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Fantasy Divinity Unbound: The Dragon Goddess - Interest Check

GojiBean GojiBean I'm looking through the lore and I have a few questions:
Is there anything special about male Uranus? Resistance to female Uranus control or just nothing...? Also do they have any territory? I didn't see them on the map.
For my healer turned dealer, would his magic be medical or siphon? I know siphon is forbidden so I'm wondering how this would work... I could change him to a specific or custom race to address this perhaps?
Also I'm wondering if he can be a master (would explain his nice robes), since his focus is healing his combat capabilities would be comparable to most mages as he only recently developed (the last few years). If not no worries.
My character even if he isn't a long lived race could perhaps slow the affect of aging through magic? (the art doesn't fit a old human or Uranus with what I have in mind if those are what I end up going with). I mean I could get away with high elf with the art but doesn't fit the concept as well as I would like. Though a half elf would work if that's a thing in your world.
Edit: Actually I really like the idea of a half elf, a classic trope I know but being disdained by both man or Uranus (or maybe something else? idk) and elf would drive him to do what I've got in mind.


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Wanted to join, still want to, just not sure I'd have the time currently.
I should have time in a month or so, but I understand if joining a little late into an RP like this wouldn't work out.
Also wanted to state: Fire Emblem best game. Nephenee best non-MC
Defined Comedy Defined Comedy orpheus. orpheus. Astrylan Astrylan Hoyo all!

I'm happy to potentially include all of you! And Max, if you don't know if you'll have time to join immediately that's fine. I always design my RP's in a way that there's an openness to them so you can jump in any time providing you work with me when the time comes to make your character's intro fit within the narrative as it is at the time of entry.

EldridSmith EldridSmith You're right! I forgot to include Uranus in the map color coding. Derp. Anyway, on to the questions.

* Male Uranus don't have a resistance to the magic of their female counterparts, per se. But they can sense when that magic is being put to use. So even if they can't resist the emotional change, their conscious mind knows it's only because of the magic and not because of anything "real" they're feeling or experiencing. It's kind of a form of resistance, but not in the traditional sense. If that makes sense. How many times can I use the word "sense" in a row before I want to chop my fingers off?

* The magic of your healer can either be standard Healing for physical wounds, or Medical for illnesses and the like as explained on the mechanics page. Siphon is forbidden, and the use of any forbidden magics will make your character an instant target with a "kill on sight" focus for the UMC and any spies they have in your area. So yeah. Don't do that one. Lol.

* He can be a master. He'd just need to be the appropriate age. If he's human he'd be at least 41 and considered "middle aged." If he has good genes then he'd still look decently youthful which could explain the appearance if you want to go that route. If you want to make him a hybrid that's also fine. However, be warned that hybrids don't live as long as the longer-lived parent, nor are any inherent racial abilities or traits quite as potent. For instance, if he's a half-Elf who have an average life span of 1,500 years, he could expect to live anywhere from 900-1,100 years. And if he's half-Uranus his ability to sense female Uranus magic in use would be much weaker than a full-blood. Even within 15 feet, which is the female's max range of effect, he might only be able to sense it if he's the target being affected, or if the female were using a lot of magic to affect more than one person around her so it was strong enough for him to pick up on. Otherwise it'll be difficult for him to sense that magic in use the same way his full-blood counterparts can.

* Being a half-breed is not uncommon, and most races aren't inherently hostile towards them. Elves, for instance, commonly breed with other humanoids except dwarves who they culturally disdain and publicly shame whenever possible. So a Dwarf/Elf hybrid would most certainly be shunned with extreme prejudice and not allowed to live in any major Elven societies. Humans are usually tolerant of half-breeds. But if you look perfectly human, but have any other traits that otherwise give away your mixed heritage like slightly pointed ears that aren't quite like your Elven parent's, you might get some strange looks and a few snickers from the less respectful folk in the neighborhood from time to time.

Any other questions feel free to throw them my way. And that goes for everyone else too!

I'm happy to answer any and all questions you have either here or in PM's! So hit me!

GojiBean GojiBean Thanks for the info! So as long as it's through standard medical magic the life force transfer idea is good? I just want to double check before I go ahead with the idea.
GojiBean GojiBean Thanks for the info! So as long as it's through standard medical magic the life force transfer idea is good? I just want to double check before I go ahead with the idea.

Ah, I forgot to address that. My bad.

Sadly, no. Medical Magic can only remove toxins and help to remove illnesses from the body. It doesn't affect one's life force, nor can it in any way manipulate it. One's life span is one's life span.

However, I do have another way it could happen to extend your character's life span a bit if you want to go the Human/Uranus route.

If your character were ever to encounter a Siphon mage it is theoretically possible for a Warding spell to reverse or "bounce," as it would be known, a Siphon spell attempt back against the user. This would reverse the intended effect of siphoning your character's life force and instead give your character the Siphon mage's life force.

Depending on how much life your enemy intended to steal, you would instead be granted as much. So if their spell was strong enough to siphon 10 years off your life, you'd instead gain that much.

That said, in the sake of fairness and not letting the effect be abused in any capacity the max amount of extra life I can allow your character to have gained from this encounter would be 12-14 years. Siphon magic, forbidden as it is, isn't intended for total life siphoning (though there are cults trying to improve the art to do just that). They can only take so much at once because of how much energy it takes to make the spells strong enough to even take 10 years, after all.

So yeah. If you're fine with an encounter with a Siphon mage where an ally who was a Ward mage bounced the effect by accident and your character gained about 12-14 years to their life span, I can certainly allow that.

LuckyDubs LuckyDubs Yep! Just take a peek at my character on the first page of this thread. Her character profile in full is both a profile for you to see who I'm playing, as well as the character sheet you're expected to fill out. If you have any questions about it or need any pointers, feel free to ping me here or in PM's!
GojiBean GojiBean Ah a shame, well thanks for letting me know. I'm going to change it over to one of the other ideas I had then as that messes up the character concept, as medical magical magic can't be used to unheal someone.
I do have an idea about magic circles but I need to ask about them first, can magic circles be put on things like cards? I saw they can be remotely controlled / set off so I have an idea for a card throwing mage using magic circle magic. Also does magic circle magic let him do other types of magic through the circles or is it are the circles only able to do specific things?
GojiBean GojiBean Ah a shame, well thanks for letting me know. I'm going to change it over to one of the other ideas I had then as that messes up the character concept, as medical magical magic can't be used to unheal someone.
I do have an idea about magic circles but I need to ask about them first, can magic circles be put on things like cards? I saw they can be remotely controlled / set off so I have an idea for a card throwing mage using magic circle magic. Also does magic circle magic let him do other types of magic through the circles or is it are the circles only able to do specific things?

Yes to the first, no to the second.

A Magic Circle can be manipulated by the user to fit on any surface providing they have the training to actually make that work. So if he's a Master, he can absolutely do that.

Magic Circles are inherently designed to serve as a forcefield-like barrier around the target to prevent them from moving. However, the victim is otherwise not adversely affected other than having their movements restricted. So they can struggle to break free. For anything that doesn't have magical abilities breaking free is exceptionally difficult. The only way they'd be likely to escape is if they were something very physically large and ensnared by a tiny magic circle. Their size could be stretching the limits of the magics potency which would allow them to break free after a while. The further from the circle the victim is, the shorter the duration of effect. That's why most Magic Circle users train to put the circle directly on the target, or as close as physically possible to ensure maximum effect.

As for using other forms of magic through the circles, like I said before the answer is "no." A Mage can only ever use their own form of magic in their entire life. There's nothing in the world short of direct interference by the Gods that would grant any mortal multiple forms of magic.

However, if the mage has allies who use different forms of magic then those allies could focus their magic through the circle to have it transfer inside to affect only the victim that's been ensnared. This would be especially useful for Fire mages since Fire is naturally chaotic and difficult to control.
GojiBean GojiBean I was hoping I could get an explosion out of it, but if this next idea doesn't work I may just stick with the magic circle idea.
Transportation magic requires an anchor and a trigger, would it be possible to make the card idea work with transportation magic to say transport a rock over someone, send a flying dagger at someone through the card, or something of that nature?
If that doesn't work with transportation, does Shadowfare allow it?
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GojiBean GojiBean I was hoping I could get an explosion out of it, but if this next idea doesn't work I may just stick with the magic circle idea.
Transportation magic requires an anchor and a trigger, would it be possible to make the card idea work with transportation magic to say transport a rock over someone, send a flying dagger at someone through the card, or something of that nature?
If that doesn't work with transportation, does Shadowfare allow it?

Yes, that idea works.

Providing your character is a Master and has learned to place the Anchor onto something as small as a card they could transport anything directly to wherever that card ends up. So, if they put the Anchor on the card, throw the card above the target, and then trigger a nearby boulder that boulder would transport to the card's position in the air and fall directly onto the target.

Just keep in mind that, as with all forms of magic, the grater the intended effect the more of a toll it takes on the user. So the larger or more numerous the objects transported, the more of a toll it takes. For instance if you were to transport a massive boulder with a 10-15 foot diameter (a big ol' sumbitch), the effect would be akin to sprinting for about 15 seconds straight. Not enough to drain you or prevent you from fighting. But you'll feel it. So, learning to conserve and to utilize the right target for the right job is key to maximizing the effectiveness of this style.
EldridSmith EldridSmith I would add that the idea you just presented works really well for ambushes. Nobody thinks about the carpet they walk on when they enter a room serving as an anchor for something to suddenly pop up under them from. AKA, a sword on the wall?
GojiBean GojiBean Alright that settles it! Transport master time! I'll recycle some of what we talked about for the medical master since you've given me a lot of good ideas with that and this. Thanks again for the help! Now to find art that fits as my prior art was a battle mage looking character. (See below)


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So I gots a question for everyone.

The requirement to create your own spell to graduate from a Magic Academy... Should we keep it or axe it?

It was brought to my attention that this requirement is inherently more difficult for some art forms than others if one wants to graduate as a Mage. In fact some of the arts would be next to impossible to create something original.

So, should we axe the requirement or should I make it an "Optional" thing one can do kind of like "extra credit?"

Lemme know!
I don't have a fighter in the ring, but I liked the idea simply because it reminds me of a thesis requirement. If we don't want it for an Academy graduate, perhaps it should be a pre-requisite for those that wish to undertake the Master course? It would not only deter a lot of the uncreative types, but also be one of the major initial hurdles to become so recognized and powerful.
So I gots a question for everyone.

The requirement to create your own spell to graduate from a Magic Academy... Should we keep it or axe it?

It was brought to my attention that this requirement is inherently more difficult for some art forms than others if one wants to graduate as a Mage. In fact some of the arts would be next to impossible to create something original.

So, should we axe the requirement or should I make it an "Optional" thing one can do kind of like "extra credit?"

Lemme know!
At the very least an exemption for some schools is required. Unless transportation for example can make portals which would open up room for some unique spells.
Honestly, a thesis as we know it could be a suitable replacement. Could do it on cultural origins of magic, warfare history, etc.
Well I found my character art (and art for his reversible robe)!


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All right. For the sake of making it so that if your magical style doesn't lend itself well to creating a "unique" spell, a thesis will serve as an optional stand in to graduate from a Magical Academy if your character is a magic user.

On the subject of characters, I have a new "Characters" page for ya'll! Link at the top of the first post in this thread, and down below for your convenience.

Feel free to post your characters whenever you feel they're ready to be inspected by yours truly! I'll be inspecting all of them before I create the In Characters Posting thread for the actual RP story later on.

Yay, I'm so excited! I can't wait to finish my CS. Do we have an OOC thread, yet?
This does look interesting. If I can find the time, I may join.

I think I shall be creating an Aerolian character, and one that embraces the Angel trope. A holy heavenly warrior, zealously dedicated to the eradication of all forms of sin and corruption in the world. I won't be using magic, though. Considering how long it takes to master magic, I think an Aerolian mage would be getting too old for adventuring. Unlike the Elves, who barely register those 25 years as a measure of time. 😆
I'm still not familiar with how certain things work with bbcode. How do I do that dotted outline like your CS?
I'm still not familiar with how certain things work with bbcode. How do I do that dotted outline like your CS?
[border=2px dotted]LOREM IPSUM[/border]

Chordling Chordling I must ask how you did your CS like that! I've wanted to split my CS in half due to having a lot of pictures and a lot of letters (how I'm telling my character's backstory and personal info) but splitting it horizontally wouldn't look very appealing.
Chordling Chordling I must ask how you did your CS like that! I've wanted to split my CS in half due to having a lot of pictures and a lot of letters (how I'm telling my character's backstory and personal info) but splitting it horizontally wouldn't look very appealing.



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