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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Writing a thousand words isn't hard, no it isn't. Writing a 1000 word MARKETING PLAN IS HARD.
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Wolf is correct, writing a thousand words is super easy. Writing a thousand word work assignment is hard.
Okay, so I think the next step in this fight would be to gang up on Lancer. But that might make me feel bad. Maybe I'll dispell the reality marble, take my ball and go home.
So far ya done better than me.
I'm still bamboozled just as much as Garm is. I mean. How do I even have him react...
I just imagine him blushing and being all embarrassed and confused in like a comedic way personally... though thats just me finding that kind of reaction funny. XD
I just imagine him blushing and being all embarrassed and confused in like a comedic way personally... though thats just me finding that kind of reaction funny. XD
That’s not really what he’s like. Though the one in the comedic spinoff is probably like that

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