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Interactions: Open
A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips and she carefully made her way out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her in the guise of the young girl some knew as Mia. She then strutted down the hallway casually and slowly once she was sure no one was near. Now the biggest challenge was to not be noticed by anyone. She brushed over her hair as she walked by the wall and a purple cloak appeared over her, covering most parts of her body including her legs, arms, head, and the top half of herself, only showing the black crop top she had replicated from Mia's last outfit. Her eyes flickered until they were as bright red hues and she lightly pulled on the hood, trying to hide as much of herself as she could while making her way to Eliza's room in the teacher's dormitorys.
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley laughed lightly at his sneezing. She then stopped herself. No matter how hard she tried she still couldn't manage to stop trying to hide her feelings. It was just something she had grown used to. She gave a small, very small, smile at his words. Being a love sick puppy. Somehow she kept finding herself comparing this giant to a small puppy. She let out two small chuckles in the thought of this. He continued talking of his 'blizzard eyes', and he practically told her outright his love for her. She just huffed; putting it aside with all his other flattery. Then he called her cute, and she opened her mouth to protest. Then the next words touched her ears, and embraced her. A red hue coloured her cheeks and she scoffed. She again burned him and jumped off as he landed. She didn't even care for the caution he took not to hurt her. She simply stood and waited for him, but why was she waiting. She then tilted her head; as she thought about it more. "Don't you have a dormmate?" She paid no mind to her words, and her small accent showed. It brushed the edges of western and british. She didn't even realized she had let her tone go.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Hall
Fertius smiled at her laugh and looked back once more meeting her eyes for a split second seeing her colored cheeks redden once more from his words. He nodded and smiled a little. She always seemed like she had more feeling and love then she let herself show. It always seemed a lot deeper then she let on. For whatever reason it may be. But when she asked her question, Fertius could not help but notice a difference in sound in her voice. It seemed to fit her sure but, he hadn't heard it. It perked his ears as he looked for the dorm keys. Sticking the key in the knob he turned back and said.

"Well yes, but they are either gone entirely through so far, or not here most of the time, be it they need to be or not. So for us tonight, probably will just end up being us only. If that's ok. My offer on the whole sleeping somewhere else is still on the table. I don't mind it, just want my firebird to be at least a little comfortable after a rollercoaster of a night."

He smiled at the just us part, thinking of honestly roasting marshmallows on Ridley's hair, and just having a stupid and romantic moment. He shook his head realizing he may have looked a little dumb staring into Ridley and her hair and smiling a bit too long. After he had his moment of realization, he opened the door to a surprisingly, dry and nice smelling dorm. Not as wet as he expected it to be.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer
Name: Adam Dancer
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Adam expected Mia to be startled at his sight. To worry to even scream. God would he love to hear some fresh scream.

Instead, Mia's excitment stayed, like her face was frozen with joy. She poked his cheeck and then hugged him, making Adam more startled than her. His arms were high up in the air, being as far away from her as possible.

"Um...do you what personal space it? Plus I have no shirt on so this pretty weird." Adam said firmly. "And don't you ever mention me as his twin. We're anything but. I'm an actual person and he's just a moving doll."
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia laughed a bit at his words and let him go. "Your just not used to hugs." She then shrugged as her eyes started to wander all around the room, trying to take in as much of it as she could. "It doesn't matter if you have on a shirt or not. I have a brother so it's not too weird for me to see that. I mean, it's not like I kissed you." She then shook her head as she slouched onto the ground, now laying on the carpeted floor. She placed her hands on her stomach as she looked up at him "And no matter what you consider yourself or him as, I consider you both twins and there's no need for trying to change my view on that." She then stated as she once again poked him and asked again, "So uhm.. what is your name?"
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Name: Adam
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

Adam put both his hands on his face. "I can't tell if you're either ignorant or persistant. He's literally not my twin, he literally took my life away and...guh."

She then slouched down on the floor, hands on her stomach. Poking him once again and asking for his name.

"Its Adam, and do you just say hello by poking people? Looks its late at night and Akuji needs to work. I was hoping to have fun you then I realised you're not exactly easy to scare. You're like a deaf dog I can't startle with fireworks."
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Mia sighed, "To be honest, I'm stupidly bold. And I'm sorry for disturbing you in the way I already have but I assure you that's not my intention. I can also tell that you aren't too fond of meeting new people or making friends with anyone and that's fine...I understand but the one thing you should know is that I'm not scared of People... Not when I have actual things to be scared of." She then stood. "I know you probably want nothing to do with me now but if it's possible...I really would like to get to know you..." She then finished and stood quietly while looking at him, ready to leave if told.
Name: Adam Dancer
Interaction: Spencypoo Spencypoo

"Not scared of people huh?" Adam scoffed. "Mia, the only monsters that exist in this world is people. Not being scared of them would only get you killed. If you know what's good for you, you will learn to be scared."

He signalled for her to leave. It was humilating that his first time on this world was downsided by interacting with annoying brat.

He would be lying, however, that he didn't feel bad just a tiny bit for it. It was like scolding a child after doing something wrong...who was he kidding, scolding a child was actually fun.

Adam returned to the lounge to let Akuji continue his work, not knowing what had occured.
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley listened intently as he spoke. Her head tilted forward a bit. She huffed at his nickname. “I’ll never be called Ridley with you, will I?” She said with a sort of playful but dangerous tone. She touched the bottom of her fiery hair it sparked; embers falling to the ground. She sighed as she watched them sizzle on the floor. She then looked up and saw that Fertius was staring at her. She took a half step back and cautiously put a hand up. She then let out a little sigh as he turned back to the door. She put her hand down and got a little embarrassed. She was kind of scared of him; just as easily as she could hurt him he could hurt her. She had never fraught with someone like him, and she new that she would lose in that fight. This together made her ever so slightly cautious around Fertius. It wasn’t that she was afraid that he’d hurt her, he would have done so already if that was the case, she was afraid of someone that COULD hurt her. She had never faced something like this before. Then he opened the door and she stepped forward to look into the room. “Oh...” she let out this small word despite her best efforts against it.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Just in front of dorm
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
"There are bigger things to worry about as opposed to just people. Like real-world situations..." She sighed and her hands glowed a faint gold as a golden mist similar to it swirled around her feet. She closed her eyes and inhaled while a creature began to form. Her eyes then turned back to their regular brown and a red fox stood at her side. Mia got down and whispered in its ear before it then jumped up and sat by Adam, still keeping its distance from him. "I figured you might like him...Made just for you." She smiled one last time before stepping out of the room and quietly closing the door.
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Akuji POV

As Akuji started to paint on his chest, he stared curiously at the fox. Adam stated that this was given by Mia so Akuji can be accompanied by something. Which was odd, he already had a nice horse companion.

"Hey Adam." Akuji questioned. "Why did Mia left, was it because of my blackout?"


Adam POV

Adam thought about what Mia said. Bigger things to worry about than people? Problems occur because of people. He was a problem, and her pesistant to not see that pisses him off. All that would do was lead to her harm...her exact thinking was the reason why he was stuck in this mess in the first place.

Akuji asked him the question regarding Mia's departure, of course he would.

"She just got tired that's all...you should talk to her, maybe something good would come out of it."

He looked at the fox creature, he didn't know why giving him such a thing would do anything for him. God she's so annoying that she's going to be stuck in his mind.

"Hey Akuji, give the fox a pet will ya? It looks lonely."

"Sure thing, here fox. I'm petting you fox."

"Give it a name or something, stop calling it fox. Something like Winger or Billy."

"Here Billy. I'm petting you Billy."

"That was just an example...nevermind."
Oriana Mikhaelis
Location: Room 11 -> Hallway

Oriana couldn't sleep yet because of a simple reason, she's hungry. Her mana flooding disorder made herself leaking mana almost everytime, but it also made her metabolism faster than normal and she would require a bit more food despite her small size. One of her luggages was actually a fridge filled with snacks and medicines, but those are now buried somewhere beneath the black liquid. If she wants food then she needs to go to the cafetaria, or maybe she should return to the infirmary and ask for some medicines there?? Ahh, now she regretted not asking for it.

Oriana peeked outside. It's dark, really dark, and she still didn't have any light source. However, if she use her clairvoyance she should be able to see her surrounding just fine while avoiding Tisharia. Sounds like a plan! Operation Night Snack commenced.

Leaning to the wall to keep her balance, Oriana casted her clairvoyance and let her astral vision wanders her surrounding. Using it while moving was hard since she needs to split her attention but it's still doable. She snuck around the hallway until her clairvoyance took a glimpse of someone else also sneaking around in the hallway. While she didn't know her name yet, she recognized the face as that of Mia, one of CCFA student, she didn't know this 'Mia' was actually Brianna though. Nice, maybe she's also looking for snacks! She might even know where the cafetaria is.

"Pssst." Overjoyed that she found someone else, Oriana tiptoed through the hallway until she's close enough to 'Mia' and quietly called her over.

"I see you also decided to sneak around. Do you want to go to the caretaria? Or the infirmary? Let's go together. I have clairvoyance so we should be able to avoid Bitcharia."

Spencypoo Spencypoo
Billy (Fox)
Interactions: Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
As Akuji pet him, the fox gently nuzzled his hand and sat on the boy's lap. He then laid down after turning for a while and curled up in a small ball with his tail wrapped around himself while staring at the door where Mia walked out. Though it was a fox, it was smarter than any regular. It had big black intelligent eyes that could know as much as a human could if given the chance. The fox then turned on its back, exposing its stomach.
Fertius chuckled and nodded as he hung the keys on a little hook inside the dorm. He has little reason to truly call Ridley by her name except to really keep his feelings or relationship more secret. He sighed at the size of the dorm. Small but workable. Fits 3 people with small kitchen and living room with a bathroom but it can definitely be called bare bones. At least the bedrooms weren't so small.

"Yeah. Great little den right? Like I said, you can take my bed, I will have the couch. Lemme check if anyone is home though"

As Fertius talked about checking if anyone is home, he went by Cassandra's door and knocked asking if anyone is home. Of course in some stupid voice that was more for chuckles.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer Neo Alice Neo Alice
Interactions: Ace Cream Ace Cream (Oriana)
Briana jumped slightly surprised as she turned to the girl who had called her out. Great, now she had to deal with this...Thing. Briana groaned quietly and turned to Oriana while still holding the hood of her cloak down. Her usual tomboy-ish voice took a while to match Mia's normal tone but once it did the words had already left her mouth and made half the sentence sound like something close to autotune. "Oh uh- Actually I heading somewhere else. But where I'm going you might also need to go if you want to get into the Cafe. The back room with the good stuff is locked up tight at his time at night-" She then paused, "At least that's what I heard..."
Oriana Mikhaelis
Location: hallway

"So you do know the location of the cafetaria. Nice. Don't worry about locked door. I will just bother the chef... or open the lock myself. Come on, let's go." Oriana urged 'Mia' to lead the way as she ruffled through her pockets to check her belonging. Yep, her 'hairpin' was still there. Back in her previous school, she learned how to open locks for things like avoiding her bullies or snooping their secrets. It's even easier after she incorporate her powers into it. She didn't wish to do such thing here but this was an emergency! Also, sneaking at night is sooo school-life!

Spencypoo Spencypoo
Interactions: Ace Cream Ace Cream (Oriana)
Briana only stared at the girl for a moment. "I uh- I don't think that's a good idea if I'm being one hundred percent honest so I'm going to keep going but I wish you luck. And if you manage to get any good snacks save me a few!" She then started to run away from her so the conversation didn't on for any longer. She didn't have time to conversate with the Urchin of this school. She turned the corner down to the hall of the teacher's dormitories and looked back to see if she was followed.
Oriana Mikhaelis
Location: Hallway -> restroom

"Eh? Why are you running? Why are you running?" Oriana panicked when she saw 'Mia' run away from her. She tried to catch up but with her zero stamina it was impossible to do. She was already out of breath and lost sight of 'Mia' so she took shelter inside a restroom to catch her breath.

"Ah, there goes nothing. Now, I'm back to wondering where the cafetaria is... Oh, wait." Oriana recalled that 'Mia' said that the cafetaria was somewhere past where she was heading so she only needs to tail 'Mia' with clairvoyance! Great idea. Oriana sent her astral vision away to do the work as she rest in one of the toilet stall.

Spencypoo Spencypoo
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Interactions: Ace Cream Ace Cream (Oriana) Aravini Aravini (Akuji)
Briana let out a sigh of relief as she ran into the closest room that so happened to be labeled Eliza "Brodnax." Her eyes widened at the sight of a very awake teacher sitting up and staring back at her. Briana ignored her comments and hurried to grab her pen then ran out. With Eliza now on her heels she started to sprint to the student's dorm, passing the cafeteria doors as she did running into a random room...unfortunately, it was Akuji's dorm. She locked the door as she pressed her back against it. Briana then faced Akuji still in the guise of Mia. "Uh- Please don't ask-"

Eliza had been just about ready to go to sleep and sat on the edge of the bed as she then saw a student enter her room. "What do you need? I-I'm sorry but I'm afraid whatever it is you'll have to ask Tisharia or wait till tomorro-" She was cut off as Briana grabbed her pen. Eliza jumped up and sprinted after her, getting closer by the second when she swung into a room and locked the door. She groaned and knocked rather hard on the door. "I really do hate to be that teacher but I'll need my pen back or else I'll have to get other staff involved!"
Oriana Mikhaelis
Location: Restroom

Oriana's astral vision was peacefully tailing 'Mia' when suddenly she opened the door to one of the teacher room, grabbed a pen then run away. Totally ignoring the teacher who got her pen stolen. Oriana's gawked at what she was seeing.

"Ehh, isn't that just straight up stealing??" She talked to herself inside the restroom. Y-yea sure she was actually planning to break locks so she can eat some night snacks, but at least she's conscious enough not to just steal something right in front of the owner. The unfolding scene was too hot to be missed so she ignored the cafetaria and just have her astral vision following 'Mia' to Akuji's room while the teacher was banging the door from the outside, with this much noise Bitcharia would surely notice, right??

Spencypoo Spencypoo Aravini Aravini
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley walked in after him looking around. She lightly touched the surface of some things thinking. "It's so much bigger." She said softly; her accent still somewhat audiable. She turned around to face Fertius. She watched as he turned to the door knocking. She tilted her head. He was so gentle for having such a monsterous size. She shook her head and wondered around the small space. She smiled at almost everything in it. The wonders she never got to know growing up flooding her senses. She then stopped as she reached the kitchen. She looked a tad confused, but decided not to say anything. Her feet carried her closer. She was intrigued by the small things in it.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Location: Dorm
Location: Dorm room -> Hallway
Interactions: OPEN

Enyu woke up in his dorm room, he then slowly sat up and stretched. He looked around the room to confirm that this was, in fact, his dorm room. He tried to remember what had exactly happened, but unfortunately couldn't. So, with that in mind, he stood up and made his way to the door. He then turned the doorknob and stepped out of his room. He was surprised to see nobody in the hallways, so he did what any small vampire who can't remember what happened before he laid his head on his pillow did..

"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" The boy said in a semi-loud yell as he pulled on the sleeves of his sweater.
gingingin gingingin (Enyu)
Mia perked up a bit when she heard Enyu and turned to him. She smiled and tucked a few of her curls away so they hadn't been in her face and walked up to him. "You must be from here!" She then said excitedly while circling him. She lightly poked him and tilted her head."And uh- What are you exactly?" She asked him while taking her place a step away from him but still positioned by him with her hands in her pockets.
Location: Hallway
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Mia)

Enyu was surprised to actually see someone, he silently thanked the girl who had appeared in front of him. He flinched at the touch before answering her question,

"Ah.. Yes yes, I am a.. Vampire, and my name is.. Enyu Ainora" He gave the girl a small smile before holding his hand out for a friendly handshake.
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Interactions: gingingin gingingin (Enyu)
"Oh, that's so cool!" She jumped around a bit, barely able to contain herself, and looked at his hand for a moment before shaking it. "It's great to meet you, I'm Mia Baxter!" She then introduced herself. "I don't know what I am so I go by a human! OH and uh- I'm guessing you're originally from this school?"

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