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Akito Ize
Status: Offline ---> Online
Location: Akuji's Dorm
Interactions: Akuji ( Aravini Aravini )

After Akuji spoke Akito's eyes flashed blue for a moment before Akito blinked and turned his head to look up at Akuji.

"Is something wrong Akuji?"
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Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm Room
Interactions: Clan Ize Clan Ize

Akito's eye turned blue as he woke up from his sleep, asking what was wrong.

"I am unable to sleep due to by Mind Lounge currently being occupied by a person who looks like me. And I was curious if you were still awake at this time. I wonder if others are asleep or awake."

He walked towards the dorm's door and opened it, leaning out to see if anyone was out.
Location: Dorms/Dorm Halls
Interactions: Anyone who wants to

After enjoying plenty of snow and a minor cool off in his makeshift snow den, Fertius snaked his way out of his makeshift burrow and shook off the snow off of his body with a smile. He felt nice and satisfied with the cool relaxing snow cover. Trudging to the door he slightly stretched open his wings and opened the door quickly, nearly ripping the doorknob off, with snow flowing out after the door opens, piling into the halls. With the pile of snow and stretched wings, Fertius flaps his wings slowly, running down the hall and flapping his wings harder, gaining air and speed. As he started to soar down the hall, he did the best roar he could let out, giving a slight rumble to the halls as it echoed, but nothing out of the ordinary for a Dracon call.
Tisharia heard the loud roar thunder down the halls as she patrolled the rooms and she clenched her fists out of pure anger and irritation. She ran to the source and grabbed one of Fertius's wings, gripping it tightly while sending small shocks throughout him. Every second a stronger one was charged. "In my office immediately." Her voice projected through the halls and could be clearly heard in nearby rooms. The sound of her voice was somehow louder than the Dracon's, overpowering his voice. "Or face the consequenses."
interactions: PansexualPanic PansexualPanic (Iris)
Mia stopped running for a moment and was only able to see a barely but still dimly lit row of handing lights. She tiled her head and turned to the doors that lined the hall, seeing the names scribbled by every one of them, including full last names or at least the initial of them. "Hm- I wonder-" Mia could remember Iris and Megan and got an idea. She started knocking on Megan's dorm room's door but after no response, she walked a little farther down the hall and knocked on Iris's door. "Hello?" She eventually stepped back and just waiting for a response.
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Fertius, getting jerked from the air by his wing, faced the full force of inertia rattling his head. As he quickly recovered from the sudden grip on his wing, he looked over to only flinch in pain. The electrical shock flew through his body each time and he could barely get a few words out between zaps onto him and his wing. He almost curved into a ball at each shock, and definitely felt him hold his breath in anticipation after the first two shocks. He really hated getting in trouble with Tisharia.

"Ok! Ok!-" *zap* "I will I will just stop with the zappi-" *zap* "Please I will come just stop" *zap*

Spencypoo Spencypoo
Interactions: Tarot of Death Tarot of Death (Fertius)
She smiled coldly as she slowly eased her grip on his wing until she wasn't holding it anymore. She was clearly satisfied with his answer and she faced him with a stone cold expression, yet a hint of joy could still be detected in it. "Good! Now follow me." She then led him out the hallways and unlocked her office door. She cut the light on then sat in her chair. The now dried blood on the carpet from earlier could still easily be seen and the desk she had broken through was still in the room. She rested her arms on the broken desk anyway, the splinters from the desk were still covering her arms. "Please sit." She invited him in.
Fertius followed Tisharia into the office, chuckling to himself a little seeing the office looks more like someone died, not really a office. He sat in the least damaged and bloodied chair, folding his wings a little to the side to keep them comfortable. Seeing the desk as well even added more to his suspicion some weird and crazy shit has been happening. With that, Fertius gulped lightly and breathed in, trying to focus on Tisharia

You know, it looks more like a crime scene then a office in here, right? I know its not exactly my place but, what in the fuck happened?"

Spencypoo Spencypoo
Akito Ize
Status: Online
Location: Akuji's Dorm
Interactions: Akuji ( Aravini Aravini )

Akito nodded and projected a 80% full battery image. Then, he stood up and peeked his head outside along with Akuji.

"I should be fine, I got enough charge to last the day. What is a mind lounge?"
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Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm Room
Interactions: Clan Ize Clan Ize

As Akuji peaked outside, Akito projected an 80% symbol, raising Akuji's eyebrows. Vampires can't do that...can they? Perhaps he was using magic.

Not wanting to come across as judgement, he stayed quiet and didn't ask him about it. Akito however was curious of the Mind Lounge he spoke of.

"The Mind Lounge is just a place I reside in when I 'sleep.' At the moment a person named Adam is occupying it and it was an annoyance to to be staying with him for whole seven hours so he insisted for me to wake up for now."

The sound of doors opening peaked his interest as he saw a new face he had never seen before. He looked to be a dragon-person like creature. He ran down the hall, attempting to fly, but headmistress Tisharia quickly took care of him. After seeing the commotion, it was obvious that wondering around the school was out of the question.

"I think'll just wait the night out here for now. What are you going to do? I fear wondering outside would result in death."
Akito Ize
Status: ERROR
Location: Akuji's Dorm
Interactions: Akuji ( Aravini Aravini )

Akito nodded after Akuji's answer and saved it for later use. Then, when the dragon person came flying through the hallway Akito stumbled back looking dazed before freezing in place.

"Error, visual overload, unable to achieve scan"
Elf Gorl.png

Ele was fully prepared to return to the dorms. Hopefully, the ticking was much quieter in there. However, Featherine was able to answer her question about the ticking's meaning. All of this was just for the curfew? That did remind her though of the headmistress's suddenly ominous tone when mentioning the curfew earlier that day. What would happen if they broke that rule? Why was curfew so important?

Personally, she thought it sounded fun. It didn't seem much different than sneaking out of her parent's house. While it broke a rule, it seemed relatively harmless.

As thoughts in another voice entered her head, Ele jumped. She hadn't known that Cassie was a telepath, but even if she did, she wouldn't expect someone else's voice in her head. Cassie had mentioned some sort of initiation week, suggesting that they prepare. What in the world could initiation week entail? Why would she need to train for it? Ah, it was all just so confusing. She had so many questions but felt like she wasn't getting any answers. For now, however, she would just go along with it.

Her eyes glanced over towards Maria as a demon spy was mentioned. Was that her? She didn't have time to ask before a metal tray was tossed, clattering loudly in the hallway. She shot Cassie a worried glance. What were they supposed to do now that their location was given away?

Location: Infirmary
Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice (Cassie/Featherine),
Mentions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Tisharia)
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Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm Room
Interactions: Clan Ize Clan Ize

As the dragon creature passes, Akito seemed to have entered a state of shock. He made odd statements and looked like he was suffering from a seizure. Akuji quickly went to him as he froze in place.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to go out and ask for help. I have no experience with seizures or any health related issues for that matter so someone else's assistant would be needed. Perhaps blood would heal you?"


Name: Adam Dancer
Location: Dorm Room (Mind Lounge)
Interactions: NONE

Adam sat within the Mind Lounge, looking through Akuji's eyes. The ability to see through him was a talent Adam had developed after all the years he spent within him.

As Akuji interacted and assisted the obvious android, Adam sighed as he put both his hands on his face.

"That...that is a robot Akuji...it can't have a seizure...do you think someone uses bloody 'error' as an everyday language."

Sometimes, Adam questions how his life was ruined by someone like him.
Akito Ize
Status: ERROR ---> Online
Location: Akuji's Dorm
Interactions: Akuji ( Aravini Aravini )

Akito's eyes flashed blue again as he blinked a couple times recovering from the error. Akito then peeked his head out the door again to make sure the person wasn't coming back, then he turned his attention to Akuji

"I'm ok Akuji, I just had an error so I froze up. Thanks for coming to help"
Seeing the bag of chips fly at him he was too lazy to really reach and out and grab them see he kind of just let him hit his face and slide to his feet. When getting hit he lot out a soft "Umph" and then reached down to pick up the chips and began to toss it back towards her and saw the pissed expression on her face and stopped and decided to snack on them. He then walked up to her and started petting Circe's head again "I have absolutely no idea what your mad about but your fine lets go get some more". He says while still chewing on chips making it sound kind of muffled and funny. Though he had a thought and asked "Are these dorms co-ed or am I just in the girls dorm looking rather suspicious right now?" he laughed nervously and scratched his head eyeing the door just in case he had to run.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Seeing the bag of chips fly at him he was too lazy to really reach and out and grab them see he kind of just let him hit his face and slide to his feet. When getting hit he lot out a soft "Umph" and then reached down to pick up the chips and began to toss it back towards her and saw the pissed expression on her face and stopped and decided to snack on them. He then walked up to her and started petting Circe's head again "I have absolutely no idea what your mad about but your fine lets go get some more". He says while still chewing on chips making it sound kind of muffled and funny. Though he had a thought and asked "Are these dorms co-ed or am I just in the girls dorm looking rather suspicious right now?" he laughed nervously and scratched his head eyeing the door just in case he had to run.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Circe calmed down after Ashton pet her. “The dorms are co-Ed, Ele and I have another roommate named Aiden and I was mad because he touched my shit and dumped out all my alcohol” Circe calmly explained
"Oh so this dorm is already crowded it seems? Sounds like I can't stay here for too long before your roommates start coming back and get the wrong idea." he sighed and threw away the bag of chips. "Hehehe your roommates might think I'm your plaything for your succubus side" he started giggling lightly and then a deep tone laughter that makes him crouch getting down on one knee. "Look it's not that funny but it's really funny ah hell" he continues to say in between his giggle showing his full farm boy accent "I can't see you being a succubus yea your pretty but it seems like you don't got that attitude in you." he says in a relaxed voice stopping his laughing fit and looks up at her.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Circe tilted her head to the side, “You think I’m pretty?” She smirked and gave him a wink. “I’ve got some attitude you just haven’t seen it in action yet”
"Oh so this dorm is already crowded it seems? Sounds like I can't stay here for too long before your roommates start coming back and get the wrong idea." he sighed and threw away the bag of chips. "Hehehe your roommates might think I'm your plaything for your succubus side" he started giggling lightly and then a deep tone laughter that makes him crouch getting down on one knee. "Look it's not that funny but it's really funny ah hell" he continues to say in between his giggle showing his full farm boy accent "I can't see you being a succubus yea your pretty but it seems like you don't got that attitude in you." he says in a relaxed voice stopping his laughing fit and looks up at her.
PansexualPanic PansexualPanic
Interactions: Tarot of Death Tarot of Death
Tisharia looked at the boy with irritation at his question. “If you were smart then you’d know better then to ask,” She snapped at him as she took out a new piece of paper with a black ink, ballpoint pen. She clicked the end and started to quickly write. She filled every line of the paper then handed it to him. It was a detention slip. “Tomorrow your going to come to my office during lunch and study hall or get suspension do I make myself clear?” She folded her arms on her chest as she narrowed her eyes. “Get out now and while your at it: Find your roommates and take them to your dorm or they can join you!” She quickly added before he could respond to her first question.
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Name: Akuji
Location: Dorm Room
Interactions: Clan Ize Clan Ize

Akuji nodded towards Akito as he confirmed that he was safe and unharmed. Akito then thanked him for his help.

"It is the least I can do to an acquaintance."

Akuji sat on his bed, remembering what Adam said to him. He wanted him to find a book with that certain symbol and follow a set of instructions. It was a nice thought to be providing use of his body for someone else, especially since it was likely his disappearance will cause little consequence. If anything, burden would lifted from him.

Finding the book in the library would be the best thing to do. Within an magical place like this, they must have magic books like what Adam showed him.


He opened his phone and went online. In almost an instant he found the digital copy.

Remembering what Adam said, he swiped towards page 57. Weaponizing Shadows, it read. Akuji read over the chapter, and there was nothing about possession within it. The chapter was about turning shadows, even those belonging to other people and objects, into weapons. They could range from gauntlets, to revolvers, shotguns, staff, etc. Due to Akuji's body, he couldn't even perform it.

But he proceeded to follow the book's instructions anyway. Adam must have a good reason for this.
Fertius nodded and took the slip, it getting colder as he touched it and even shattering with a minor shake. With the shattering of the frozen slip, he kind of smiled nervously and looked to the now pieces of slip made of entirely ice. He coughed, trying to shave off some of his worry and anxiety from the to be asked question and shattered slip, asking.

"Where would I find them? I don't think running into another administrator during curfew would add to helping your annoyance with me already."

He stood by the door with a worried look on his face like a dog expecting to get yelled at our a kid who knows they are in trouble. He kind of got anxious in the waiting for the pain and really only wanting to not get thrown out or suspended and face the wrath of his father and his temper.

Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo
Interactions: Tarot of Death Tarot of Death
Tisharias eye twitched a few times as she watched the slip freeze and break into hundreds of small pieces. Tisharia then turned and grabbed her mic, “Any free teachers or other member of staff it is time for the students to be in their respective dorm rooms please make sure that there aren’t any strays in the halls.” She’s gave the boy a written hall pass before tapping the desk as if being in deep thought as she answered his question. “infirmary and check the dorm rooms.” she said in between gritted teeth before pushing Fertius out the door and slamming it in his face. She then sighed, now suddenly exhausted.
Fertius sighed in relief and chuckled, thinking himself a idiot for anticipating pain again for just asking a question. He started to walk down the halls towards the infirmary, slowly getting faster and starting to fly, back into his free bird mood as he was before. Soaring through the halls, turning the corners like a low flying hawk, he flew past the infirmary door and smacked right against the sign for the infirmary. As his horns smacked through the sign and stuck into the ceiling, making a loud crash ringing in the halls and outside the infirmary. He wiggled himself unstuck and fell to the ground, laying there now the a headache and sore horns. His groaning being added with a small circle of deep blue ice forming around him. Through the groans and pain, he called out rather loudly

"My fucking head hurts, can my dorm mate or mates come out so I can go back and rest. I don't feel like another run in tonight"

Interactions: Everyone in the infirmary i guess
~Ridley's POV~
Although it is really funny to see Mia walk around in circles looking for her. She gets bored of it rather quickly. She starts her own wandering eventually making her way back to the infirmary. She decides to wait here for Mia. She'll come back eventually, and if not then she'll just leave. She could wait the whole night. Sleep is nothing she ever really needed. She is lost in thought when a dragon like thing comes barreling through the hall. To her surprise it crashes right into the sign. She keeps a straight face and just watches. Her foot propped up on the wall next to the infirmary door. She looks at the dragon and blinks a few times. She says nothing. Ridley shakes her head at the loud booming voice. "Ow." She mutters. She notices the ice forming around him; balancing it out with a heat of her own. She rises the temperature a bit and stomps the ground next to the ice. The ice melts and evaporates. She gives no explanation and props up against the wall again. The cracks around her eye glowing a dim red the whole time.

Mentions: Mia ( Spencypoo Spencypoo ) and Fertius ( Tarot of Death Tarot of Death )
Location: Just outside infirmary
Fertius laid there for a few seconds with his ice circle, noticing a difference in temperature as his eyes were closed. He opened them to see a red eyed girl looking down at him and kinda chuckles mostly seeing just her eyes then the rest of her face. For some reason his eyes flair a little in a light blue tone but seem so subside pretty quickly, with the ice and cold no longer really coming out from Fertius. In a lighter and trying to be less Draconly crude voice, Fertius says

"You know, if you are suppose to be in some way scary or evil, I may have failed to see that. And even though you are literally the few things that could kill me at almsot any point, you are rather pretty. Just don't tell me you are a succubus"

Interactions: Syfer Syfer (Ridley)

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