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~Ridley's POV~
Ridley almost laughed at his fake voice. She had heard the voice of his kind before, and it did not sound like that. She makes sure her smile doesn't go wider then a smirk. Her voice is low and echo like when she speaks. "Evil? Scary?" She seems to laugh at this a little. She looks a tad surprised when he says 'Pretty'. She rolls her eyes and pushes herself off of the wall. She begins to speak but then stops when she hears his comparison. Her eyes go dark and sparks of fire form from the cracks in them. "What?!" Her voice is less light and more scratchy. She takes a few breaths as if trying to steady herself. "No. I'm a Phoenix." She half grunts and leans back against the wall. Her best bet was to ignore him, and hope he leaves. She doesn't look at him again, and it's obvious she doesn't want to talk. Well at least to one whom would be used to people. She tries her best to turn her head so her dark eye is covered. Most of it covered by her scarf as her head it turned.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )
Location: Just outside of infirmary
Fertius stood up about half way almost falling over with his head still pounding but managed to balance out and go to full stature, his horns now noticeably covered in concrete and drywall. He wobbled a bit and more thudded against the wall, his weight obviously showing with how the sound resonated in the room and rattled the window to the infirmary lightly.

"I do hope you know i wasn't calling you one. A succubus i mean. I just would rather my compliment be truthful and not deception for someone else to gain. I get if its a hot iron to try and cool and you can absolutely tell me to shut up, just wanted the pretty thing to be truthful. Sorry to flare you up."

Fertius had a light tone to his voice, trying to show his secureness and kind of tapped his long taloned toes against the floor, a little confused and worried of how he upset the rather attractive girl. Maybe he was dumb for trying to compliment her and probably was just being rude in her eyes but, why not be honest.

Interaction: Syfer Syfer
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code by valen t.
elise smith

Location: Faray High(?)
Outfit: ootd
Tags: Syfer Syfer Aaron; BOKEH. BOKEH. ; Pumpkid Pumpkid Gabriel
Mentions: Ace Cream Ace Cream Oriana​

Elise grimaced at how proper Mr. Fitz was, he seems like a nice man but he seemed too nice for her. She greeted the teacher with a smile, “Honestly, I’m a little confused about what has been happening but at least I have been exploring the new school.” She was also worried about not having extra clothes since her entire luggage was destroyed at CCFA, but that was the least of her worries. She was also worried about how the school suddenly got destroyed and how strange it was that the CCFA students easily managed to adapt to new situations. It was nice that Farray High’s students and staff were kind enough to welcome the CCFA students but why isn’t anyone worried about why the previous school was destroyed? It was just strange. Or maybe the students are worried and they’re just avoiding the stressor by distracting themselves with each other? Either way, Elise was doing the same thing: avoiding her problems by exploring her new surroundings.

Elise turned to the beautiful faerie who introduced herself as Quinn and replied, “Awesome! I’m not the greatest at making friends, so my goal this year is to work on that.” Elise couldn’t help but be in awe at how beautiful this faerie was. With her sun-kissed skin, ruby red locks, and radiant golden eyes, the young witch was probably falling in love with this girl. Oh and her graceful disposition and her soft voice leaving people with a feeling of nostalgia? Her voice making one feel instantly relaxed? Quinn was either somebody Elise wished she could be or someone she was crushing on hard. But is she going to say all of this to her newfound friend? Nooo way. Before she got too flustered, she excused herself, “Hopefully I’ll see both of you around soon!”

Elise instantly dashed away to avoid letting Quinn see how red faced she was (also, Mr. Fitz and Quinn looked like they were having a moment.. ooh drama). That girl was very beautiful. Then, Elise stopped herself. Why are her feelings toward Quinn different from her feelings toward Gabriel? She could tell she was infatuated with Quinn, or maybe she was appreciative of her looks..? But with Gabe, it was weird. The dullahan wasn’t anything glamorous or alluring like Quinn. Yes, he’s kind of hot when he took his mask off but any other redeeming quality he has is that he’s genuinely kind...and that’s basically it. Elise wondered why she became more flustered with Gabe than the beautiful faerie. She also thought it was peculiar that Gabriel had made her flustered on multiple occasions after knowing him after not even twenty-four hours. Maybe it’s because she’s more straight than she thought.

An obtrusive ticking noise began blaring throughout the school and all of the students began scurrying to whatever location they needed to go to. Elise plugged her ears, God, that’s kind of annoying. She looked out a window and noticed that it was already dark. She hasn’t even had dinner yet. The organization of this school sucks, Elise thought. She overheard some students saying they needed to get back into their dorms before they clock stopped ticking. The young witch cursed to herself and remembered she never was assigned to a dorm. Maybe it was a free for all for the CCFA students? Hopefully Oriana could be her roommate?

With the ticking blaring, Elise could hear a faint guitar playing. The playing was beautiful, maybe she could hide in that person’s room? Mystical creatures seemed a lot friendlier than humans so maybe they wouldn’t mind? Elise ran into that dorm without knocking and shut the door behind her. When she turned around, her heart stopped.


Elise smacked herself on the head, “Fuck.” Gabriel wasn’t wearing his hood again and this time, he was headless. It surprised her since she has never seen a headless person. Rather than being scared of him, she noticed how beautiful he looked. The bright green flames softly glowing out of his neck as he relaxed to the acoustic guitar playing gently in the background. How the moonlight hit him made his pale skin glimmer ever so softly. It was such an ethereal sight. Elise gasped and slid down on the door where she ended up sitting on the hardwood floor. “Is this Riptide by Vance Joy?”

Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! Out of all the things to say in this magical moment, it was that? Elise was horrified with herself. She could have complimented him like she had with Quinn, but she didn’t. Instead, Elise ruined the moment by asking one of the most sheltered beings here a pop culture question from the human world. Also, this sounded NOTHING like Riptide. Quickly, she had to think of something to recover from that embarrassment. Elise stuttered, “U-Um, how did you get a room assigned to you?”

God, where’s Oriana when you need her?
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He smiled kindly "Well your far from unattractive I can assure you that" though he blushed when he saw Circe wink at him and stood up when he realized he was crouched down. "Heh well I guess I'll become a believer when I see it then" he smirked nervously and twisted one of his dreads with a finger. Though realizing how late it is he looked at Circe and asked curiously "It's rather late and your roommates still aren't here shouldn't we be slightly concerned?" it started to make him wonder how everyone else he met before her was doing especially his bro Gabriel "Did he ever find a room to stay Ima have to find that out next time I see him" he wondered to himself and vowed to look for him later.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic Pumpkid Pumpkid
Before Roy could step out, Mia, the girl from before stepped into his view asking to be led to the dorms as well. He smiles softly. "Why of course you may come along! I'll have to assign you with a roommate as well." He takes a look at the chart realizing the odd numbers and assigned Mia with the last pair, the sisters, Crimson and Riddley. "This way now, we haven't much time before curfew." He begins walking and allowing his teal flames emerge from his body like a walking lantern.

As they trailed through the school Roy remembered his promise to Mia. "Quite a large school and a lot more complicated than the last, aye?" He chuckled. "Miss Mia, I would like to properly apologize for scurrying you off back in C.C.F.A. They were serious matters that led to where we are now. As a staff member, I should have responded in a friendlier manner. All in all, I'm glad you're all well." He smiles at both girls before arriving at the lady's dormatory. "Here we are! Miss Oriana, you are eleven and Miss Mia, you are eight." He pointed out the rooms. "Miss Mia I will send you the twin sisters, Riddley and Crimson as your bunkmates while Oriana will have Elise. I'll send them your way. Have a good night, young ones. Any questions?"

Ace Cream Ace Cream Spencypoo Spencypoo
He smiled kindly "Well your far from unattractive I can assure you that" though he blushed when he saw Circe wink at him and stood up when he realized he was crouched down. "Heh well I guess I'll become a believer when I see it then" he smirked nervously and twisted one of his dreads with a finger. Though realizing how late it is he looked at Circe and asked curiously "It's rather late and your roommates still aren't here shouldn't we be slightly concerned?" it started to make him wonder how everyone else he met before her was doing especially his bro Gabriel "Did he ever find a room to stay Ima have to find that out next time I see him" he wondered to himself and vowed to look for him later.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic Pumpkid Pumpkid
Interactions: D1.Live D1.Live
“Not really Ele is probably with her boyfriend Jay and I’m sure Aiden is probably with Ele” Circe replies. She then smirked “as for believing my attitude when you see it well...” Circe pushed him up against the wall and kissed him
Oriana Mikhaelis
Location: room 11

"I'm good, thank you mister Roy. I wlll rest now. Good night!" Oriana was excited to see her new room so she bid Roy and Mia goodbye then closed the door. Inside was a regular plain room with a couple of basic furnitures like bed and wardrobe. It's very far from her room at home but she didn't care about it for now. She immediately threw her body on the bed and rolled on it like a kid.

Unfortunately all her clothes got drowned in CCFA so she can't change to her specially-tailored pajamas. Having her wings tucked under the blouse for an entire day was tiring and she needs to stretch them every once in a while. So she laid on her stomach and loosen up her clothes just enough to let her small wings peeked out from her back. The wings wiggled enthusiastly and Oriana just lay down in bliss.

Thinking about wings, her mind recalled about the angel student. Featherine was it? Yeah. Oriana felts that the angel was rather hostile towards her for some reason, but she got a nice pair of wings, Oriana envied that. She was called chicken girl during her previous school because of her pitiful wings. She wondered if Featherine see her wings would she also call it chicken wings? Urggh. Thinking about it made her feeling uneasy.
Location: Infirmary
Interactions: (people in psychic link) Moonstruckforest Moonstruckforest (Ele), @ Spencypoo Spencypoo (Eliza), @ Ace Cream Ace Cream (Oriana), (Kellen), Neo Alice Neo Alice (Cass + Featherine)


"Yeah I'm good" Michael said to Eliza. An anxious smile managed to emerge on Michael's face against his will, but he still did not look good.
In regards to the curfew, Michael did not have much willpower to make a decision, his emotions did not want to let the seniors down, and so he had to stay. However he justified his decision by believing that now might be a good time to know what the school's punishment was like.

Cassandra communicated her thoughts to the group, and Michael could then hear the group's thoughts. This too? All Michael could do was surrender his autonomy and take in the voices. The group's thoughts echoed around as each person processed what they heard. It felt to Michael sort of like a fugue. Eliza and Oriana shared thoughts about Tisharia's wrath, but it did not sway Michael.

Amongst all his thoughts, which were not thought in Michael's mind in complete sentences, he tried to form a cohesive answer Cassandra's question. Um, Cassandra, I will stay.
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(Pls sum up what happened pls, I haven't gotten any pings so I thought this rp died. I HV alot of catching up to do.)

To make things easier jade just wandered around before coming back to her dorm, I HV so many pgs to read.
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Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid (Roy)
She shrugged and followed Roy. She felt a bit better walking by him so she didnt get lost. She then started to run a bit, something close to a jog, so she could hurry. The last thing Mia needed was trouble with this school's headmaster. When he remarked about the size of the school she immediately nodded in agreement. "I got lost like five times in less then ten minutes!" She looked up at Roy with visable confusion. "I understand that mister and thats why I didn't question it further, no need to apologize," She smiled sweetly as she spoke.

When she got close to her dorm she practically skipped to the door. "Oh uh- there are twins here?" She tiled her head a bit troubled with that thought. Shes had her fair share of twins and it never ended up working out for her. She looked to either sideof her and inhaled deeply. "No Im fine thank you Mr.Cruz!" She then went in her room. I mean things could be different this time around right? She couldnt let earlier experiences make a generalization on them so she decided to look around the room as she anxiously waited for her new room mates.
Ashton was rather shocked by the strength of Circe and instinctively wrapped his arms around her to only make the kiss a lot more deeper. Being pressed up against the wall by someone so small he wasn't even thinking about the kiss his pride took a slight hit. As soon as their lips parted Ashton flipped it around and had Circe against the wall pressing both of his hands against the wall on each side of her and stood to his full height and even slid his jacket off to show off his rather strong body. He looked down at Circe with a fire in his eyes and first but they became soft and he smirked "Well you are damn smoove I give you that" he chuckled slightly still looking and Circe and patted her head again. He then suddenly lifted her up to his size and hit her with a deep kiss clashing their lips together and pressing up against her to go deeper. He then set her back down when he feels like he's over doing it and starts to pet her head again "Alright now we're even" he smirks at her and gives a slight wink.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo
Iris heard someone knock on her door, she went up and answered it but no one was there, they must have left. (Are they still supposed to be in their dorms or could she set out to find Mia)
Interactions: D1.Live D1.Live
Circe was enjoying the kiss with Ashton and after their lips parted she smiled feeling happy with herself, soon after she was the one pinned to the wall-not that she minded. She saw him go to his full size and blushed when he slid his jacket off showing his strong body, he was sexy as hell. He pet her again and pressed against her kissing her deep and she let out a deep purr enjoying every minute. They soon separated and Circe caught her breath, "Wow, you are a damn good kisser" Circe said.
~Ridley's POV~
Ridley attempted to lean more into the wall, but she was already pressed against it. She covered her mouth attempting not to laugh. He looked so nervous, and he stood to go next to her even though he was obviously not in the condition to do so. She tried her hardest not to care. She sighed a good to many times and turned around to face him. She almost did laugh at what she saw. Her hand lifted up and she poked the dry wall on her horns. "Well you hit it good." She said and then drew back. Why was she being nice? What was this? "Ugh... You should... You should lay back down." She said turning away from him again. She cared not much for his words. They never really reached her ears; as she tried her hardest not to listen. She finds that the best way to shelter yourself; is by not caring. You can't do that when you listen to their words. She grew bored and lifted her hand up a small flame bringing up in her palm. She stared into it for a bit. Then the flame slowly started shifting. It went through many shapes a flower, a mountain, and finally landed on a bird. She huffed and clapped her hands together the flame extinguishing.

Mentions: Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )
Location: Infirmary
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo
Iris left her dorm room and went searching for who knocked on her door. She saw Mia's door open, "Hi, were you the one who knocked on my door. My name is Iris, did you need something hun?" she asked Mia
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Iris)
Mia looked over to Iris a bit surprised then messed with her hands a bit as she looked for a response."I uhm- I didnt exactly know that was your dorm room, my bad! I was just looking for Megan but when I didnt hear anything I walked away. M-my name is Mia!" She held out her hand to Iris as the bisexual panic in her rose.
Piper wandered the unfamiliar halls with one of the other lost students. Where should we go? She then spots an open dorm room and walks toward it. Piper spots someone in the room so she knocks on the door frame in effort not to be rude.

She follows another fellow student and tries to figure out where they're going. At last they turn and stand infront of an open dorm. The other girl, piper, knocks on the door frame.

Jade goes back to her dorm after a long walk. Maybe enyu will be there? She thinks as she walks into the room and flops down on the bed, to tired to really notice if anyone is there.

(Just added there forms so there easier to tell apart, there all in human form right now.)
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Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Iris)
Mia looked over to Iris a bit surprised then messed with her hands a bit as she looked for a response."I uhm- I didnt exactly know that was your dorm room, my bad! I was just looking for Megan but when I didnt hear anything I walked away. M-my name is Mia!" She held out her hand to Iris as the bisexual panic in her rose.
Iris shook her hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you Mia, that's a pretty name" Iris smiled. "Oh Megan was in my dorm with me, I can bring you to her if you'd like" Iris said quite friendly
Fertius nodded and sat back down against the wall with a slight huff of air as he hit the all and slid down to the ground. His horns at their base were killing him and he couldn't even begin to think how bad they hurt if he touched them. Thankfully though, none were broken. As he sits and thinks to himself if maybe this girl is a lost cause in ways of a mate he decides to just be upfront and maybe that will go over well. Maybe. As he turns to do so though, he sees the girl making many objects and shapes with the flames emitting from her hand. He chuckles and looks to her after she extinguishes the flame.

"You know, that's pretty cool. Granted its maybe not so useful for besides shows but cool no matter. I don't think I introduced myself though. I'm Fertius. And I kind of lost introductions when I saw your pretty face. Although I do somehow think I'm in a lost cause for trying to find a mate in you aren't I?"

Fertius held out his hand as he spoke with introduction and kind of sighed a bit at the finding a mate part. Being a lonely Dracon is almost a curse for Fertius.

Interactions: Syfer Syfer
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Featherine & Cassandra
Location: Infirmary -> Dorms.

Interactions: Ele ( Moonstruckforest Moonstruckforest ), Michael ( Tlaltetzu Tlaltetzu ), Maria ( Ace Cream Ace Cream ), Megan ( Spencypoo Spencypoo )

Mentions: Eliza & Tisharia ( Spencypoo Spencypoo ), Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )

Featherine was not surprised to see a totally ‘dick move’ as Cassandra would say from such a low creature such as Maria. ”Adorable.” She didn’t care at all at this point, she was also mad at Tisharia so right now nothing could scare her. Cassandra on the other side stood silently trying to concentrate, luckily a much lauder sound came soon after. Apparently some weird kid was howling in the hallways? It was in a total opposite direction from here and, better yet, completely distracted Tisharia from the clattering noises.

The witch grins at the demon. ”Looks like Lady Fortune is on my side tonight… I apologize for my friend’s harsh words, we’ve had a rough day. You are welcome to stay and help.” Now that Eliza bailed on everyone on the Infirmary a slot was open, better to have an experienced demon at least. Cassandra gives a serious look to Featherine, which just nods uncomfortably. ”She will behave for the rest of the evening.” She said as her eyes went back to the demonic nurse. She firmly squeezed the staff in her hand, her clothes burning away and quickly replaced by her Magician’s attire. She extended out her left hand and a purple magic circle appeared on top of it, a spherical metallic artifact with strange carvings was conjured from the circle and catch by her.

”Watch closely kids, this is how ancient magic works.” Numerous purple magical circles composed by intricate formulae appeared bellow everyone present in the infirmary. The circles stopped everyone from coming out of them but also had an extra feature, channeling everyone’s mana pool and their individual capacities as powered individuals with magical potential. ”Don’t worry, I’ll give you something for all the trouble later.” It wasn’t directed to someone in particular, she knew everyone could be upset by this direct approach. With her right hand she directed the staff towards the metallic sphere which began to glow golden, surprising even her. ”Well look at that! You guys are something else, don’t you? I haven’t seen real magic in a while. It’s almost nostalgic.” She left out a sigh but she then started to focus in the necessary incantation, the words spoken by her were impressed in the air in golden letters that seemed to engrave themselves in the core of reality. The others could rapidly feel the exhaustion from this process, their own magic was been depleted by it and even Cassandra’s figure was once again flickering. This time, however, there was a bigger motivation behind her actions and that willpower alone was powerful magic by itself.

Using Michael’s capacity to redirect energy, she programmed the sphere to redirect mana from the ambient towards itself for safekeeping. The demon and the angel represented a balance within those energies, light and darkness, yin and yang, a balance that could not be broken and so the mana would not be released by overcharge. Cassandra walked towards her body lying on the bed and a dim red link between her and the body was visible. With a swift movement she severed that link using her staff and left the sphere fall to the ground while another magical circle appeared now below her, unlike the others this one was also golden instead of purple. This was a greater and elevated version of Faraday’s Ward, something far more strong and capable of containing her that was fueled by the battery. She put her left hand on her chest pulling a red thread from the center, she repeats this process a couple of times until enough threads have now surfaced.

They fused together in a thick red light that she directed towards her body, just in time because the battery ran out of juice. She finalized her incantations and gave a smile to everyone, they were surely without energies but they were no longer necessary. The magical circles began to banish while she slowly lied down on top of her body, as if possessing it. The staff resided in her right physical hand now, there was silence, nothing happened until… a twitch, her right closed around the staff and her eyelids opened to reveal her round amber eyes which were filling with tears already. The sensations all at once were overwhelming and she was as exhausted as everyone else but she sat on the bed with the help of the staff and gave a look to everyone.

Featherine’s heart skipped a beat, she was happy that Cassandra was healed once more She was too tired to say anything else and overwhelmed once she noticed that all the ancient knowledge used to perform this ritual was available through the psychic link they had between Ele, Herself and Michael. This must be the reward that she mentioned before, although it seemed a bit unfair that the demon just got hijacked for free, although for someone such as her maybe just watching the ritual and hearing the incantations was knowledge enough to be useful in the future. ”Good night everyone.” Either way, she moved outside of the infirmary and towards her room to rest peacefully and regain her strength, dumping herself on top of her bed unceremoniously and falling sleep soon after.

The Lechuza followed suit. ”Oh fuck, today of all days I got to have a body… it’s going to take me ages to move around here now.” Although it was a complain, it didn’t sounded that way because her excitement was clearly in greater. It was nice to have a body back, even if she no longer could turn invisible and go through the walls, now she was herself again and she could feel the world… she was alive. After a few wrong turns she finally arrived at her room, she opened the door slowly and closed it behind her after entering. ”Good night Meg…” She whispered softly while throwing herself to the bed, for the first time in a year she could actually sleep and she was going to enjoy it.
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interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Iris)
Mia smiled sweetly and returned her hand to her side and nodded. "It's really nice to meet you too!" She then thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Uhm no, it's fine! I-I mean thank you but I'm really sorry for bothering you two!" She then sent one last smile her way before walking into her dorm and closing her door behind her. She then exhaled, letting go a breath she didnt know she was holding.

interactions: Everyone peeps!
Tisharia got on the speakers for the last announcement of the day. "Students you have less then forty seconds left before the school closes for the night please make your way to the dormitories immediately or face detention. Only the students of CCFA may be excused but if I find any of my students out expect trouble."

The speakers suddenly cut out and the dimmed hallway lights went out completely. The only lights that remained on were ones placed in the hallways leading to Headmistress Tisharia's office.
The sound of ticking was quieted in the dorms but got louder in the halls.
If you dont want to get in trouble with Tisharia I suggest you get going~.
Megan looked over at Iris and laughed a bit as she heard the announcement. "You know what on second thought can I sleep here?" She sat up a bit, genuinely not wanting to leave even if it was just to go to her own dorm.
Location: infirmary

Maria was simply enjoying her drink as the students starting their procedure. She even set up her cellphone and leaned it against a book to record the ritual, for fun.

"Ah, yes. A good drink, and a student's scream for the BGM~" She said as she watched Cassandra squirming on the ground in pain. She watched curiously as magic circles formed beneath everyone there, including her.

"Mana siphon? Interesting, you actually trying to cast an ancient magic without properly measuring your donor's capability. I will let it slide for now but if it was me I wouldn't accept this in a thesis." Maria gave Featherine a teaseful wink. If not for the fact that she's new here in Faray Maria wouldn't actually let students play with dangerous magic like this, but if one or two students blow up in the process then she would have someone to be tinkered tonight. Unfortunately for her, the ritual finished without any accident so she kicked all of the remaining students out of the infirmary.

Finally, she can claim her workplace for herself! Time for personal redecoration, but first she must do something about the ticking sound so she threw the noisy clock out of the window. The clock kissed the ground and got destroyed with a satisfying sound. There's still plenty of clocks ticking in the hallway but those were no concern for her. Even though she had a room but she spent almost all of her time in the infirmary, that's how she always work in CCFA and she refused to change her schedule.

Neo Alice Neo Alice Spencypoo Spencypoo Moonstruckforest Moonstruckforest Tlaltetzu Tlaltetzu
Interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Iris)
Megan Smiled at Iris and shook her head while a light pink dusted her cheeks. She sat on Iris's bed then gently pulled her down on her lap, wrapping her arms around her tightly while resting her head on her shoulder.

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