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"Did you dress her warm enough?" Alfred asks walking over to Jason and Barbara "I finished making her a small sweater if she's too cold" he adds showing a babysized red sweater.

Rose kisses back before pulling away "Got you a present" she says showing the small box "And some presents for the others, but I really wanted to give this first" she says with a smile.

Killian walks over carrying a bag and he sighs taking off his jacket "Thank you for the invitation Alfred, it was way too chaotic at our house" he says "Where can I put these?" he asks showing the presents in the bag.
Barbara greets Alfred and awed."That's so cute, baby sized sweater." She thanks him and she shows Julie off to him."I did and i have everything you need for her in her bag, thanks again for offering to babysit and oh, Alfred would you take a photo of me, Jason, and the baby so I could add it to the scrap book?" She holds out her phone and tells Jason to get over there.

Tim pulls his finger away from Julie to go over to Killian."Uh in that room, the tree is there or just set it down by the door if you want to bring it to the party." He tells him."I uh broke up with Steph and plan on talking to Conner, I think I'm ready." He whispered this to the guy.
"I'll be there to support you don't worry" Killian says "And I was thinking we could open them here, since we're already straying from our usual tradition of opening them at midnight" he adds.

Alfred gives Barbara a smile, a smile which he normally uses when he knows something the other person don't, or is busy with something no one knows about "Miss Barbara, I am sure you are smart enough to realize I have my way when it comes to taking pictures" he says "But I am not going to spoil your present. Also did miss Rose agree that the little miss could go out into this cold?" he asks.

Jason chuckles "Right, I should get our bags with presents" he says "Be right back Babs, why not give show Julie to Dickie bird? I mean, Rose already saw her, obviously, oh and get Bruce to come from there because he looks like he really wants to see his grandkid"
Barbara smiled at Jason, giving him a quick kiss."Okay hun, I'll make sure they do and if anyone wants to hold her they are welcome to ask, Richard Bruce come on." She nods though she was curious what Alfred was hiding."Oh I know you're hiding something but yeah, no spoiling." She giggled and Julie kicks her blanket open though she stared down the others curious about them."What do you mean Alfred?" Barbara asks him.

Tim nods with a small blush."I know he's single too, so this is my chance and with you there as well as my friend and brothers, I'll do it and talk to him." He walks him towards the tree in the family room."Here then, I didn't think you guys would've brought presents but how nice and I got Conner something." He tells him.
Bruce walks over "Hello little Julie" he says tickling her belly

Dick says "Thank you Rose, give me a sec gotta say hi to my niece then I'll open it" he walks over "Your gonna be a kick butt dad Jason"
Barbara glanced at Richard."He could use thwt encouragement but once she came he's been oddly relaxed and he's rocking fatherhood so far." She snickered, Julie squeaked and kicks her feet again before grabbing at his hand but she watches Richard next when he walked over.

Valyn leans into Mitch."I did get you something Mitch, you can over it whenever you like though." She tells him.
Valyn gently punches his shoulder."Not so funny, I mean we are a couple but I just appreciate having you most of all." She smiled.

Julie squealed at that and Barbara offers her to him to hold her or if Bruce was wanting to hold her.
Valyn takes the small box, she grabbed hold of his hand and pulls him to the family room to grab his and hands it to him, she sits down to open hers.

Barbara nods."She was a surprise but a precious gift, Jason has matured alot lately too." She smiles, Julie reaching for Richard's face and pats his cheeks."Knowing you, you'd probably spoil her and be her favorite uncle." She teased him.
Dick says "Well I am the oldest and wisest so why wouldn't I?" he smiles as she patted his cheeks

In the box is the first letter of her first name and his craved from her favorite Gemstone "My dad had it special made saying "I can get you the stone itself right from the mines" and so I caved and let him"
Valyn lifts it and placed it in the palm of her hand, she gasped."Oh my, it's so pretty." Her smile widened."Thanks and you can tell your father I love it." She gives him a hug."You can opens yours as well." She poked his.

Barbara nods."Whatever you say Richard." She laughed a little, Julie smiles at him and the others before putting her hand in her mouth while the other held onto his shirt."She already seems to like you." She goes to put the diaper bag down.
Mitch opens his gift with care as to make sure not to ruin it

Dick says "Let's see how she is with Grandpa Bruce" he glances at Bruce and Bruce replies with "Oh well....I-I don't know if we should"
Valyn had gotten him a sweater saying her was the sweetest boyfriend and she had their initials added."It's not as special as your gift but I thought it was cute." She shrugged but smiled.

Barbara turned to Bruce."Oh come on, this is your grandkid Bruce you can hold her I'm sure Jason would be okay with it." She encouraged him before Tim just blurts out."Jason when you tying the knot dude." He chuckled at them.
Alfred sighs "How old is the little miss?" he asks "Miss Rose has been helping you through it all, plus she's officially a doctor now, so I am curious if it is okay for miss Julie to be out in this cold" he explains. He looks at Bruce and deadpans "Master Bruce, I know you are many things, but I didn't know a coward was one of them".

Rose walks over to the group "Hello little one" she says tickling Julie and she inspects the baby for a moment "I would give her the sweater to wear, just in case" she says and she hugs Barbara "I hope my presents for you two aren't too late".

Jason grins at Tim while walking passed and putting the presents under the tree and he discreetly shows Tim a small black box before hiding it in one of his jackets inner pockets " Of course Bruce can hold Julie, as long as Alfred helps him out" he says.
Barbara hugs Rose."She's about few weeks old, she did come a little early." She explained and nods."Then I would put that sweater on her as Rose says." She pulls away from Rose."Oh don't worry about it, it's okay Rose and its so cool you and Killian came." She smiled warmly and Julie giggled at Rose, the tickling making her kick her legs again as she pulls on Richard's shirt, still having a grasp on it.

Tim smiled widely."I was teasing but dude, nice." He gives him that okay hand gesture before going to sit down."So guys, we wanna get these presents done so we're not late to the party?" He turned to Killian."Okay so there's the adult party at Mount Justice and the kid one at the Titans tower, you should join us man."
"I knew about the party at Mount Justice, Rose told me. How's she adjusting to the team?" Killian asks, Rose never included much info on those things, partly because no one really knew what she was up to. "Hope she's not pranking them too badly. I know the pranks can be a bit much for others"

Rose smiles "Well as long as you make good use of it. Which I'm sure you will" she adds "And just because we gave the go ahead to take Julie home doesn't mean you can just take her into the cold without thinking it through. She needs an extra layer of clothes and a scarf, just in case the cold gets worse, luckily I got that last part covered" she says going through the bag and pulling out a bat themed scarf "Okay I tried telling my grandmother it's for a baby, but it turned out to be way too long" she says "I'm not good at knitting, so she offered to do it for me"

Jason walks over to Barbara and puts an arm around her before she can feel guilty about not keeping Julie warm enough "We'll remember that for next time Rose" he says, he got the hybrid's concerns though.
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Mitch says "Are you kidding me? I love it plus it's in my favorite color" he puts it on "Ahhh it's like wearing a blanket" he hugs her "I love it V thank you"

Bruce nods and Dick hands her over and Bruce holds her correctly and smiles down at her, though he never held a baby looking at this child he feels like how he bet his dad seeing him and says "Hello Julie welcome to the family, you come to grandpa Bruce and great grandpa Alfred for anything" Dick smiles and bets Bruce would be a good father
"Well does anyone else have presents that need to be put under the tree?" Rose asks hugging Dick's arm and she smiles "Come on guys, I heard Alfred made his famous Christmas pudding" she says.

Alfred nods at Bruce when he holds Julie correctly "I believe everyone has put their presents down" he says "And I did make my Christmas pudding miss Rose, but how did you know that?" he asks, though he guessed Sebastian might have told her.
Barbara leaned into Jason's touch, she glanced at him with a nod though she did feel guilty."I know, it's good to have you and Alfred to help look out for her and give out advice for is as we sure need it." She nods before taking the scarf."It's cute, she'll fit in with this and no worries it's a thoughtful gift anyway, we could've used yours all three of us." She laughed then gives her friend another hug before going back into Jason's side.

Julie pulling on Richard's shirt as she was pried away, she screamed a little which happens when she doesnt want to be taken from her father or someone she liked being around, she was obviously going to be a daddy's girl but she settled down and curiously looks at Bruce then Aflred, she put on a smile for them.

Valyn hugs him a little tightly, relaxing when he liked it."That's a relief, though you're welcome and I'm glad you like it." She kisses his cheek."So we're having a treat and presents?" She asks him quietly.

Tim shrugged at his question."You mean here? She's been doing okay here but it's not like she's been here in months." He turned to the others."We're ready Alfred, come on though where is Damian? He should come out and meet the baby then join us." He sighed.
Damian is somehow behind Tim "Right here Drake and Congrats to the happy couple new baby"

Dick asks "Where do you keep coming from?"

Mitch nods and comes out in his new sweater with V
Tim jumped and he pulls Damian over his shoulder to push on the ground."Damian, what'd we say about sneaking up on people." He sighed."Well go say hi to your niece, your father is holding her." He let's go of him."Oh, you'll you'll going to the kids party at Titans Tower with Jon, Mount Justice is adult only party." He tells him.

Valyn holds Mitch's hand and puts the gem initials on the table."Let's go sit down." She smiled at him."Think we're going to start with Alfred's pudding and presents." She tells him.
Damian seems uneffetive by the flip "Your skills are getting sharper Drake" he stands up and goes to his niece "Just cause some are underage like me doesn't make it a "kids" party we are sidekicks who can functional just as well as the heroes"

Mitch says 'You know what he meant Damian your hanging out with Blue Bettle, Impulse and the rest" Damian nods "yes yes I'm aware though is this needed?" Mitch replies with "your new years res was to make more friends" Damian says "However it is not the new year yet" Mitch counters with "But you always say the eariler the better in training, is this not training?" Damian thinks "Well played West"
Tim smirked at Damian's compliment then he pats Mitch's shoulder."He has one friend Mitch y'know, Damian you've got Jon and now here's your chance to make more friends like Mitch is saying." He shrugged."It's still a kids party, oh you can say underage sidekicks party though Mitch are you going with Damian or staying with me at the adult party?" He sits with him and Valyn then smiled at him.

Valyn puts her arms around Mitch as she leans against him, pressing her cheek on his shoulder gently."West? Isn't it North?" She raised a brow."Damian, you can do it don't be afraid of making friends." She tells him.
Jason laughs at his family "It's easy to miss this chaos" he says leading Barbara to the couch "I'm curious what everyone has for each other though" he says sitting down.

Rose chuckles "Come on Dick, assassins never reveal their secrets" she says "Especially not when that secret helps them gather intel" she adds "Right Damian?" she asks, she never met many members of the League of assassins, when paths crossed it wasn't mentioned.

Killian walks over "Well" he says "I'm going to make sure they don't get too drunk" he adds with a smile "Rose here will be drinking, also there will be more interesting alcohol free drinks at the Tower, Rose will bring it there"

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