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One x One Fairy Tail RP: Genon, Salt Lord, and Britt-21 OOC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]It's completely fine! I understand how much of a menace real life can be!
Speaking of which, I'm in school, so I don't think I'll have enough time to write up a response, especially with how slow this computer is. I'll get to it in a few hours, k?

Well, my post basically asked @Britt\-21 to be a tiebreaker between Alfie and Adrian, so we'd be waiting on her to progress anyway.

Sorry I didn't post again. Got a stomach virus, plus a whole bunch of other things happened. Now I've got like three projects do at the end of the break. What a way to start off Passover! Anyway, we should probably plan out how the mystery will go down from here so we can get to the fight soon.
Genon said:
Sorry I didn't post again. Got a stomach virus, plus a whole bunch of other things happened. Now I've got like three projects do at the end of the break. What a way to start off Passover! Anyway, we should probably plan out how the mystery will go down from here so we can get to the fight soon.
It's fine! We can postpone things until you get better and finish the projects! Get things settled, we can wait!
I at least need to know how everyone enters (besides Alfie) so that I know how to make him react.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I at least need to know how everyone enters (besides Alfie) so that I know how to make him react.

[QUOTE="Britt-21]Lavender is calm so..

Adrian would be apprehensive, but wouldn't show it. He'd be polite, the better to get the information he needs.
Genon said:
Adrian would be apprehensive, but wouldn't show it. He'd be polite, the better to get the information he needs.
Ellen wouldn't have the slightest clue they'd be looking for him.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ellen wouldn't have the slightest clue they'd be looking for him.

Awesome. Question: Could Alfie recognize the boots Ellen's wearing from the data he picked up from Adrian's carpet?
Genon said:
Awesome. Question: Could Alfie recognize the boots Ellen's wearing from the data he picked up from Adrian's carpet?
Considering what he was able to reconstruct probably only made up less than a thousandth, no.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Considering what he was able to reconstruct probably only made up less than a thousandth, no.

[QUOTE="Britt-21]well is Ellen a...lavender fan? xD (body wise)

@Salt Lord, got a suggestion. Maybe Ellen actually has Charlotte summoned when we walk in, maybe shining his shoes or some mundane task like that.

I do have a second option though. Perhaps he is dueling a fellow guild-member who wants to call him out for his dickery outside the Guild Hall, and he has Charlotte summoned to ensure he doesn't lose, to "prove his superiority" by using the full extent of his magic to beat his opponent.
Genon said:
@Salt Lord, got a suggestion. Maybe Ellen actually has Charlotte summoned when we walk in, maybe shining his shoes or some mundane task like that.
I do have a second option though. Perhaps he is dueling a fellow guild-member who wants to call him out for his dickery outside the Guild Hall, and he has Charlotte summoned to ensure he doesn't lose, to "prove his superiority" by using the full extent of his magic to beat his opponent.
I mean, I guess, but don't expect it to be a very quality post. I can't duel with myself. D:
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I mean, I guess, but don't expect it to be a very quality post. I can't duel with myself. D:

Just make the other guy a random mage. I dunno...how about an Ice-Make mage? The guy won't really exist out of the duel. Hell, you can have Ellen knock him unconscious, thereby ending his existence in the RP!

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