• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Doki Doki Vol. 1

Choice: Try to scare Daichi.

  • Choice: Try to scare Daichi.

    You get a devious grin as you sit behind him silently for a moment before loudly letting out a shout to see if it would startle him out of his thoughts. However, your plan totally fails and Daichi doesn't even twitch at your shenanigans. Instead his eyes slide towards you before his turns his head to regard you. However, before he can even speak after he opened his mouth, your old crone of a science teacher stomps over to your desk and glares down at you.

    "My, aren't we loud and full of energy this morning," she says with a sickeningly sweet voice. "Since you have so much energy, you can stay after the end of classes today and help tend to the gardens." She pulls out a slip of paper and slaps it onto your desk and you read in large printed letters 'DETENTION SLIP.' Well, that hadn't gone the way you had wanted it to at all, you were just trying to have some fun.

    Daichi sighs and shakes his head. "A day later and you forget to be cautious in this class."

    "She's stealthy for an old lady in heels," you whisper lowly.

    "I also have great hearing," the teacher says which causes your body to tense. She had heard you?! You slid down into your chair a bit as the energy leaves your body. This was going to be a rough class period. The bells chimes and the lecture begins, with you being the teacher's go-to student to ask for every single question she had regarding the class material being taught. By the end of the class you were ready to go back to your room and sleep for a week because you were absolutely drained.

    "I assume she's taught you your lesson then," Daichi says as you both leave the classroom.

    "Very efficiently. Never again will I do that. How long am I going to be her target?" you ask.

    "There are too many factors to determine that, but you could do something to reduce your punishment."


    "Just apologize to her."

    "There is no way it would be that simple."

    "You won't know till you try," he said before walking off to his next class and leaving you behind. You sigh and head to your math class that you shared with Akane. As you entered the room your teacher Ms. Kameda was there to greet you with a warm smile.

    "You look like you've had a rough class, everything okay?"

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]
    Tell her about what happened.
    [div class=buttons]
    Greet her as you normally would.
    [div class=buttons]
    Ask if she can get you out of detention.[/div][div class=buttons]
    Tell her everything is fine.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk[/fa] Tell her about what happened.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] Greet her as you normally would.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-cloud[/fa] Ask if she can get you out of detention.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFour" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-leaf[/fa] Tell her everything is fine.
    [/div] [/div]
    [script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Tell her about what happened.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Greet her as you normally would.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Ask if she can get you out of detention.") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Tell her everything is fine.") (show ChoiceContentFour) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ff586c; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Choice: Tell her about what happened.

  • Choice: Tell her about what happened.

    You hesitate for a moment before deciding to just tell Ms. Kameda what had happened. "I-I got detention from my last teacher." You wonder if admitting this would make her think less of you, even though you feel as though your science teacher had been excessive in her punishment. Ms. Kameda lifts a delicate hand to her face as she seems to ponder what you've said and looked you over. You posture was that of a person who was having a bad day; slouched shoulders, averting glances, and trying to make your presence less obvious.

    "What exactly did you get detention for?"

    "I tried to startle a classmate and I guess she was upset I was being so noisy." Honestly, that was really an odd reason, but you had shouted, but it hadn't been that loud! You hadn't screamed like you were a death metal singer or screamed like someone was murdering you. It was a quick shout meant to just make someone jolt.

    "I have a feeling I know who gave you detention. As much as I wish I could help you get out of it, that old crone has been like that since I attended Eitoku. Honestly, I think the only reason she doesn't retire if because of how sadistic she is."

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]
    You went to school here?
    [div class=buttons]
    Ask for advice.
    [div class=buttons]
    Accept your defeat and take a seat.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk[/fa] You went to school here?
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] Ask for advice.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-arrow-circle-o-right[/fa]Accept your defeat and take a seat.
    [/div] [/div]
    [script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "You went to school here?") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Ask for advice.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Accept your defeat and take a seat.") (show ChoiceContentThree) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ff586c; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Choice: Ask for advice.

  • Choice: Ask for advice.

    "Do you have any advice on how to deal with her? I think I'm in deep on her list of student's she thinks are troublemaker's and right now I just want to survive her class," you sigh. Honestly, you didn't know if you could take dealing with your science teacher for an entire year at the rate you were going.

    "Advice?" Ms. Kameda says with a soft hum. "The only sure way to get yourself out of this hole you're in is to start by just being a cog in that class. I know it sounds awful, but look at it this way. It's one class for around an hour or so. So, for on hour a day in that one class you go into a survival mode and only speak when she calls on you. She'll probably pick on you for a bit until someone else slips up and then her target will switch. I will also tell you to not ever bother trying to get on her good side because that old witch doesn't have one."

    You get a bit flustered as your math teacher calls your science teacher an old witch. She catches your shocked expression and just gives you a grin. "I'm not that old and five years ago I was also in high school. You won't tattle on me will you and tell her I called her that?" She gives you a playful wink and brings her index finger to her lips for a moment. The bell rings and she ushers you off to take your seat.

    When your class ends you head directly to your art class with Ms. Kameda giving you a friendly wave as you walk out of the room. You walk at a slower pace as you feel like the day has become longer than usual. Kaoru passes you a note before heading off to their next class themselves. You get to your next class though Naoto seems to have dropped off his stuff and wandered off somewhere.

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]
    Read the note from Kaoru.
    [div class=buttons]
    Go through Naoto's things to find the sketch.
    [div class=buttons]
    Play a game on your phone.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-envelope[/fa] Read the note from Kaoru.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-ellipsis-h[/fa] Go through Naoto's things to find the sketch.
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-mobile[/fa] Play a game on your phone.
    [/div] [/div]
    [script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Read the note from Kaoru.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Go through Naoto's things to find the sketch.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Play a game on your phone.") (show ChoiceContentThree) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#133492; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Achievement Unlocked: 600 posts!
  • .
    [class=achievement] display: flex; width:400px; margin:auto; margin-bottom:5px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; -moz-border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; -webkit-border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; [/class] [class name=achievement state=hover] background-color:#5d5add; color:#fff; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=unlock] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:50%; background-color:#ccc; font-size:50px; [/class] [class=text] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width:250px; padding:10px; box-size:border-box; [/class] [class=text1] text-align:center; [/class]

    [div class=achievement][div class=unlock][/div][div class=text][div class=text1]Achievement Unlocked
    600 posts!
    600th post by Jhade Jhade [/div][/div][/div]
    Choice: Read the note from Kaoru.

  • Choice: Read the note from Kaoru.

    You were tempted - you weren't going to deny that fact - to take a peek at Naoto's sketchbook, it was right there and the secrecy was bothering you. Honestly, the sketch was probably nothing more than some awful stick figure and he was just teasing you to gain your attention. Sure, lets go with that. You pull out Kaoru's note she had given to you between classes as you walk over to your seat. Old school since they could have probably just texted you.


    You had never asked her for her contact information! You mentally face-palm. You had probably been too distracted and forgot to ask them for it. Who didn't have their roommates socials?! You groan out loud as you realize now why they had to hand you off a note. Next time you two meet up you'll have to exchange contact information.

    Just as you are about to open the note you feel someone lean over your shoulder and you freeze as a very familiar voice speaks very closely to your ear.

    "Ooooh, did someone get their first hand-written love confession? And on the second day of the semester too! My my my," came Naot's sultry voice. You jerk and somehow end up headbutting him in the process to get away due to being startled by his closeness and presence. You heart pounds from the shock of being startled and you point at him angrily.

    "W-What the hell?! Don't sneak up on people," you exclaim loudly getting stares from the other students in the class who begin to whisper amongst their friends. Naoto's hands nurse his injured nose and his eyes watered slightly in reaction to the pain.

    "So I guess I was right, so who confessed hmm?" came his muffled voice.

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]
    It's none of your business!
    [div class=buttons]
    It's not a love confession!
    [div class=buttons]
    Oh are you jealous?[/div][div class=buttons]
    It's from my roommate![/div] [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk [/fa] It's none of your business!
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] It's not a love confession!
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-bolt[/fa] Oh are you jealous?
    [/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFour" style="display: none;"]
    [fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-leaf[/fa] It's from my roommate!
    [/div] [/div]
    [script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's none of your business!") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's not a love confession!") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Oh are you jealous?") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's from my roommate!") (show ChoiceContentFour) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#133492; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Choice: Oh are you jealous?

  • Choice: Oh are you jealous?

    "Oh, are you jealous?" you ask in a flat tone as you step away to a safer distance from Naoto whose smile was completely unfazed. You quickly shove the letter from Kaoru into your book bag and cross your arms over your chest. You didn't want him reading your note over your shoulder so you would have to read it later before you went to your homeroom at the end of the day.

    "Oh I am very jealous and curious about who confessed to you," Naoto replied as his tall frame leaned over slightly.

    "Too bad, it's none of your business."

    "Of course a love rival is my business," he laughed. "I can't compete fairly if I don't know who they are." The bell rings and Naoto ruffles your hair playfully before giving a small wink, "We'll have to finish this conversation later then. Maybe I could give you a sketch in exchange for information."

    You sigh and go to take your seat quickly. Naoto was so easy going that it seemed no matter what you said didn't bother him at all. It also made it hard to tell if he was joking or serious about anything he did or said. You glare at him from across the room as you ponder his purpose and Naoto gives you a friendly wave which prompts you to quickly look away and focus on the lesson.

    By the end of your art class your neck was so tense from trying to keep your eyes from wandering over to Naoto that the muscles ached. You sigh and quickly make your way to grab your lunch. Akane like before had a gaggle of girls sitting with her. Naoto was sitting with his friends along with Daichi. Hana was also with some of her friends and Kaoru was mingling with that group.

    Who will you eat lunch with?
    Choose Wisely!

    Options don't have a click, just post who you want to sit at lunch with.​
    [class=Kameda] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Kameda state=hover] background-color:#ff586c; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Tanaka] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Tanaka state=hover] background-color:#239a99; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Hana] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Hana state=hover] background-color:#ffa3e8; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Akane] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Akane state=hover] background-color:#7062a5; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Daichi] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Daichi state=hover] background-color:#3590b2; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Naoto] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Naoto state=hover] background-color:#133492; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=Kaoru] display:inline-block; width:150px; height:150px; margin:5px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class name=Kaoru state=hover] background-color:#434834; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class]
    [div class=Akane]

    Kanada Akane
    [div class=Hana]

    Aikawa Hana
    [div class=Daichi]

    Endo Daichi[/div][div class=Naoto]

    Hiraoka Naoto[/div][div class=Kaoru]

    Kukichi Kaoru[/div] [/div] [/div]
    [script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's none of your business!") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's not a love confession!") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Oh are you jealous?") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "It's from my roommate!") (show ChoiceContentFour) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#133492; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Choice: Kukichi Kaoru
  • (I did indeed change the buttons since it will be faster to get out the next choice and easier for you guys to copy/paste. No clicking required.)

    Choice: Kukichi Kaoru

    You hadn't had a chance to read Kaoro's note thanks to Naoto's distraction in art. While you probably could have sneaked reading it quickly on your way to the cafeteria, with how Naoto always seemed to pop up and being so damn nosy you could just chat with Kaoru about the note in person. You wave as Hana notices you approach and she motions for you to take a seat. You take the seat next to Kaoru with was texting on their phone.

    "Makoto, hi!" Hana greets you happily. You greet her back peek at Kaoru through the corner of your eyes. "We were just talking about you."


    "Yeah. See I kind of want to throw a small party at my dorm. I've gotten permission and I wanted to invite you. Please come," Hana asks with a slight begging in her expression.

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]1 > Sure, I'll come.
    [div class=buttons]2 > Sorry, I'm busy.
    [div class=buttons]3 > Who else is coming?[/div] [/div] [/div]
    [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; text-align:left; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ffa3e8; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Take a polite bite.
  • (edit: i forgot to tag, gah!)

    Choice: Take a polite bite.

    You glance at Kaoru who seems to have not been given a lunch by Hana, probably because Hana hadn't been expecting Kaoru to join her for lunch. The others at the look a little... ill. You look back at Hana who is giving you a happy, eager expression. You take a moment to mentally prepare yourself for whatever it was you were about to put in your mouth and give Hana a nervous smile. You slowly move to take a bite, hoping that either the bell would ring or someone else giving you an excuse to not eat the food that smelled like skunk perfume.

    You begin to breath through your nose as you open your mouth and officially take a bite. Instantly your eyes water and now all you can smell is that smell and you feel a bit faint. You try to inhale through your mouth and end up inhaling the food and begin to choke as your eyes water. Kaoru quickly gets behind you and does the Heimlich maneuver which takes a few attempts but eventually you cough out the food lodged in your throat and collapse as you gasp for air.

    Hana is now sobbing and apologizing over and over again and the others sit there in stunned silence. You manage to rasp out while you raise your hand that you were fine, but Hana doesn't stop. It was then that a terrifying thought came to you. Did Hana cook for the party?

    "I think I should take her to see the nurse," Kaoru says as they move to help you stand.

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]1 > Go with Kaoru to the nurse.
    [div class=buttons]2 > Protest about going to the nurse.
    [div class=buttons]3 > Lie and say you're perfectly fine.[/div] [/div] [/div]
    [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; text-align:left; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#434834; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
    Last edited:
    Choice: Lie and say your perfectly fine.

  • Choice: Lie and say you're perfectly fine.

    You raise your hand up which causes Kaoru to pause in helping you up. While your stomach rebels for such mistreatment you muster a shaky smile, "I-I'm fine!"

    No one at the table believes you, not even for an instant. Kaoru sighs while Hana keeps sobbing out apologies over her terribly cooking. Her friends pat her back and assure her that somehow you will indeed live, it was probably just food poisoning after all. The commotion ends up attracting nearby tables and Naoto ends up wandering over to check out what is going on, seeing you looking as though you're about to faint and Hana crying, then his eyes turning to the suspicious food.

    "Makoto, I know you don't want to hurt her feelings, but do you think torturing yourself by lying would actually make her feel better?" Kaoru asks.

    "Makoto ate that?" Naoto asks with some disbelief which Kaoru replies with a 'not helping' glance. "I-I mean, she's fine Hana, maybe it was too much curry?"

    "Help me take Makoto to the nurse," Kaoru grumbles to Naoto, who nods and takes your other side to help you stand up as your body was completely ignoring your commands due you trying to keep your stomach contents down. You manage to muster out a garbled groan of 'See you later in class' though it is very hard to make it out as an actual sentence. Kaoru and Naoto manage to get you into the nurse's office and lay you down on the bed, Naoto grabs a trashcan quickly as you finally heave as you can no longer keep whatever it was that you ate down.

    "Oh, did someone eat Hana's cooking again?" the nurse asks without even looking at you as they enter. You would have replied but your energy was at a complete zero and all you could do was breath and lay there.

    "Yeah, she took a bite of something," Kaoru answered while Naoto tried to get you to drink some water.

    "I had hoped being in a Home Ec class would help, but it seems it has only gotten worse," the nurse sighs before turning to mark something down on a slip of paper on their desk. "Leave them here to rest for now and get yourselves back to where you need to be."

    "Text me if you need anything," Kaoru says before having to drag Naoto away as he jokes he wants to eat Hana's food so he can hang out with you in the nurse's office. Within five minutes another student enters with an upset stomach as well and the nurse marks the paper again. Their friend explains they had gotten cookies from Hana earlier and ate them for lunch and became ill. It seems Hana might be the school's own form of a natural disaster at this rate.


    You aren't sure when you fell asleep. You remember the nurse giving you some medicine to help calm your stomach and that's the last thing you remember. You groan as you sit up, but you no longer felt like you were about to actually heave up your entire stomach.

    "Oh, you're looking better. You slept for quite a while, it's already homeroom," the nurse says, setting down some magazine they had been reading. "You can rest here longer if you need to or I can give you a slip and you can return to your dorm, no need to rush off if you still feel a bit green under the gills."

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons]1 > Lay back down and rest some more.
    [div class=buttons]2 > Go to your homeroom.
    [div class=buttons]3 > Go to your dorm.[/div] [/div] [/div]
    [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; text-align:left; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#7e00ff; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; [/class]
    Choice: Go to your homeroom.

  • ( Sorry for the delay. X3 )

    Choice: Go to your homeroom.

    You had already wasted away the day passed out in the nurse's office after eating more questionable food. Honestly, you should probably stop before you really get ill. As much as Hana was sweet, her food just might be the death of you at this rate. You experimentally stand up, thankfully not feeling dizzy or that your stomach was going to purge itself. "I'll go to homeroom, see what I've missed today." The nurse nods, writes on a slip of paper and holds it out for you to take.

    "This take this to your teachers tomorrow and have them initial it and then bring it back to me. It'll let them know you were out sick yesterday for their classes and I'll log it into your records. Now scoot."

    You nod and take the paper, but not before the nurse clears her throat and points to your stuff. One of your friends had brought your stuff you had left behind it seems. So hastily grab your things and go to your homeroom period that has already started. When you reach the classroom you quietly enter and hand over the paper to your teacher who scribbles on it and then hands it back. There didn't seem to be much going on today as everyone was grouped together at various desk chatting with each other.

    Hana was looking down as Kaoru and Akane talked with her, with Naoto and Daichi also nearby chatting with each other. Naoto spots you first and waves you over to join them, which draws Hana's attention. Hana's eyes water and her lips quiver and the moment you get close enough to grabs you in a tight hug and sobs out an apology.

    What will you do?

    [div class=buttons][1] Awkwardly pat her back and comfort her.
    [div class=buttons][2] Stand there in stunned silence.
    [div class=buttons][3] Peel her off you and let her know you're fine.[/div] [div class=buttons][4] Other - [Player's suggestion][/div] [/div] [/div]
    [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; text-align:left; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ffa3e8; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]