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Realistic or Modern The Dream Eater - Of Hopes and Nightmares Characters Cast


Vox Angelis

The Stargazer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

UNMRAS Heads of Staff
Director Yue Lang
Counselor Casey Smith
General Salvatore Bellucci
Head of UNMRAS Operations
Head of Dreamers Activities​
Head of Military Corps​



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And you beg on bended knee...

'Rai' β—‹ Rai'Shauni Calvillo-Holmes β—‹ 'FiendBreaker'


'Deva,' 'Ms. Devastation', Rai'Scowly/Scowler, Rainy

She/Her β—‹ 20yrs β—‹ 5'11 β—‹ 190lbs β—‹ Chestnut Brown Hair β—‹ Blue Eyes β—‹ Brown Skin β—‹ Muscular, Athletic Build
Nightmare (Stable): Telekinetic Fighter β—‹ 2 yrs at the UNMRAS Facility (Re-hab and Corrections) β—‹ Status: New Recruit

This is Rai...

~Looks ​



Rai is a big, strong, tall muscular girl who holds peak physical fitness as top piority. She only wears lip gloss and dark eye makeup to help accent the disdaining pout and scowl that always seems to be firmly stamped upon her face. She keeps her hair long but when not training or working out, she usually likes to keep at least half her face shrouded by bangs or loose chestnut locks. Style-wise she is function over form and will either be seen in her military drip or a just keeps a simple athletic look. But she is quick to change into her battlefield training gear and keep it on until she is back in quarters ready to shower, eat, sleep, workout and do it all again.

Ears, tongue, nipples and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, butt, left hip and thigh, ankles and feet. Scars all across her arms and belly, back from GSWs and surgery. GSW scar on lower tummy.


+ | Driven, Independent, Detail Oriented
+ | Perceptive, Confident, Strategist

+ | Steel-Nerved, Quick Reactor, and Ironwilled
+ | Resourceful, Reliable, Relentless
+ | Proactive, Daring, Super Athletic

- | Insensitive, Too Serious, Selfish Goals
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Aggressive, Abrasive, Very Violent

- | Stubborn, Poor Social Skills, Demanding of Allies
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Rebellious, Undermines Authority, Does What She Wants When She Wants
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Loner Tendencies, Needs Quiet Time, Gymaholic

β—‹ | Was given Callsign 'FiendBreaker' because that was supposed to be her role on her failed training mission. Still holds the callsign. Close allies know her as 'Ms. Devastation' since they saw what she could do on the field. Shortened to 'Deva' by those that actually like her.
β—‹ | 'Rai'Scowly' is what people call her behind her back. 'Scowly' is what the trainers and teachers call her. 'Rainy' was her nickname growing up by her fam.

β—‹ | Hisses and spits when she is pissed off. Covers her mouth when she likes something; doesn't like her smile. You're in her good books when she shortens or just uses the first letter of your name; even better if she chews gum and blows bubbles around you as opposed to her 'accidentally' blowing stinky cigarette smoke at you.
β—‹ | Needs quiet time to re-focus herself and keep the Nightmare at bay. You know she's fighting it when she starts to recite her mantras neath her breath.
β—‹ | Always has a cigarette as a 'trophy' after a successful endeavour. During her smoke she just thinks about her family all of whom she misses oh so dearly.
β—‹ | Wears earbuds while working out but sometimes doesn't play music, just likes the calming 'underwater' sound of the world.
β—‹ | Doesn't have a great sense of humour but may be caught smiling when she hears a pun, silly wordplay or even Dad jokes.

β—‹ | Doesn't talk a lot but when no one is looking she will 'cutesie talk' with animals. She has a very soft spot for cute, little fuzzy things.
β—‹ | Doesn't like noisy people or those who talk a lot, but amused by a good story. Student of her 'fighting craft' and does a lot of reseach. To relax she watches kids cartoons.
β—‹ | Doesn't drink/get high cuz she don't wanna let her guard down and socialize. She's gay and is soooo into the femmie cute girlies, but won't approach them.
β—‹ | Doesn't like to admit she was formally trained as a dancer, but sometimes when music with a good beat plays, unconsciously her telekinesis gently bumps and rocks small items around her to the beat.
β—‹ | Doesn't ever show it but when she feels sad, insecure or just plain lost and lonely, she will pull out her hidden litlle unicorn plushie from its really well hidden spot and cuddle it till she feels better.

Skills / Talents
β—‹ | MMA training, Firearms, Rock Climbing, IED and Dirty bomb making, Street Smarts, Fight Circuit and Criminal Contacts, Dancing

β—‹ | Telekinesis - Rai has the ability to affect the world physically with just her mind. She is a powerful telekinetic and combined with her fighting prowess, sheer aggressiveness and penchant for violence makes her a very dangerous opponent.

Rai has weaponized her telekinetic ability. She may telekinetically strike things with enough force to create craters into concrete. Ultra levels of violence however makes her prone to go through a 'Nightmarish Episode.' She may not extend her reach beyond physical touch but she may enhance her speed, and jump great distances to get at opponents. When in battle, she has mastered integrating telekinesis into her martial arts styles, using forms of: leaping, speed and agility for defense. For offence: leaps, holds, enhanced strikes, throws. Regardless as a combat vet she is also using environment to her advantage.

The Episode is her reliving the bad things she's done, but in particular is the events that transpired during her first days as a Nightmare. It was a horrible and heinous series of acts of Vengeance that she had done. But the part that she struggles to stave off when having an episode is the underlying implications. It is shoved in her face that she actually enjoyed herself while enacting Vengeance. That is something that she knows she must stave off lest she fall to the DreamEater's' prophecy of her falling to hell and ruin in the end.

To help her from her 'cravings' she uses a form of meditation, hypnosis and repeating mantras on the daily. It's what keeps her stable. Out of all the authority figures in the facility, she trusts only the team of therapists and doctors that help her stay on the level. She still has issues opening up to them but regardless Rai will not resist and just goes along with their treatments.


The Nightmarish Episode (***TW: Highly Inappropriate Conduct)
- | When Rai'Shauni was 17, the DreamEater granted her her telekinetic power. But she was in a bad place. A really, really bad place.

Just a couple of nights ago, she was underage partying with a bunch of seedy folk and fighters when she found herself in a room with seedy folk and fighter. Alone. And with their bad intentions. She managed to escape but just could not cope with what had happened. The DreamEater came to her in her dreams and showed her 2 paths. Rai saw only one as redemption and in her mind she felt she had no choice; the girl chose Vengeance. Despite knowing full well the consequences of following the path of a Nightmare, she decided the excess power was worth it. The Blackhole Sun had just beened burned into her palm and but only a heartbeat passed before she hissed, spat and returned to the house of that fateful night. She took names and addresses by any ripping and tearing means necessary and tracked down those that had done her wrong. In the aftermath the cases have gone cold since there is no one that will corroborate a proper story or timeline. Dead men tell no tales afterall.

β—‹ | Rai was on the run laying low since she was suspected as a Nightmare. As much as she tried to hide it, it was only a matter of time before someone noticed the Blackhole Sun on her palm. She was a gym rat and trained fighter afterall. But it was actually when she was in a sauna room when a little girl asked her about her tattoos and the round black one on her hand. The mother got all nervous and excused her child before scooping her up and basically fleeing the steamy room.
β—‹ | It was actually her uncle, a major player in illegal smuggling of firearms, that suggested to her to turn herself over to UNMRAS. He and his sister, Rai's mother, had been getting more and more concerned about their 'Lil' Rainy's' increasing aggressiveness and violence. To sate her cravings for Vengeance, Rai would actively hunt monsters, 'Fiends' that were in proximity of the their town.
β—‹ | She decided to go to the UNMRAS and sign her life over to them. It was a disaster to say the least. From day one, the girl had problems with the authority figures, but still they never gave up on the muscular girl they called 'Scowly.' Within 6 months they had her ready to do field training but Rai had a Nightmarish Episode and could not distinguish from foe or ally and went berserk. It took the combined efforts of the Field Co-ordinators to stop her and pin her down. She was in remand to solitary for the next year.
β—‹ | It took another year but she had finally been re-habbed. Rai just turned 20 and she has been deemed 'Stable' and is now awaiting to join with the rest of the new recruits.

β—‹ | **{Will reveal more of her bio IC'ly.}.

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Name: Kyoshirou β€œKyo” Natsume

Alias: The Cadet
Age: 21



He is a 195 pounds of pure lean muscle standing at 6’0. His body is covered in burns and scar tissue from his time in sports. Most notable about his build is that his traps, lats, shoulders, and chest are biggest on him not really his arms. He keeps his face is a very neutral expression and dresses in dark color exclusively.

Personality: Unlike someone who would dress in all black and have a neutral expression he is not reluctant to speak. He gets fired up but he never truly loses his cool, preferring to channel his emotions rather than suppress them or let them run wild. Kyo also rationalizes the world with metaphors that are seldom understood by those around him.

He does have some things about how he speaks or conducts himself that may scream military. He doesn’t have very exaggerated reactions and a lot of things don’t bother him the way it should. He can be very direct or unintentionally abrasive when he speaks. He does appreciate a good time and he appreciates comraderie. He can function in a loose knit group but would not prefer to function like that.

History: Kyo comes from a military family. The military was the expected career path of him as well. He has been playing aggressive sports like rugby, wrestling, and lacrosse from his elementary school days. His father enrolled him in boxing and eventually Muay Thai in his teen years. In high school, he was JROTC cadet before eventually going off to college.

He did not go to a regular college but a military junior college. He was enrolled in an early commissioning program and was expected to become a commissioned officer after the conclusion of his sophomore year. Unfortunately, towards the end of his sophomore year he was visited by the Dream Eater.

Kyo subsequently developed powers. He turned himself over out of his military integrity, not wanting to complicate things for his family, and the fact it’s still technically a military career. The decision and transition was not all that hard to bring him to UNMRAS. It was only unfortunate he technically had the start of his military career pushed back and now he is technically a conscript.

Dreamer Type: Hopeful
Kyo’s magic is capable of delivering shocks by touches. These shocks may induce paralysis if the power is used in a precise manner to disrupt the nerves, stun people with a powerful hit, and outright fry someone if electricity is channeled through a grab.
Name: Norah Eisen
Age: 18

Personality: Norah has a carefree, aloof personality that generally avoids any long-term conflict or enmity, but also doesn't take her out of her way to support or bond with others, as if she is avoiding any form of entanglement with other human beings. While not exactly a wilderness enthusiast, she enjoys spending time in open space, and particularly enjoying the use of her ability casually. She seems to enjoy photography and landscape drawing, particularly from high-up.

History: The child of a family who chose to hold out in a threatened zone, who often made a living exploring the ruins of abandoned areas and recovering information and resources for clients in more "civilized" areas. Lost her family to a monster attack at around the age of 6-7, and promptly migrated outwards towards the cities. In more recent years she seems to have found employment as a bicycle courier, though before that it's likely that she had to survive via various petty crimes.

Dreamer Type: Hopeful
Magic: The ability that Norah received from her dream can be described as Celerity. Presently, it has two manifestations: first, she can concentrate briefly on a point within 100 meters and her line of sight to instantly blink to. She must be able to fit through the intervening space in a straight line (so no squeezing through holes smaller than she is), but in turn can use this ability through any kind of non-solid matter without being affected by them, as if she does not truly occupy the intervening space. So she could use this ability through a large fire or a cloud of toxic gas and emerge at the other side unharmed, but can't pass through a pane of glass without first...bypassing it. The second aspect of her ability allows her to instantly enter a state of extreme acceleration: for about 3-4 seconds of her time, her surroundings slow to almost a standstill, allowing her to momentarily outmaneuver any adversary or physical danger.

Using either of these abilities incurs a cooldown of about a minute for both abilities. She could try to use them again within a minute, but doing so incurs severe strain to her nervous and muscular systems.

Name: Marianne β€˜Mary’ Allard1715753128986.png
Age: 21

Personality: Deeply melancholic and wistful. Runs very cool; doesn’t rise to provocations easily. All in all, someone who is very easy to get along with. As long as you don’t press her too much on her β€˜past life’. Do that, and she will disengage with you.

Also has particularly strong opinions on classical music.

UNMRAS was the only place she could go, in the end. A curtain call, the end-of-playback. It still hurt, thinking about the rift that had shorn her from one life to the next. Her soul had been touched by a specter of the past long thought gone, and soon after, the mark had appeared - a pale sphere. A sign hated by all civilization, the scars of that fateful day in Aksaray echoing throughout the decades.

A whistle was blown. They’d conspired among themselves to hide it, even for a little while to make their final preparations. But the Allards - refugees from the Old World - and their imperative to put family over the government never quite reached her cousin. Born under neon lights and the towering metropolises of the American West Coast, Olivia Allard cared little for her family’s norms, immersing herself in the freedom bought by the blood of martyrs.

In the end, it was purely an act of spite. Little strings of jealousy plucked by an unwitting player who barely acknowledged Olivia’s existence - and all was unwound.

The demands of the world outweighed the demands of her family, and Marianne would never ask them to stand up for her sake. So she went, leaving the old for the new.

Dreamer Type: Hopeful

Magic: A flame that heals and burns. Primarily used for healing, the fires she creates are colored accordingly; the warm orange of a house fire signifying it’s healing properties, and a deep blue a sure sign of it’s offensive capability. But she is not one of the First Dreamers; the power to heal, though selfless, comes at a cost. The fire that heals others is the fire that burns her. The worse the injury, the worse the burn. Rather tellingly, to inflict pain, she must be in pain herself. The worse the burns Marianne has suffered from healing others, the more powerful her attacks become - forcing her to balance both aspects of the fire.

Perhaps it is a message from the Dream Eater. To hurt something, to utilize the flames that would surely purify the enemies of Man, Marianne must remember what she fights for.
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Adelina Manuela Serrao
  • Name: Adelina Manuela Serrao
    Alias: The Ventriloquist
    Age: 17
    Ethnicity: Portuguese
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 111lbs

    Appearance: Adelina has a lithe build, a peachy complexion and soft, warm featuresβ€”from her round-eyed gaze and friendly smile to her smooth, unblemished hands. Wardrobe-wise she defaults to a gilded robe, accessorising with golden armlets and anklets, but she will wear more typical or battle-ready outfits if the situation calls for it. Shoes are a no if she has a choice, they feel unnatural to her, but she won't be too bothered over throwing a pair of Roman sandals on if she has to. The presence of the laurel crown on her head, however, is much harder to get her to compromise on. Her hair is always long and full, at least reaching the small of her back. She keeps it that way because she likes the feeling of it blowing in strong winds, but she finds maintaining it a bit annoying.
:hornskiss: [I'm horrible with coding templates still, google docs is my savior 😭]



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Name: Reported as Ace, would not indulge anything else

Age: Claims to be 19 years of age, however, the validity of this statement is yet to be verified


Personality: On the offset, Ace appears to have a very lackadaisical and almost lazy attitude exuding from them. They would constantly be seen spacing out, staring off at some random location for long periods of time. Of course, if anyone were to ask "What's up?", then they would answer with a completely non sequitur response. However, Ace can function just like any other normal plainclothes civilian, but the issue lies in the fact that the emotions that emit from them doesn't seem human. The best way to describe this would be to call Ace a functional sociopath. It also doesn't help that they will randomly burst into maniac-like episodes before acting as though nothing happened.

Very strange indeed.

History: It was mostly a stroke of extremely bad luck that landed Ace at UNMRAS. Officials were investigating a recent disaster area and it just so happened that Ace had finished their latest assignment but was too slow on leaving the scene. Upon being confronted, Ace tried their best to play ignorant of the situation and act as a worried civilian. However, once the telltale mark was discovered on their body, Ace had no choice but to surrender to the authorities.

Dreamer Type: Nightmare

Magic: Undead whisperer. Ace is able to see, interact and converse with ghosts and on top of that, they also use the specters to drain the life of their target. However, if they don't control the amount that is drained, then they can also become incorporeal

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