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Chapter One

  • 4f0fd5d7b1ce10db49e5f60592892a77.jpg
    Chapter One: Halamead
    17th of Calder, 1032
    Midsummer was always a good time of year. The refreshing breezes and warm sun putting the smile on many tired faces. Those with little income rarely had to worry about warmth and food, able to fish in the streams and the temperature never dropped enough to freeze the water. The animals roamed as if they owned the world, the insects fluttered by your face with every chance they got, and the crops were plentiful. Especially in the small town of Halamead. Their grains and fruits for making their ale were in their peak, those breezes making the fields of grains dance just like the ocean.

    And today was a very special day. Music filled the streets of Halamead, the smells of delicious foods and ale mixing with the sweet scent of summer. They were having a party! The reason was...well, the reason was unknown. It was a simple town, but they loved having a festival or two. Maybe it was someone's birthday, or maybe it was an anniversary of some sort. Or maybe they were just celebrating their craft. Which, seeing as how the booze flowed freely and the fights were encouraged and bet upon, might be the real reason. Songs were sung loud and most of the time, badly, boasting about old battles or the popular songs from the boats. Baked goods were sold on stalls, a large fire roared in the center of town, various meats roasting above it. It was a good day to be in Halamead.

    The locals weren't the only faces among the crowd. A few travelling merchants from Odelun sat with the warriors, drinking and sharing stories. Elves out to see the country sat with the local women, talking about the differences in scenery. And among the crowds, are you. It doesn't matter why your here, if you're perhaps just passing through or stopping for supplies, or maybe there for a job. No matter the reason, you may as well enjoy the festivities.
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