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Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes

Saki walked in and sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Haha yeah but hey what's the point of fighting if you're not going to give your all?" Saki took out her phone looking through her social media apps looking at pics and videos that people took of the fights. "Those saiyans are no joke but I think you did good considering. I don't know how you and Oakris do it though. I couldn't do it. I use to think about it cause you guys seem to like it so much but ugh no thanks I refuse to let anyone touch this face." Suddenly she leaned in next Dabria with the phone camera facing the two of them. "Smile!" She then took the pic then leaned back in her chair. Saki actually a bit more of a tomboy then people realize although you would never catch her in a fight but challenge her to anything else that doesn't involve punching her face in and she'll jump at the challenge. After posting the pic Saki got up to turn on the tv so they could look at the fight. Oakris was fighting. Saki sat back down watching the fight with Dabria. She stood up a couple of times and yelled at the tv as if they could hear her. When the fight was over Saki sat back down. "Damn he knock her off the ring."
Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Saki walked in and sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Haha yeah but hey what's the point of fighting if you're not going to give your all?" Saki took out her phone looking through her social media apps looking at pics and videos that people took of the fights. "Those saiyans are no joke but I think you did good considering. I don't know how you and Oakris do it though. I couldn't do it. I use to think about it cause you guys seem to like it so much but ugh no thanks I refuse to let anyone touch this face." Suddenly she leaned in next Dabria with the phone camera facing the two of them. "Smile!" She then took the pic then leaned back in her chair. Saki actually a bit more of a tomboy then people realize although you would never catch her in a fight but challenge her to anything else that doesn't involve punching her face in and she'll jump at the challenge. After posting the pic Saki got up to turn on the tv so they could look at the fight. Oakris was fighting. Saki sat back down watching the fight with Dabria. She stood up a couple of times and yelled at the tv as if they could hear her. When the fight was over Saki sat back down. "Damn he knock her off the ring."
Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Yeah, Saiyans are no joke... though... I have a sneaking suspicion that Oakris is a Saiyan too. She seems strong like Dakon and Yuki, but they are on a WHOLE other level." She then smiled as Saki took a selfie with her, and watched the Fight with oakris and leolin. With Oakris' loss, and sportsman ship, Dabria smiled. Even though her big sister lost, she put in the effort and had fun with it. But she could not wait to start training again, so she can get stronger than before. "Maybe grandpa is gonna have to increase how intense our training is if we wanna win next time. And you will be getting front row, Saki."

The final was here and for the first time in decades it was decided by a three way battle. First to the arena was Leo, his demeanor unchanged from the previous fights. He was quietly confident, even after the other fights he had seen. Many had used their trump cards already, showing their array of power ups and transformations to get the result. Even so, triple threat fights were never as simple as who was the strongest. Leo placed his hands behind his back and began to pace back and waiting for them to arrive.

The second in the arena is Yuki, who, despite her previous battle, looked ready to fight the remaining two, but of course, she was there for the fun, winning would just be an added bonus, but even so, she would do her best, Leo was good, she admitted that much, however she had never fought a Majin before so that would be new, best to see what they came up with before deciding on a tactic, this would be fun, now all they had to do was wait for Doburu to show up.

Doburu eventually hovered back into the ring, having just passed out the remainder of her snacks to the crowd. It was a gut-wrenching task, but one that needed to be done. Finally slipping the very last of her pocky stick in between her lips, she let her feet touch the ring. She folded her arms, curiously looking between both of her opponents as the announcer started revving up the crowd.

“This is it, ladies and gentlemen! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!” he shouted over the growing gestures of the crowd “Three warriors stand before you who’ve each beaten their mark onto both this competition and their awe-stricken viewers! THE MOMENT OF TRUTH, THE MATCH THAT WILL UNDOUBTEDLY GO DOWN IN THE HISTORY OF BATTLES IS NOW!”

Looking up into the crowd around them, Doburu gave a few interested hums before turning her attention towards her opponents. They had done adequately to come this far, plenty of useful information had been conveyed through their fights. Letting her arms fall to her side again for a moment, she eventually raised one hand whilst looking between the two, “Take care to show me plenty, if you would.”

"But where's the fun in that?" Yuki asks wondering who could be the worst opponent, probably Doburu, but then again, you can never be too sure about humans, something she learned during her training in the mountains "I am willing to not hold back if you two do the same thing" she says "If not, then I guess I won't either".

Promising to go all out wasn't something Leo was prepared to do. The arena was too small and going all out would put the spectators at risk. His most powerful attacks would be off the table but in the end, the result was a moot point. He was there to test other fighters, to see what capabilities other people had. Winning and losing weren't important even if his master could use the money. "If I went to my full power the civilians here would be at risk. I will see how things go but mostly I want some fun and to see what you two are capable of." Leo stretched his arms out to his side from behind his back, letting out a satisfied groan as he did so. When he finished moving he was in his fighting stance, waiting for the gong to go.

Yuki grins at Leo “I can work with that” she says moving to her fighting stance “We ready to go or do you have something to add Doburu” she says looking at the Majin “If not, then let’s get this match over with and give the people a fight worth remembering”, she isn’t entirely sure if she should go Super Saiyan, but she would figure that out during the fight anyway, she could change into 1 or 2 at a moments notice, 3 not so quick, but then again, this was a fight with three people, they might even tire each other out before it comes that far.

Doburu put a finger to her chin in thought for a moment, turning her eyes to the skies. Was there anything else to say that needed to be said? She could make another comment on what she expected from them, but she honestly wasn’t invested in putting this off in anyway. With a shrug, she shook her head, “Nope… we may partake.”

Her eyes trailed to the center of the ring for a moment, and then she raised her hands at her sides. As she waited for the gong, she stretched and whipped her arms at her sides. The moment it rang, she whipped an energy blast towards Leo before locking her gaze to Yuki and launching towards her with stretchy punches already flying.

The distance between the fighters along with his natural talent gave Leo plenty of time to react. The human backhanded the blast away towards Yuki, watching it fly across the arena. He watched on as Doburu closed the distance to Yuki, unleashing a flurry of punches.

Yuki blocks the punches with one hand while using the same technique as Leo to send the blast to the side with the other, she had learned from previous battles and attempts to blast Doburu away with a ki beam, while keeping an eye on Leo, he should've known that wouldn't work, she's not keeping her arms still while blocking in an attempt to make sure the Majin doesn't grab it and throws her like Dakon, in a last effort to hold the Majin away she kicks her, redirecting her beam to Leo instead "Don't feel left out" she says "And you won't get anywhere standing still".

The incoming beam grazed passed Leo's cheeks as Yuki's words filled the air. The feeling was one of warmth rather than immediate danger. He returned to his fighting position after it dissipated, a smile etched wide across his face. He decided to give Yuki what she wanted. The human swung his hands in front of himself, his palms coming together with a thunderous crack. The floor of the arena before him cracked under the pressure of the attack as the shockwave tore towards his two opponents in an instant. He rose quickly into the air as the invisible wave of energy swept towards Yuki and Doburu. As the wave would impact Leo began to rain down blast after explosive blast onto the two opponents. Debris and blasts erupted into the air with each impact.

The Kick sent Doburu skidding back a bit, with her breaking into a backflip that sent her sailing into the air over the wave of energy. The moment she landed, her eyes snapped towards the source of the energy wave before she hovered a bit off of the ground. She began zipping out of the way of the debris, dodging to the sides as the ground fractured with every blast. Instead of turning her attention to Leo, she instead eyed up Yuki. Using the debris of Leo’s assault to mask her movements, she whipped one hand through the falling debris and latched hold of Yuki before whipping her in his direction. Doburu then rolled out of the way of another blast before racing towards the both of them.

Yuki dodges the debris after getting caught in the energy wave, she lands after being thrown towards Leo and she moves away to the side to avoid the Majin and she transforms into super saiyan one before dashing forwards again, this fight was fun, then again, most tournaments don't end up in a three way fight, she jumps towards Leo and punched him towards the ground and hopefully make this a lot easier.

Leo felt the surge in Yuki's power as her hair turned the familiar shade of yellow associated with super Saiyan's. It was a fairly significant jump in power, enough that it caught the human off guard. That being said, he still wasn't overly concerned. The hit that had sent him tumbling to the ground was no worse than what Oakris has thrown in his previous bout. He simply rode it out before planting his feet into the ground below. The dust and debris from his earlier barrage still filled the air, giving him some semblance of visual cover. He tracked Yuki's power level above, the glow of her transformation a blur through the thick dust. He closed his hands tight together and began to create a ball of concentrated ki. As the light picked up he flung it up towards Yuki. With it approaching the saiyan he took the opportunity to move through the dust before rising back up above it. He continued upwards into the sky higher than he had been previously, surveying the scene below.

As Yuki engaged with Leo, Doburu altered her flight pattern. Sailing sideways whilst watching her strike him down towards the ground. Tracking his movements, Doburu halted her path and flew upwards mere moments after his next ki blast went sailing towards Yuki. A split second, after he emerged from the cloud of debris, Doburu took her opportunity and emerged from the cloud behind him, launching herself into a sailing kick that flew like a bullet.

Yuki blocks the ki blast and she sighs softly, neither of the three are willing to budge, which only makes it more fun, pinpointing the other two Yuki follows them to take to the air as well, stopping over them and firing a kamehameha when she feels like she'll hit both, with Doburu heading straight towards Leo, it was an interesting fight and people had stopped cheering so besides the fighting there wasn't any sound at all.

The kick to Leo sent him to safety away from the incoming beam attack. He righted himself midair and gestured to Doburu with a gentle salute as if to say thank you, the beam almost on her. The human took the opportunity to rush Yuki, her attack leaving her exposed for him to capitalise.He began to charge his Arm Cannon attack after moving around the Saiyan's beam to her left, outside of her peripheral vision. He decided not to throw the blast but instead ensure it connected. He drove his fist firmly towards the face of Yuki, bracing for the impact his own attack would have. While Yuki would take the brunt of the attack he would not get away unscathed. Even so, he had already began charging his follow up attack which he would throw if his highly explosive punch connected.

Having bounced away from Leo immediately following the Kick, Doburur found the Kamehameha beam passing above her into the sky. Having been engulfed in one previously, she gave it a respectable berth while looking at the pulsating energy for a moment. She hadn’t really gotten a proper look at it before during her fight with Dakon, since she was kinda of inside of it, and found herself looking it over for a split second before returning her eyes to her opponents. Seeing Leo charging towards Yuki with his fist pulsing with energy, Doburu folded her arms behind her back and began descending down to their level. She lowered without haste, in no rush to interrupt their bout just yet.

Yuki blocks Leo's punch with one arm and she grabs the other he intends to use and she grins, right before the punch connected she went super saiyan 2 to hopefully be able to negate some of the damage "Try harder" she says tossing him towards Doburu after stopping them, still mid air and she follows following up with yet another kamehameha, this time her own variant of it, in her opinion Doburu could get some more injuries since she had no plans of quitting just yet, it didn't matter if they moved now anyway "Wonder how long we can keep this up" she thinks.

As Leo flew towards the Majin through the air he looked directly at her and winked. He took control of his descent and appeared next to her, feeling another increase in Yuki's power from previously. Finally reaching a level that would present more of a challenge. He saw the Saiyan charge up her attack, much like the previous one she had and so he began to prepare his own. "You can join in with this if you wish. Attack me, attack her with me... I don't mind." The human smiled as he motioned his arms around himself. His hands began to glow with ki and large balls of energy began to form. He looked up at Yuki whose beam attack was suddenly hurtling towards him and Doburu. Then with an almighty crash of power he slammed his hands together unleashing his eradicator beam. Even using minimal amounts of power for the attack, high winds gushed outwards even reaching the distant crowd like a gale. The eradicator beam met the Saiyan's kamehameha with a deafening crack. Leo was reluctant to push past his current effort as his concern for the spectators still remained. What would happen next was down to the Majin, Doburu.

Despite the neutral expression she had maintained throughout the entirety of the bout so far, Doburu’s head was rapidly compiling information. The moment that Yuki went Super Saiyan two, Doburu gave an intrigued, “Oooh” as she immediately began making comparisons between it and Dakon’s transformation. She readied herself as Leo approached, raising an eyebrow as he invited her to join in. As Leo and Yuki engaged in a power clash between their respective abilities, Doburu found herself nodding at the idea of adding to the crossfire. Flying back a bit, she readied herself before launching herself up high and sailing over both of her competitors. Whilst they were engaged in their power clash, Doburu began spinning through the air as she sailed overhead. The speed of her spinning increasing tenfold as she released an immense barrage of ki blasts that darkened the sky directly above the ring. These blasts fired towards her competitors and the ring below them, any ones that missed the intended recipients of her attack would crash into the platform below.

The two attacks from the human and saiyan were cancelling each other out, sparks of energy arcing to the floor beneath. Leo had a lot more to give but his reluctance to increase his power gave Yuki the upper hand. The young saiyan pulled her arms back and thrust them forward once more, increasing her power massively. The increase in power began to give the girl the edge, that was until Doburu’s intervention. The rain of ki blasts exploded all around the arena but the one that mattered caught Yuki on the arm. The energy burnt at her flesh, causing her arm to instinctively recoil. Leo watched on as the attack that had been approaching him veered off behind him. The human withdrew his own attack and turned his head. Yuki’s attack was heading directly for the spectators.

“Damn it!” Leo shouted as he unleashed his true power to give the attack chase. Yuki had put so much power into the effort that she had lost control of it, it needed to go somewhere. The young saiyan managed to turn the attack slightly towards the ground but it was still too close to the spectators.

Appearing before the fans on the grass Leo planted his feet firmly and raised his hands before him. He had no time to get his energy shield up and was soon set upon by the attack. The heat burned at his hands ferociously as the attack made contact. He let out a frustrated grunt as he felt his feet begin to slide backwards in the soft mud. His grunt soon turned into a full roar as he began to regain his footing, he pushed up with his legs, keeping the attack in check. The searing heat from the attack licked at his body and he could feel the stamina draining with each passing second. What he would have given for a super saiyan style transformation at that moment. Then out of nowhere the attack ceased and Leo felt the cooling fresh air against his raw palms.

Sweat poured down his face and he took long, deep breaths. He moved to rejoin the battle but soon realised that he had stepped outside of the arena, inadvertently disqualifying himself. He turned to the crowd who cheered towards him, relief making way for gratitude. The human smiled and gave a courteous bow before his attention returned to the remaining two fighters.

What Leo had missed was the saving grace of Doburu. The majin seeing the event unfolding, took hold of Yuki and locked her up in a vice like grip. Still rocked from almost taking out a quarter of the audience, the saiyan was surprised by the impromptu bearhug. Doburu flew up into the sky with Yuki tight in her grip. No matter how much she struggled Yuki couldn’t free herself from the majin’s grip.

At this point she was happy, Doburu turned towards the ground and launched herself forward towards it. Yuki squirmed for nought at the ground beneath came closer and closer. The saiyan let out a loud scream and in the blink of an eye the arena erupted into a mass of debris. Smoke and falling mud rained across the arena, coating even several of the front row spectators on that side of the stadium.
As the dust settled Leo made his way over, flying at a steady pace. He arrived to find a massive crater in one of the surrounding patches of grass, the hole over ten feet deep. As he looked down he saw both Yuki and Doburu side by side taking deep breaths. Yuki had a smile on her face while Doburu’s expression was as inquisitive as always. Leo lowered himself down next to them both and extended a hand to each of them. He wanted to unload on the saiyan for what he viewed as reckless but now wasn’t the time, maybe that could come later.

“It appears you two have drawn then.” Leo smiled at the two people before him before his glance focussed on Yuki. “I saw what you did then Yuki, brave...suicidal...doesn’t matter. If you can’t avoid it, then take the opponent with you.”

On the descent Yuki had managed to hook onto Doburu with her own legs meaning that when the majin attempted to break away, she was stuck herself. It was unlikely Doburu would ever fall for that again but in this instance it had worked. The victory was to be shared between Yuki and Doburu, Leo satisfied that he was able to protect the people within the stand.
"And with nail biter of a fight, and a brutal battle at that! We have our Winners! Doburu and Yuki!" The crowd cheered and went wild. Then the Announcer spoke, "Now, That's a wrap folks! I hope you were as excited as I was, and have a lovely day!" And with that, The crowd began to disperse, and Oakris made a beeline for the medical area to check on her sister. "Dabria! I am so glad you are ok!" Oakris hugged her sister, with her wincing in pain as she smiled back. "Heya sis! I tried my best in the fight, and lost! But I had a lot of fun." "Dabby, there will be a day where an opponent will kill you if you keep egging them on. But I am glad Yuki didn't. We still got a lot to do before we are strong enough to take them all on again." "Yeah, even after the fight with you BOYFRIEND." Dabria said teasingly as Oakris blushed hard. "S-Shut up! We are not like that! We are opponents who are willing to train with each other!" Dabria shook her head and giggled, and pointed at Saki. "Saki is here too! She came to see us fight!" "Oh hey Saki! Long time no see!" Oakris hugged the girl, and let go as she then looked around. "Any idea of when you are able to go back home?" "When I can get a wheel chair or something. Oh hey! Maybe we can have a party and invite everyone!" Dabria excitedly exclaimed as Oakris shook her head. "Maybe we should just give everyone our numbers and Address? So that way they can drop by or call us if they wanna hang out or train." animegirl20 animegirl20 CaptainSully CaptainSully GrieveWriter GrieveWriter RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard Flame Demon Flame Demon Andrita Andrita Latios Latios (When you all are ready, I will do a Skip of 1 week. Right now, I would like friendships between our characters to be formed and/or solidified.)
Dakon slowly approached Dabria and Oakris. He smiled at them before placing his hands fists against his hips. "Hey, you two. Don't forget about my training for you. I'll be needing to make sure you guys can go through with this." He told the two females as he chuckled and his tail waved in the air. He was excited to begin training after this tournament. His eyes were open to new heights as he knew he could be stronger and break his limits while also helping more of his race to become stronger as well, maybe even teach Oakris on how to become a Super Saiyan. He hoped that she would be able to achieve the strength that he had.
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Location: North City World's Martial Arts Tournament
Interaction/Mention: animegirl20 animegirl20 CaptainSully CaptainSully GrieveWriter GrieveWriter RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard Flame Demon Flame Demon Andrita Andrita Latios Latios
The battle had concluded, and thus her tests had as well. Doburu folded her hands behind her back and hopped onto one leg. Slowly that single foot began hovering just above the ground as Leo had approached them. Doburu had looked at the offered hand inquisitively before thinking for a moment and extending her bent leg forward to give an extremely awkward hand-foot shake. Convinced that she had accurately mimicked congratulatory practices, Doburu nodded to herself before glancing to the side just as the announcer began calling out the mutual victory she shared with the Yuki girl. Doburu glanced to the side at her, giving a passive hum. If not for Yuki's quick thinking at the end, Doburu herself might've been able to steal the victory herself.

Whatever, wasn't like that was the real goal of her participation. No, those goals were originally the testing of her abilities against other combatants. Combatants which had surprised her multiple times, even with her partial victory over them.

Tapping a finger against the side of her head, she resumed her floating crane stance and hovered above the ring as people began filing out. Her gaze picked on a few notable faces that she had seen fighting in that ring, both against her and other opponents. These faces she was sure she'd need to remember, at least for comparisons to other combatants she may face in the future. It was not only logical, but helpful to establish a decent reference point. And who knew? Perhaps she'd be able to use some of them for research purposes later on as well.
And with that the tournament was over. It was nice to watch. Seeing that admission was free that is. Sakura couldn’t afford to watch other given how liquid she was in regards to funds. Regardless, it was time to leave. The purple Majin rose from her seat and proceeded to walk out with the crowd. Her stomach gave another grumble as she sighed. Looks like the next thing in the to do list was find a reasonable cheap meal with what little she had left.
Yuki sighs before she smiles at the Leo and Doburu "Well that was fun wasn't it?" she asks, but she's somewhat unsteady on her feet since she used a lot of energy, not to mention that she had no way to get home given she could barely stand right now, so she decides to hover a bit to take pressure of her legs "We should probably get our injuries checked, we all took quite a beating in that last fight and the stage is quite frankly ruined" she says. They really didn't go easy on each other, but that was the point or they could've gone on forever, probably, she hadn't expected to win, much less share a victory with someone "And I should probably find my parents in the crowd outside", she hadn't seen them until after her fight with Dabria, but at least they stayed to watch.
Dakon slowly approached Dabria and Oakris. He smiled at them before placing his hands fists against his hips. "Hey, you two. Don't forget about my training for you. I'll be needing to make sure you guys can go through with this." He told the two females as he chuckled and his tail waved in the air. He was excited to begin training after this tournament. His eyes were open to new heights as he knew he could be stronger and break his limits while also helping more of his race to become stronger as well, maybe even teach Oakris on how to become a Super Saiyan. He hoped that she would be able to achieve the strength that he had.
"Oh boy... looks like Grandpa and Dakon are gonna work us to the bone!" "More so Leolin with me... He wiped the floor with me!" Oakris said, getting excited with the idea with training with Leolin, Dakon, and her grandfather at different times. But thinking about it, maybe Dakon could teach her a few things about fighting that she doesn't know? And Leolin said something about her potential, and his master. Could he really help her find her great potential and put it to good use? These thoughts seemed to pump her up with a giddy smile. "You sure like to train. I don't even understand how you can keep fighting after you got beat up!" Dabria jokingly jeered as Oakris scratched the back of her head. "I have been in a lot of fights... leave it at that. I will definitely take you up on the training, Dakon. I bet Dabby would too, just as soon as she is rested." "Heck yeah! I want to fight someone who can go all gold with their hair!"
Dakon chuckled. "In case you haven't noticed, my power is greater that just golden boy. I'll train you two in my base form so that I can gain from this as well. I must warn you, however. I may get a little....into the training like it's an actual match." He told the two then he rolled his shoulder, watching the two. He nodded slowly then he looked towards the rest of the competitors then back to them. He somehow knew that offering them a trainer would be worthwhile.
Leo laughed at Doburu's reaction to his outstretched hand, the majin was clearly still learning even the most basic of human customs. He watched as she floated up above the arena and so turned his attention to Yuki. The saiyan suggested getting their injuries looked over before talking of her parents. He smiled politely before speaking.

"Well i'm not feeling too bad, hands are a bit sore but i'll survive. Could quite happily go again," joked the human. "Well I think I'm going to go and meet up with Oakris, I promised to introduce her to my master. Look after yourself Yuki, i'm sure we'll meet again." Leo playfully nudged her in the shoulder before making off towards the holding area.

Leo could see a group of people together talking, recognising them as fighters from the tournament. It was then he picked out Oakris from the group, her hair a big give away. He dropped from the air and put himself several feet away from the group. He could hear the conversation as he approached, waiting for the right time to interrupt. Then the man spoke of treating training like a match and Leo let out a muffled chuckle.

"Hello there," Leo looked around the group before his attention focussed on Oakris, "How are you guys feeling?" Leo rubbed at his hands, the burning sensation reduced to some minor pins and needles.

Looking directly at Oakris he spoke. "I'm going to head back to my masters soon, do you want to come with me now or do you want me to give you the address?" Leo smiled wide and invitingly. He had heard the other man invite her to train but wholeheartedly thought she would benefit more from his masters teachings. The tournament proved that transformations could only do so much. Either way he was happy whatever he decision may be.
Location: North City World's Martial Arts Tournament
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios
Watching the other competitors interacting with each other was interesting to say the least. Though she couldn't hear their words over the crowd, she managed to catch enough of their expressions to piece together a line of reactions. Then there was the crowd themselves, Doburu managed to pick up words about the fights here and there. Sounds amazement, anger, confusion, and excitement from multiple sources. Of course, there was one crowd gathering around that superstar guy she'd fought, his legion of fans staying impressed despite his performance.

Doburu returned to evaluating from the sky, her eyes darting here and there to soak up as much information as possible. As she did, she spotted yet another interesting thing moving about the crowd. A purple head that was shaped in a familiar way. Turning in mid air, Doburu tracked this head until enough of the people around it stepped away for its visage to become clear. Another Majin, it would seem that Doburu stumbled upon another Majin.

Interesting, there were usually large spaces of time in between every encounter that Doburu had with her own race. This was especially true since leaving her family behind. Across all of her travels and ventures, the interactions she had with her own people were always enlightening in some way or another. It always seemed to lead her to some new kind of discovery. Doburu was not one to overlook such opportunity, and quickly floated down towards the other Majin.

She slowed her descent as the crowd spread out of the way for her, landing in her crane stance before floating behind her with inquisitive hums radiating off of her. A sound reached her ears, a grumbling radiating off of the target of her curiosity. Knowing this grumble well, Doburu finally spoke up, "The stomach speaks," she noted out loud "what do you plan on silencing it with?"

She thought for a moment as she lowered down to the ground and balanced on the tip of one foot again, "I do not encounter many of our kind, so noting the general substances of sustenance nowadays could prove incredibly beneficial."
Sakura Didn't except anyone to talk to her so when she herd a voice talking directly about her she was surprised. She whipped around to see what it was. When see saw it was just another Majin her expression returned to it's usual glum state. "Oh... Well... I'm still trying to figure that out. I need to see what I can afford first."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
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After getting her injuries checked Yuki finds the group as well "Funny, I was about to leave my adress" she says with a smile and she looks at Dabria "Next time though, don't push your opponent too far, you're lucky this is a tournament, but meet the wrong one and you'll end up dead" she warns the girl "But I did enjoy the fight, another sidenote, ignoring your injuries won't help, adrenaline or not, always be aware of possible injuries you have" she advises before giving a nod "Oakris, Dakon, give me a call when you figure out the training schedule, or come by, not many people live on the mountains so it should be easy to find", she looks at the door and sees her parents, holding her battle uniform in a bag since she had changed into something easier to move in, her casual clothes, "I gotta go, I hope to see you guys sooner rather then later".
Sakura Didn't except anyone to talk to her so when she herd a voice talking directly about her she was surprised. She whipped around to see what it was. When see saw it was just another Majin her expression returned to it's usual glum state. "Oh... Well... I'm still trying to figure that out. I need to see what I can afford first."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Location: North City World's Martial Arts Tournament
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios
Doburu tilted her head to the side in confusion, "A Majin.... Afford..." she said it slowly, tasting out the words before trying again "A Majin.... Affords..?"

She repeated that several times as she continued hovering around this new subject of interest, the very tip of her shoe occasionally scratching the ground. Soon she snapped her fingers and stretched her face into another one of her awkward grins, "Oh, I see. You are engaging in one of the Human Joke things." she declared before letting her feet touch the ground "A Majin having to afford to eat. Yes, I am currently getting this thing known as humor. It is all of the funny."

She tried laughing, "Ha....Ha....Ha..?"

It wasn't very convincing.

"To joke so... cleverly. Clearly you are exceptionally gifted in Earth Humor." Doburu declared as she walked around her, examining her thoroughly "With how ingrained in our biology the food stuffs are, not many of our kind would be able to construct such comedies when stricken with hunger... Impressive."

Gesturing around them, Doburu's face returned to its neutral state "But my curiosities remain unabated, and proximity to hunger encourages my own when mixed with such curiosity." she pointed towards a nearby sidewalk, "So by all means, at least create what you would wish to consume from our surroundings.... So that I may sate myself on your information.... Oh yes, I am asking with pleas, as is customary."
Sakura was not more or less confused by the dislodge of the Majin. Had she.. never herd a human speak before? Sakura was more well versed when it came to standard iteration having grown up around humans all her life, but... where on Earth had this Majin been to not really no a thing. Sakuras glum expression remained clearly unamused however, this wasn't the first time she had been made fun of for her lack of use of Majin magic. The longest tentecal on her head lazily lifted and pointed at a bench. A quick zap and it went from plastic to stone in an instant before slowly fading back to plastic it was originally made from. "The term your looking for is sarcasm. And no, I'm not using it. It's not a joke as you can see..."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Leo laughed at Doburu's reaction to his outstretched hand, the majin was clearly still learning even the most basic of human customs. He watched as she floated up above the arena and so turned his attention to Yuki. The saiyan suggested getting their injuries looked over before talking of her parents. He smiled politely before speaking.

"Well i'm not feeling too bad, hands are a bit sore but i'll survive. Could quite happily go again," joked the human. "Well I think I'm going to go and meet up with Oakris, I promised to introduce her to my master. Look after yourself Yuki, i'm sure we'll meet again." Leo playfully nudged her in the shoulder before making off towards the holding area.

Leo could see a group of people together talking, recognising them as fighters from the tournament. It was then he picked out Oakris from the group, her hair a big give away. He dropped from the air and put himself several feet away from the group. He could hear the conversation as he approached, waiting for the right time to interrupt. Then the man spoke of treating training like a match and Leo let out a muffled chuckle.

"Hello there," Leo looked around the group before his attention focussed on Oakris, "How are you guys feeling?" Leo rubbed at his hands, the burning sensation reduced to some minor pins and needles.

Looking directly at Oakris he spoke. "I'm going to head back to my masters soon, do you want to come with me now or do you want me to give you the address?" Leo smiled wide and invitingly. He had heard the other man invite her to train but wholeheartedly thought she would benefit more from his masters teachings. The tournament proved that transformations could only do so much. Either way he was happy whatever he decision may be.
"Why not both Leo? I want to meet your master, and see about doing some trainin' with ya as well!" The Saiyan girl said with enthusiasm in her voice. She smiled and punched her fists together with vigor. "And don't worry Dakon, I will get some training in with you as well, I cannot wait to see what you have in store!" She said, getting pumped at the thought of training with a Saiyan, and a Human stronger than her at base. "If you treat it as a match, then why not make it a match in the first place? Gotta know what to go for in terms of breaking limits." She looked at Dakon with a smug look on her face. RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard CaptainSully CaptainSully

After getting her injuries checked Yuki finds the group as well "Funny, I was about to leave my adress" she says with a smile and she looks at Dabria "Next time though, don't push your opponent too far, you're lucky this is a tournament, but meet the wrong one and you'll end up dead" she warns the girl "But I did enjoy the fight, another sidenote, ignoring your injuries won't help, adrenaline or not, always be aware of possible injuries you have" she advises before giving a nod "Oakris, Dakon, give me a call when you figure out the training schedule, or come by, not many people live on the mountains so it should be easy to find", she looks at the door and sees her parents, holding her battle uniform in a bag since she had changed into something easier to move in, her casual clothes, "I gotta go, I hope to see you guys sooner rather then later".
"AWWWW!!! You sound like Oakris during Training! I can handle myself just fine!" She exclaimed with a growl as she was told to not ignore her wounds. "Well... I dunno what it is, but I stop feeling anything when my adrenaline starts pumping. So... not like I have a choice there." Oakris shook her head and pats her sister on the head. "You are a tough gal, I will give you that. But you are not as tough skinned like me, so don't push it, ok?" "FIIIIIINNNEEE!" Flame Demon Flame Demon animegirl20 animegirl20
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Dakon chuckled softly as he rubbed his arm then rolled his shoulder. "So, if I train you in my base form, I'll become stronger as well but it shouldn't be by much. My base form will enhance my Super Saiyan forms, making them stronger as well." He explained, crossing his arms slowly. He thought about transportation wise but then he also remembered that he and the others are practically able to fly. If not, then he would have to teach them in a few easy steps.
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Sakura was not more or less confused by the dislodge of the Majin. Had she.. never herd a human speak before? Sakura was more well versed when it came to standard iteration having grown up around humans all her life, but... where on Earth had this Majin been to not really no a thing. Sakuras glum expression remained clearly unamused however, this wasn't the first time she had been made fun of for her lack of use of Majin magic. The longest tentecal on her head lazily lifted and pointed at a bench. A quick zap and it went from plastic to stone in an instant before slowly fading back to plastic it was originally made from. "The term your looking for is sarcasm. And no, I'm not using it. It's not a joke as you can see..."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Location: North City World's Martial Arts Tournament
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios

Doburu gave several interested hums as she floated around, watching her new subject attempt to use her transfiguration beam. For a moment she raised an eyebrow, wondering why this Majin preferred eating stone. Was it part of some training regimen that she wasn't privy to? Further study would be necessary, but it was interesting to consider. She didn't see how it could be beneficial in the long run, but maybe that was exactly what made it so effective.

This guess was proven false, however, once the subject reaffirmed her inability to make food. Doburu tapped her fingertips together for a moment, "Ohhhh.... Ohhhhh?" she reiterated before floating back a bit, stretching an arm down and pulling a flat rock from the ground nearby "This one utilizes a broken beam? How intriguing."

Doburu tilted her head towards the rock before zapping it with her own transfiguration beam, turning the slab of inedible rock into a thick steak which sizzled with flavor as she looked it over. "No beam equates to no food. I see... I see... I see now the issue."

Pulling the cooked steak towards her, she gave it a brief sniff before pointing towards this odd Majin, "I, Doburu, am now attempting to engage in a transaction with you. Continue to enlighten me of yourself and I shall make all manner of edibles for your consumption. Regail me with information and you shall be sated with the foodstuffs."
Sakura looked at the steak with wide eyes. She was indeed hungry, and this Majin was just going to straight up give it to her. But... at an exchange in information it seemed. It didn't seem... too bad... Just talk about her self and get free food? Still... Sakura had learned to never trust someone right away, essentially if this was a something a kin to a bribe. "Hmmm... Fine." She said taking the food presented to her. It took a lot of willpower to not simply devour it right then and there like an animal. She took a small bite out of it, deeming the steak to be delicious compared to the cheap fast food she usually had to eat. Sakura only wished she had a plate and silverware to eat this off of. She Swallowed the small piece before continuing to speak. "You might want to learn proper communication a bit more. I can immediately tell your not from around here."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Megumi merely smiled slightly as the tournament concluded, standing on the sidelines. She wa okay with the result of the tournament, as winning wasn't her plan rather than straight up improvement and perhaps learning a few things. She eventually finds the group who participate on the tournament. As she observed silently, the thought of some of them sparing was tempting to join in indeed, but she shook her head. That would be impolite to do, despite her longing for a new challenge likely being greater than the average Saiyan.
"Dakon, we all could benefit in some way, right? Maybe when she recovers, Dabby can train with us?" The saiyan girl asked with her arms crossed with a gentle tone to her voice. "YEAH YEAH YEAH! CAN I?! PLEASE!?" Dabria exclaimed in an excited tone as Oakris shook her head. "I just asked that, Dab. Calm down a bit, will ya?" Oakris rolled her eyes, and saw Megumi walk in. "Oh hey! You must be Megumi! I saw that fight, and you are really strong!" A reassuring smile ran across the snow haired saiyan's face as she put her hand on her hips. "I ought to do some training with you some time." RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard Andrita Andrita animegirl20 animegirl20
"Of course Dabria is training with us. You are right, though. She needs to recover slowly and she'll be right where we are, ready to spar and train to her heart's content." Dakon chuckled softly as he punched his fists together. His tail quivered in excitement as he watched the Saiyan Girl before turning to find Doburu: The Majin he fought against. He wondered if she wanted to come train with the group or not.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers

"Umm... Feel free to , whenever you want to" . Megumi told Oakris, not expecting to be noticed so quickly. A sparring session would be nice every now and again, so it didn't mind her one bit. Her eyes shrank slightly at the sudden notice, usually expecting to blend into the shadows. When she realized she was complimented, she shook her head dismissively" I honestly was mediocre at best. But... You were also impressive, was it... Oakris ? Sorry I'm atrocious with introductions " . She said, bowing to the other saiyan.
Sakura looked at the steak with wide eyes. She was indeed hungry, and this Majin was just going to straight up give it to her. But... at an exchange in information it seemed. It didn't seem... too bad... Just talk about her self and get free food? Still... Sakura had learned to never trust someone right away, essentially if this was a something a kin to a bribe. "Hmmm... Fine." She said taking the food presented to her. It took a lot of willpower to not simply devour it right then and there like an animal. She took a small bite out of it, deeming the steak to be delicious compared to the cheap fast food she usually had to eat. Sakura only wished she had a plate and silverware to eat this off of. She Swallowed the small piece before continuing to speak. "You might want to learn proper communication a bit more. I can immediately tell your not from around here."
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
"Of course Dabria is training with us. You are right, though. She needs to recover slowly and she'll be right where we are, ready to spar and train to her heart's content." Dakon chuckled softly as he punched his fists together. His tail quivered in excitement as he watched the Saiyan Girl before turning to find Doburu: The Majin he fought against. He wondered if she wanted to come train with the group or not.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Location: North City World's Martial Arts Tournament
Latios Latios RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard
Doburu circled Sakura as she ate, hovering off the ground with a hand to her chin as she examined her. "Alter communication methods? Unnecessary." Doburu said after thinking on it for a moment "The current format has successfully conveyed meanings in an average of thirty-seven out of forty altercations. Compared to the expected ratio of misunderstanding, this is quite acceptable."

Doburu's thoughts ran with possible things she could learn with a willing informant. It wasn't exactly like making things into food was hard for her, so she had come up with her little exchange idea quite on the fly. Just thinking of the possible things she could learn was making her giddy despite her expression remaining as unmoving as ever. Oh yes, if she were the type to do a small of enthusiasm, she would definitely be doing that right now. Instead, she was so caught up with watching Sakura eat that she hadn't taken note of Dakon or the conversation he was having nearby at all.

"How long has it been since you last consumed suitable sustenance?" she asked, balancing on one leg again.

Doburu had encountered others of her kind on her journeys, but none had ever suffered from a lack of a transfiguration beam. She was still getting over the oddity of it, but could see the benefits of studying an outlier.

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