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Richard was a little baffled."How would they know that? I'm...I'm just going to go." He grabs a jacket and starts for the door to leave, but he stops as this was making him think back on the day of his parents death and when he tried going after him a Robin and he punches the wall.

Bruce goes out the door."Well he wasn't that bad of a kid, least he wasn't like Damian and I seem to recall a very rebellious moody teenage Jason back in the day." He smiled at him."You can bring them back here unless you plan on going home after that." He offered.
Rose calls Dick, this time she is calling herself and she frowns, her mother wouldn't mind if she stayed a while would she?

"I was never as bad as that idiot." Jason defends himself as he pulls some clothes out of his closet "Now go back downstairs or something."
Richard just slips his phone on his pocket, he doesn't bother to answer the phone either as he just slumps down to the ground and puts his face in his hands.

Bruce kicks Jason's shoes off to the side since they were in fhe way."Idiot? They're your brothers and yeah you were Jason you really would and more." He gives a serious tone."Barbara is downstairs already too." He tells him as he leaves.
"Master Richard." Alfred says crouching down in front of him and he pulls the oldest into a hug "Just remember, when you go back home, that she did this for you." he tells him "And you might not agree with how she does things, but you should let her explain."

Rose frowns and turns off her phone "Don't bother when he gets back. He doesn't want to talk." she mumbles and she closes the coffin again, putting a sealing spell on it from the inside.

Jason rolls his eyes "I said I'm coming already, geez." he says, after quickly getting dressed he heads downstairs, freezing when he sees the last bit of news.
Richard doesn't even try fighting the hug."She could've said something but it's not that..." He says quietly, well it sorta was but it's was more so it got him thinking about the past events.

Bruce walking down the hall where Tim had already beat them down there."You all were and are handfuls in your own ways." He points out.
"It's over master Richard, for real this time." Alfred says and he runs his hand through his hair "It's over.", he knew how hard it was for the oldest of the boys.

Jason turns off the news and sighs, so she actually did it, well he wasn't expecting much else, but Rose is an assassin, that's her job, but usually it meant that the evidence would be fully wiped clean. She did this on purpose.
Richard holds onto him after a moment, sitting there quietly and soon let's go of Alfred when he had collected his composure."Yeah..." He says quietly.

Tim was sitting in the other room with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee while Jason's wife was in the back of the room where the others were, sitting by the window.
"And you need to talk to miss Rose." Alfred says "I know you're conflicted and I know you want to know absolutely nothing about what she does, but if she wants to explain then let her." he adds.

Jason's leaning against the wall, wondering what Bruce would do about this mess, it's painfully obvious that it was Rose, even if there's no direct evidence, Bruce would know. However, the past that had plagued the oldest for years was finally gone.
Richard quietly wipes away some tears, he wasn't too sure about doing what Alfred was telling him to do but he sighs and takes out the phone to dial her number, setting it on the ground by him.

Bruce was already going to the cave while everyone was doing their own thing, he didn't want to have to go after her just like he wouldn't want to have to hunt Jason down.
The phone doesn't even go off because it's turned off. Hannah frowns slightly and texts Richard 'She sealed herself in her coffin and her phone is turned off.'

Alfred leaves him to it while he goes to make everyone's favorite breakfast.
Richard hadn't noticed that Bruce had left either.'Then bother her or else I'm not letting her explain herself.' He texted her and he just sits there by himself not bothering to move from the place.

Tim puts his bowl away as he already grabbed cereal for himself."Too late Alfred." He goes by him."No one going to stop Bruce?" He questioned them.
'I can't touch the coffin. Besides, do you really want to have that conversation over the phone?' Hannah sends him back.

"No." Alfred says "And you should've told me you were hungry master Timothy." he adds, crossing his arms.
Richard growled a little, not bothering to answer Hannah on that and he shoves the phone in his pocket and pushes himself to his feet, he might just get pulled back for breakfast by Alfred if he tried leaving.

Tim shrugged."You were busy and you don't need to prepare every meal all the time Alfred." He points."So you're just going to let him go after Rose? Well okay." He walks to the other room.
damian just listened to what alfred said and spoke "unknown reasons?" as he raised a brow a little surprised his father wasn't getting angry though he did read the text and replied 'something go on over at your place?'

wally spoke "well horus was crying and so I got up a bit early to feed him and change his diaper...."
Jon checks when Damian texts him'So everything must be back to normal?' He questioned him as he sits with his brother.'Just hanging out with my brother here.' He tells him.

Artemis gives him another squeeze before letting go of him."Is there coffee made?" She asks him as she checks on her son and greets him.
wally spoke "Ya made it while i was getting horus's food warmed up"

damian replied 'ya everyone's back to normal though someone killed tony zucco richard isn't too happy either and neither is dad' though he went to the kitchen hearing what tim said and spoke "you do realize this is dad we are talking about right? he doesn't take kindly to the idea of killing people...." as he got himself a bowl
Jon's brows furrow a little before he turns on the tv.'Why don't you come over? We could have a snow day.' He offered him while Tim throws one of the boots by the front at Damian."No duh mini Bruce." He tells him.

Artemis grabs herself a cup of coffee and takes Horus with her to sit down.
"If he tries I'm sure he wouldn't get very far, besides, master Bruce isn't as angry as you think." Alfred tells them "Now go tell master Richard to get his ass back home in Bludhaven."

Jason frowns and sighs softly, they needed to be getting home too "Hey Barbara, we should be getting back soon as well." he says.
Damain dodged the boot and spoke "either way he's not happy and nice try tim" as he texted jon back 'sure i can come over beats sitting around in the mansion'

wally joins her with his own cup of coffee speaking "wonder whats on the news today"
Richard just slams the door behind him as he goes to leave and get into his car not bothering with a jacket either, he buckling himself in before taking off to get away from the manor.

Tim pulls away from the window as he watched his brother."Are you sure about that Alfred?" He questioned him.

Barbara turned her attention to Jason when he called."You don't want to bring the kids here for a little, just go home?" She questioned him.

Jon bounces a little in his seat as he puts on cartoons.'Do you need a ride?' He texted him before going to get himself some breakfast.

Artemis swats the remote from his hands."No we're going to put on Sesame Street for Horus." She tells him.
wally spoke "aww come on what if there is something juicy going on....." as he pouted a little

damian replied 'I'll just use the zeta tube to get there i don't want to bother your dad or grandparents to much' of course hearing the door slam speaking "I think richard is the madest.........not something a person not angry would do but I think I'll be taking my leave as well"
"Just come eat breakfast master Damian." Alfred says and he looks outside, he hoped his oldest grandson would be fine.

"Yeah." Jason says "Just go home." he mumbles "I mean, after I eat some breakfast." he adds quickly seeing Alfred look at him.
Richard takes a little while to get home because of the roads and the traffic there was still alot of snow around even at home, when he does get there he just sits outside.

Barbara stands up to walk over to him and places his hands on his chest."Okay." She gives him a small kiss before texting her dad about them coming to get the kids.

Artemis holds up Horus."No, we're putting on a show for him got it? If you wantvto then use the TV in our room." She tells him.
Hannah walks over to him and puts a coat over his head "I didn't know what she was going to do." she says and sits next to him "If I had I would've told her to wait."

Jason goes to get some breakfast and sighs as he sits down to eat, Bruce wasn't one to do something without enough proof, which is good, but still.
Richard throws the coat off of him."She owes me an explanation." He puts it plainly, he hadn't bothered getting out of the car either."So you can have her come out here." He tells her.

Barbara goes to join them at the table for breakfast as well."Shouldn't someone go after Bruce?" She asks them.

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