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Realistic or Modern Here's to the New Memories

He smiled at her some, "Why are you asking, I'd get dessert as well if I was allowed it right now." He pointed out to her, running a hand through his hair and just watching her, "You know... if this had been a date... I would say it's gone really pretty well." He told her.

Carmen smiled and leaned back going through some e-mails while he got his burger and they sat in the car so he could eat, managing to fall asleep at some point because she woke up once they were at the house again, yawning some and getting out, stretching, "Home sweet home." She smiled
Max looked at him with wide eyes and blushed deep red giving a small nod "Yeah....I would say that too." She said smiling softly at him "Honestly I haven't been on a date in so long, I probably would've been way too shy."

Charlie smiled when he saw her asleep and made sure to keep quiet while he drove them home. Once they got there he gently nudged her awake "Home sweet home indeed." He said softly before he got out of the car and made his way inside immediately falling onto the couch comfortably "Oh man how I missed this comfort."
She smiled some as she grabbed his bags and popped them just inside his bedroom, heading back down and going to grab a smoothie she'd made earlier, "So you get any more done on that new book?" She asked him, sitting down where his feet were, moving them off the couch and leaned back.

He smiled and shook his head, "Well... you did fine." He winked at her, flagging a waiter down so she could order dessert and just got himself another drink, glancing at the time, "I hope she's getting on okay." He mumbled to hismelf.
Charlie nodded some propping his feet on her lap "Mhmm I have." He murmured to her "And I want you to read what I've got so far." He said happily "Be the first to tell me how it is."

Max smiled happily ans blushed some at him. She shook her head some with a small laugh "Well the mom hasn't called yet, so I would say she is doing just fine." She said softly putting her hand on his and giving a small squeeze for support "Don't worry okay? She is just fine."
She smiled watching him. "Well I'd be honored.... The receptionist at the facility thought you and I were together." She told him, tying her hair back and trying not to look at him, almost scared of what his reaction would be.

Jeff nodded and smiled at her, "She's been so clingy with me the past few days, just worried about her is all." He told her quietly, leaning back and sipping at his drink.
Charlie chuckled lightly at that and smiled "Well thats not so bad is it? I happen to think you are a hell of a catch." He said looking over at her the gauge her reaction a bit

Max smiled softly and thanked the waiter as he brought the dessert. She smiled wide and dug in groaning happily giggling at the face he made "Sorry....I'm a sucker for a good brownie." She said softly
She raised an eyebrow over at him, "Well... they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.... So... Did it?" She asked him, turning to face him now, "I don't.... I don't do beating around the bush Charlie... So is there something here we should be exploring or are we both going nuts?" She asked him. She knew he still missed his wife and if he wanted to go slow she could do that... but she just wanted an answer.

Jeff crossed his arms over his chest, "Oh really? So you're waving it around in my face huh? Tryna make me jealous?" He chuckled as he watched her
Charlie sat up some and mkved to where he was sitting next to her "You think you could handle my mess of a person?" He asked honestly knowing she dealt with him now but he didn't know if she would handle it as a relationship.

Max laughed some and made a small bite for him leaning over the table some "Here you can have a small bite, it can be our little secret." She said before she winked at him and fed him the little bite of food
He chuckled and took the spoon off her, passing her his clean one, "Oh that's good." He smiled some, waving someone down so he could get the check, "So... do you think you'll let me walk you to the front door?" He teased her some.

Carmen moved after him and sat knee to knee with him, staring at him, "I think that we can only try it out." She told him gently, not even noticing that they were both leaning in closer and closer until she felt his lips on hers, her hands going up to cup his face.
Max smirked some and took another bite of her food shrugging some "Possibly, might invite you in for a drink if the ride goes well." She teased giving a small laugh finishing up her food and drink

Charlie gave a small nod leaning in closer to her "Yeah...I think we could do that. " he murmured before pressing his lips gently to her letting his hand go up and cup her cheek gently
Carmen smiled some and moved in closer, her fingers starting to slide through his hair to hold the side of his head, eventually pulling away and looking at him gently, "Well... Welcome home." She smiled, going beetroot red.

Jeff smiled and paid the bill, getting up with her to head back out to the car, taking the keys this time to drive home, pulling up in front of the house and walked her inside, one arm draped over the back of her shoulders, "I'd like that to be more than just a one time thing Max." He told her, looking serious for a moment.
Max looked at him a bit shocked but smiled wide at him "I'd like that, I'd like that a lot." She said softly to him going to the kitchen to grab him a beer and make herself a glass of wine

Charlie kissed her a bit firmer but smiled when she pulled away "Mmm thats a pretty damn good welcome." He said softly stroking her cheek some "So tomorrow....for dinner....I was actually wanting to make it like a date." He admits
Carmen smiled some and nodded, "I'd like that." She murmured to him, "I gotta go get the ponies out okay? I'll be back in a bit." She murmured happily to him, giving his hand a squeeze as she slid off the couch and wandered out the back to go down to the yard.

He nodded and smiled at her, "But one condition.... Lana is to know nothing of this... Not anytime soon... Nt until we know what we're doing here... I'm not breaking my baby girl like that if it doesn't work out." He told her frowning some, leanign against the door frame and watching her
Charlie gave a small nod and smiled happily at her "No problem, I'm gonna go unpack." He said softly to her before he went to his room giving a happy sigh but soon frowned seeing a picture of him and his wife starting to feel guilt wash over him

Max gave a small nod handing him the beer "I agree." She said softly blushing some as she watched him "So....what would you call this?" She asked getting a little closer to him biting her bottom lip gently
Carmen ended up spending a couple hours outside and came in, gently laying an arm around his waist when she found him in the kitchen. “You want me to get you a coke?” She asked him quietly seeing him staring out the window.

“I would call this.... testing the waters to see if we would make a good couple or not.... even if I am 36 and you’re 26.” He mumbled raising an eyebrow at her.
Charlie jumped a little as he felt her arms go around him shakimg his head some "No...just some water will be fine." He murmured sighimg heavily "Can I be honest with you? Please don't get mad though." He murmured softly still staring out the window

Max laughed and nodded some "Datimg Jeff, we're dating." She said giving a big smile while she sipped the glass of wine she had "Don't worry about the age gap....I prefer older men." She said before winking at him
Carmen smiled and nodded, going to get him a drink, "Go ahead." She murmured to him, passing him the glass of water and went to get herself a soda out the fridge, digging through the cupboard she had been using to store her food for some cheese dip and chips.

Jeff looked at her, smiling a little, "Oh yeah?" He chuckled some and sipped at his beer, "Well you sure are full o surprises." he chuckled quietly.
Charlie took a deep breath and gave a small sigh "I haven't felt for a woman since my wife...and I will always miss her...I want you but something....I don't know how to explain it. I'm scared she would be mad at me.." he admits finally looking over at her with a defeated and heart broken look "I do want to be with you though so please don't doubt that."

Max smirked at him giving a small nod "Oh you have no idea." She said before finishing off her glass of wine watching him a bit.
Carmen smiled at him some, reaching up and giving his shoulder a squeeze, "Although I never met her, I'm sure she'd want you to be happy.... But I do understand....take your time." She assured him, "I can be incredibly patient and I wil go off whatever you need... You want extra attention to clear your head after a day of writing? Great, you want space because you're thinking about the past... No problem... Don't worry so much... You'll get wrinkles." She teased and went to grab her laptop so she could watch some studio ghibli movies
He almost choked on his beer before chuckling and glanced at the time sighing a little, "Well... it's almost midnight and they've not called... I'm gonna get to bed." He told her, leaning down and pecking her cheek, "Have a good night Max." He murmured to her, heading up to his room
Charlie smiled widely at her feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders that she understood. He hugged her tight before she walked off and then went to the fridge to find something to make for dinner. He didn't do it often since his wife passed but he had always been a pretty good cook.

Max cleaned out her glass and gave a small nod "Goodnight Jeff." She said softly before she made her way up to her room to get ready for bed.
Carmen spent the late afternoon getting lost in some trash TV on her laptop until she headed out to the kitchen, lured in by the smell of good food, "What you making?" She asked, her trash going in the can, going and washing her hands while she watched him.

Jeff smiled some, getting better rest than he had in a long while, waking up feeling refreshed for once and checking to make sure that there had been no missed calls about picking up Lana early, relaxing once he saw there weren't then headed to the bathroom to go get cleaned up for the day
Max woke up refreshed and relaxed smiling softly. She went to the hall restroom and got dressed walking downstairs to find a shirtless Jeff in the kitchen making breakfast "Well good morning to you." She said smirking some at him

Charlie smiled happily at her bringing the food to the dining room table "Steak, potatoes, and asperagus." He said sitting down with a glass of water "Sorry if its a little under seasoned, its been a bit since I cooked anything." He said quietly
She smiled and shook her head, "Give me two minutes." she told him smilng some and grabbed a couple bits out the fridge, getting a garlic butter sauce done as quick as possible, setting it on the table, "There... Won't notice now." She smiled and sat down, tucking in. "I can't believe you know how to cook and you\ve had me making all your food for you?" She laughed some.

He chuckled and smiled at her, "Morning, I'm just gonna have some breakfast then go get Lana, you're technically off today so I\m gonna bring her back and if she has energy go take her for a walk around the farm." He told her smiling some.
Max gave a small nod and smiled some "Oh okay." She said softly sitting down watching him some. It was odd for her to have an 'off' day because they had become such a big part of her life it was odd for them not to be there.

Charlie chuckled some and started to cut into his food giving a small nod "Yeah I kinda had a small passion for it. Loved cooking for Laura, but when she passed it kinda left me." He explained

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