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Dice Dungeons & Dragons: Wizards of the West

True, well i could make something slam into you if you want or you could just do that, i'm fine with either or if you have a different idea i'm sure it will work.
Aviendha said:
True, well i could make something slam into you if you want or you could just do that, i'm fine with either or if you have a different idea i'm sure it will work.
Hm, perhaps a person that survived but needed to retrieve something from the castle or needed to go there for some reason whether it be healing themselves or something? That would probably seem better than getting rammed and suddenly sent flying inside the castle..that makes me think of Team Rocket too much.
i stayed outside what is happening outside so i can post!!!!!!!! as dm its your job to cater to everyone's choices not just the ones you want to!!!!
I know, I was trying to get everyone to go to one place but, it didn't work so well. And I was going to answer to your person, its just really late where I am, I was going to think about it and answer in the morning but, very well I will come up with something right now.
Sorry about that, it won't happen again. I can just go ahead and post now though.

Okay, 1. I am very tired, its like 3:00 a.m. where I am right now and frankly, I would actually like to have a tommorow. 2. My phone will run out of battery any second now... And I don't have my charger...

Sooo... I'm sorry but, goodnight guys or good day or whatever time it is right now for you!
Anyone apart of the RP want to add me on skype?

I am growing more and more bored with this RP, if you are gong to start it at least dedicate your time to keeping it active.
Patience, its only been a day since I last posted, I know not a lot has happened but I am a busy person and this is a very large dungeon, I don't want you to get in the dungeon and go somewhere I haven't finished. I will be done tonight and then we will really get started.
Aviendha said:
Patience, its only been a day since I last posted, I know not a lot has happened but I am a busy person and this is a very large dungeon, I don't want you to get in the dungeon and go somewhere I haven't finished. I will be done tonight and then we will really get started.
Fair enough... I think Ditrillion has quit.
Oh shit. Forgot to inform you guys that I'm away from good internet for another two days (will be posting on Thursday). My bad!
Aviendha said:
I'm thinking we could start now but, we should go slow so the others can catch up.
It might be good to wait , do you know a way to tell when the others are on? Hm, also I guess if they don't come around you could have people explore around the castle a bit (by giving incentives are interesting things possibly about) or just wait of course
Yeah waiting would probably be best, btw you can tell when they are on by a small green triangle on the top left corner of their profile.

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