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DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

With no fanfare, a band of tall, lanky humanoids emerge from the trees before you. One, much taller, wears a crown of red metal and a large sword, but all of them possess overly long eyes, twitching snouts with wet, black noses, and large, round, watery eyes.

"So, you return, invaders from the stars. And I see a few new faces among your number. Tell me, how much did you offer these poor fools? Well, it matters not. You all aren't leaving here alive. Not again," the red crowned Lagosian says, drawing a sword.

What will you do now?
Merrick looks at the being threatening him... and chuckles softly as he holds up a hand, and focuses briefly... as hellfire begins to dance around his fingers- and his tatoo's begin to pulse, as he looks towards the Lagosian- head tilted to the side as he ponders what is going on. He idly wonders if there are more of them in the trees'- and his musings tell him that it is most likely just so, even as he quietly mourns the lack of subtlety in their approach; well aware that a more sophisticated approach is sometimes warranted.

"Well. I suppose it's a tad late for diplomacy, isn't it." He muses- as he charges his Ki into the quintet of flaming orbs that make up his signature attack... before snapping his fingers. The Lagosian drew a sword- the battle was ready to be met.

"Demon Dance." He intones calmly- before four orbs of flame whizz towards the Lagosian- and the fifth, towards the thickest concentration of visible underbrush, the intent to set the nearby woods aflame to flush out whatever other Lagosian warriors are lurking within.

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AC3 blinks, a nictitating membrane sliding up over its red, reptilian eyes. The beast had already been in a near-frenzy when the pod released. The moment it had clear space, it spilled from the pod, slick and glistening with the fluid from the tank. Taking in a deep breath, the beast's coating of fluid suddenly begins to hiss, then roll off of it in clouds of visible steam. Briefly glimpsing between the various potential meals, it settles upon the largest present, certain of better sustenance to be drawn from absorbing it. FInally, as its splayed feet brace against the now-dry ground, it releases a blindingly bright burst of frigid energy. The turf before it crumbles and goes flying, vegetation freezing on the spot as it's hit by the arctic assault.

As the blast is unleashed again and again, the creature lets out a long, sustained

. It WILL feed. The big creature is ITS Prey!
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Hoshiko's new attack-ball managed to land upside down. She head to rush against the door to pop the capsule open. And then suddenly, there were already enemies. She looked at the sword king dude, then at the others.

"I'm not with them your Majesty, I'm merely a tourist with an incredibly unlucky landing site and timing."
She exclaimed, hopping away from the others.



"King? I am not a king! I am a duly elected military commander! You foolish little pup! If you're a tourist, then you have the worst timing I have yet to see. Men! Prepare for battle! RobRobbit! Engage!" he roars,

At that, a silvery figure emerges seemingly out of nowhere and stabs Pistachio in the back with a strange needle. The saurian mercenary grunts and falls over, twitching. Macaroon receives similar treatment a moment later. It seems the Elites will not be able to assist you now...


The Lagosians....fail. Fail rather badly. The order will be Merrick, AC-3, and then the Lagosians. Meanwhile, what will Hoshiko be doing?
Hoshiko will be running away from the battle, berating herself for buy a used Travel-pod from that White Namekian.
Merrick laughs, spreading his arms wide as fire wreathes his form- before continuing the attack from before- roaring out.

"Not even a King, are you..!? Then your not worth my time!" he booms- the explosion of firey orbs expanding from his person, towards his target- a gleam in his eyes as the Demon Dance moves straight for the self declared commander.

the Lagosian Commander attempts to evade:


Barely succeeding in doing so. However, he singes the fur on his shoulder, while one of his fellows is not so lucky, burnt to a crisp by Merrick's attack.

"D-damn you, you strange outlander!" the Commander growls.

It is now AC-3's turn. What will you do?


Hoshiko finds herself in more and more forest. The forest seems to go on for forever, until it doesn't She finds herself soon outside the forest, but in a new environment. Tall, thin towers sprout fro mthe ground in striaght, uniform lines, while people carts, and strange spider-like animals trudge along below you. What will you do?
Shrieking with rage, Samatsu's creation dropped into a rather self-evident threat-gesture directed at Merrick. My food! Eat you if can't eat it!

(Imagine my previous post occurred here. It was meant to be my attack post. The crowned Lagosian needs to pass five of each of the relevant tests.)
The commander has no recourse. He tries to move out of the way of the armored beast's face, avoiding its roar, but he couldn't avoid it's strange properties.



Knocked down, and with his legs frozen, the commander is in no position to retaliate. His soldiers, though, are a mixed lot, three of them pursue the attack, slicing at the monster who apparently felled their commander.


One manages to get a hit, while the others fail miserably.

(Each soldier has a attack roll of 4, so only one managed to hit.)


While you're marveling at the city, a flash approaches you. A pure white Lagosian with pink eyes flies over to you, wearing a gold crown and golden filigree on his robes.

"State your business, outworlder. Are you with the invaders? What are you doing? I, Prince Furrfuzz demands an answer!" he roars in a squeaky voice.
She smirked. "What, no. I just came here to check this place out... heard there was awesome scenery and maybe a few good fights here." She said casually. "I mean serious, you've got a war on, there has to be some perks you're willing to offer for those who decide to fight on your side for truth and freedom and all that?"
Merrick meanwhile, smiles as the assorted Lagosians attack the abomination- and then sighs. This isn't much fun in his mind- not really. It's evil, certainly- but it's most certainly not Evil. He sneers distastefully at the comedic forms of the Lagosians- at peace with genociding their race rather than making proper use of them mostly simply because he finds them more distasteful than anything- but still.

There's noting truly grand about this battle, about the group he's found himself with- one that seems to, so far, embody the idea of the 'Banality of evil', rather than good, proper, demonic Evil. He shrugs as he lobs a barrage of flame at the enemies attacking his momentary allies, deciding he can think about it while enjoying gloriously burny violence.

Seeing the oncoming attackers, AC3 began to duck and weave around the flurry of kicks they directed at it. As it jinked and jukes around cunicular assault, it steadily tried to make its way to the red-crowned creature. It was SO HUNGRY.

Successfully avoiding the attacks, AC3 arrived at the crowned coney's side. Positioning its stinger above the foe's face, it began to devour its prey.

(Spending a fate point to use absorption)

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"You...wish to fight by our side? Please forgive me if I don't immediately believe you," the prince says flatly," However, it if a truism among my people that a person's heart can be seen in their eyes. What do your eyes say about you?"

What will you do? Let the prince look into your eyes, and potentially use some alien power? Or throw him off with your slick mouth?


The soldiers get blown away by the attack, while AC3 then begins to absorb the commander. He grunts, his eyes showing a look of absolute fear and pain while his body shudders both from the cold and the absorption. AC3 then reels back after drinking up its victim, with a new spark int its eye. its mannerisms seem to have adjusted. Is that a look, or is he studying his surroundings? None can say. None, that is that are speaking. What will Merrick and AC3 do now?
Merrick calmly observes this- then looks towards the scientist, hoping she is still conscious to answer his questions.

"...Is what it did akin to a demon eating a soul, or...?"
She stares at him, dead in his own eyes. "I understand your skepticism, and I assure you, I will fight for your people for very reasonable levels of compensation." She said, her eyes glinting with a mix of emotions. She was going to be a hero... and if possible, take their moon as a reward and make herself queen of it... that would show princess brat what's what.

As the creature's tail finished absorbing the stunned and then struggling Lagosian commander, a a blazing, white brilliance built up around the beast. Amidst the glare, the low, crackling sound of water rapidly freezing filled the stunned silence of the arboreal battleground, to the accompaniment of a howling pressure-wave of frigid wind flowing out from the creature's location. When the glare and flurry of leaf-litter thrown up by the wind subsided, the landscape within had been transformed. Everything within had been coated in a layer of glimmering, blue-green glacial ice, and where the pair had been, a great, glacial cocoon had formed and stood sublimating to fog in afternoon heat. Within it's crystalline confines, behind the construct's pale, lacy patina of frost, the obscured outline of a towering silhouette could be seen in the midst of the ice, a primeval monstrosity hung in apparent repose. It still bore some resemblance to the beast from before, but the changes were striking nonetheless.

Just as onlookers had a chance I take in this new, bigger monster, it's eyes opened within the glacial cage, and a sudden biluild up of energy and pressure sent fissures crawling across the ice cocoon and shards and splinters of ice spraying in all directions.

The cocoon exploded. As the debris settled and the view cleared, just how profound the transformation had been became evident. Where the creature had run along before with its belly to the ground, it's limbs now seemed arranged to walk erect. Before, forelimb and rear leg had been different only in orientation, but the creature now had a well-defined distinction between its arms and legs, with its hands having gained additional digits, including opposable thumbs. It still had the long, muscular tail, prehensile and tipped in a stinger, but now it had apparent...not quite wings, since they hung more like a divided cape about its shoulders, capped by a regal mantle of soft-seeming , downy fluff. It's head still bore a crest of horns which swept up and back, but this was smaller in proportion to the rest of it than had been the case before. Looking about the clearing with eyes precisely as cold and reptilian as before, there was nonetheless an air of calculation to its state that the hunger-maddened monster of moments ago had lacked. From atop that created head, a pair of fluffy white antennae had sprouted, as if in imitation, or perhaps mockery, of the Lagosian's long ears.

Finally, the beast broke its stillness, it's tail reaching forward to brush aside bits of ice at its feet, revealing the late commander's crown in glimmer of crimson. Hooking the metal hoop, the creature lifted the adornment up and donned it. Releasing a low, growling laugh, it met the gaze of each in turn, uttering a growling, low declaration, it's first word.


After a moment's thought, it rasped out an addendum to that first statement, staring at the coney commandos with uncanny intensity before running a blue-grey tongue across its pallid beak of a mouth. "Still hungry."

The prince looks you over, and then stares hard into the young Saiyan's eyes. This goes on for a touch longer than Hoshiko finds comfortable, until he floats back and clucks approvingly.

"It is as you say. You are young, headstrong, and stubborn, but you are a kind soul. I would welcome you to my warband if it would please you," the Prince says, bowing, "God knows that we need all the help we can get."


The scientist sturggles to get up, shudders, and blinks.

"Evolution, at this stage?" Samatsu blinks, before tuyrning to Merrick," Well, kind of. AC-3 consumes targets in such a way that it processes the DNA of its targets, breaks down the hypothalmus' information, and integrates both into its design. It could, theoretically become perfect, but that would require a massive amount of power and it consuming great amounts of different sources of genetic materials. A fool's errand, in short. I assume you gain some sort of inner knowledge of the souls consumed, for this to work, of course," the scientist says, adjusting her glasses thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, the remaining soldiers look at one another, clunching their weapons.

"You all go, I'll stay," one says, as the others nod and run off.

"Alright, monster. You might've eaten the Commande,r but you'll never take me! What have you got?" he roars, bringing his sword to bear down on AC-3's head.


Uh-oh...How will you respond?
Seeing the rabbit-soldier slashing his sword down toward its face, AC3 tensed to dodge. As the trooper's foot lost traction on the ice and sent his cut down towards the monster's torso, AC3 scrabbled and scrambled to get out of the way. Unused to balancing itself on only two legs, the creature lost its footing and slammed down on the fast-melting carpet of ice, flat on its back, as the weapon just barely missed its now prone target.

Hissing out its discontent with the substance that tripped it, AC3 quickly pulled itself back and out of the patch of ice then used its tail to hold its balance as it returned to a bipedal position.

As it tensed to launch itself at the soldier, it paused. It felt...off. It felt...it didn't have a word for it. Both gratified by how the soldier was acting and hungry. It both wanted and didn't want to consume the foe. Scowling and uttering another clicking growl under its breath, it snarled out, "Want to eat. Not you, though."

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Very well, then. The bioroid's quick motions evade the soldier's thrust,, as a look of fear crosses over the Lagosian's face. He is going to die. These two, even being the weakest, will be his death.

What will Merrick do?
Merrick chuckles at the Scientist- shrugging.

"I've encountered demons who did, and demons who didn't. Me, I feed off of... other things." He muses idly- as he twists yet more flames into his hand, and lobbies them at the remaining warriors in a dancing blitz of an inferno. "How pathetic.."


The Prince leads you to a large tower with an ornate globe at its top. Inside, is a congregation of warriors, all of them with stern epxressions and heavily armed.

"What is this, Prince? Have you brought a newcomer in to kill us all?" one growled, a taller Lagosian with a scar over his left eye.

"Peace, Piotr. This outlander is young, but has a noble soul. She has asked to assist us, and I think we may need it. These newcomers are indeed terrifyingly strong," the prince says, gravely.

"Then, what will become of us if we're reduced to asking for aid from an alien? Will we all perish?" one asks, hefting a large sword.

"And what of the legend of the Super-FuzzFuzz?" another asked.

"I do not know of legends, or what we will do, apart from keep fighting," the prince aays, standing up, "We will not let ourselves be killed. We will fight to our last. And this noble girl will assist us," the prince says, pumping the air, as a small cheer resounds.

What will you do now?


The guardsbunny then proceeds to do the impossible: He leaps out of the way of Merrick's irrepressible wave of attacks.



What will AC-3 do now?
Closing its eyes, AC3 let out a low hiss of irritation. Raising a finger, it pointed at the warrior-rabbit. "Leave and live. Not want eat you. Do it now, or ink-skin burn you."

Turning in a whorl of its cape-like mantle, AC3 turned to stare directly at Samatsu. "Better food. Now. Where?"

The warrior pauses, nods, and bows.

"You, sadly, have the greatest honor out of your party," he says, and flies off.

Samatsu manages to pull herself up, and looks over AC-3 excitedly.

"You...you evolved! Amazing! Simply magnificent! Er-ahem. AC-3. There are several high power levels in the northern direction," Samatsu says, switching on her scouter," I would imagine they would be quite delectable.

"Urgh, What happened?" Pistachio grunts, getting up, while Macaroon eases his head. Clearly the Elites have had a worse time of it than you all.

What will you do now?
The demon's bored expression flickers into a grin as the man avoids his attacks- some measure of glee seemingly drawn from someone avoiding the hellish barrage- someone actually providing something that could be called a potential challenge. He tucks his hands into his pockets then, as the rabbit flies away- and chuckles gently.

"Mrm.... perhaps this won't be an overly easy waste of time as I thought.." He muses- before turning to the just awakening elites. "You where drugged, good sirs- forcing us two to handle the entire engagement. Your scientists warbeast ate their King."

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