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Fandom Fate / Godhood | OOC

Thanks! I wanted him to look a bit spookier might change it again if I find something better!
Looking great so far love the details making him as scary as he should be XD
I’ll let you know after I’m done completely with his backstory just reading stuff about him!
Almost done with him! I’ll finish up the backstory in maybe a hour or two.

Curious on who saber and assassin will be too!
Risotto Risotto AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0

Y’all still interested? I’m trying to get this to start by this week and I haven’t see any sheet been produced by you Risotto.
Amy is so cute. I wish to keep her safe from harm.

Too bad my master would definitely harm her if he got the chance.
Don't worry, Indra will drag both the Servant and Master into his harem and anyone coming at those two are his sworn enemies.

Seriously though, so far Saber is the only Servant Indra 100% can't hack thanks to her unchanging Divinity B (Lancer's A- is debatable, and I believe we haven't seen Caster's rank of Divinity/Core, but I doubt the lord of the flies himself would have anything below A) on top of being a pair of cute girls (so he can't be like hurdurr ignore the chick attack the other person who has balls) If anything this might be an opponent that give him the most trouble.

a Servant with this skill also gains a huge bonus parameters and modifiers when they allies themself with another Servant possessing the skill Divinity or Divine Cores.
What are you planning here hmmmmm
Ruler looking at Indra trying to get a harem be like
"What the fuck is this shit?"
Totally forgot lancer being an astoflo type enemy, Indra might try and get lancer to join too.

Ruler after seeing the most biggest battle of existence being taken as a joke by Indra
Beelzebub when Lancer ████ ████████ and ████ [REDACTED] ███ ██ ██████████ ██ ███
█████████ ███ before ███████.


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