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Ashton snapping back to reality blushed hard when Circe said that to him "Hehe thank you....even though that's probably like my second time kissing ever." he giggled slightly. He then peeked outside to the window and sighed "Damn it is late as hell I'ma have to go and hopefully find my bro too he might have gotten a room so hopefully I can crash there for the night". He put his jacket back on and headed to the door but stopped and turned back and smiled nervously "Can I get another bag of chips.....sum different this time though" his accent starting to become a lot more apparent since he was getting tired.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Fertius smiled lightly but looked off after she commented the annoying bits. He looked forward and started flying that way. He wanted to be as nice to her as possible but now it seems like he may just be a little too overbearing.

"Really, sleep on my bed. I will be ok. And sorry if I truly am annoying with my whole attraction stuff. You are just a very attractive girl. Especially those eyes of yours but, I will stop. Seems to just be worsening your opinion of me"

Interactions: Syfer Syfer
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley didn't honestly know how to feel about this. So she turned to the only thing she knew, cold hearted anger. Her eyes rushed with flames, and the temperature rose. "S-stop... Doing that!" She screamed at his back. Her stuttering unusual for her. Her voice carried through the hall. She didn't stop walking though. Her hands were hot with her flames, and her whole demeanor told her feelings. She was more flustered mad then actually mad. She tried to hide the fact that her face was red with blush, but wasn't doing a very good job. Her hair slowly became flames themselves. The dye in her hair burning off, and her natural red hair colour showing. Her hair wasn't like normal flames, but more like a liquid... Lava per say.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
@Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia eventually got bored of being in her room and sighed. Headmistress Tisharia did say that students of CCFA would be an exception to the curfew for tonight. Mia sat on the bed she had already claimed for herself as she weighed the pros and cons of trying to sneak out. She then stood on her feet once she finally made up her mind. She walked to the door and cautiously looked down both sides of the hallway before randomly choosing a room she felt had a few people in it who she probably didn't know.

When she was sure no facility members were anywhere around, specifically the headmasters, she then quickly made her way over to the room she had picked and lightly knocked on the door. There was a chance the people in it could be asleep and she didn't want want to be the person who woke them up. "Uhm hello?" She then called out behind the door in a small voice. She could then hear the yelling of someone, earning a small gasp. Was it in a different hall? Maybe the same one...She couldn't exactly tell but it slightly shook her enough to where she held onto the knob of the door from the scare it got from her.
Fertius turned around feeling his back get roasted like he was on the surface of the sun. He looked at her and had some confused faces and emotions. He felt proud to have her blush to see it work but also worried for her anger. He didn't really know what to do to calm the situation down. He looked around and though for things, water, pots, something, but ended up not doing it seeing it would easily lead to more anger. The only option he seemed to had was a cold, cold, hug. Fertius huffed and held his breath bracing for pain as his scales cooled and froze over. He moved in to Ridley's sphere of flame and gave her hug around her arms and chest, tightly. His scales pressed against the flames, the ice burning off and freezing again, sizzling.

"Hey hey. Anger isn't the answer. I know my compliments are whatever and can make you feel pangs of shit you don't like or cant explain, but just breathe. Please. I don't feel like getting in trouble for you burning down the school. And this kind of hurts but that's not as important."

As Fertious spoke softly and as calmly as his Dracon throat would let him, he looked to Ridley's eyes and tried to show the glinting, the emotion, some kind of reason to be calm. He smiled a little, holding in plenty of ow's and fucks with Ridley's flames roasting him as he hugged her. But to him, it was entirely worth it.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer
~Ridley's POV~
If her past had told her anything it was that people were always predicable. She knew that people were ruled by fear, and that whatever they could not understand they would hate. These two things had been proven to her time and time again. Every step or move that she had made was dictated by those things. So she was expecting Fertius to do the same; to run away just as every one else had. So when he didn't and he rushed to her; she grew very surprised. Her flames grew less and less; the temperature around them did much the same. She had grown so used to being treated like a monster, and forgot that people had hearts. He hugged her and she stopped. So many things were wrong right now. What was this that she never knew? He was actually being nice? What would cause him to do that? From the beginning she had been nothing but mean to this poor guy, and yet through all that he had remained his nice witty way. She tried to pull away, but she was not nearly as strong as him. So she just stood in his consuming hug. She had stopped the flames and the heat was gone. She had been so used to the clouding heat, and she never knew what it was to be cold. Yet this Icey giant showed it to her. Cold. She slowly started to process this and she blinked a few times. "Why?" She said simply. That one word choked her throat, and made the tears in her eyes finally want to pour. She continued to blink, but the tears just kept flowing. On one side regular tears, and on the other liquid lava. She covered her face. She hadn't cried before, and it felt so reliving. Yet at the same time she felt as if she were weak for crying.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
Fertius also rose his temperature as Ridley lowered hers. He looked down to her as she blinked shocked, sad, and just a much more complex mix of emotions. Her why barely cracking through her tightened throat and strained voice. He smiled and held her head to his fur coat on his chest and chuckled a little. Before he spoke he let Ridley feel his heartbeat as her tears dripped down and singed his poor coat. With a smile and a slightly jokey manner he spoke.

"Why? Well. Lets see. I don't want my entire school to be gone. For one. But that's not really it. I'm sure you could tell it wasn't that. I did it because I know what its like. To be scared and neglected and devoid of so many things in your life. And its ok. Because even if I could tell by how cold you were to me, I still wanted you. In anyway. Maybe at first someone to lay with but now, it doesn't matter. I see much more in you then I guess I would a lot of people, and yes, even Dracon girls. You are special. Somehow someway. And I'm keeping that. No matter how hot you are. In both ways. So don't cry too hard because I'm gonna have to hug you harder dummy"

Fertius smiled and kissed the top of Ridely's head softly, rubbing her back lightly and soothingly, giving her the showing its ok to cry with him. That he isn't gonna judge or seriously tell her to stop. That her now is no different.

Intereaction: Syfer Syfer
Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm Room
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo
(Limited Visuals due to circumstances)

Akuji inspected his chest in the dorm's mirror, trying to plan out how to do Adam's second instruction.

The markings this time would allow shadows to transform into clothings. He had no idea why Adam would need such things but he didn't bother to question him.

He heard a sudden knock at the door, which was odd as everyone else should have been asleep by now.

Akuji got up and opened the door, his pale body still exposed to the world. It was the girl named Mia.

"Hello." He greeted. "Are you lost? It seems you have knocked on the wrong dorm room."
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley tried her best to stop crying. Then Fertius's words touched her ears like gold to a needy beggar. The words that she didn't know she needed until now. She laughed a bit and struggled to stop her crying. When she finally did it had been a while. She took notice of this and looked up at Fertius with sheepish eyes. Crying in front of him had left her feeling small. Not the fact that she was literally a lot smaller then him, but she felt that she'd had shown a side of her. She felt exposed per say. She bit her bottom lip and looked around. "Maybe we should.... get out of the hallway... It is... The middle of the night after all." Her voice was small, but her words dripped like heated iron. She looked around again. His arms around her becoming more apparent then before; as she had more of her mind with her now. Nothing clouded her thoughts. She simply just knew there was certain things about this that wasn't right...

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
Fertius nodded to Ridley's hint to go to the dorm finally. He smiled and chuckled a little more due to her now small voice compared to her booming commands from before. Fertius bent over and looked back to Ridley with a smile.

"You want a piggy back ride back to the dorm? Can't make the little inferno walk after crying and getting so upset. Just wouldn't be very good of me"

Fertius ushered her to ride his back with a hand wrapped around his side to support her legs and get ready to fly. His smile was warm and inviting, even kiddish in the sense of a piggy back, which he hadn't had or given in a long time.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia slightly jumped and nervously smiled at him and tried to keep her cheerful attitude but in all honestly, she had already begun to regret doing this but another side of her was simply was too excited to just walk away. When she arrived in the auditorium and saw him with Oriana he was one of the people she was most curious about. "W-well no, I just came from my dorm in hopes of getting to know other students who originally go to this school!" She then tilted her head and looked at the ground. "But I understand if it's too late too."
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley had let herself smile at him a bit. He seemed like he was way to excited about the idea of a piggy back ride. She really hated being carried, but how could she say no to him. If he had been a dog his tail would be wagging. As she pictured this she laughed a bit, but muffled it with her hand. She cleared her throat and nodded. "You really are a wonder..." she muttered and she walked closer to the awkwardly posed Dracon. She hesitantly got onto his back and stiffed a bit scared. She could fly herself, but she didn't want to say that. So she just complied and let him take her. She was a little uncomfortable; as she had never let herself in someone else's hands. This was really unusual for her, and she seemed to like it sort of. To have the liberty of not having to take care of herself. Although she knew that it would only be for a short while. Still the feeling of it was a bright new sun to discover. She thought this over as she waited for him to take off.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

(Limited visuals due to cirumstances)

Akuji nodded as Mia explained herself. It made sense to know the other students in school. Though she seems to be oddly bothered by something.

"Well it's nice to meet you again. And no it's not too late as I don't necessarly needs sleep.

"Though shouldn't you be with your girlfriend-" Akuji stopped himself, realising what she said earlier. "I mean, friend...anyway that doesn't matter. Do you want to come in?"
Ashton snapping back to reality blushed hard when Circe said that to him "Hehe thank you....even though that's probably like my second time kissing ever." he giggled slightly. He then peeked outside to the window and sighed "Damn it is late as hell I'ma have to go and hopefully find my bro too he might have gotten a room so hopefully I can crash there for the night". He put his jacket back on and headed to the door but stopped and turned back and smiled nervously "Can I get another bag of chips.....sum different this time though" his accent starting to become a lot more apparent since he was getting tired.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Interactions: D1.Live D1.Live
Circe handed him a bag of Limon flavored Lays, "Here you go, but um it might be best if you just stay here for the night, If Tisharia catches you not in a room you'll face her wrath" Circe replied with concern
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia smiled brightly at him while a new question popped into her mind, why wouldn't he need sleep..Isn't that what all people needed to function properly? Her face then flushed again as he referred to Ridley as her girlfriend and was just about ready to smack him for it when he then corrected himself."Yes, just a friend. I am not dating-" She then froze and had a moment of internal panic. "THAT SOUNDS LIKE YOU LIKE HIM-" She thought to herself as she tried to change her statement. "I-I mean I'm single so she can't be my girlfriend." She then cringed at her own words as she realized she wasn't helping her case. She then looked around the hall a final time before looking back at him and answering his invitation into his dorm. "Oh, uh yeah!"
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Akuji raised an eyebrow when she stammered her words relating her relations with the mean girl. It was quite odd.

The stammering continued as she added more odd details to her explanation. This was not normal behaviour.

As she entered his room. He realised what was happening.

"Oh you are having a stroke." Akuji explained. "One of my servants had one and he quickly died. Should we get you to a nurse?"
Fertius huffed as Ridley awkwardly climbed onto his back and smiled as she did so, grabbing her ankles firmly against his side and having her hold his chest tight. As he readied to go, he could sense Ridley in deep thought, though didn't push any comment out about it. As Fertius's wings flapped and lifted him and Ridley off the ground, he playfully wrapped some of Ridley in his long, jagged wing that was more of a faux spike, only hardening when wanted. The tail itself felt more like a leather coat wrapping around Ridley. He turned his head around, careful of his long mouth/beak to make sure to not smack into Ridley.

"You know, for such a feisty girl, you are very calm on the back of the guy who dare to hug you. Glad you are, kind of cute like this. Just don't get too used to it. If people see us like this to much, they may think we are dating"

Fertius chuckled and smiled at the dating thing, while not a idea he disliked, he didn't want to seem to push the idea since he wasn't trying to make that seem like the only reason he was like this.

Intereactions: Syfer Syfer
Interactions: Tisharia ( Spencypoo Spencypoo )
Location: Corridors


A commotion started to happen behind Michael outside the infirmary, the headmistress had caught the strange people loitering outside the infirmary. From what Michael could gather, it didn't seem too bad. The headmistress left and headed towards him, Michael put on his relaxed smile. When she addressed him as a "young man", he turned around a gave a short nod upwards as if to say "sup". Michael initiated his plan.
"I was just making my way to my dorm room" he said as if nothing was wrong. Michael leaned on one leg, put his hands on his hips and slightly tilted his head to look as casual as possible. "You're the headmistress correct? How should I address you?" He said in an overly friendly tone. "By the way I'm Michael." He offered his hand to shake.
Michael wanted to irritate Tisharia while retaining the morale high ground, to test her. He suspected that treating her like another teenager under the guise of naivety might work. It also was subconsciously a bit of revenge for her, for being such a young headmistress, which offended Michael.
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
She sat down on the nearest thing and looked straight at Akuji but stayed quiet for a moment then snickered, which soon turned into full-on laughing. Once she could catch her breath again and she patted a spot by her, signaling him to sit by her. "Well, now I have to ask, what are you?" Her curiosity spiked at this point seeing that any human she knew would just use a statement like that for a joke. But he seemed to be serious about it, a bit too serious.
Name: Akuji
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Akuji was taken back when Mia started to laugh uncontrolably. His diagnoses might have been false, perhaps dementia was a more appropriate condition.

Thankfully she stopped and she signalled him to seat next to her. Akuji did as he was told and was met by pecular question.

What was he?

"In all honestly, I'm human." Akuji explained. "Though my difference from a basic human is that I have no soul...and that I can control my shadow...and that I have a twin named Adam living within me. That last one was a recent revelation."
Interactions: Aravini Aravini
Mia slowly nodded while he spoke as a few things click into place and then smiled. "That's actually really cool!" She then thought for a moment. "I guess that's probably why you thought I was having some sort of stroke- You meant it quite literally." She then sat up as her eyes started to glow a light crimson, giving away her already obvious excitement. "OH! I can teach you teen stuff! Also, we're going to have to revisit the twin thing later-" She didn't even want to ask about it since she knew it would probably only raise more questions plus she was more eager to teach Akuji the way of an angsty teen.

Interactions: Tlaltetzu Tlaltetzu (Michael)
Tisharia's smiling expression quickly turned into pure annoyance. She stood quietly stood and listened to him speak as her glare turned sharp and turned from something of a polite welcome to a flat out threat. "Ms. Tisharia would do fine and don't bother with introductions, I already know you, child, just as I do every other student." She then scoffed when he held out his hand. Who did he think he was to treat her as though she was another student?! She was the headmistress and expected to be treated as such. She lowered his arm back down to his side and her hands lightly sparked yellow lighting that crawled up her arm. "Keep taking and your going straight to my office now get to your dorm." She stayed in place as she waited for him to walk away and go to the dormitories so she could finish her patrol of the halls.
Name: Akuji
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Mia seemed to be please with his explanation. She didn't fully question his lack of soul, and seemed to be more excited about it, evident by the odd glow she was expressing. It oddly made her pretty.

Akuji raised his eyebrows however about teaching him about 'teen stuff'

"Teen stuff..."Akuji thought about it. It would be benefitial to learn how to act like everyone else. It would make him better fit in among everyone. Not to mention Mia was an interesting person, she made him comfortable like Oriana and seemed perfect for this sort of thing. "I...I like that idea Mia and I'm looking forward to your teachings. I'm...actually quite excited as you may put. Perhaps we should start now and-"

In a blink of an idea, Akuji found himself within his Mind Lounge. He was there all alone. But how? He didn't even sleep.


Name: Adam Dancer
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Adam laughed at Mia's notion. Unlike Akuji's laugh, it wasn't distorted or unnatural, but there was a clear threat to the pitch.

He looked at Mia with his bright red eyes, a strong contrast to Akuji's blank eyes.

"Teach Akuji teen stuff? Really?" Adam's voice was playful but also threatening, unlike Akuji's monotone voice. "Its like trying to teach an old dog new tricks, it'll never work. Best to do to it is...to put it down."
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia quickly nodded and tightly hugged Akuji. "I'm happy you agree! We can start with a few things now, probably just the basics then work our way up. I promise you it's not hard at all and I'll do what I can!" She then let go of him as Adam spoke and the crimson hue of her eyes only brightened. Mia didn't mind the comments or opinion on it. She couldn't say otherwise if she didn't try for herself and there was no point in arguing it. She kept her bright smile and poked his cheek. Akuji's energy made a dead giveaway away that it wasn't fully him. She slowly tilted her head, "I suppose you're the twin, correct?" She once again hugged him, hopefully by now it was apparent that this was her friendly greeting to him. "It's great to meet you! My name's Mia Baxter but just call me Mia! What's your name?" She asked.
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley snapped out of her thought when she felt something around her. She was just about to create fire whe she realized it was just Fertius. She really needed to stop being so caught up in her thoughts. It was dangerous for someone like her; especially with her abilities. If she got to sidetracked; she could lose her grip on them. Not only that but she wasn't aware of her surroundings. That was one of the things she hated the most, surprises. Whenever someone caught her off gaurd it never ended to well. For the both of them. She then saw as Fertius turned his head around to look at her. She huffed and burned him a bit. "You shouldn't be so cocky. I can just as well hate you as I did.... Not hate you." She said in one of her more forceful tones. Her words like hot embers carrying in the wind. Her hair tipped and curled at the ends. Her fire at the tips becoming that of a deep hot blue. Not the most hottest fire, but pretty close to it. The warm heat echoed off her hair, but didn't quite touch the air surrounding it. It was almost acting like some sort of candle instead of a flame.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
While they flew and Fertius had his head turned talking to, a whiff of flame and a slight smut cover on his face came to his senses. He sneeze and shook his head wiping off the black marks on his face. They neared the dorm as he slowed down a little, as to not overshoot it like before and end up hurting the one thing right now on his mind to not hurt at all. While she talked of him being cocky he nodded and grinned.

"I'm not anywhere near cocky. Just happy. And maybe a little deep in adoration like a love sick puppy. Don't ask why you are the one person I get the blizzard eyes for but you are, and I don't mind it. Also, you are pretty cute when you get so demanding. My little volcano."

His volcano comment came as he flick his head slightly to her hair and more so to how she is very explosive with emotions and flames almost every time something happens, or so it seems. He let go of his tail around her and let it float as he landed as soft as possible in front of the dorm door, holding her ankles still tight as to not fling Ridley on the floor when he stood up.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer

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