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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Powers RP [IC]

Teva Caledon
Location: Outside the Nightbounce, Los Angeles, California
Teva had gotten up and dusted herself off, only to realize her torn sweater again. Fortunately, a lady happened by and, for some reason, was feeling generous because she gave Teva a fresh shirt. She quickly slipped it on and saw what appeared to be a young girl peeking into the club who then began to walk away, "Um, hey! Wait, miss!" She called out, she ran to catch up with the girl only to be pushed forward a bit and nearly deafened by a random shock wave and explosion, luckily she caught herself before falling flat again. She turned around to see what caused it only to lay eyes upon a large, blue explosion out at sea, "What the..?" Too enticed by the color of the explosion, "The color.. I've never seen this, it's like a chemical make-up not of this planet. The color is simply amazing, resembling that of something like a B2 star." She mumbled to herself. "I wonder if the temperature of that explosion is the same.. let's see.." She said herself, "Blue Super giants have surface temperatures of about 10,000 - 50,000 Kelvin.. so it may possible, only way to be certain would be to--"

She snapped herself out of it and turned to check on Savva, "Are you okay?" Not knowing what else to really say, she simply waited for Savva's response.
Interacting: Deathpelt Deathpelt | Mentioned: None
Vita RichterLos Angeles - July 21st

A long, stifled yawn escaped her lips as she slouched forward in her desk. The world was in chaos. Humanity was dying. The doomsday clock had struck midnight. All was lost. And yet here she was, listening to her teacher drone on about random dates and names in history. She placed a hand against her cheek, holding her head up lazily as she stared out the window. Sure didn't look like the world was ending. Places all across the city were closed due to the recent crisis, including schools. Oh but that was only other schools. An esteemed private institute such as hers was open no matter what. She should have been smart like many of her classmates and just skipped. Not like the staff could do much to punish truant students given the current climate. She flipped her head to look at the students in the classroom. With the empty desks she figured a little over half the students actually bothered to show up. Ah well, life goes on. Humans don't just stop because of some acts of terror and comic books being made manifest.

She leaned back in her chair with a sigh, stretching subtly as she turned her focus up towards the teacher. Other than the missing students you really wouldn't even be able to tell that anything was different. Hell, that was probably the entire point she figured. Not like they could do anything, so may as well keep on trucking. She still had the rest of the day to go so she started taking down notes. As boring as it was it beat getting chewed out for getting a bad grade. Her diligence didn't go uninterrupted for long as a slight vibration rolled through the school. It was faint, faint to the point that nobody even reacted to it. When you live in california you learn to ignore tiny tremors like that. However, just a couple minutes later another teacher rushed in and hurriedly whispered something to her teacher. This got the whole class curious and she joined them in staring at the two adults waiting to see what happened. The woman left just as quickly as she had come and her teacher cleared his throat before informing them that there had been an incident off the coast. Due to this, they were all set free.

She got up from her seat, pulling out her cellphone to see a missed call and several text messages from her dad. With the swiftness only a modern teenager could possess she tapped out a reply to his text, assuring him she was fine and that they had been let out early and she'd be heading home. With her worried parent dealt with she grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and headed it. Whatever this 'incident' was it got her out of class for the rest of the day, so for that she was thankful. Still, curiosity was a powerful thing and she wanted to learn what this incident was, so with that in mind she made her way in the direction of the beach the moment she left the school.

Los Angeles - July 21st
Fay Wight
"I don't throw shade.. I shed the light."


"I'm Static Stacy-" Levia immediately shook her head. "Levia. Static Stacy is my stage name that I did not come up with. Use whichever you want." She glanced out of the alleyway, before turning back to Fay. He smiled, and looked up. "I'm... John. John DeLight." He fibbed. "But, you can call me 'Delight~" He cockily grinned to himself as he picked up his headphones. Thank God for not breaking my headphones open. "Lemme guess. You're not that popular and you rub people the wrong way. Is that why you got beaten up?" Levia gave a slight smile, leaning on her hand against the bricky exterior of the NIGHTBOUNCE club.

"I'm guessing that text was also bad news." Fay glanced at her, a twinkle in his eye. "Eh? You're pretty smart. I like the way you think. I usually get beaten up whenever I put my nose in someone's business or hack them" He muttered the last bit. "Or just being a pain in the ass in general. I guess they're just jealous of my handsome face."

From inside, the angry muffled shouts from an angry man could be heard. It was loud enough for anyone paying attention to hear.


"And you can tell me your real name, or stage name if you have one, whenever you're ready." She gave a wink and a smile. A second later, something made of glass broke inside the building. "DIRTY BITCH DRANK ALL MY GUAVA JUICE WHO THE F*CK DOES THAT?!"

"I guess I'll just call you..." He examined her, head to toe. "Hot Dancer. Eh? I just hate not being original."

Off the coast of California, an explosion of blue fire for all of California to see, it was a few minutes later that a loud boom echoed through the state, rattling windows and shattering glass cups and from the top of the explosion, a stream of blue fire could be seen leaving it. Fay cringed, and cracked into a small simper. His eyes lit up in joy. EXPLOSIONS!? YAY! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! THIS WORLD OF IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY WILL BE OVER! YES! PRAISE THE LORD! HALLELUJAH!

"Hey!" A man shouted as he simultaneously pointed towards the general direction of the coast. "What the hell was that?" Fay gazed up at the man, and stared at him for a long moment. "It's an explosion, obviously, dude!" He shouted back. His lips suddenly curled up into a mischievous smile. Maybe... there's some trouble at the coast... also.. blue fire.. blue fire is hotter than regular everyday red fire... so... something extremely hot must've hit. He cracked his knuckles. Damn... I'm just itching to run over there now...

Mentioned: Kumii Kumii || Interacting With: D duegxybus Duckler Duckler
Savva Wolfe
Location: Nightbounce Nightclub
Savva was briskly walking away, when she heard a female voice behind her. "Um, hey! Wait, miss!" The voice called out. Miss? Savva hardly was ever called that, though for some reason she decided to turn around and see if someone was calling someone else. Whats she saw was a young lady coming toward her, when boom! A giant explosion sounded, Savva covered her ears instinctively, and closed her eyes for only 2 seconds, before curiosity opened them again. What she saw a huge blue mass of light. Savva instantly fell down in shock at the giant mass of blue. "What the fucking hell is that?" She accidentally blurted, the surprise loosening her tongue.
When Savva turned to see the lady who had called her, she could see her observing the explosion, with abundant curiosity, and a distant look. Tentavly Savva got back of the floor, and saw that the lady was muttering something to herself, before asking out of nowhere,
"are you ok?"
Savva stared at her for a few moments before answering, "ye-yes I guess, what about you?" Though Savva quickly filled the space with more questions. "what the hell was that?" "Is it the aliens?" Her mind was flooding towards her mouth, and by the time she had figured it out, she had spewed more questions then she mean't to.

Interaction: Kumii Kumii Mentions: Teva
Teva Caledon
Location: Outside the Nightbounce, Los Angeles, California

Teva looked at Savva, her flurry of questions never seemed to end and most of them Teva didn't have the answers to, "Yeah, I'm.. I'm.. uh.. fine." Answering her first question but avoiding the ones after it.The city seemed calm until this hit which sent them all in a near riot, after just seeing an explosion, "It was certainly something to behold, hm?" After taking a moment to suss out how weird and suspicious that sounded in her head, "Uh.. but not in the way that I did it." She reassured, while the citizens seemed to be running around, Teva noticed a few who stood there, "Some people can stay calm at a time like this? How conspicuous." She said eyeing the few that did.

"Oh, forgive me for being so rude, my name is Teva. Of course, if your mind is still swimming with unanswered questions, you can tell me yours later." She felt her pocket vibrate, must be her mom. She read it it, 'Honey, tell me you're okay. I heard the loud boom and felt the shock wave from here.' Teva typed a message back letting her mom she was okay, "Moms." She joked, she put her phone away and looked at Savva, "So, uhm, I'm gonna head home. You're welcome to join me if you like."
Jessica Caledon
Honey, tell me you're okay. I heard the loud boom and felt the shock wave from here.
Yeah, mom, I'm fine. Don't worry.
Okay, good.. I love you, sweetie.
Love you too, mom. Be home in a bit.
Interacting: Deathpelt Deathpelt | Mentioned: None
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The convoy was prepared, another day ahead of him, the figure stood over the troops moving before him. That was until...
"What the fuck!?" The Officer exlaimed, along with the troops, the massive blast taking their attention by force, before the sudden realisation shut in. "No..." His face drooped, eyes unable to shift from the blast, it was clearly no usual explosion. "Damn those fiends..." He continued, slamming a fist onto the truck before him, causing some of the men to glance over toward him.

His despair, however, was cut off by the ringing sound coming from his side. Slowly, and with some discomfort, he placed the cellular device to his ear, heated winds whipping at his cheeks. The voice that came, however, somehow drove his expression to shock, and even greater concern. "A-are you absolutely sure!?" He questioned, before letting out a sigh at the immediate response. "Okay..." He replied, an audible ping escaping the device as he hung up, placing it back at his side. "It... Had to be done." He attempted to reassure himself under his breath, his orders clearly displeased him, yet he couldn't let the others take notice.

"Take no prisoners!" He yelled out toward the convoy, whom responded in a mix of confusion and concern. "Any suspected 'aliens' are to be shot on sight! Now move out!" He continued to announce, the tone of his voice powerful, those before him continuing on, doing their best not to look as if they judged the command. As the focus was off of him, and the troops began to scour the streets, the man bent down, gripping the vehicle before him and releasing a gasp of air. His moment of respite, however, was cut short by the shouts of the soldiers to and approaching being. "What is that!?" He thought to himself in disbelief, before pointing up toward it, doing his best to stand strong. "Don't just gawk! Open fire!"
Savva Wolfe
Location: Nightbounce Club
Savva watched as the girl, named Teva texted her mom back, and joked, "moms." Before she said, "So, uhm, I'm gonna head home. You're welcome to join me if you like." Savva was silent for a moment, fingering her small bag, damn she forgot her anxiety meds. Her face flushed red for a moment.
"Um, let me just tell my mom." With that Savva whipped out her phone, and wanted into iMessage. Texting her mom a quick, "I'm out with friends." Before plunging it back into her pocket. She tapped her foot behind the other in an almost dance like motion before snapping back to life. "Oh! Gosh I didn't tell you my name, Well I'm Savva.." She tried her best not to make that awkward. But Savva had a gift for awkwardness, she could make the most decent thing sound weird. "Do you live close to here?" She asked quietly, hoping the other girl would engage in the chat, so that Savva wouldn't have to do any of the talking. It was amazing how an explosion had just happened, that probably could have blinded people, but yet here she was still making this sound weird.
Levia Blythe Walker

Levia gave a slight chuckle. "You can call me whatever you like-"


A deafening explosion rang out through the city, rattling every single window in Nightbounce and nearly breaking every glass thing inside. Unfortunately, that paled in comparison to what happened with Levia. Levia's hands flew to her ears. The shockwave was from an explosion that blew through the alleyway. The pulse hit her body only to be caught by her passive electrical aura, sending a second painful pulse through her body. The dancer clenched her teeth and hissed, clutching her head and stumbling backwards.

That must've looked weird. Crap...that's-

"God damn, that..was so...loud." Levia shuddered and looked somewhat sick for a second before realizing there was someone else in the alleyway with them. He mentioned something about the explosion when Levia was still reeling. She didn't have a chance to respond before John Delight. "It's an explosion, obviously, dude!"

Levia couldn't even muster up the feeling to respond to John's remark. She felt perplexed by the way her body reacted to an explosion's shockwave. Shouldn't my abnormality make me stronger? She looked out from between the alleyway to see a massive blue explosion. Not only did she see the explosion, she saw everything going along with it. A whole lot of ordnance on the ship had also been exploded in the process, leaving a slight electromagnetic background. Levia saw this in a medium white color, without knowing what it was.

Suddenly, the back door to the bar crashed open, only to have Mr. Miller, a middle-aged man with a beer belly, possible C-Cup breasts, a receding hairline on his light brown hair, and a very angry expression, stumble out and nearly fall onto the pavement. Several cuts riddled his arm. "YOUUU. You did this, you dirty bitch!" He wobbled over to Levia and grabbed her by the front of her jacket, nearly tearing it off. Levia flinched, but didn't bother moving away or fighting back. Despite Mr. Miller being half a head shorter than her, he looked like he could knock her down and sit on her at any time. "What? What did I do?"

"You blew something up and shattered all my glass! I knew it! Ya shifty ass workin' from me from the start. You and your Static Stacy shit has some weird voodoo magic to it! I'ma fuckin' tase your ass, no more tricks you god damn frglngbger!" Mr. Miller reached into the back pocket of his pants to pull out a pink, handheld Hello Kitty taser. Just as he was about to put it up to Levia's chest, the dancer pointed behind her boss. "Hmm? By the way, John, this is Mr. Rammy Miller, my boss and the owner of Nightbounce."

Mr. Miller whirled around, his face still beet-red from his fit of fury. "What the- a high schooler?? Lev, what the fuck. You came out here to talk to a highschooler? Don't tell me you're gonna play the kinky big sister shit with him." He lowered the Hello Kitty taser and pointed to the exit of the alleyway.

"Ah, Mr. Miller?"

"TAKE THE BOY AND GET THE FUCK OUT! I'll see your dirty ass tomorrow when you crawl back here for a job!" Mr. Miller shouted, causing Levia to flinch again. Even so, she didn't say anything or speak out against her boss. Instead, she simply walked past him and looked at John. "I think I'm gonna check out what happened out there. Ask some fishermen what the hell happened, because that explosion did not look good. Nice meeting you, John. Take care, don't get beaten up too much." Levia gave a smile, and lingered for a second, before turning.

With that, Levia walked out of the alleyway, acknowledging the second person with a curt nod before making her way onto the streets. She didn't exactly expect anyone to follow her, yet she'd secretly hoped that the two guys, and maybe even Mr. Miller, would be interested in looking into what just went down there.

Interactions: Emmi Emmi Duckler Duckler (All y'all can follow her. Or deal with Mr. Miller and his Hello Kitty taser. Or do something else.)
Mentions: N/A
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"Mom, can we um.." Romeo started slowly, his face set in a nervous grin. His mother gave him a suspicious look, taking her eyes off of the tv screen for a split second.

"Can we what, sweetie?" She repeated. Romeo chuckled anxiously as he tilted his head towards the tv.

"You, know.. Erm. Can we, like... Can we watch something other then the news!" He blurted out. The news had been on in the Langford household ever since the mutant incident. And quite frankly, it was getting old fast.


After a lengthy lecture about the importance of 'knowing what was going on in the world', Romeo excused himself from the living room. There was literally nothing else to do at home, so he grabbed a jacket, slipped on his shoes and headed outside.

A block away from the house there was a pretty hip club called the bounce. He noticed two girls talking near it that looked about his age.

Romeo decided to approach them for whatever reason. "Hey, guys."

Kumii Kumii Deathpelt Deathpelt
On top of an apartment building, a lone man sat on a lawn chair, eyes glaring forward at a small, portable TV. The screen of the television was about the size of a dinner plate, and unless you were sitting almost right in front of it, actually knowing what was happening was somewhat difficult.

He let a small huff of smoke escape his mouth, letting out a deep sigh. His body leaned forward and he stared idly at the television set, a cigarette in one hand. It wasn't necessarily that he thought it was stupid to watch the news - he thought it was nice that he had a way to keep up with the times, to actually know what was happening in the world. Frankly, it didn't seem to well. Of course, it didn't matter much to him unless he's being directly effected. It was at least a little entertaining, though. At this point, it was all the same, though. Disasters, deaths, that's all that was talked about anymore. He stood up off the chair, throwing the cigarette on the ground and stomping it out with his boot. This was his "house," per say. He had a television set, a mini-fridge, a sleeping bag, and a chair, all on a conveniently flat apartment roof. What more could a man want? Now, it may not be the most luxurious, but it worked. With that, he was unemployed, but he had his way of "borrowing" items, permanently, from others. He also had a phone, and enough money for a few months of food and water, that he could restock with a night out anytime. The risk of getting caught was there, but like hell someone would catch him.

Raiju moved over to the side of the building, which overlooked an alleyway. The drop was quite far to the ground, but there was fire escape ladders and access balconies leading up the side of the apartment, almost all the way to the top. He dropped down from the side onto the first access balcony, beginning to make his way down and to the ground level. "Drinks could be nice. Why not have a night out?" He whispered to himself, reaching the ground.

He moved out of the alleyway, into the open sidewalk. There were rows of buildings, shops, but his target was a nice bar down the street. It was a small little place owned by a friendly older man. Raiju didn't know him personally, but he seemed kind enough. He wasn't the type to take from the middle class, so he had no plans for stealing anything from the guy. He began to head down the street to the bar, letting his hands rest in his pockets.
Fay Wight
"Shut up, I wear heals bigger than your dick."


"YOUUU. You did this, you dirty bitch!" Fay looked at the middle aged man in surprise as he wobbled over to Levia and grabbed her by the front of her jacket, nearly tearing it off. He grit his teeth, his eyes darkening. "What? What did I do?"

"You blew something up and shattered all my glass! I knew it! Ya shifty ass workin' from me from the start. You and your Static Stacy shit has some weird voodoo magic to it! I'ma fuckin' tase your ass, no more tricks you god damn frglngbger!" Mr. Miller reached into the back pocket of his pants to pull out a pink, handheld Hello Kitty taser. Fay resisted the urge to snicker. A Hello Kitty Taser? Of all things, Hello Kitty!? Just as he was about to put it up to Levia's chest, the dancer pointed behind her boss. "Hmm? By the way, John, this is Mr. Rammy Miller, my boss and the owner of Nightbounce."

Fay cockily grinned and waved at him. "Pleased to meet you, and know that you're in a... sane and sober state." Mr. Miller whirled around, his face still beet-red from his fit of fury. "What the- a high schooler?? Lev, what the fuck. You came out here to talk to a highschooler? Don't tell me you're gonna play the kinky big sister shit with him."

"I wish. However, you look like the type of person to watch porn and jerk off. You're welcome to watch."

He lowered the Hello Kitty taser and pointed to the exit of the alleyway. "Ah, Mr. Miller?"

"TAKE THE BOY AND GET THE FUCK OUT! I'll see your dirty ass tomorrow when you crawl back here for a job!" Mr. Miller shouted, causing Levia to flinch again. Fay, smiling like a creep, stared at the two of them, leaning against the wall. "I think I'm gonna check out what happened out there. Ask some fishermen what the hell happened, because that explosion did not look good. Nice meeting you, John. Take care, don't get beaten up too much." Levia gave a smile, and lingered for a second, before turning. "Nice meeting you too, Hot Dancer~" he called out. "Take care of yourself, and don't get pushed over by manwhores like him~"

Once she left, Fay turned to glance at Mr. Miller. "Didn't you think you bit too harsh on her for no reason? It's not like she's the one to blame for the explosion, Old Man. I suggest getting your facts straight." He examined him, head to toe. "Sorry for assuming your gender... Old Woman. I mean, of course men can't have boobs. Hot ones too." He smiled. "I suppose, if you want people to take you seriously with tasers, you shouldn't buy Hello Kitty ones. I have experience. Trust me, Old Woman." He patted "her" on the shoulder. His eyes widened, and he cracked a psychotic smile, a dark aura surrounding him. "You should really be kinder to your employees, before they slowly drag you to the realm of depression and darkness. I'm there already. And.. it isn't fun."

Interacting With: D duegxybus || Mentioned: N/A
Chapter 2: Force Beyond Reckoning
Day: July 21st, 2018
Time: 1:14 pm
Location: California

The same Being covered in a wispy blue flame came charging in seeming to teleport to the ground, a trail of it's wispy flame following it. The gunshots of the soldiers pass right through it, it then formed a wispy blue flame sword on it's right arm and swung it upward, sending out a wave of solid yet wispy energy at one of the armored vehicles, slicing it clean in half. It then teleported into the air and then flashed to the top of another armored vehicle, gathering a small concentration of blue energy in it's hand to release it point blank on the vehicle making an explosion of blue flame then flashing from vehicle to vehicle until none were left.

It waved it arm to dissipate the 'sword', the wispy blue eyes stared straight ahead, it then turned around and faced the commander of the convoy, stared at him then flashed into the sky where in hovered above the city. It threw up one of it's arms and a projector like screen flew into the sky for all of California to see, "People of Earth, We are here. We are ready. We've been testing you. You failed. Now it's time to face the consequences. 635 days from today, the mother ship will be here. We will collect our bounty. Prepare yourselves, your creators have returned. We are the Extraterrestrials you so diligently called us all that time ago." With that, the projector vanished and the being wisp'd away into nothingness.
(Powers not yet awakened may now start to awaken now or later if you wish.)
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There D duegxybus Karcen Karcen Ariel Ariel Duckler Duckler Xel Xel Reo7 Reo7 Deathpelt Deathpelt Randomfella Randomfella Emmi Emmi Drook Drook kasigi kasigi mkuchiha mkuchiha
Mr. Miller (NPC)
LOCATION: Nightbounce

"Didn't you think you bit too harsh on her for no reason? It's not like she's the one to blame for the explosion, Old Man. I suggest getting your facts straight."
"Fft." Mr. Miller scoffed and loosened his grip on his taser. "Sorry for assuming your gender... Old Woman. I mean, of course men can't have boobs. Hot ones too." He smiled. "I suppose, if you want people to take you seriously with tasers, you shouldn't buy Hello Kitty ones. I have experience. Trust me, Old Woman."

Mr. Miller grunted. "Crazy kids, thinkin' calling a man a woman is gonna achieve anything." He scratched his head with the Hello Kitty taser's prongs. "You should really be kinder to your employees, before they slowly drag you to the realm of depression and darkness. I'm there already. And.. it isn't fun."

"Yeah, yeah, alright kid. Take some Prozac and do a lil' bit of yoga. Yer gonna feel charged. I'll treat 'er nice when I wanna." Mr. Miller blinked, then hiccuped. The dark aura surrounding the teen didn't seem natural, but it was very much possible Mr. Miller saw it because he drank too much. "Ya know, this taser got one million volts. Wanna see what being on the business end o' it feels like? Eh, I'm just gonna show you some real shit." Mr. Miller turned off the safety of the taser. "Come *hic* back when you're eighteen if ya wanna." Mr. Miller sniffled, wiping his nose with his free hand.

"I'm gonna take a shit." The old man walked back into NIGHTBOUNCE, slamming the door. A moment later, the announcement went off.

Interactions: Emmi Emmi
Mentions: Duckler Duckler

Levia Blythe Walker
Location: The Pier, facing Toward

Levia started at a slow walk, then increased her pace to a run. Every time her foot hit the ground, a jolt went up her leg. It felt like a magnet. Within a few minutes, Levia found herself sprinting toward the pier almost as fast as the city traffic. It was surprising easy to dodge civilians, most of which gave her weird looks for running, despite her not running fast enough for it to be suspicious.

As soon as she arrived at the pier, she slid to a stop and took a minute to catch her breath, opting for a walk. She approached a nearby fisherman.

"Yeh?" The fisherman looked up at her and gave a nearly toothless smile. He didn't look older than 40, yet he looked fairly disheveled. A defining trait of his was sharp blue eyes that gazed into Levia's soul.

"There was an explosion just off the coast. Did you see what happened? I'd like to know, please." Levia looked off, at the remnants of the explosion. Blue flames coated something, and lots of smoke was still there from where it took place.

"If you listen to anyone, they'll tell you thaf it was some US army bomb. But why did they blow up a battleship?" The fisherman mused, stroking his large, black beard. "I'd say its one of them aliens. But you shouldn't concern yourself with it, lady. You got a nice face, don't mess it up."

"Aliens?" Levia chuckled, then put on a serious expression. Her voice was a low tone. "I want to check it out. May I borrow your boat?" Levia pulled out her phone and pulled up a digital credit card.

"Two hundred dollars dear. Two thousand if ya fuck up my boat." The fisherman gave a boisterous laugh and took Levia's cell phone, entering the number on his own.

"So, um, what do you think about aliens being a thing? I mean, it's gotta be a hoax." Levia lied through her teeth, knowing very well that aliens existed. She was one, after all. At least as of two or three weeks ago.

Before the fisherman had a chance to respond, a projector appeared in front of the state.

People of Earth, We are here. We are ready. We've been testing you. You failed. Now it's time to face the consequences. 635 days from today, the mother ship will be here. We will collect our bounty. Prepare yourselves, your creators have returned. We are the Extraterrestrials you so diligently called us all that time ago.

Everyone on the pier, Levia and the fisherman included, read the projection. After the projection died off, the fisherman smirked at her. "Still believe it's a hoax? US tech can't do that. Three hundred dollars for my boat, and don't die alright?" The fisherman tossed Levia the key for the locked oars. "Thank you."

Soon after, Levia walked down toward the boat. Before going, she looked down at the keys and sighed, then spoke to herself. "Lev, what the hell are you doing? You're not invulnerable. You can't just go out to an explosion."

Interaction: N/A
Mentions: Kumii Kumii (If there's anything harmful, or anyone still alive at the explosion site)
And...literally anyone else who wants to interact with Levia before she decides to go fishing.
(NOTE: You may control the fisherman NPC!)

Teva Caledon
Location: Heading home

Teva nodded her head, "Nice to meet you, Savva." She began to walk home, "Yeah, I live near here." They walked a few feet before confronted by a man, "H-Hi.. c-can we help you?" She asked only to be interrupted by the giant projection in the sky, "Extraterrestrials? Those things we encountered millions of years ago? Tested? What?" She lost herself in thought again, "635 days.. That's approximately 1 year, 9 months and 5 days... so what can we do before that time comes." She snapped herself out again, "Oh, um, right.. Savva, you're welcome to follow me home, other guy.. um.. I.. guess you can come too.. if you want." She didn't wanna blow off the man who had just approached the two 'cause then she would just feel bad.

So, not waiting for a response from either, she started to head home.
Interacting: mkuchiha mkuchiha Deathpelt Deathpelt | Mentioned: None
( Give me more to work with guys.. I mean come on, this post was hard because of it ;-; )
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Savva Wolfe
Following Teva Like a lost puppy
Teva nodded her head, "Nice to meet you, Savva." She began to walk home, "Yeah, I live near here." Savva was listening when soon enough, and person joined the 2. He looked to be around Teva's age, sigh, yet another person older then her. She was about to ask his name when suddenly a projection came out of nowhere, and stayed in the sky.

"People of Earth, We are here. We are ready. We've been testing you. You failed. Now it's time to face the consequences. 635 days from today, the mother ship will be here. We will collect our bounty. Prepare yourselves, your creators have returned. We are the Extraterrestrials you so diligently called us all that time ago."

Then, it disappeared leaving Savva as helpless as she was confused. Almost at once she felt light headed and dizzy, and the urge to throw up was real. She pinched the bridge of her nose, before looking back up at the sky. Nothing, it was gone as fast as it had came. She quickly looked over at Teva, who seemed more in thought, then she did seem frighten. Savva however couldn't tell what the boy was feeling, when suddenly Teva was addressing her.

"Oh, um, right.. Savva, you're welcome to follow me home, other guy.. um.. I.. guess you can come too.. if you want." And with that she seemed to be leaving, them behind.

"Wait up! What the hell was that?!" Savva tried to keep up with Teva, though her dizziness prevented her from going to fast. She didn't care if the boy was following her or not, she did not want to be alone, in the streets, with some kind of creature not from earth. Near the side of the street was a small drug store. medicine, please... "Hey do you think we could go to the drugstore real quick?" Savva swished her legs back and forth, feeling very red. She was not going to survive without anti-anxiety meds. She waited for the girl's response.

Interaction: Kumii Kumii mkuchiha mkuchiha Mentions: None
Fay Wight
"Best way to not get your heart broken is pretend that you don't have one."


"Yeah, yeah, alright kid. Take some Prozac and do a lil' bit of yoga. Yer gonna feel charged. I'll treat 'er nice when I wanna." Mr. Miller blinked, then hiccuped. Fay laughed. "Oh? Who says I'm not charged yet? I feel charged enough to... kill someone.." He giggled. "Ya know, this taser got one million volts. Wanna see what being on the business end o' it feels like? Eh, I'm just gonna show you some real shit." Mr. Miller turned off the safety of the taser.

"Ooooh, I'm sooooo scared that you took off the safety," Fay cooed, only to grin afterwards. "You don't have the balls to use that against a high schooler, do you?" He smiled. "Come *hic* back when you're eighteen if ya wanna." Mr. Miller sniffled, wiping his nose with his free hand. "But, sir, eighteen is still a teenager."

"I'm gonna take a shit." The old man walked back into NIGHTBOUNCE, slamming the door. "What a kind, and well mannered old man," Fay snickered. Suddenly, the announcement went on.

"People of Earth--"

Fay cringed, and listened in, watching the projector. "We are here. We are ready. We've been testing you. You failed--"


"Now it's time to face the consequences. 635 days from today, the mother ship will be here. We will collect our bounty. Prepare yourselves, your creators have returned. We are the Extraterrestrials you so diligently called us all that time ago." With that, the projector vanished and the being wisp'd away into nothingness.

Fay cockily laughed. "Damn... what a prank.. YOU SHOULD'VE CALLED ME IN ON IT!" He shouted out. He kicked a rock, and started to walk away, his minty green eyes stared at the confusion and chaos around him. "Fay!" His eyes widened. That voice.. it was... familiar. He looked up, and her eyes widened. Tears burned at the back of his eyes. Staring back at him, was a man with thick black hair and minty green eyes. He was smiling at him. His lip quivered. "D-Dad.." Fay ran up to him, and tried to hug him, his eyes closed. However, he didn't feel any manly flesh between his arms. Instead, he felt something.. soft and.. fragile.

As if he were hugging a girl.

He slowly opened his eyes, and realized he was hugging a girl around his age with blonde hair. Shit.. another hallucination. He awkwardly looked at the young girl in front of him. "Uh.. ello. How are you on this fine day, with projectors threatening us?"

Mentioned: D duegxybus || Interacting with: Kumii Kumii
"Mortal Combat? Sounds like fun, you're on." Reign sounded and looked confident, but on the inside she winced, mentally imagining herself in one of those classic webcomic panels where she's pointed at with an arrow saying 'never played a fighting game'. W-well, it shouldn't be too hard to learn how to play on the fly... I won't lose, I refuse to! The explosion was completely forgotten, mostly because anything that could do that - military or alien - wasn't exactly something she could stand up to. She could only hope for the safety of everyone involved. Reign looked up while trying to think about what to talk about, only to stop walking and tug on Sol's shirt. "Sol, look at that!" Reign pointed at the projector in the sky, which disappeared shortly afterwards. "Extraterrestrials, long time ago, mothership... Real aliens? Not just troublemakers with powers?" Reign had a small frown as she thought, but instead of spouting out any insights she just unzipped her jacket. "I should have known it would be too hot to wear this~ Left in a rush though, can't be helped."

Karcen Karcen
Sol was in truth more fixated on the message to actually notice what Reign said after the whole we are aliens coming to harvest people and destroy the earth. Sol of course had issues with their morality test darn smug aliens but well they were likely similar to humans so she couldn't expect them to be some kid of enlightened species devoid of smugness. Still this meant the aliens were more like the innhumans than the x-men and her powers were from them playing with her genetics. They also set a date so around 2 years that was how long humans had to get their heads out of their asses and make something to save them. Still Sol guessed some would blame aliens for the E.T. desire to destroy the world. Sol was deeply worried about this her general carefree confidence slipping as she pondered what this meant and what she should do. Well first would be to wait then she should train so she could manifest someone that could stop them, she had a few ideas but the safest one required another person. Then there was Reign Sol wanted to get to work with all this but how could she break this off with Reign without looking odd, she could tell her. That was a stupid idea it was rash and likely would lead to more trouble, but at this point Sol was just going to fly by the seat of her pants and besides the military might offer good practice. Yeah this was a good idea good plan no matter what she would win.

Sol let out sigh " Well with that announcement i feel you should know i'm an Alien so i might need to get training o save the world instead of play games" Sol said waiting for reign to react expectng a lot of fear.

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Reign looked at Sol weirdly for a moment, with her emotions hard to read. "That's... Quite the spontaneous announcement." Reign thought carefully about what to do, remaining silent for a few moments. "Well... Hm. I'm kinda upset that you'd cancel our little video game date, though I guess it's a surprise I'm seeking out another game aside the 24/7 MMO Real Life that I've sunk seventeen years into. Anyways, watchya planning to do? You're not the only person needing to get stronger, I might accompany you depending on what it is." Reign nodded her head, satisfied with the answer she gave. "Then again, it would probably be best if we could gather all of the aliens we could into an organization and use that explosion to convince people to fund us since the military was helpless against the ET that did that... Then we could train each other and perhaps give each other new ideas on how to use our powers." Reign folded her arms, nodding once again. "Yeah, that's probably the best course of action aside sniping that 'mothership' before it reaches the Earth. And considering how likely that is to happen... How about we start up a real life guild?" With a smile, Reign held her hand out to Sol, hoping that Sol was able to keep up with her speech. She expected confusion, but she had hope that the girl that mentally recovered from that explosion instantly could swallow an info drop or two the likes of which are only seen in the best and worst RPGs.

Karcen Karcen
Romeo was interrupted by the big projection up in the sky. It was so weird that it almost made him rethink his earlier position on the news. Maybe it was important.

He looked at the girls to see their reactions to what just happened. The first one appeared slightly rattled but nonetheless nonchalant, while the other at least showed fear of some sort.

Romeo looked back up, but the projection was long gone. So, was the first girl. Where was she going? The second girl was starting to follow her, and Romeo did not want to be alone after what had just happened so he ran after them.

"Y-yo, wait up!" He called after them. Two long strides later, and he was caught up.

"My names Romeo. Romeo Langford." He said as they ran.

Deathpelt Deathpelt Kumii Kumii
Sol was confused very confused she had expected fear and hate all the normal stuff instead she was asked what her plan was and was suggested that they for a guild. she followed the logic and was mostly confused that at random out of everyone in the city she had some how hooked up with another alien as the way that Reign explained all this she had to be one. that was crazy a cute gamer girl alien it had to be fate, or dumb luck either worked equally well for Sol. Sol of course had absolutely no plan what so ever aside from train and defeat the aliens and play lots of games. Sol was not one for plans she had a step one and a step three step two was mostly a mystery either way it ended with profit.

" So wait your an alien as well, wow that is some serious luck" she said chuckling and regaining some of her normal confidence. " Also you have way more of a plan than i do i was thinking train some defeat aliens live happily ever after till the sequel" she said revealing she had not plan what so ever " But what can you do?" She asked now wanting to know what power reign had.

That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
Teva Caledon
Location: Los Angeles, California
Teva had heard the two catch up to her and immediately realized she accidentally started to leave them behind, before she could turn around and apologize, she was suddenly and rather unexpectedly embraced by a stranger. Her cheeks flushed a light pink, "Um.. ye-yes, hello." She felt just as awkward, if not more than Fay did, "I suppose I'm fine, I appreciate the hug, but why were you hugging me? Did.. did we meet before? Should we know each other?" She cleared her throat and turned to Savva and Romeo for a moment, her cheeks still a light shade of pink, "Um.. Savva, yes, we will." She then turned to Romeo, "Nice to meet you, Romeo. I'm Teva Caledon and this is Savva." She turned back to Fay, whom she was expecting a reason for hugging her so suddenly. She had no clue who this was, but it's possible he had a reason for it.

It wasn't until she started moving that her chest began to hurt, "Ow ow.." She groaned in slight discomfort, as it turned out, her chest is extra sensitive. She's known this for sometime and it's been with her all her life and afterwards she coughed a bit, this time was a bit more severe then earlier but she had the decency to cover her mouth.The coughing only made her chest even more, which caused her to groan a bit more with more discomfort.
Interacting: mkuchiha mkuchiha Deathpelt Deathpelt Emmi Emmi | Mentioned: None
Vita RichterLos Angeles - July 21st

By the time she had made it down towards the beach a lot of the larger commotion had died down. From what she had been able to gather along the way there'd been a large explosion off the coast. With the way things were that didn't mean much. Still, curiosity was a powerful motivator and so she pressed on, wanting more information and to see the whole situation for herself. She pulled out her phone, noticing a missed text from her dad. She should have been home by now so he was obviously worried. She quickly typed up that she was fine and would be back later, ignoring the ringing that followed her text as she pocketed her phone.

She began to cut through an alley when the massive projection appeared in the sky. A booming voice echoed, washing across the land and almost hurting her ears from it's intensity. She stared up at the projection in captivated silence, listening to what the being had to say. Even with the whole mutant situation this was a little out there. The guy made it seem like he was some kind of alien. Well, the mention of a 'mothership' kind of solidified that idea. And just as suddenly as it had appeared it vanished into nothingness leaving her and, presumably, everyone else confused. Her gaze lingered for a few more moments on the sky before she finally brought her focus back down to earth.

It was certainly a lot to take in. She reached up, loosening the tie around her neck as she mulled over the alien's words. Their creators? Collecting their bounty? Sounded like some cliche alien invasion flick to her. She shook her head as she absentmindedly undid the top few buttons of her blouse. First some big explosion off the coast, then aliens saying they're going to invade earth. The explosion was probably related, that much was obvious. If this had come three months ago she'da been sure the military would fend them off. Hell, even with recent events she was confidant in that. If there was one thing a red blooded american could be proud of, it was their military.

She let out an agitated grunt as she rolled up her sleeves, only then realizing just how hot it was. No matter what little measures she took it felt like she was burning up. She had to wonder if that was also a result of the big projection in the sky. Regardless she pressed on, making her way out of the alley and towards the beach. A lot of strange things were going on and being the stupid teenager she was, she wanted to see them first hand. And the people down at the coast would probably have more detailed information on what's going on.

Los Angeles - July 21st
Savva Wolfe
Los Angeles, California
Savva was waiting for an answer, when suddenly a boy, high schooler by the looks of it, came up and just hugged Teva. Savva backed up, trying to get them some space, she didn't know if they knew each other, but she wasn't about the to risk it, she did however know when Teva talked,"I suppose I'm fine, I appreciate the hug, but why were you hugging me? Did.. did we meet before?" Should we know each other?" Soon the boy- Romeo was right beside her, watching the spectacle. When she stopped hugging the boy, she turned to Savva, "Um.. Savva, yes, we will." Savva soon became relieved that Teva didn't ask why, or give her a dirty stare. She then faced Romeo and introduced him to me, I suppose I hadn't told him my name, whoops. Then she turned back to the boy.

Savva was ready to run to the drug store when Teva muttered a few words of pain. " Teva, you alright?" She didn't look alright though. She coughed a couple times, perhaps she was sick? " C'mon maybe we can find you something at the Pharmacy." Savva didn't know if Romeo, or The other boy were coming, but Teva really seemed like she could use a few pain killers. She anxiously tapped her feet on the pavement, a custom she had when anxious. What the hell was she doing anyway? She had just met these people a few hours ago! Still, a few hours ago a creature not from earth had come, landed and told them they had roughly 2 years to save themselves, going to the drugstore didn't seem all that bad considered everything else. "You 2 boys coming?" She didn't wait for their answers though, because She really needed that medicine, and by the looks of it, so did Teva.

Interactions: Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi mkuchiha mkuchiha Mentions: None
Romeos eyes widened as a boy his age suddenly ran up to them and hugged Teva. He figured it was a friend or a boyfriend, but the astonishment on the girls face made him think otherwise. Romeo, however, ignored it and gave the guy a brief head nod greeting.

"So, uh, am I the only one that saw that 'little public service announcement'?" He asked. "If not, then let me sum it for you guys... ALIENS will show up to ERADICATE the Earth in TWO years."

Kumii Kumii Deathpelt Deathpelt Emmi Emmi

In the inside he was totally panicking, but on the outside he was trying to play it off by cracking some jokes.

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