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Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes

"No, some people don't know how strong saiyans can be. You have to know that most of the people here don't even fight, so they could get seriously hurt if you try to defend yourself and go all out." "I am not so sure that we should leave her be. I think we should play babysitter for the time being." Oakris began to think, and looked at Dabria as she was walking towards them, with 2 kabobs on her hands. "Crisis averted! He took the money and I got us a kabob!" She said as Oakris took one, and inhaled the meat on the stick. "So, what's your name, kid? I am Oakris, and this redhead is my sister, Dabria." The snow haired saiyan casually said as Dabria waved. She had never seen a saiyan as young as Chardia, so this was a first for her.

Chardia spares a glance towards Dabria, staring at her red hair before looking back towards Oakris. "Hmmm... okay, okay, lady. I still think people like them are weak babies, but I won't hurt em, I promise!" She puffs out her chest, taking a bit of a firm stance as she crushes the wooden stick in her hands. "Or my name wouldn't be Chardia, if I break my promises!"
Dakon stretched his hands upward as well as his arms, groaning somewhat. "Man....what I'd do for this sort of thing. I'm glad I have my own family....but being part of Goku's would've had me be more Earthling than Saiyan." He shrugged as he began slowly levitate off the ground. A bright white aura appeared around him and he flew off towards the city, grinning as his tail wavered in the air.
Oakris giggles at Chardia's enthusiasm. She then nodded after she got her name. "We were actually heading to this sushi place not too far from here, Wanna tag along?" She asked as Dabria looked around. "That Ki... It feels familiar... I think that it belongs to Yuki. I'll be back!" The readhead scarfed down the kabob, and followed the energy to the source, and confirming her suspicion. Angelostar4 Angelostar4

"Yuki! how's it going!?" Dabria saw the saiyan, and jumped with glee as she quickly walked on over, a massive smile on her face with a glow of joy on her. "It's been a while since the tournament! How about we catch up while we eat at a sushi place me and sis were heading to?" She asked as the looked at Yuki's outfit. "ooooh. Nice outfit. Very casual, looks good on ya."
Flame Demon Flame Demon RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard ( Latios Latios Andrita Andrita GrieveWriter GrieveWriter animegirl20 animegirl20 CaptainSully CaptainSully I am gonna tag y'all so you do not get left behind)
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"Thanks" Yuki says with a smile "And sure, although I just ate something at home, but I suspect my parents keep forgetting I'm still growing" she adds "There's not much to talk about from my end though, training, helping out my parents, more training, I usually don't do much and I had to take it easy for a few days, so how are you doing?"
Dakon looked surprised when he felt energies, grinning a little. "Well, well...looks like I'll be joining my new students on this." He muttered quietly as he took off in the direction of Dabria's Energy, since that one felt more familiar to him.
Chardia waves at the red haired woman leaving her sights, as she relaxed from her stance. "Sushi? I wanna see what this sushi place is, so count me in Oakris!" She looks at the older saiyan with glee, not wanting to waste even a moment of her time.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Location: Worn-Down House
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios
Doburu had found the number of propositions she'd made during the tournament paying off rather quickly. Though her meetings with the other contenders were scarce, the few questioning sessions she'd had with Sakura over the last few days were more than enlightening enough. It was why she was contemplating how she felt as she flew to the edge of the city. Was she happy? No, she didn't feel the urge to smile like others would. Excited? It still felt too strong for this. What about anticipation? Doburu narrowed her eyes a bit at that one.

Buildings passed under her as she continued thinking, gradually thinning out as she drew closer to Sakura's home.

It was located in what Doburu understood to be a bad part of town, and wouldn't have stood out much to Doburu if she hadn't been there before. The term... wreck was it? Doburu figured that that was what average earthlings would describe it as: an absolute wreck. Still, she saw it as quite suitable housing material. She herself had been living in self-made camp after self-made camp for most of her time on earth. Camps or caves where she'd often store possessions she couldn't trust to the elements.

Honestly the fact that Sakura had walls was fairly impressive.

But Doburu couldn't let herself be distracted by the architecture, there were questions to be made and food to be crafted. So she lowered down towards the rickety looking building and stopped before the front door, as it was common Human courtesy to not barge in unannounced. She folded her arms behind her back as her feet touched down, then raised a hand and knocked upon Sakura's door.
"I am doing alright! I have been doing a lot of training with my grandpa and Oakey lately. Turns out he did not like me breaking so easily against you, even though I didn't feel a thing till after." She said with an embarrassed chuckle. "but hey, at least I got to fight at all! And I won't be wearing that skimpy armor either... yeah... lotta boys swarmed us when we got home. Oakey got real mad and scared them all away too."

"You got it, kiddo. Now we just need to find Dabby before we go. I don't want her walking around like a lost puppy." She muttered as she went off in the direction Dabria walked off to in search of Yuki. After a while of walking with Chardia, they saw Dabria and Yuki talking as they got closer. "Hey Yuki! Been a while, girlie. How's everything?" She asked with a smile as she crossed her arms. Angelostar4 Angelostar4 Flame Demon Flame Demon RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard
The Purple Majin's eyes jerked awake. Damn it it was early in the morning. Sakura groaned as she got herself up from her sleeping area, a mattres she had managed to find in good condition without stealing one. Moving around the broken building she called home, she got herself changed for the day before making her way to the door. At this point Doburu would have been waiting for a while so it was best to let her in before doing anything more. "Hey..." She responded groggily greeting the other more pink Majin requesting entrance.
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
"To be fair, you were asking for it" Yuki says, sensing the other saiyan's ki before seeing her "I'm doing alright, trying to prevent my arms from moving if they get hit by a ki blast again, I do not want a repeat of last time" she answers "Funny how we barely see each other and then one day you just happen to meet". She couldn't really complain though, since she had seen almost no one for the past week, after the tournament, first few days were spend healing from the injuries, the others helping out and training.
Location: Worn-Down House
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios
"Greetings friend Sakura," Doburu nodded before stepping inside and analyzing the ruined house around them with her usual blank expression "I am here to continue our dialogue and maintain my timetable of activity."

Spotting a piece broken wood lying in a corner, Doburu wandered over and picked it up, turning it over in her hands a few times before looking back to Sakura, "I believe the planetary inhabitants would consider this 'breakfast time'." she said before nodding to her "Supplementing your tired appearance with fuel will be beneficial to any training regimes you implement in the near future, so I advise an early start to our interaction."

Looking down at the piece of debris in her hands, Doburu used her Transfiguration beam and transformed it into a savory omelet. Turning, she offered it with a tilt of her head, "Would you kindly tell me how often you find yourself in combat scenarios?"
"Kay, kay!" As Chardia walk along side Oakris, the young girl unknowingly began to sense the ki of Dabria and a woman with a monkey tail... which Oakris called out to be Yuki. Chardia then puts the hands behind her head, smiling all the while as the three grown ladies talk over.

"That human lady seem pretty darn strong! But, hmmm... maybe, it's just because she might be from a strong family, that's gotta be the case! And for the lady with the tail, she's really strong!" As she kept thinking to herself, Chardia's tail began to twitch a tad from just the thought of prehaps fighting them, but as that thought cross her mind, that feeling of uneasiness comes up again... causing her to push that feeling down.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Flame Demon Flame Demon
Sakura pulled out a rickety folding table and a chair to sit down at. Taking out a plate and some cheap silverware she neatly set up a spot for her to enjoy the meal prepared for her by the Majin. “Thanks...” she said gladly taking the omelet and putting it on her plate. Taking her silverware she began talking small bites out of the meal being quite dignified wgen it cane to food for a Majin, who’s species would typically just inhale the food. “Combat? Well not often but occasionally I’ll get some jackasses trying to pick on me. Being a Majin I’m innately stronger than the typical human so I easily over power them.”
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
"That's where adrenaline got me... hehehe." She said, rubbing the back of her head with a smile. Dabria did tend to get in over her head when it came to fighting, but at least she did not back down from a fight to say the least. "I was taught to never back down, but I seriously wanted to see what all you could do. I knew I was going to lose at the start..." She then stated as she looked at Oakris and Chardia "So, girls. Who is down for some sushi? It's all on me!" Dabria exclaimed as Oakris shook her head. "I will pitch in as well. 3 saiyans are gonna eat the whole restaurant empty." She said as the group started to walk to the sushi joint. "Alrighty, Chardia, just stay close to us, and everything will be alright. Maybe later I can take you back home when you are ready." Angelostar4 Angelostar4 Flame Demon Flame Demon RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard CaptainSully CaptainSully animegirl20 animegirl20 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Latios Latios Andrita Andrita
"Hey down there! You better not be heading somewhere without me!" Dakon's voice shouted to Dabria, grinning widely as the Saiyan hovered above them. He crossed his arms as he tilted his head somewhat while he watched his new soon-to-be students. It was almost time for them to see how he handles his training.
With the prospect of food, Chardia goes away from her thoughts and hops upward! "Yeah, I wanna come! This sushi thing sounds really nice, with how all of you are talking." The saiyan girl soon turns her gaze to a man who arrived at the scene. Chardia didn't put much thought into, more so thinking how delicious this sushi shall be.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Flame Demon Flame Demon RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard
"I rarely eat sushi though" Yuki says with a shrug and she smiles slightly "And I feel like we'd have more luck making our own food with four Saiyans, the restaurant owner won't be happy" she says with a grin, already having eaten something didn't usually help with her anyway, didn't help she's still growing.
The two exclaimed as they saw Dakon floating in front of them.
"We are gonna have to figure something out here... Everyone here is gonna wanna eat something!"
"No kidding... how about we just head home and bring everyone along? We have enough for everyone, right?"
"I suppose... But we need to clear that with the mom first."
"Go and do that then. I know she will wanna meet 'em."
Dabria nodded and took out her phone and went to make a phone call.
"Slight Change of plans, everyone. We are going to be bringing you all to out place for a feast. Then maybe we all can train together. Though I do think preparations will be made when we get there." Oakris looked at Chardia, Yuki, and Dakon.
"Sorry if this is an inconvenience for you all, but I promise we will have some great food!" Oakris did not know how deep of a hole she dug, but she hoped things will work out. Dabria walked back with a nod and a smile.
"Good news! She said yes! And she has people preparing a meal for use now. A feast fit for a kingdom, all for all of us!" Dabria looked at Dakon and waved.
Angelostar4 Angelostar4 Flame Demon Flame Demon RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard (General tags to stay caught up: CaptainSully CaptainSully animegirl20 animegirl20 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Latios Latios Andrita Andrita )
Dakon landed on the ground and his grin widened more at the mention of food. He punched his fist into his palm as he turned to Dabria and Yuki. "You two seem more.... comfortable now with each other. Something happened...and I'm guessing it has something to do with telling her of your Saiyan blood." He stated.
"Well, poo..." Chardia had a bit of a sour expression laid upon her face. Breathing out from her nose and feeling a tad bored, she gets behind Yuki and then grabs onto her tail... lightly pulling on it.
Location: Worn-Down House
Interaction/Mention: Latios Latios
Doburu maintained her focus on her surroundings, pacing around the room as Sakura ate. Slowly her feet left the ground as she began hovering around the ruined room, a hand to her chin as she mulled over Sakura's response for a moment.

"So the effects of a lack of consistent sustenance wouldn't be too noticeable there." she mulled as she floated by before tilting her head to watch Sakura a bit.

She hadn't spent much time around others of her kind, rare as they were, but Doburu knew from her parents that the hunger she felt was a staple of their entire race, passed down from the progenitor himself. She herself tried to show as much restraint as possible when eating, as her research had shown that restraining her gluttonous impulses aided profusely in her training. So seeing Sakura hold back wasn't much of a shock in that department. But she had a consistent source of nourishment due to her transfiguration beam, so seeing someone who didn't make sure to take their time was.... interesting if nothing else.

Even so, she made sure to keep on track.

"With how powerful our species is naturally, the average humans should be incapable of posing even a semblance of a threat to one of us." Doburu noted as she folded her legs under her while still floating around "But still... have you ever done training to capitalize on such a genealogical advantage?"
Yuki jumps away when she feels someone pull on her tail and she narrows her eyes at Chardia "Well I have no objections to going to your place" she says looking at the two sisters, trying to think of a way to keep her tail out of sight further, well she could always wear her long coat "I would prefer if you didn't pull on my tail, it's very sensitive" she says while turning her attention to the young girl, wrapping her tail back around her waist.
Taking another bite Sakura respond after swallowing. "No, I have not. I spend most of my time trying to make a livelihood. Training would cut into that. Besides, I'm more than strong enough to take care of the occasianal mugger." She stated. The food before her was soon gone, and with it she cleaned up the table and began putting things away now that meal time was over.
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Oakris nodded, and smiled. "Yeah. She took it a lot better than I thought. Wait... How did you know?" She asked, looking at Dakon with a curious and slightly spooked look on her face, wondering how he knew when she had not said anything on the matter. But her stomach growled loudly as she put her hand on her tum. "We'll talk when we get to my place. Hopefully Dabria doesn't flap her lips about my lineage." She said as she turned to the direction of the Carmine residence.

"Alright, Everyone! Forward march! We will be at the Carmine Mansion shortly with a quick walk!" Dabria said as she turned, and started to walk, leading the way. She was so excited to have friends over at her home, mainly to show them around, and make them feel at home. "So Chardia, what is your family like? Are they all strong?" She asked in a curious and friendly tone towards the saiyan child. RedtheRoyalGuard RedtheRoyalGuard Flame Demon Flame Demon Angelostar4 Angelostar4 CaptainSully CaptainSully animegirl20 animegirl20 Andrita Andrita
"How did I know? I said you two looked more comfortable around each other. And I had a funny feeling that you would reveal it sooner or later." Dakon chuckled and he crossed his arms as he walked after Oakris. He felt....relief? It was strange to feel that sort of emotion when it was another Saiyan's secret. Now it was out there and it could be something that was able to be told.

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