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One x One Fairy Tail RP: Genon, Salt Lord, and Britt-21 OOC

Genon said:
@Salt Lord....you know what...just fucking change Ellen to Blue Pegasus...coordinating duplicate edits is a pain in the ass.
no need for the language golly friend watch the mouth or I'll snap your jaw

I'll tag you when I'm done~
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I'll snap your jaw

Now I'm scared. I should not be scared of you.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Edited Ellen to Blue Pegasus!

Thanks man, you're a lifesaver. Anyway, I've noticed something about Fairy Tail. I'm not quite sure if this applies to the manga, but while Fairy Tail can claim an enormous cast of characters, barely any of them are developed. And it's arguably worse than them just being a flat character: The vast majority of them are weirdos who have one catch phrase or general gimmick which defines them as a character. Wally, Hot Eye, Racer, pretty much everyone in Blue Pegasus (Ichiya is the worst offender of these), and a bunch more. Honestly, Sherry is the most annoying of these characters. And this applies to the enemies as well. In the Nirvana arc, when Natsu and Co. literally take on entire guilds, said guilds are pretty much defined by crappy gimmicks. Red Hood, Naked Mummy...they literally exist just to show how powerful the main cast are. It's really a very poorly made fictional universe.

Honestly, I'm glad that Crunchyroll only has subtitles, because I think I'd go insane if I had to listen to most of the cast speak for 150 more episodes.
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Genon said:
Thanks man, you're a lifesaver. Anyway, I've noticed something about Fairy Tail. I'm not quite sure if this applies to the manga, but while Fairy Tail can claim an enormous cast of characters, barely any of them are developed. And it's arguably worse than them just being a flat character: The vast majority of them are weirdos who have one catch phrase or general gimmick which defines them as a character. Wally, Hot Eye, Racer, pretty much everyone in Blue Pegasus (Ichiya is the worst offender of these), and a bunch more. Honestly, Sherry is the most annoying of these characters. And this applies to the enemies as well. In the Nirvana arc, when Natsu and Co. literally take on entire guilds, said guilds are pretty much defined by crappy gimmicks. Red Hood, Naked Mummy...they literally exist just to show how powerful the main cast are. It's really a very poorly made fictional universe.
Honestly, I'm glad that Crunchyroll only has subtitles, because I think I'd go insane if I had to listen to most of the cast speak for 150 more episodes.
Part of the reason I stopped watching at 90.

Happy's voice grates my ears. As does Natsu's. And Lucy's. And Gray's. And Erza's. And everyone aside from Makarov. Makarov's sort of cool.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Part of the reason I stopped watching at 90.
Happy's voice grates my ears. As does Natsu's. And Lucy's. And Gray's. And Erza's. And everyone aside from Makarov. Makarov's sort of cool.

Natsu, Grey, Lucy, and Erza are actually pretty good in Japanese. The main cast I thought had pretty good voice actors even in English. Wendy I don't like, but I only actually heard her once, so I guess she would grow on me like the others. Happy, though, has always had an annoying voice in my opinion. English? Japanese? You're screwed in both versions when it comes to Happy.
Genon said:
Natsu, Grey, Lucy, and Erza are actually pretty good in Japanese. The main cast I thought had pretty good voice actors even in English. Wendy I don't like, but I only actually heard her once, so I guess she would grow on me like the others. Happy, though, has always had an annoying voice in my opinion. English? Japanese? You're screwed in both versions when it comes to Happy.
I'd check the subbed version, but then I remembered that even if an anime has good voice acting it doesn't mean much if everything else is shit. The fights, the characters, the stereotyped personalities... no creativity.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I'd check the subbed version, but then I remembered that even if an anime has good voice acting it doesn't mean much if everything else is shit. The fights, the characters, the stereotyped personalities... no creativity.

Actually, I mainly watch for the fighting. Sure, it's full of Deus Ex Machinas and Heroic Resolve, but the animation and choreography is good enough that I don't really care very much. Plus, it's fun to get wrapped up in the excitement of the moment. I really like Lucy as a character, though there were some moments when I would have had her do something differently, she's actually pretty logical and sane, especially compared to the rest of the cast. Erza's social awkwardness does a good job of balancing out her OP-ness and stops her from becoming a Mary Sue. Gray has his moments of stupidity (especially with Daphne's arc), but overall he's a pretty cool character. Natsu, though, is virtually a cookie-cutter shonen hero, and seeing as he gets most of the screen time, he can be kind of irritating. However, his idiocy kind of...makes him lovable. Sort of like Fry or Peter Griffin. I was never truly annoyed by him, nor was he the reason I occasionally shouted at my monitor while watching.
Genon said:
Actually, I mainly watch for the fighting. Sure, it's full of Deus Ex Machinas and Heroic Resolve, but the animation and choreography is good enough that I don't really care very much. Plus, it's fun to get wrapped up in the excitement of the moment. I really like Lucy as a character, though there were some moments when I would have had her do something differently, she's actually pretty logical and sane, especially compared to the rest of the cast. Erza's social awkwardness does a good job of balancing out her OP-ness and stops her from becoming a Mary Sue. Gray has his moments of stupidity (especially with Daphne's arc), but overall he's a pretty cool character. Natsu, though, is virtually a cookie-cutter shonen hero, and seeing as he gets most of the screen time, he can be kind of irritating. However, his idiocy kind of...makes him lovable. Sort of like Fry or Peter Griffin. I was never truly annoyed by him, nor was he the reason I occasionally shouted at my monitor while watching.
I liked Erza mainly for her ability to summon hundreds of swords at once, but when I found out that Mami Tomoe of Madoka Magic could summon hundreds of guns at once (long after I stopped watching Fairy Tail lol).... Mami > Erza despite being 14 - 15
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I liked Erza mainly for her ability to summon hundreds of swords at once, but when I found out that Mami Tomoe of Madoka Magic could summon hundreds of guns at once (long after I stopped watching Fairy Tail lol).... Mami > Erza despite being 14 - 15

Well...uh...about that... xD
Genon said:
Well...uh...about that... xD

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Yes?

Uh...have you finished the series? If not, spoilers.
Genon said:
Uh...have you finished the series? If not, spoilers.
Oh, I know how she gets drunk on friendship and loses her head over it. Still the best character in the series. :)
Genon said:
@Salt Lord
So I take it that Alfie is gay?
He takes anything that comes, really. Why do you think I'd pair him up with Mizuki if he were gay?

Well, we all know Mizuki's manlier than he is, but that's besides the point.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]He takes anything that comes, really. Why do you think I'd pair him up with Mizuki?

So pansexual then?
Genon said:
So pansexual then?
Yeah, but I guess in this case, he takes the role of that person who occasionally spanks others with a perfectly calm smile but doesn't actually feel like getting into a relationship. So. :v
@Britt-21 @Salt Lord

Sorry for not replying for a while, a combination of an incredible amount of homework, losing my inspiration, and breaking my phone is responsible.
Genon said:
@Britt-21 @Salt Lord
Sorry for not replying for a while, a combination of an incredible amount of homework, losing my inspiration, and breaking my phone is responsible.
It's completely fine! I understand how much of a menace real life can be!

Speaking of which, I'm in school, so I don't think I'll have enough time to write up a response, especially with how slow this computer is. I'll get to it in a few hours, k?

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