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One x One Fairy Tail RP: Genon, Salt Lord, and Britt-21 OOC

[QUOTE="Britt-21]All I know is that Adrian's sis was kidnapped
thats it xD

I'll dump the exposition on you after I go grab dinner.

Alright, so when Adrian was a teenager and learning Arcane Magic, his little sister, Charlotte, got jelly, and stole his spellbooks to teach herself the discipline. Arcane particles are like magical radiation, capable of doing all sorts of fucked-up things to you if you're not careful, causing beginners to often die horrible deaths or be disfigured for life. Charlotte was no exception, but she was lucky enough to be turned into a Celestial Spirit by accident. Now she's known as Novicius, the Novice.

Adrian used Chaotic Mimicry to keep in contact with her after she left for the Celestial Realm, but one day they got into a huge fight, and every time Adrian tried to summon her after, she wouldn't appear. Wracked with guilt, he locked her key away in an enchanted safe, which he kept with him after he moved to Magnolia and joined Fairy Tail.

At the beginning of this 1x1, someone broke into Adrian's house and stole the key. Adrian got Alfie to help him investigate the crime scene, but they didn't learn much. Thus, Adrian's next plan is to take advantage of the low Celestial Spirit population by having Lavender summon one of her spirits and ask the spirit where Charlotte is. That's where you come in. Either you can have Lavender overhear or you can wait for one of us to walk over to you.
Oooohh I see. Well that's a lot of crap Adrian got his butt sucked into xD

But I can do either plan you wish for me to do, just name it :) (Meaning you can pick the easiest senario) xD
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Oooohh I see. Well that's a lot of crap Adrian got his butt sucked into xD
But I can do either plan you wish for me to do, just name it :) (Meaning you can pick the easiest senario) xD

Just have Lavender overhear.
I just realized, Lavender has different keys. Herc, pegasus and the dragon one...will those do?
[QUOTE="Britt-21]I just realized, Lavender has different keys. Herc, pegasus and the dragon one...will those do?

If one of them doesn't know where Charlotte is, summon them one after the other and ask them what they know about "Novicius," and where she is.

Also, another thing you should know: Charlotte has been contracted to Ellen, the arc's villain, for years on end. Ellen used Charlotte's ability to passively amplify her user's magic power to keep her in Earth Land almost indefinitely. He's also an abusive, narcissistic douchebag, treating her like a slave.
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Britt-21]Ellen? Is that the guy in the CS? O: [/QUOTE] Yep. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18115-salt-lord/ said:
@Salt Lord[/URL] made him, he's further down in the tab. Read his sheet, you'll start to love to hate the guy.

Also, while Ellen exists in Mitch's Fairy Tail RP, and he's still a narcissistic douche, he's not outright evil like this version, not that I know of anyway. He's also not a Celestial Wizard in the main RP either.

Sorry, went on an Evil Genius binge. Anyway, would it be proper etiquette for Adrian to have Lavender ask Hercules the question in this situation, or should I have Adrian ask Hercules directly?
whichever you prefer :) I wanted to see adrian's reaction really before they asked xD
Britt-21] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22515-genon/ said:
@Genon[/URL] , Lavender said when she went missing you silly :P xD
Uh...alright. Edited.

Charlotte's been missing for years. Since Adrian was 17, her key hasn't worked when he's tried to open her gate. I figured that Ellen contracted with her then, and was keeping her exclusively in his service for extremely long periods of time, using her for a few hours every day, such that she didn't have enough magic power to open her gate when summoned, effectively rendering her key inert. Is this accurate @Salt Lord? Or would you classify it as an acceptable break from canon?
[QUOTE="Britt-21]OOOH I DIDNT KNOW THIS *Facedesk* I'm so sorry

There's no hugs rating in OOC, so have a cookie instead.
Genon said:
Charlotte's been missing for years. Since Adrian was 17, her key hasn't worked when he's tried to open her gate. I figured that Ellen contracted with her then, and was keeping her exclusively in his service for extremely long periods of time, using her for a few hours every day, such that she didn't have enough magic power to open her gate when summoned, effectively rendering her key inert. Is this accurate @Salt Lord? Or would you classify it as an acceptable break from canon?
I wouldn't mind either way. Canon's broken itself a bunch of times before, and even then, I couldn't list any because I haven't seen an episode since last June. The things you've come up with so far all sound logical. :v
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]I wouldn't mind either way. Canon's broken itself a bunch of times before, and even then, I couldn't list any because I haven't seen an episode since last June. The things you've come up with so far all sound logical. :v

Well, theoretically, Adrian could use his own power to force her gate open regardless of her own reserves, but I would counter that by saying that her life force was so low that she refused to be transported for her own safety.
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Genon said:
Well, theoretically, Adrian could use his own power to force her gate open regardless of her own reserves, but I would counter that by saying that her life force was so low that she refused to be transported for her own safety.
Still logical. :U

*facepalms at 100 times a second*


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