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Dice Dungeons & Dragons: Wizards of the West

Yo Shizuo, want to be over with me? There was a cave-in and I happened to be on the other end. Maybe you arrived before it happened.
My character probably won't be going into the same dungeon as the others, mainly because I want to build his own story line... Yes, he may end up meeting them eventually, just... Not now.
Alright, I'm here now. Suggestions for how to get Oscar into the castle?

Edit: Nevermind, I see the post. In character... Now!
SnakyDragon said:
Oscar, drawing his two axes from their sheathes, also whips around. Knowing that the ranger next to him was not nearly as... ah... meaty... as him, he makes a point of stepping forward, so if any projectile or attacker comes down the hallway, it hits him, not Drizzt Entarro.
lol love the cross out, so true
Atto said:
My character probably won't be going into the same dungeon as the others, mainly because I want to build his own story line... Yes, he may end up meeting them eventually, just... Not now.
@Atto Look this is going to be a group roleplay, if your character went of on his own that would require me to create 2 dungeons every week or every few days depending on how fast we roleplay. Your character should participate in the main storyline instead of creating his backstory in the game.

@All: Seeing how not everyone knows where they are or whats happening or weren't there at the start, I am going to start over.
Okay. Start, then, sir! @Rand Hehehe, I've read all thirteen books, the three-book side series, and Gauntlgrym (the trilogy). I know a Drizzt when I see one.
I'm going to respond to everyone that posted in the morning, gn.

@SnakyDragon Ikr, I guess I'm going to figure out a way that he survives? Can't die this early game unless your leaving.

@Bathe Spellborne Did you.. uhh.. Just.... kill yourself?? I mean that's defiantly realistic but, why?
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Sorry I haven't been posting, I've had a lot of real life drama and haven't had the time to be able to post... All I am asking is you please do not kill off my character, instead kinda put him as Idle until I return

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