kid, being a smart ass will get you nowhere. Don't call my little sister 'Tev' again. Ever." Fay glanced over at Tyrson, and gave him a chilling smile. "I'm already nowhere. Why not just sink deeper? It's not like I'd save myself, or someone will save me, anyway. And, yeah. Sure. Won't call your sister 'Tev'. It's not like I'm gonna meet her some where else, anyway."

Fay took a deep breath, his expression darkened, as if he were remembering something.

Tyrson raised an eyebrow, "I'll have to keep that on the line." Fay's ears rose up, and overheard what Tyrson said. On.. the line? What does that mean? It's like he's talking on his phone. Fay snickered, shaking off that dumb thought. "How did she get sick? We don't know. That's a mysterious, much like the Bermuda Triangle, it comes in and vanishes without a trace." Fay cocked his head to the side. Blondie's sick? He glanced back at her, still trying to ignore the aching pain in his head.

She looks fine-- he squinted, and realized Teva was unconscious--or, well, sleeping. He immediately looked back at the aisle. Holy shit.. I'm an idiot. "The only safe space we can go is... um.." He thought.. and thought.. Fay grinned and motioned him to keep going. A good minute had passed, "I... I don't know.." Fay snickered. "Why don't we all jump off a cliff? Hell's a safe place for us," he said, sarcastically.

"Hey, why don't we go to that old motel? Its better then the street!" She pointed to a run down building only 5 - 15 minutes by foot. A small sign on the top read "The jackpot" Though Savva though it was probably far from it. Thought she'd rather be there then in a pharmacy. Fay whistled. "Great place for the three of you." He had no intention of following them to a motel. Fay'd rather go to his own house rather than go with a bunch of strangers he just met.

He didn't trust them.

Savva Wolfe

Savva started walking toward the broken down hotel, motel whatever it was. She didn't mind if Fay came with them or not, he was creepy, and she didn't feel like dealing with any other creepy people. Half way across the road leading to the old building she called out, "You guys coming?" Before continuing her trek to the place.

It didn't last long, because as soon as she couldn't be near anyone, she totally panicked. She closed her eyes and waited for a few moments, as if a magical calming spell would fall on her... calm, calm, calm.... She reopened her eyes and looked around. The road was completely deserted, probably since the lovely message the space creatures sent down to Earth. She was suddenly hit with another wave of Nausea, and intense pain in her fingers, for a minute they seemed smaller, and her nails were sharper... But when she blinked again it seemed normal. "Goddamn pills have side effects." She muttered to herself, before waiting for the other to catch up with her.

Soon they did, and Tryson was the first to venture into the creaky old place, opening the door which needed a good oiling. "Good god this place is a reck." Most of the walls had peeling green wall paper, and the floors were dusty and old. "Lets find a bedroom for Teva.." Savva said silently, not wanting to disturb the places sterile like feel.

However Tyrson beat her to that, and after a bit of jogging after him, they found a place to put Teva on. Savva sat on the bed with Teva, while Tyrson was playing with some his ear. "What you doing?" She asked curiously, wondering what was wrong with his ear, which apparently caused him to slam the desk angrily... some heck of an ear problem...

Emmi Emmi Kumii Kumii
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