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Dice Dungeons & Dragons: Wizards of the West

Sorry for having not replied in a bit or seeming too have not done so. Oddly it always seems like I don't get updates from this thread even though I'm watching it and there is new postings. Think I should try unwatching it, and then watching it again too see if that works? Also I totally missed out and doing stuff, darn.
Would I add the stat number to the roll or is there some kind of modifier I should be aware of..? Also would it be alright if I tried to slash at one of the vines instead ?
Entarro saw the vines coming from a mile away (due to his OP dexterity modifier > :D ), and prepared to dodge the vines.


(Ok that completely failed.)
@Thane Korino If you see the first post in In-Character and click on your character and then click stats there should be a modifier next to it. Add your dex modifier to your roll if you are rolling to dodge and yes you may try to cut the vines. If you are cutting the vines then you will also add your dex modifier, i know in the original version(if you are familiar with it) that you add your strength but, i am changing it because it makes more sense. If you want me to further explain why feel free to ask.
Aviendha said:
@Thane Korino If you see the first post in In-Character and click on your character and then click stats there should be a modifier next to it. Add your dex modifier to your roll if you are rolling to dodge and yes you may try to cut the vines. If you are cutting the vines then you will also add your dex modifier, i know in the original version(if you are familiar with it) that you add your strength but, i am changing it because it makes more sense. If you want me to further explain why feel free to ask.
aaaw.. was hoping to use strength x3x;

It's kind of hard to read some of the stuff on the first page where the chracters are as some of the letters are missing.. I'm going to attempt to use dice rolling if I can figure out how it works correctly ^^;

@Thane Korino Wait some of the letters are missing? Where? I'm not quite sure how to fix that seeing how when i look at it, i see all the letters :/

If you are unsure what your dexterity/agility modifier is, it is 0.
Aviendha said:
@Thane Korino Wait some of the letters are missing? Where? I'm not quite sure how to fix that seeing how when i look at it, i see all the letters :/
If you are unsure what your dexterity/agility modifier is, it is 0.
want me to send you a screen cap? If I can..


Think I'm going to try and do a strength check now against the vines, because why not? Any arguments?
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Let's hope this works out! xD my rolls have been pretty bad today but hopefully I'll do good xD

[dice]11103[/dice] +1.5 Modifier looks good..

What the.... that is really messed up. I'm not really sure what to do.... Let me try and put yours in regular font and see if it works. If not ill just tell you when it comes up.
Aviendha said:
What the.... that is really messed up. I'm not really sure what to do.... Let me try and put yours in regular font and see if it works. If not ill just tell you when it comes up.
thanks! took me a bit to find a sight to use to post up a screencap
Okay, i changed it to regular font, you can check to see if it works. As for your roll, you hit and i'll post what happens after a few more people post or tomorrow.
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Aviendha said:
Okay, i changed it to regular font, you can check to see if it works. As for your roll, you hit and i'll post what happens after a few more people post.
Mine seems fine though the rest still appear messed up. I'm a bit surprised I have to roll for pulling against a vine to hit, I was more or less checking of Perrin could tug it back or perhaps rip it considering his weight, strength, etc. Curious about that thingy although rather not get dragged off. xD
Hmm, alright then I guess that worked (sorta). Anyone want to put something together or everybody just wing it again? x3

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